Endocardial cushion defect physical examination: Difference between revisions

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Patients with [disease name] usually appear [general appearance]. Physical examination of patients with [disease name] is usually remarkable for [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].
Volume overload of the right side of heart can lead to [[right heart failure]] that may present with symptoms of [[swelling of the extremities]], [[difficulty breathing]] and signs such as [[hepatomegaly]] and an elevated [[jugular venous pulse]]. On cardiovascular examinations there is a fixed splitting of [[second heart sound]]. Also, a [[systolic ejection murmur]] that is attributed to the increased flow of blood through the [[pulmonic valve]] can be heard.

==Physical Examination==
The physical findings in an adult with an endocardial cushion defect depends on:
*Size of defect
*Degree of [[left-to-right shunt]]
*Pressure in [[Pulmonary artery|pulmonary vasculature]]
*Any associated anomalies for e.g. [[mitral valve prolapse]] in [[Atrial septal defect ostium primum|ostium primum]]
===Appearance of the Patient===
*Patients with endocardial cushion defect usually appear malnourished or show signs of poor growth.
* Skin examination of patients with endocardial cushion defects is usually normal.
*[[Jugular venous distension]]
*[[Hepatojugular reflux]]
====Inspection ====

Common physical examination findings of [disease name] include [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].
*Precordial bulge: The [[left-to-right shunt]]ing of blood causes [[right atrial enlargement]] that can present as a precordial bulge. The precordial bulge can cause a counter development of [[Harrison's groove]] that are horizontal depressions along the sixth and seventh [[costal cartilage]]s at the lower margin of the [[thorax]] where the [[diaphragm]] attaches to the [[rib]]s.
*Precordial lift: An increased [[Left-to-right shunt|left-to-right atrial shunt]] can cause a hyperdynamic right ventricular flow that can be seen as precordial lift on inspection.


The presence of [finding(s)] on physical examination is diagnostic of [disease name].
*Right ventricular impulse: An increased [[Left-to-right shunt|left-to-right atrial shunt]] can cause a hyperdynamic right ventricular impulse or [[heave]]. The heave can be best palpated at the left [[sternal]] border or the subxiphoid area.
*Pulmonary artery pulsations: Pulsatile, enlarged [[pulmonary artery]] pulsation can be felt at the second left intercostal space. These are more pronounced in patients with large [[left-to-right shunt]]s. Patients with obstruction to right ventricular outflow have a less dynamic right ventricular impulse and may present with more of a tapping or thrusting quality.
*Thrill: In large left-to-right shunt or the presence of a [[pulmonic stenosis]] a [[thrill]] can be palpated.


The presence of [finding(s)] on physical examination is highly suggestive of [disease name].
*First heart sound, [[S1]]

==Physical Examination==
:*Best heard: at the [[cardiac apex]].
Physical examination of patients with [disease name] is usually normal.
:*It can be split. The reason behind the split is that the large volume of [[diastolic]] blood flow from [[right atrium]] to [[right ventricle]] causing forceful contraction of the [[tricuspid]] leaflets.

* Second heart sound, [[S2]]

Physical examination of patients with [disease name] is usually remarkable for [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].
:*Best heard: at the second inter-costal space at the upper left sternal border.
:*[[Heart sound|Fixed splitting of the second heart sound (S2)]] is present.
:*It should be evaluated with the patient sitting or standing.
:*Commonly seen with large [[left-to-right shunt]] and absence of [[pulmonary hypertension]].
:*In unaffected individuals, there are respiratory variations in the splitting of the [[Heart sound|second heart sound (S<sub>2</sub>)]]. During respiratory [[inspiration]], the negative intrathoracic pressure causes increased blood return into the right side of the heart. The increased blood volume in the right ventricle causes the pulmonic valve to stay open longer during ventricular systole. This causes a normal delay in the P<sub>2</sub> component of S<sub>2</sub>. During [[expiration]], the positive intrathoracic pressure causes decreased blood return to the right side of the heart. The reduced volume in the right ventricle allows the pulmonic valve to close earlier at the end of [[ventricular]] systole, causing P<sub>2</sub> to occur earlier. In individuals with anatrial septal defect, there is a fixed splitting of S<sub>2</sub>. Fixed splitting occurs as a result of the extra blood return during [[inspiration]] equalized by the intraseptal communication between the left and right atrium allowed by the defect. Fixed splitting of S<sub>2</sub> is rare with ASDs in newborns as they have little left-to right shunts.
===== Murmurs=====
Several different types of murmur can occur in atrial septal defect:

*Rumbling middiastolic murmur

The presence of [finding(s)] on physical examination is diagnostic of [disease name].
:*Heard best at the lower left sternal border.
:*Heard commonly in large [[left-to-right shunt]]s.
:*Occur due to increased flow across the [[tricuspid valve]].

*Crescendo-decrescendo systolic ejection murmur

The presence of [finding(s)] on physical examination is highly suggestive of [disease name].
:*[[Murmur]] best heard at second [[intercostal space]] at the upper left [[sternal]] border.
:*Heard commonly in moderate-to-large [[left-to-right shunt]]s.
:*Occur due to increased right ventricular [[stroke volume]] and flow across the [[pulmonary artery]].

===Appearance of the Patient===
*Midsystolic pulmonary flow or ejection murmur
*Patients with [disease name] usually appear [general appearance].

===Vital Signs===
:*Heard best at 2nd intercostal space at upper left sternal border.
:*Heard commonly in moderate to large left-to-right shunts.
:*Occur due to increased right ventricular [[stroke volume]] across pulmonary outflow tract.

*High-grade / low-grade fever
* Systolic crescendo-decrescendo murmur
*[[Hypothermia]] / hyperthermia may be present
*[[Tachycardia]] with regular pulse or (ir)regularly irregular pulse
*[[Bradycardia]] with regular pulse or (ir)regularly irregular pulse
*Tachypnea / bradypnea
*Kussmal respirations may be present in _____ (advanced disease state)
*Weak/bounding pulse / pulsus alternans / paradoxical pulse / asymmetric pulse
*High/low blood pressure with normal pulse pressure / [[wide pulse pressure]] / [[narrow pulse pressure]]

:*Audible over the [[lung]] fields and is thought to occur from rapid flow through the peripheral [[pulmonary arteries]].
* Skin examination of patients with [disease name] is usually normal.
* [[Pallor]]
* Bruises

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*Pansystolic mitral regurgitation murmur

UploadedImage-01.jpg | Description {{dermref}}
:*Can be heard in [[Atrial septal defect ostium primum|ostium primum]] defects with accompanied [[Mitral valve|cleft mitral valve]] or [[Atrial septal defect ostium secundum|secundum defects]] with [[mitral valve prolapse]].
UploadedImage-02.jpg | Description {{dermref}}
:*High pitched and blowing quality.
:*Best heard with diaphragm of [[stethoscope]] with patient in left lateral dicubitus position.
:* Usually best heard over the apical region with radiation to left [[axilla]] and left [[subscapular]] area.
:*Posterior leaflet dysfunction murmur radiate to sternum or aortic area, anterior leaflet dysfunction murmur radiate to back.
:*[[Left-to-right shunt]]ing of blood across the atria does not cause a [[murmur]] at the site of the shunt. This is so, because the pressure gradient between the [[atria]] are not high.

*Auscultatory findings in [[pulmonic regurgitation]]

:*Widely split S2, S3 and S4 can be heard on auscultation. These heart sounds get accentuated with inspiration.
* HEENT examination of patients with [disease name] is usually normal.
:*Low-pitched murmur, best heard along the third or fourth intercostal spaces adjacent to the left [[sternal]] border.
:*When the [[pulmonary artery]] systolic pressure exceeds 70 mm Hg, dilatation of the [[pulmonary artery]] ring may then result in Graham-Steell's murmur. This is a high-pitched, blowing decrescendo [[murmur]] heard best along the left parasternal region.
* Abnormalities of the head/hair may include ___
* Evidence of trauma
* Icteric sclera
* [[Nystagmus]]  
* Extra-ocular movements may be abnormal
*Pupils non-reactive to light / non-reactive to accommodation / non-reactive to neither light nor accommodation
*Ophthalmoscopic exam may be abnormal with findings of ___
* Hearing acuity may be reduced
*[[Weber test]] may be abnormal (Note: A positive Weber test is considered a normal finding / A negative Weber test is considered an abnormal finding. To avoid confusion, you may write "abnormal Weber test".)
*[[Rinne test]] may be positive (Note: A positive Rinne test is considered a normal finding / A negative Rinne test is considered an abnormal finding. To avoid confusion, you may write "abnormal Rinne test".)
* [[Exudate]] from the ear canal
* Tenderness upon palpation of the ear pinnae/tragus (anterior to ear canal)
*Inflamed nares / congested nares
* [[Purulent]] exudate from the nares
* Facial tenderness
* Erythematous throat with/without tonsillar swelling, exudates, and/or petechiae

*Auscultatory findings in [[pulmonary hypertension]]
* Neck examination of patients with [disease name] is usually normal.
*[[Jugular venous distension]]
*[[Carotid bruits]] may be auscultated unilaterally/bilaterally using the bell/diaphragm of the otoscope
*[[Lymphadenopathy]] (describe location, size, tenderness, mobility, and symmetry)
*[[Thyromegaly]] / thyroid nodules
*[[Hepatojugular reflux]]

:*Left-to-right shunt in atrial septal defect causes increased flow through the pulmonary vasculature, which can lead to [[pulmonary hypertension]]. This [[pulmonary hypertension]] may finally cause increased pressures in the right side of the heart and reversal of the shunt into a right-to-left shunt. Auscultatory findings accompanying [[pulmonary hypertension]] are-
* Pulmonary examination of patients with [disease name] is usually normal.
* Asymmetric chest expansion OR decreased chest expansion
*Lungs are hyporesonant OR hyperresonant
*Fine/coarse [[crackles]] upon auscultation of the lung bases/apices unilaterally/bilaterally
*Vesicular breath sounds OR distant breath sounds
*Expiratory wheezing OR inspiratory wheezing with normal OR delayed expiratory phase
*[[Wheezing]] may be present
*[[Egophony]] present/absent
*[[Bronchophony]] present/absent
*Normal/reduced [[tactile fremitus]]

:*Increased intensity of the pulmonic component of S2, but no fixed splitting
* Cardiovascular examination of patients with [disease name] is usually normal.
:*Fourth heart sound (right ventricular)
:*Midsystolic ejection click
*Chest tenderness upon palpation
:*Absence of tricuspid flow murmur
*PMI within 2 cm of the sternum  (PMI) / Displaced point of maximal impulse (PMI) suggestive of ____
:*A [[holosystolic murmur]] of tricuspid insufficiency
*[[Heave]] / [[thrill]]
:*Midsystolic pulmonic murmur
*[[Friction rub]]
:*A high pitched [[pulmonic regurgitation]] murmur
*[[Heart sounds#First heart tone S1, the "lub"(components M1 and T1)|S1]]
*[[Heart sounds#Second heart tone S2 the "dub"(components A2 and P2)|S2]]
*[[Heart sounds#Third heart sound S3|S3]]
*[[Heart sounds#Fourth heart sound S4|S4]]
*[[Heart sounds#Summation Gallop|Gallops]]
*A high/low grade early/late [[systolic murmur]] / [[diastolic murmur]] best heard at the base/apex/(specific valve region) may be heard using the bell/diaphgram of the stethoscope

* Abdominal examination of patients with [disease name] is usually normal.
*[[Abdominal distension]]
*[[Abdominal tenderness]] in the right/left upper/lower abdominal quadrant
*[[Rebound tenderness]] (positive Blumberg sign)
*A palpable abdominal mass in the right/left upper/lower abdominal quadrant
*Guarding may be present
*[[Hepatomegaly]] / [[splenomegaly]] / [[hepatosplenomegaly]]
*Additional findings, such as obturator test, psoas test, McBurney point test, Murphy test

* Back examination of patients with [disease name] is usually normal.
*Point tenderness over __ vertebrae (e.g. L3-L4)
*Sacral edema
*Costovertebral angle tenderness bilaterally/unilaterally
*[[Cyanosis]] and [[clubbing]] in case [[Eisenmenger's syndrome]] develops.
*Buffalo hump
*[[Holt-Oram syndrome]] can be associated with an ASD and the following [[skeletal]] abnormalities:

:*Deformed [[carpal bones]]
* Genitourinary examination of patients with [disease name] is usually normal.
:*Deformed [[thumbs]]
:*Deformed radial bones
*A pelvic/adnexal mass may be palpated
*Inflamed mucosa
*Clear/(color), foul-smelling/odorless penile/vaginal discharge

*[[Edema|Peripheral edema]]
* Neuromuscular examination of patients with [disease name] is usually normal.
*Patient is usually oriented to persons, place, and time
* Altered mental status
* Glasgow coma scale is ___ / 15
* Clonus may be present
* Hyperreflexia / hyporeflexia / areflexia
* Positive (abnormal) Babinski / plantar reflex unilaterally/bilaterally
* Muscle rigidity
* Proximal/distal muscle weakness unilaterally/bilaterally
* ____ (finding) suggestive of cranial nerve ___ (roman numerical) deficit (e.g. Dilated pupils suggestive of CN III deficit)
*Unilateral/bilateral upper/lower extremity weakness
*Unilateral/bilateral sensory loss in the upper/lower extremity
*Positive straight leg raise test
*Abnormal gait (describe gait: e.g. ataxic (cerebellar) gait / steppage gait / waddling gait / choeiform gait / Parkinsonian gait / sensory gait)
*Positive/negative Trendelenburg sign
*Unilateral/bilateral tremor (describe tremor, e.g. at rest, pill-rolling)
*Normal finger-to-nose test / Dysmetria
*Absent/present dysdiadochokinesia (palm tapping test)

* Extremities examination of patients with [disease name] is usually normal.
*[[Paradoxical embolization]]
*Pitting/non-pitting [[edema]] of the upper/lower extremities
*Muscle atrophy
*[[Jugular venous pressure]] may be raised with 'a' wave indicating increased right atrial pressure. A "v" wave indicating development of tricuspid regurgitation may also be seen.
*Fasciculations in the upper/lower extremity


Latest revision as of 03:18, 21 April 2020

Endocardial cushion defect Microchapters


Patient Information





Differentiating Endocardial cushion defect from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


Diagnostic Study of Choice

History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings



Echocardiography and Ultrasound

CT scan


Other Imaging Findings

Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy



Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

Endocardial cushion defect physical examination On the Web

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CME Programs

Powerpoint slides


American Roentgen Ray Society Images of Endocardial cushion defect physical examination

All Images
Echo & Ultrasound
CT Images

Ongoing Trials at Clinical Trials.gov

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse

NICE Guidance

FDA on Endocardial cushion defect physical examination

CDC on Endocardial cushion defect physical examination

Endocardial cushion defect physical examination in the news

Blogs on Endocardial cushion defect physical examination

Directions to Hospitals Treating Psoriasis

Risk calculators and risk factors for Endocardial cushion defect physical examination

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Aditya Ganti M.B.B.S. [2]


Volume overload of the right side of heart can lead to right heart failure that may present with symptoms of swelling of the extremities, difficulty breathing and signs such as hepatomegaly and an elevated jugular venous pulse. On cardiovascular examinations there is a fixed splitting of second heart sound. Also, a systolic ejection murmur that is attributed to the increased flow of blood through the pulmonic valve can be heard.

Physical Examination

The physical findings in an adult with an endocardial cushion defect depends on:

Appearance of the Patient

  • Patients with endocardial cushion defect usually appear malnourished or show signs of poor growth.


  • Skin examination of patients with endocardial cushion defects is usually normal.





  • Right ventricular impulse: An increased left-to-right atrial shunt can cause a hyperdynamic right ventricular impulse or heave. The heave can be best palpated at the left sternal border or the subxiphoid area.
  • Pulmonary artery pulsations: Pulsatile, enlarged pulmonary artery pulsation can be felt at the second left intercostal space. These are more pronounced in patients with large left-to-right shunts. Patients with obstruction to right ventricular outflow have a less dynamic right ventricular impulse and may present with more of a tapping or thrusting quality.
  • Thrill: In large left-to-right shunt or the presence of a pulmonic stenosis a thrill can be palpated.


  • First heart sound, S1
  • Second heart sound, S2
  • Best heard: at the second inter-costal space at the upper left sternal border.
  • Fixed splitting of the second heart sound (S2) is present.
  • It should be evaluated with the patient sitting or standing.
  • Commonly seen with large left-to-right shunt and absence of pulmonary hypertension.
  • In unaffected individuals, there are respiratory variations in the splitting of the second heart sound (S2). During respiratory inspiration, the negative intrathoracic pressure causes increased blood return into the right side of the heart. The increased blood volume in the right ventricle causes the pulmonic valve to stay open longer during ventricular systole. This causes a normal delay in the P2 component of S2. During expiration, the positive intrathoracic pressure causes decreased blood return to the right side of the heart. The reduced volume in the right ventricle allows the pulmonic valve to close earlier at the end of ventricular systole, causing P2 to occur earlier. In individuals with anatrial septal defect, there is a fixed splitting of S2. Fixed splitting occurs as a result of the extra blood return during inspiration equalized by the intraseptal communication between the left and right atrium allowed by the defect. Fixed splitting of S2 is rare with ASDs in newborns as they have little left-to right shunts.



Several different types of murmur can occur in atrial septal defect:

  • Rumbling middiastolic murmur
  • Crescendo-decrescendo systolic ejection murmur
  • Midsystolic pulmonary flow or ejection murmur
  • Heard best at 2nd intercostal space at upper left sternal border.
  • Heard commonly in moderate to large left-to-right shunts.
  • Occur due to increased right ventricular stroke volume across pulmonary outflow tract.
  • Systolic crescendo-decrescendo murmur
  • Audible over the lung fields and is thought to occur from rapid flow through the peripheral pulmonary arteries.
  • Pansystolic mitral regurgitation murmur
  • Widely split S2, S3 and S4 can be heard on auscultation. These heart sounds get accentuated with inspiration.
  • Low-pitched murmur, best heard along the third or fourth intercostal spaces adjacent to the left sternal border.
  • When the pulmonary artery systolic pressure exceeds 70 mm Hg, dilatation of the pulmonary artery ring may then result in Graham-Steell's murmur. This is a high-pitched, blowing decrescendo murmur heard best along the left parasternal region.
  • Left-to-right shunt in atrial septal defect causes increased flow through the pulmonary vasculature, which can lead to pulmonary hypertension. This pulmonary hypertension may finally cause increased pressures in the right side of the heart and reversal of the shunt into a right-to-left shunt. Auscultatory findings accompanying pulmonary hypertension are-
  • Increased intensity of the pulmonic component of S2, but no fixed splitting
  • Fourth heart sound (right ventricular)
  • Midsystolic ejection click
  • Absence of tricuspid flow murmur
  • A holosystolic murmur of tricuspid insufficiency
  • Midsystolic pulmonic murmur
  • A high pitched pulmonic regurgitation murmur





  • Jugular venous pressure may be raised with 'a' wave indicating increased right atrial pressure. A "v" wave indicating development of tricuspid regurgitation may also be seen.


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