Editor-In-Chief: Will Gibson; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Gonzalo A. Romero, M.D.[1];Rim Halaby, M.D. [2];Serge Korjian; Yazan Daaboul; Vendhan Ramanujam M.B.B.S [3]; Mugilan Poongkunran M.B.B.S [4]; Ayokunle Olubaniyi, M.B,B.S [5]; Mahmoud Sakr, M.D. [6];
WBR Quality Checklist
1. Correct Classification
- Board level
- Subject/Category
- System/sub-category
- High yield topic (frequently tested)
2. Question Stem/Prompt
- Logical order in clinical cases: age and gender → chief complaint (time frame) → past medical history → physical exam (vitals) → ECG → image (physical exam, biopsy, CXR, CT) → Lab results
- Commonly asked question prompt (i.e. What is the most likely)?
- Jump question
- Image in stem (CXR/CT/MRI, biopsy, graph, microscopy)
- Question length: short (1-2 lines), medium (3-4 lines), long (>4 lines)
3. Answer Choices
- Clear distractors
- Image for each answer choice
- Use of current guidelines/algorithms
- Answer choice placement
4. Overall Explanation
- Included patient’s presentation (pertinent positives and negatives)
- Integrated clinical knowledge with tested topic
- High yield content
- Educational objective (1 or 2 take-home sentences/phrases)
- WikiDoc-Mnemonic: own & unique or from common source (FA 2014)
- Working hyperlinks to relevant info
- Medical thinking
5. Answer Choices Explanations
- Correct answer: summarized relevant info
- Incorrect choice ___ explanation
- Incorrect choice ___ explanation
- Incorrect choice ___ explanation
- Incorrect choice ___ explanation
- Appropriate length
- High yield facts
- Working hyperlinks to relevant info
6. Promoting WikiDoc Use
- Used WikiDoc info
- Used relevant working hyperlinks
- Link to more relevant information at the end of the overall explanation, example:
7. English
- Question Format
- Grammar
- Case story-telling
- Punctuation
- Word choice
- Correct medical abbreviations from USMLE.org (i.e. for vital signs, labs, images)
8. References
9. Creativity
10. Include into the WBR Question List
- Included question into list of questions WBR
- Correct classification for board level
- Working hyperlinks to WBR0____
- Correct classification for subject/Category
- Correct classification for system/sub-category
- Correct classification for High-Yield
- Correct classification for keywords
- Correct classification for author
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