User:Shivam Singla
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Shivam Singla

Shivam Singla, M.D.
Associate Editor-in-Chief at Wikidoc
Current Position
Associate Editor in Chief at Wikidoc, Under Dr. Gibson, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA,USA.
Professional Background
Dr. Shivam Singla is a medical graduate from Government Medical College, Patiala, India and is currently working as a clinical research assistant at Wayne State University, MI.
He is working as an Associate Editor in Chief at
2017- M.B.B.S Degree, Government Medical College, Patiala, India
2018 - ECFMG Certification
2017- MCI Certification
Work Experience
- Dec 2019 - Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, United States
- Presently, Dr. Shivam Singla is a research fellow working with Dr. Tina Chopra MD in in the department of infectious disease at Wayne State University.
- He works as Associate Editor -in-Chief for WikiDoc. He is Responsible for contributing original content to WikiDoc and editing existing material as well as "watching" the textbook page to assure the validity and neutrality of materials added.
- Aug 2019 - Nov 2019 Detroit Medical Center/ Wayne State University, MI, United States.
- He has worked as a Chief Extern in the department of cardiology and Assisted Dr. Mahir Elder (Cardiologist) along with team of other cardiologists in the morning rounds along with updating patient notes.
- Also participated actively in doing pt's bed side Echo and Treadmill test.
- Assisted cardiologists in various venous insufficiency treatments and PTCA.
- July 2019 - Aug 2019 Urgent Care, Mount Sinai Medical Center, NY, United States
- May 2019 - July 2019 Heart and Vascular/ Detroit Medical Center, MI, United States.
- Hands- On Externship at Heart and vascular at Detroit medical center in the department of cardiology.
- Morning rounds, management plan and notes work up
- Out patient clinic along with senior cardiologist.
- Observing and assisting vascular procedures, stress test and Exercise ECG Work up
- April 2019 - May 2019 North Shore Hospital, NY, United States
- He worked with a pulmonologist in the department of internal medicine.
- He helped typing the management plan and workup for the patients.
- Helped taking history from Spanish patients also.
- Worked In-Patients and outpatients.
- Oct 2018 - Mar 2019 Providence Hospital, Washington DC, United States.
- He worked as an Intern Year Resident/ Extern for 6 months.
- Actively managed patients in ICU /CCU / Night Floats, On- Floors.
- Participated in Grand rounds on every week.
- Actively participated in case presentation and various conferences and seminars.
- Aug 2018 - Sep 2018 Melrose Wakefield Hospital /Tuft's Clinical Partner, MA
- He observed for a period of 6 months in the department of cardio with Director of Cardiology.
- Assisted in cath- lab and making in patient management plans.
- Presentations and grand rounds.