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==[[Mental retardation overview|Overview]]==
==[[Mental retardation overview|Overview]]==
Intellectual disability (ID) belongs to [[neurodevelopmental]] [[disorders]] that affect [[children]] and [[adolescents]] during the [[developmental]] [[period]]. It is categorized into four subclasses that determine the need for [[support]]. This condition is characterized by [[impairments]] in both [[intellectual]] and [[adaptive]] [[functions]]. [[Research]] involving ID has found that [[genes]] that [[encode]] [[cognitive]] abilities play an essential role in its [[pathophysiology]]. An [[interplay]] of [[environment]] and [[genetics]] can cause ID, and [[comprehensive]] [[screening]] is done in these cases. More importantly, ID has existing [[co-morbid]] [[conditions]], which makes [[treatment]] and [[care]] a [[challenge]].
==[[Mental retardation historical perspective|Historical Perspective]]==
==[[Mental retardation historical perspective|Historical Perspective]]==
Intellectual disability traces its roots back to [[ancient civilizations]]. The [[Egyptians]] focused on treating [[disabilities]] and other [[ailments]], while [[Greek]] and [[Roman]] [[Civilizations]] negatively viewed [[disability]], killing those with disabilities. During the [[Middle Ages]], [[intellectual disability]] revolved around [[religion]] and [[superstitions]]. The [[Church]] became a [[refuge]] for the [[individual]] with disabilities by providing shelter. The [[Restoration period]] associated [["idiocy"]] and [[mental illness]] with [[immortality]] for which having a [[disability]] is a [[punishment]].
In the [[17th century]], [[John Locke]] differentiated intellectual disabilities from [[physical ones]], where both [[mental]] and [[emotional]] [[deficits]] characterized [[intellectual]] [[disabilities]]. [[Oxford]] [[Philosopher]] [[Willis]] pinpointed various [[etiologies]] for a [[mental disability]] such as [[heredity]], [[trauma]], other [[diseases]], and [[spirits]]. <ref name="RothSarawgi2019">{{cite journal|last1=Roth|first1=Emily A.|last2=Sarawgi|first2=Shivali N.|last3=Fodstad|first3=Jill C.|title=History of Intellectual Disabilities|year=2019|pages=3–16|issn=2192-922X|doi=10.1007/978-3-030-20843-1_1}}</ref>
==[[Mental retardation classification|Classification]]==
==[[Mental retardation classification|Classification]]==
The [[DSM 5]] Classification of Severity for Intellectual disability has veered away from [[IQ scores]] and now considers [[adaptive]] [[functioning]] as the basis for classification.<ref name="PatelApple2018">{{cite journal|last1=Patel|first1=Dilip R.|last2=Apple|first2=Roger|last3=Kanungo|first3=Shibani|last4=Akkal|first4=Ashley|title=Intellectual disability: definitions, evaluation and principles of treatment|journal=Pediatric Medicine|volume=1|year=2018|pages=11–11|issn=26175428|doi=10.21037/pm.2018.12.02}}</ref> <ref>{{cite journal|title=Neurodevelopmental Disorders|year=2013|doi=10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.dsm01}}</ref>
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
|+Classification of Intellectual Disability
!Severity Level!![[Conceptual]] Skills!![[Social]] Skills!![[Practical]] Skills
|Individuals can grasp simple [[mathematical]] [[operations]] like [[multiplication]] and [[division]], [[write]] [[letters]] and [[lists]]; however, they have difficulty with [[complex]] [[tasks]] such as [[planning]], [[strategizing]], and [[abstract thinking]].||They have difficulty interpreting [[social cues]], and there is risk for [[manipulation]].||They can do [[essential]] [[self-care]] and [[home]] [[activities]] as well as [[job]] [[applications]] but may require some [[support]] in [[banking]], [[transportation]] and even [[raising]] a [[family]].
|[[Academic]] [[skill]] [[development]] is markedly slowed compared to [[peers]] and [[adults]] attain [[elementary]] level of [[knowledge]]. They can do [[basic]] [[skills]] like [[copy]] [[address]] and basic [[reading]].||There is a considerable gap in [[social skills]] compared to [[peers]]. They need constant [[support]] to succeed in [[communications]] in the [[work]] [[setting]].||There is some [[independence]] in [[self-care]] and [[house chores]] with [[constant]] [[reinforcement]].
|[[Language]], [[arithmetic]], the [[concept]] of [[time]], and [[money]] are markedly limited, and they need constant [[support]] in [[life]].||[[Speech]] is characterized by [[simple]] [[phrases]] and [[words]].||[[Constant]] support in all [[activities of daily living| ADL]] is needed as they may also have [[motor]] [[comorbidities]].
|Very limited [[communication]] [[skills]] but may acquire [[visuospatial]] [[skills]] such as [[matching]] and [[sorting]].||The individual communicates through [[non-verbal]] means and there may also be [[co-morbid]] [[motor]] and [[sensory]] [[impairments]].||Require daily supervision across a lifetime.
==[[Mental retardation pathophysiology|Pathophysiology]]==
==[[Mental retardation pathophysiology|Pathophysiology]]==
Intellectual disorders with intact [[cortex]] have found that most of the known [[genes]] influencing [[cognitive]] [[abilities]] are [[X-linked]]. These [[genes]] [[code]] for different [[proteins]] and some are involved in [[neuronal]] [[connectivity]] and [[synapse]] formation and activity.
Recent progress in unraveling the [[pathophysiology]] of ID involves defects in [[synaptogenesis]] and [[synaptic]] activities, including [[neuroplasticity]]. 
An important [[finding]] that [[illustrates]] the importance of [[synapses]] in the occurrence of ID involves the [[FMRP]] [[protein]] that is absent in [[Fragile X syndrome]]. The [[FMRP]] [[protein]] is normally detected in the [[nucleus]], [[body]], and [[dendrites]]. It is [[upregulated]] by [[glutamate]]-mediated [[stimulation]]—the specific [[knockout]] of [[Fmr1]] results in abnormal [[morphology]] of [[dendrites]] in [[Purkinje cells]] in the [[cerebellum]]. Therefore, defects in [[synaptic]] structure and overall [[neuronal]] [[connectivity]] impairs proper [[information]] [[processing]]. <ref name="ChellyKhelfaoui2006">{{cite journal|last1=Chelly|first1=Jamel|last2=Khelfaoui|first2=Malik|last3=Francis|first3=Fiona|last4=Chérif|first4=Beldjord|last5=Bienvenu|first5=Thierry|title=Genetics and pathophysiology of mental retardation|journal=European Journal of Human Genetics|volume=14|issue=6|year=2006|pages=701–713|issn=1018-4813|doi=10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201595}}</ref> <ref name="KoekkoekYamaguchi2005">{{cite journal|last1=Koekkoek|first1=S.K.E.|last2=Yamaguchi|first2=K.|last3=Milojkovic|first3=B.A.|last4=Dortland|first4=B.R.|last5=Ruigrok|first5=T.J.H.|last6=Maex|first6=R.|last7=De Graaf|first7=W.|last8=Smit|first8=A.E.|last9=VanderWerf|first9=F.|last10=Bakker|first10=C.E.|last11=Willemsen|first11=R.|last12=Ikeda|first12=T.|last13=Kakizawa|first13=S.|last14=Onodera|first14=K.|last15=Nelson|first15=D.L.|last16=Mientjes|first16=E.|last17=Joosten|first17=M.|last18=De Schutter|first18=E.|last19=Oostra|first19=B.A.|last20=Ito|first20=M.|last21=De Zeeuw|first21=C.I.|title=Deletion of FMR1 in Purkinje Cells Enhances Parallel Fiber LTD, Enlarges Spines, and Attenuates Cerebellar Eyelid Conditioning in Fragile X Syndrome|journal=Neuron|volume=47|issue=3|year=2005|pages=339–352|issn=08966273|doi=10.1016/j.neuron.2005.07.005}}</ref>
==[[Mental retardation causes|Causes]]==
==[[Mental retardation causes|Causes]]==
In less than 50% of individuals with [[mild]] ID, a specific cause is identified, and it increases to 75% in those with [[severe]] ID. <ref name="MoeschlerShevell2014">{{cite journal|last1=Moeschler|first1=J. B.|last2=Shevell|first2=M.|title=Comprehensive Evaluation of the Child With Intellectual Disability or Global Developmental Delays|journal=PEDIATRICS|volume=134|issue=3|year=2014|pages=e903–e918|issn=0031-4005|doi=10.1542/peds.2014-1839}}</ref>
[[Down syndrome]] [[(Trisomy 21)]] is the most common [[genetic]] [[cause]] of ID, while [[Fragile X]] is the most common [[inherited]] [[cause]] of ID.
<ref name="MoeschlerShevell2014">{{cite journal|last1=Moeschler|first1=J. B.|last2=Shevell|first2=M.|title=Comprehensive Evaluation of the Child With Intellectual Disability or Global Developmental Delays|journal=PEDIATRICS|volume=134|issue=3|year=2014|pages=e903–e918|issn=0031-4005|doi=10.1542/peds.2014-1839}}</ref>
===Environmental Factors===
[[Alcohol]] [[exposure]] during [[pregnancy]], [[lead]] and other [[heavy metals]], [[iodine deficiency]], [[brain infections]], [[congenital rubella syndrome]], and [[cytomegalovirus infections]], as well as [[hypoxic-ischemic injury]], and [[periventricular hemorrhages]] all cause [[brain injury]] resulting in [[disability]]. {{cite web |url= |title=Intellectual Disability and Mental Health Problems : Evaluation of Two Clinical Assessment Instruments, Occurrence of Mental Health Problems and Psychiatric Care Utilisation |format= |work= |accessdate=}}
==[[Mental retardation differential diagnosis|Differentiating Mental retardation from other Diseases]]==
==[[Mental retardation differential diagnosis|Differentiating Mental retardation from other Diseases]]==
#[[Neurocognitive disorders]] – there is loss of [[cognitive]] functioning in these cases.
#[[Specific learning disorder]] and [[language disorders]] – compared to individuals with ID, these individuals have [[deficits]] in [[communication]] and [[learning]] aspects but with [[normal]] [[intellect]] and [[adaptive]] [[function]].
#[[Autism spectrum disorder]] – [[social development]] and [[language]] [[deficits]] are the [[hallmark]] of [[autism]] spectrum patients and have [[normal]] [[motor]] [[development]].
Possible hearing and visual impairments should be ruled out in diagnosing intellectual disability. <ref name="PatelApple2018">{{cite journal|last1=Patel|first1=Dilip R.|last2=Apple|first2=Roger|last3=Kanungo|first3=Shibani|last4=Akkal|first4=Ashley|title=Intellectual disability: definitions, evaluation and principles of treatment|journal=Pediatric Medicine|volume=1|year=2018|pages=11–11|issn=26175428|doi=10.21037/pm.2018.12.02}}</ref> <ref>{{cite journal|title=Neurodevelopmental Disorders|year=2013|doi=10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.dsm01}}</ref>
==[[Mental retardation epidemiology and demographics|Epidemiology and Demographics]]==
==[[Mental retardation epidemiology and demographics|Epidemiology and Demographics]]==
The [[prevalence]] is 1% in the general [[population]], with 6 per 1000 persons having a [[severe]] [[mental disability]]. In the United States, individuals with a [[severe]] [[intellectual disability]] are at 0.3-0.5%, while worldwide [[prevalence]] is at 16.41 per 1000 people in [[developing countries]] and 9.21 per 1000 people in [[developed countries]]. [[Males]] are more likely to have a [[mental disability]] with a ratio of 2:1, and [[families]] with one child with [[severe]] [[mental disability]] have a [[recurrence risk]] of 3% and 9%. <ref>{{cite journal|title=Neurodevelopmental Disorders|year=2013|doi=10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.dsm01}}</ref> <ref name="MaulikMascarenhas2011">{{cite journal|last1=Maulik|first1=Pallab K.|last2=Mascarenhas|first2=Maya N.|last3=Mathers|first3=Colin D.|last4=Dua|first4=Tarun|last5=Saxena|first5=Shekhar|title=Prevalence of intellectual disability: A meta-analysis of population-based studies|journal=Research in Developmental Disabilities|volume=32|issue=2|year=2011|pages=419–436|issn=08914222|doi=10.1016/j.ridd.2010.12.018}}</ref>
==[[Mental retardation risk factors|Risk Factors]]==
==[[Mental retardation risk factors|Risk Factors]]==
[[Prenatal]] causes <ref>{{cite journal|title=Neurodevelopmental Disorders|year=2013|doi=10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.dsm01}}</ref>
#[[Genetic]] [[syndromes]]
#[[Inborn errors of metabolism]]
#[[Brain malformations]]
#[[Maternal disease]]
#[[Environmental]] factors such as the [[history]] of [[alcoholism]], [[teratogens]], and other [[drugs]]
[[Perinatal]] [[causes]] include events during [[labor]] and [[delivery]] that ultimately lead to [[ischemic injury]] to [[neonates']] [[brains]]. <ref>{{cite journal|title=Neurodevelopmental Disorders|year=2013|doi=10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.dsm01}}</ref>
[[Postnatal]] causes <ref>{{cite journal|title=Neurodevelopmental Disorders|year=2013|doi=10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.dsm01}}</ref>
#[[Hypoxic-ischemic injury]]
#[[Traumatic brain injury]]
#[[Demyelinating]] [[disorders]]
#[[Infantile spasms]]
#[[Severe]] and [[chronic social deprivation]]
#[[Heavy metal poisoning]]
#[[Toxic metabolic syndromes]]
==[[Mental retardation screening|Screening]]==
==[[Mental retardation screening|Screening]]==
Evaluation is dependent on [[age]] at [[onset]], the [[severity]] of [[signs]] and [[symptoms]], and the need to determine the underlying [[etiology]] of ID. A [[comprehensive ]] [[screening]] includes [[clinical assessment]] paying particular attention to [[prenatal]] and [[perinatal]] history and [[family pedigree]], [[psychological testing]], [[karyotyping]] and [[metabolic]] [[screening]], as well as [[neuroimaging]] tests. <ref>{{cite journal|title=Neurodevelopmental Disorders|year=2013|doi=10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.dsm01}}</ref> {{cite web |url= | |format= |work= |accessdate=}}
<ref name="MoeschlerShevell2014">{{cite journal|last1=Moeschler|first1=J. B.|last2=Shevell|first2=M.|title=Comprehensive Evaluation of the Child With Intellectual Disability or Global Developmental Delays|journal=PEDIATRICS|volume=134|issue=3|year=2014|pages=e903–e918|issn=0031-4005|doi=10.1542/peds.2014-1839}}</ref>
===Intelligence assessment===
[[Intelligence Quotient]] [[(IQ)]] is the standard for estimating [[intellectual function]]. [[Standardized]] [[tools]] such as the [[Wechsler scale]] is administered to children 6-16 years old, while a brief [[]assessment tool]] such as the [[Kauffman Brief Intelligence Test]] is an alternative if the [[Wechsler test]] is not possible. The mean value of [[IQ]] is 100, and 70-75 represents the upper limit of two [[standard deviations]] below the [[mean]]. Several factors may [[influence]] [[intelligence assessment]], and this includes [[measurement error]], [[Flynn effect]], [[practice effects]], [[outliers]], and [[test]] [[selection]], to name a few. <ref name="MoeschlerShevell2014">{{cite journal|last1=Moeschler|first1=J. B.|last2=Shevell|first2=M.|title=Comprehensive Evaluation of the Child With Intellectual Disability or Global Developmental Delays|journal=PEDIATRICS|volume=134|issue=3|year=2014|pages=e903–e918|issn=0031-4005|doi=10.1542/peds.2014-1839}}</ref> <ref>{{cite journal|title=Neurodevelopmental Disorders|year=2013|doi=10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.dsm01}}</ref>
===Adaptive function assessment===
The [[Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale]] evaluates [[communication]], ability to perform [[activities of daily living (ADL)]], [[motor]] and [[socialization]]. Another [[assessment tool]] is [[AAIDD's Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale (DABS)]], administered to individuals 4-21 years old. This tool focuses on the "cut-off" area for ruling in a diagnosis of ID to determine eligibility for [[special education]] services, [[social security]] [[benefits]], and [[home]] and [[community-based]] [[waiver services]]. <ref name="NavasZhang2016">{{cite journal|last1=Navas|first1=Patricia|last2=Zhang|first2=Dalun|last3=Widaman|first3=Keith F.|last4=Spreat|first4=Scott|last5=Borthwick-Duffy|first5=Sharon A.|last6=Bersani|first6=Henry (Hank)|last7=Balboni|first7=Giulia|last8=Thissen|first8=David|last9=Schalock|first9=Robert L.|last10=Tassé|first10=Marc J.|title=Development and Standardization of the Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale: Application of Item Response Theory to the Assessment of Adaptive Behavior|journal=American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities|volume=121|issue=2|year=2016|pages=79–94|issn=1944-7558|doi=10.1352/1944-7558-121.2.79}}</ref> <ref name="ZhangWidaman2012">{{cite journal|last1=Zhang|first1=Dalun|last2=Widaman|first2=Keith F|last3=Thissen|first3=David|last4=Spreat|first4=Scott|last5=Borthwick-Duffy|first5=Sharon A|last6=Bersani|first6=Hank|last7=Balboni|first7=Giulia|last8=Schalock|first8=Robert L|last9=Tassé|first9=Marc J|title=The Construct of Adaptive Behavior: Its Conceptualization, Measurement, and Use in the Field of Intellectual Disability|journal=American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities|volume=117|issue=4|year=2012|pages=291–303|issn=1944-7558|doi=10.1352/1944-7558-117.4.291}}</ref>
===Genetic and Metabolic Testing===
[[Newborn screening]] programs [[screen]] for [[inborn errors of metabolism]] with a yield of < 1%, and [[chromosomal analysis]] is required in children with unknown causes of ID with a yield of 12%. While [[genetic]] tests help discern the [[prognosis]] and [[treatment plan]], it should be taken into account that these are expensive, and the findings may not reflect the [[phenotype]] of an individual. <ref name="PatelApple2018">{{cite journal|last1=Patel|first1=Dilip R.|last2=Apple|first2=Roger|last3=Kanungo|first3=Shibani|last4=Akkal|first4=Ashley|title=Intellectual disability: definitions, evaluation and principles of treatment|journal=Pediatric Medicine|volume=1|year=2018|pages=11–11|issn=26175428|doi=10.21037/pm.2018.12.02}}</ref>
==[[Mental retardation natural history, complications and prognosis|Natural History, Complications and Prognosis]]==
==[[Mental retardation natural history, complications and prognosis|Natural History, Complications and Prognosis]]==
ID often is accompanied by other [[mental]], [[medical]], and [[physical]] conditions like [[epilepsy]] and [[cerebral palsy]]. The most common [[comorbid]] [[conditions]] are [[attention deficit hyperactivity disorder]] [[(ADHD]], [[depression]], [[bipolar disorder]], [[anxiety disorder]], [[autism spectrum disorder]], and [[stereotypical]] [[movement]] disorder. <ref>{{cite journal|title=Neurodevelopmental Disorders|year=2013|doi=10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.dsm01}}</ref>
People with mild to moderate ID are able to live independently and be successful at jobs requiring simple tasks while people with severe ID will require lifetime support.{{cite web |url= |title=Intellectual Disability - Pediatrics - MSD Manual Professional Edition |format= |work= |accessdate=}}
[[Mental retardation diagnostic study of choice|Diagnostic study of choice]] | [[Mental retardation history and symptoms|History and Symptoms]] | [[Mental retardation physical examination|Physical Examination]] | [[Mental retardation laboratory findings|Laboratory Findings]] | [[Mental retardation electrocardiogram|Electrocardiogram]] | [[Mental retardation x ray|X-Ray Findings]] | [[Mental retardation echocardiography and ultrasound|Echocardiography and Ultrasound]] | [[Mental retardation CT scan|CT-Scan Findings]] | [[Mental retardation MRI|MRI Findings]] | [[Mental retardation other imaging findings|Other Imaging Findings]] | [[Mental retardation other diagnostic studies|Other Diagnostic Studies]]
[[Mental retardation diagnostic study of choice|Diagnostic study of choice]] | [[Mental retardation history and symptoms|History and Symptoms]] | [[Mental retardation physical examination|Physical Examination]] | [[Mental retardation laboratory findings|Laboratory Findings]] | [[Mental retardation electrocardiogram|Electrocardiogram]] | [[Mental retardation x ray|X-Ray Findings]] | [[Mental retardation echocardiography and ultrasound|Echocardiography and Ultrasound]] | [[Mental retardation CT scan|CT-Scan Findings]] | [[Mental retardation MRI|MRI Findings]] | [[Mental retardation other imaging findings|Other Imaging Findings]] | [[Mental retardation other diagnostic studies|Other Diagnostic Studies]]
===Mental Retardation Diagnostic Study of Choice===
There is no specific study to diagnose intellectual disability. The [[DSM 5]] Diagnostic Criteria specifies that all of the three criteria must be satisfied: <ref>{{cite journal|title=Neurodevelopmental Disorders|year=2013|doi=10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.dsm01}}</ref>
#Individuals have difficulty in [[executive functioning]], [[academic]] [[learning]], and [[experiential]] [[learning]] confirmed by [[standard]] [[assessment tools]] and [[clinically]].
#[[Social communication]] [[skills]] are challenging and [[practical skills]] that impair independence (performing [[activities of daily living]]) and [[interaction]] with other people.
#It happens during the [[developmental period]].
The classification of ID must also be specified.
===History and Symptoms===
History should focus on the [[birth]] and [[developmental]] history of the child. This would include the [[chief complaints]] arranged in [[chronological]] order and a comprehensive [[prenatal]] and [[perinatal]] history.
[[Developmental]] history in the following domains should be evaluated: [[motor]], [[language]], [[communication]] and [[ability]] for [[self-care]]; [[socioeconomic]], [[cognition]] and [[occupational]]/[[recreational]] activities. [[Medical]] [[comorbidities]] and [[psychiatric]] history must also be obtained as well as a comprehensive [[family history]] including a [[pedigree]] construction, background, and current living conditions. {{cite journal |vauthors=Kishore MT, Udipi GA, Seshadri SP |title=Clinical Practice Guidelines for Assessment and Management of intellectual disability |journal=Indian J Psychiatry |volume=61 |issue=Suppl 2 |pages=194–210 |date=January 2019 |pmid=30745696 |pmc=6345136 |doi=10.4103/psychiatry.IndianJPsychiatry_507_18 |url=}}
Hallmark [[symptoms]] of intellectual disability: {{cite web |url= |title=Intellectual Disability - Pediatrics - MSD Manual Professional Edition |format= |work= |accessdate=}}
#Delayed [[learning]] of new [[knowledge]] and [[skills]]
#Immature [[social skills]]
#Limited self-care skills
[[Behavioral]] problems also occur in these patients and they are usually precipitated by different factors such as:
#Improper [[training]] in what is a [[socially]] acceptable [[behavior]]
#Inconsistent [[discipline]]
#Reinforcement of [[maladaptive]] [[behavior]]
#Impaired [[communication skills]]
#Co-existing [[physical]] and [[mental disorders]] such as [[anxiety]] and [[depression]].
Symptoms that may point to a [[genetic]] [[metabolic]] disorder include [[failure to thrive]], [[lethargy]], [[vomiting]], [[seizures]], [[hypotonia]], [[hepatomegaly]], [[coarse facies]], [[macroglossia]]. On the other hand, the [[comorbid]] [[neuromuscular]] disease may be suspected in patients with [[developmental delays]] in [[gross motor]] skills, [[fine motor]] skills such as [[pincer]] [[grasp]]. {{cite web |url= |title=Intellectual Disability - Pediatrics - MSD Manual Professional Edition |format= |work= |accessdate=}}
===Physical Examination===
A detailed physical examination has three parts: {{cite journal |vauthors=Kishore MT, Udipi GA, Seshadri SP |title=Clinical Practice Guidelines for Assessment and Management of intellectual disability |journal=Indian J Psychiatry |volume=61 |issue=Suppl 2 |pages=194–210 |date=January 2019 |pmid=30745696 |pmc=6345136 |doi=10.4103/psychiatry.IndianJPsychiatry_507_18 |url=}}
# [[Anthropometry]] – provides an estimate of the [[nutrition]], any underlying [[medical]] or [[genetic]] condition. Assessment includes: [[height]], [[arm span]], sitting [[height]], [[weight]], [[head circumference]], [[chest]] circumference, [[abdominal]] circumference, [[intercanthal]] and [[interpupillary]] distances, and [[palm]] and [[foot]] lengths.
# [[Dysmorphology]] [[examination]] – this documents [[birth defects]] by conducting a [[head-to-toe]] examination to look for minor physical anomalies that could shed light on the [[etiology]] of ID.
# Examination of major [[organ systems]]- this could provide clues toward a [[disorder]] involving [[inborn error of metabolism]]. [[Assessment]] should include [[vision]], [[hearing]], and [[gait]]. Patients are referred to [[geneticists]] for further evaluation in case of a [[minor physical anomaly]].
#[[Behavioral]] observation – this is to correlate the [[clinical history]] and [[intellectual]] and [[behavioral]] [[abilities]]. It starts with observing [[general appearance]], any oddities in [[behavior]], [[attention span]], [[receptive]] and [[expressive]] [[speech]], [[social skills]].
**[[Scalp]] [[hair]]: sparse, light-colored, double [[whorl]] on the [[scalp]], easily breakable
**[[Skull]] shape: [[brachycephaly]], [[scaphocephaly]], [[trigonocephaly]], [[oxycephaly]], [[plagiocephaly]]
**[[Facial]] appearance: [[coarse facies]], elongated, triangular, small
**[[Eyes]]: deeply set, prominent, [[microphthalmia]], [[upslanting]]/[[downslanting]] [[palpebral]] [[fissures]], [[hypertelorism]], [[strabismus]], [[ptosis]], bushy [[eyebrows]], [[synopharys]], [[microcornea]], [[corneal]] [[clouding]], [[cataracts]], [[coloboma]] of the [[iris]], [[blue sclera]], [[telangiectasia]]
**[[Ears]]: low set, small, large, [[malformed]], posteriorly rotated, [[anteverted]], [[periauricular tags]], [[pits]], cup shape
**[[Nose]]: depressed [[nasal bridge]], short and stubby, beak-shaped, bulbous tip, flaring, hypoplastic [[nostrils]]
**[[Palate]]: [[high-arched]], ridged, [[cleft]], [[bifid]] [[uvula]]
**[[Chin]]: prominent, [[retrognathia]], [[micrognathia]]
*'''[[Chest]]:''' [[pectus excavatum]], [[pectus carinatum]], [[nipple]] [[anomalies]], [[gynecomastia]]
*'''[[Abdomen]]:''' [[Protuberant]], [[scaphoid]], [[umbilical]] [[hernia]], [[hepatosplenomegaly]], [[inguinal]] [[hernia]]
*''' [[Genitourinary]]:''' [[micropenis]], [[micro-orchidism]] or [[macro-orchidism]], undescended [[testis]], [[ambiguous genitalia]], [[hypospadias]], absent [[secondary sexual characteristics]], [[shawl]] [[scrotum]]
*'''[[Neuromuscular]]:''' [[kyphosis]], [[scoliosis]], [[spina bifida]]
**[[Hands]]: broad, shorthands, [[simian crease]], [[Sidney line]], spade-shaped
**[[Fingers]]: [[clinodactyly]], [[brachydactyly]], [[syndactyly]], [[camptodactyly]], [[arachnodactyly]], [[polydactyly]]
**[[Feet]]: [[Pes planus]], [[pes cavus]], [[valgus]]/[[varus]], broad [[hallux]], increased distance between 1st and 2nd [[toes]]
*'''[[Skeletal]]''': [[exostoses]], increase carrying angles, [[joint hypermobility]]
===Laboratory Findings===
It is challenging to completely examine children with intellectual disabilities due to inadequate [[communication]] [[skills]]. Some malformations may be missed even with a comprehensive examination. Some [[malformations]] such as [[atrial septal defect]] [[(ASD)]], [[single kidney]], [[holoprosencephaly]], [[visual]] and [[hearing]] [[impairment]] may be missed.
There are no [[EKG]] findings associated with intellectual disabilities.
====Echocardiography and Ultrasound====
[[Echocardiography]] may reveal [[heart]] [[malformations]] and [[ultrasound]] may reveal the presence of a single [[kidney]]. {{cite journal |vauthors=Kishore MT, Udipi GA, Seshadri SP |title=Clinical Practice Guidelines for Assessment and Management of intellectual disability |journal=Indian J Psychiatry |volume=61 |issue=Suppl 2 |pages=194–210 |date=January 2019 |pmid=30745696 |pmc=6345136 |doi=10.4103/psychiatry.IndianJPsychiatry_507_18 |url=}}
====CT-Scan Findings====
[[Cranial MRI]] is the imaging of choice in obtaining [[clues]] to the [[etiology]] of ID.
====MRI Findings====
[[Cranial MRI]] can show [[central nervous system]] [[malformations]] such as in [[tuberous sclerosis]] and [[neurofibromatosis]], [[hydrocephalus]], or [[schizencephaly]]. {{cite journal |vauthors=Kishore MT, Udipi GA, Seshadri SP |title=Clinical Practice Guidelines for Assessment and Management of intellectual disability |journal=Indian J Psychiatry |volume=61 |issue=Suppl 2 |pages=194–210 |date=January 2019 |pmid=30745696 |pmc=6345136 |doi=10.4103/psychiatry.IndianJPsychiatry_507_18 |url=}}
====Other Imaging Findings====
There are no other imaging findings associated with intellectual disabilities.
====Other Diagnostic Studies====
*[[Chromosomal microarray analysis]] to look for [[copy number variants]] seen in [[Cri du chat syndrome]] or [[DiGeorge syndrome]]. {{cite web |url= |title=Intellectual Disability - Pediatrics - MSD Manual Professional Edition |format= |work= |accessdate=}}
*[[Karyotyping]] to rule out [[Down Syndrome]] [[(trisomy 21)]] {{cite web |url= |title=Intellectual Disability - Pediatrics - MSD Manual Professional Edition |format= |work= |accessdate=}}
*Direct [[DNA]] studies for ruling out [[Fragile X]] [[syndrome]] {{cite web |url= |title=Intellectual Disability - Pediatrics - MSD Manual Professional Edition |format= |work= |accessdate=}}
*[[HIV]] test in high-risk [[infants]] {{cite web |url= |title=Intellectual Disability - Pediatrics - MSD Manual Professional Edition |format= |work= |accessdate=}}
*[[Urine]] and [[serum]] [[amino acid]] and [[organic acid]] [[analysis]] {{cite web |url= |title=Intellectual Disability - Pediatrics - MSD Manual Professional Edition |format= |work= |accessdate=}}
*[[Enzyme]] studies for [[storage diseases]] or [[peroxisomal]] disorders {{cite web |url= |title=Intellectual Disability - Pediatrics - MSD Manual Professional Edition |format= |work= |accessdate=}}
*[[Muscle enzymes]] {{cite web |url= |title=Intellectual Disability - Pediatrics - MSD Manual Professional Edition |format= |work= |accessdate=}}
*[[Electroencephalography]] [[(EEG)]] for patients with [[seizures]] {{cite web |url= |title=Intellectual Disability - Pediatrics - MSD Manual Professional Edition |format= |work= |accessdate=}}
*[[TORCH]] [[screening]] {{cite web |url= |title=Intellectual Disability - Pediatrics - MSD Manual Professional Edition |format= |work= |accessdate=}}
[[Mental retardation medical therapy|Medical Therapy]] | [[Mental retardation interventions|Interventions]] | [[Mental retardation surgery|Surgery]] | [[Mental retardation primary prevention|Primary Prevention]] | [[Mental retardation secondary prevention|Secondary Prevention]] | [[Mental retardation cost-effectiveness of therapy|Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy]] | [[Mental retardation future or investigational therapies|Future or Investigational Therapies]]
[[Mental retardation medical therapy|Medical Therapy]] | [[Mental retardation interventions|Interventions]] | [[Mental retardation surgery|Surgery]] | [[Mental retardation primary prevention|Primary Prevention]] | [[Mental retardation secondary prevention|Secondary Prevention]] | [[Mental retardation cost-effectiveness of therapy|Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy]] | [[Mental retardation future or investigational therapies|Future or Investigational Therapies]]
===Medical Therapy===
Medical intervention for identified causes of intellectual disability should be instituted. {{cite journal |vauthors=Kishore MT, Udipi GA, Seshadri SP |title=Clinical Practice Guidelines for Assessment and Management of intellectual disability |journal=Indian J Psychiatry |volume=61 |issue=Suppl 2 |pages=194–210 |date=January 2019 |pmid=30745696 |pmc=6345136 |doi=10.4103/psychiatry.IndianJPsychiatry_507_18 |url=}}
*'''Replacement of deficient molecules'''
**[[Thyroxine]] supplementation for [[congenital hypothyroidism]]
**[[Enzyme]] [[replacement]] therapy
**[[Copper]] [[histidine]] for [[Menkes disease]]
*'''Small [[molecule]] therapy'''
**[[Pyridoxine]], [[Vitamin B12]], and [[folate]] for [[homocystinuria]]
**Low [[phenylalanine]] diet for [[phenylketonuria]]
*'''[[Vigabatrin]] for [[tuberous sclerosis]]'''
*'''[[Chelation]] in cases of [[Wilson disease]]'''
Treatment should address the underlying cause of ID, treatment of [[comorbid]] [[physical]] disorders that may further [[impair]] functioning, such as [[pharmacologic]] treatment for [[behavioral disorders]] in [[Fragile X]] patients, and institution of [[special education]], [[rehabilitation]], and [[psychosocial]] [[interventions]]. <ref name="HagermanPolussa2015">{{cite journal|last1=Hagerman|first1=Randi J.|last2=Polussa|first2=Jonathan|title=Treatment of the psychiatric problems associated with fragile X syndrome|journal=Current Opinion in Psychiatry|volume=28|issue=2|year=2015|pages=107–112|issn=0951-7367|doi=10.1097/YCO.0000000000000131}}</ref> {{cite web |url= |title=Clinical Characteristics of Intellectual Disabilities - Mental Disorders and Disabilities Among Low-Income Children - NCBI Bookshelf |format= |work= |accessdate=}}
There are no surgical interventions for intellectual disability.
===Primary Prevention===
*'''[[Vaccines]]''' prevent [[infectious]] causes of ID such as [[congenital rubella syndrome]], [[pneumococcal]], and [[H. influenzae]] [[meningitis]]. {{cite web |url= |title=Intellectual Disability - Pediatrics - MSD Manual Professional Edition |format= |work= |accessdate=}}
*'''Avoiding [[alcohol]]''' during [[pregnancy]] prevents [[fetal alcohol syndrome]]. {{cite web |url= |title=Intellectual Disability - Pediatrics - MSD Manual Professional Edition |format= |work= |accessdate=}}
*'''[[Folate]] supplementation at 400-800 mcg/day''' in women three months before [[conception]] through the [[first trimester]] reduces the risk for [[neural tube defects]]. {{cite web |url= |title=Intellectual Disability - Pediatrics - MSD Manual Professional Edition |format= |work= |accessdate=}}
===Secondary Prevention===
Referral to an early [[intervention]] program as soon as the diagnosis of ID is a must. A [[multidisciplinary team]] consisting of [[neurologists]], developmental-behavioral [[pediatricians]], [[orthopedists]], [[physical]] and [[occupational therapists]], [[speech pathologists]] and [[audiologists]], [[nutritionists]], [[social workers]], and [[psychologists]] are involved in the patient’s care. {{cite web |url= |title=Intellectual Disability - Pediatrics - MSD Manual Professional Edition |format= |work= |accessdate=}}
==Case Studies==
==Case Studies==
[[Mental retardation case study one|Case #1]]
[[Mental retardation case study one|Case #1]]

Latest revision as of 13:25, 19 July 2021

For patient information click here

Mental retardation Microchapters


Patient Information


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Mental retardation from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


Diagnostic Study of Choice

History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings



Echocardiography and Ultrasound

CT scan


Other Imaging Findings

Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy



Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

Mental retardation On the Web

Most recent articles

Most cited articles

Review articles

CME Programs

Powerpoint slides


American Roentgen Ray Society Images of Mental retardation

All Images
Echo & Ultrasound
CT Images

Ongoing Trials at Clinical

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse

NICE Guidance

FDA on Mental retardation

CDC on Mental retardation

Mental retardation in the news

Blogs on Mental retardation

Directions to Hospitals Treating Mental retardation

Risk calculators and risk factors for Mental retardation

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Chelsea Mae Nobleza, M.D.[2] Kiran Singh, M.D. [3]

Synonyms and keywords: General learning disability; intellectual disability; unspecified intellectual disability


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Mental retardation from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


Diagnostic study of choice | History and Symptoms | Physical Examination | Laboratory Findings | Electrocardiogram | X-Ray Findings | Echocardiography and Ultrasound | CT-Scan Findings | MRI Findings | Other Imaging Findings | Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy | Interventions | Surgery | Primary Prevention | Secondary Prevention | Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy | Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1
