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{{DiseaseDisorder infobox |
  Name       = Growth hormone deficiency |
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  ICD10      = {{ICD10|E|23|0|e|20}} |
| Image          = Thomas Dilward - Brady-Handy.jpg
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| Caption       = Mathew Brady [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
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{{Growth hormone deficiency}}

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'''Growth Hormone Deficiency''' is the medical condition of inadequate production of [[growth hormone]] (GH) and its effects on children and adults. Growth hormone, also called [[somatotropin]], is a [[polypeptide]] [[hormone]] which stimulates [[growth]] and cell reproduction. See separate articles on [[growth hormone|GH physiology]] and [[growth hormone treatment|GH treatment]].
Deficiency of GH produces significantly different problems at various ages. In newborn infants the primary manifestations may be [[hypoglycemia]] or [[micropenis]]. In later infancy and childhood, [[growth failure]] may be major effect.

Adults with growth hormone deficiency may have diminished [[body composition|lean body mass]] and [[osteoporosis|poor bone density]] and a number of physical and psychological symptoms, including poor memory, social withdrawal, and even depression.  Abnormally low growth hormone levels in adults typically result in  diminished quality of life and can even be disabling.  Physical symptoms include loss of strength, stamina, and musculature.  Adults suffering from these symptoms should seek laboratory testing by an endocrinologist.  Other hormonal or glandular disorders frequently coincide with diminished growth hormone production. 
{{CMG}}; {{AE}} {{MAD}}

GH deficiency can be congenital or acquired in childhood or adult life. It can be partial or complete. It is usually permanent, but sometimes transient. It may be an isolated deficiency or occur in association with deficiencies of other [[pituitary]] hormones.
{{SK}} Dwarfism; Hyposomatotropism, Development hormone insufficiency

GH deficiency is treated by [[growth hormone treatment|growth hormone replacement]].
==[[Growth hormone deficiency overview|Overview]]==

==[[Growth hormone deficiency historical perspective|Historical Perspective]]==
The term [[hypopituitarism]] is often used interchangeably with GH deficiency by [[endocrinologist]]s but more often denotes GH deficiency plus deficiency of at least one other anterior pituitary hormone. When GH deficiency (usually with other anterior pituitary deficiencies) is associated with posterior pituitary hormone deficiency (usually [[diabetes insipidus]]) the condition is termed [[panhypopituitarism]].
==[[Growth hormone deficiency classification|Classification]]==
==[[Growth hormone deficiency pathophysiology|Pathophysiology]]==
==[[Growth hormone deficiency causes|Causes]]==
==[[Growth hormone deficiency differential diagnosis|Differentiating Growth hormone deficiency from other Diseases]]==
==[[Growth hormone deficiency epidemiology and demographics|Epidemiology and Demographics]]==

HGH also refers to [[human growth hormone]] but this older abbreviation has begun to develop paradoxical connotations (see fuller discussion of HGH in [[growth hormone treatment|GH treatment]] and [[HGH quackery]]).
==[[Growth hormone deficiency risk factors|Risk Factors]]==
==[[Growth hormone deficiency screening|Screening]]==

==Causes of GH deficiency==
==[[Growth hormone deficiency natural history, complications and prognosis|Natural History, Complications and Prognosis]]==
There are many causes of GH deficiency. Some examples include:
* [[mutation]]s of specific [[gene]]s (e.g., [[GHRHR]], GH1)
[[Growth hormone deficiency history and symptoms|History and Symptoms]] | [[Growth hormone deficiency physical examination|Physical Examination]] | [[Growth hormone deficiency laboratory findings|Laboratory Findings]] | [[Growth hormone deficiency x ray|X-Ray Findings]] | [[Growth hormone deficiency CT|CT-Scan Findings]] | [[Growth hormone deficiency MRI|MRI Findings]] | [[Growth hormone deficiency other diagnostic studies|Other Diagnostic Studies]] | [[Growth hormone deficiency other imaging findings|Other Imaging Findings]]
* [[congenital malformation]]s involving the pituitary (e.g., [[septo-optic dysplasia]], posterior pituitary ectopia)
* damage to the pituitary from incracranial disease (e.g., [[hydrocephalus]]),
* [[brain tumor|intracranial tumors]] in or near the [[sella turcica]], especially [[craniopharyngioma]],
* damage to the pituitary from [[radiation therapy]] to the head for [[leukemia]] or [[brain tumor]]s,
* surgery in the area of the pituitary,
* [[autoimmunity|autoimmune]] [[inflammation]] (hypophysitis),
* severe [[head trauma]],
* ischemic or hemorrhagic infarction from low blood pressure ([[Sheehan syndrome]]) or hemorrhage [[pituitary apoplexy]].

Many cases of isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) recognized in childhood are idiopathic. IGHD has been reported to affect about 1 in 4000 children, but IGHD is difficult to distinguish from other causes of shortness such as constitutional delay, and the true incidence is unsettled.
[[Growth hormone deficiency medical therapy|Medical Therapy]] | [[Growth hormone deficiency surgery|Surgery]] | [[Growth hormone deficiency primary prevention|Primary Prevention]] | [[Growth hormone deficiency secondary prevention|Secondary Prevention]] | [[Growth hormone deficiency cost-effectiveness of therapy|Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy]] | [[Growth hormone deficiency future or investigational therapies|Future or Investigational Therapies]]

Severe prenatal deficiency of GH, as occurs in congenital hypopituitarism, has little effect on fetal growth. However, prenatal and congenital deficiency can reduce the size of a male's [[penis]], especially when gonadotropins are also deficient. Besides [[micropenis]], additional consequences of severe deficiency in the first days of life can include [[hypoglycemia]] and exaggerated [[jaundice]] (both direct and indirect hyperbilirubinemia). Female infants will lack the [[micropenis|microphallus]] of course but may suffer from hypoglycemia and jaundice.
==Case Studies==
[[Growth hormone deficiency case study one|Case #1]]

Even congenital GH deficiency does not usually impair length growth until after the first few months of life. From late in the first year until mid teens, poor growth and/or shortness is the hallmark of childhood GH deficiency. Growth is not as severely affected in GH deficiency as in untreated [[hypothyroidism]], but growth at about half the usual velocity for age is typical. It tends to be accompanied by delayed physical maturation so that [[bone age|bone maturation]] and [[puberty]] may be several years delayed. When severe GH deficiency is present from birth and never treated, adult heights can be as short as 48-58 inches (122-147 cm).
==Related Chapters==
*[[Growth hormone]]
Severe GH deficiency in early childhood also results in slower [[muscle|muscular]] development, so that gross motor milestones such as standing, walking, and jumping may be delayed. [[Body composition]] (i.e., the relative amounts of [[bone]], muscle, and [[adipose tissue|fat]]) is affected in many children with severe deficiency, so that mild to moderate chubbiness is common (though GH deficiency alone rarely causes severe obesity). Some severely GH-deficient children have recognizable, cherubic facial features characterized by [[maxilla]]ry hypoplasia and forehead prominence (said to resemble a kewpie doll).
*[[Growth hormone treatment]]
*[[HGH quackery]]
==Adult GH deficiency==
Though growth ends with sexual maturity, GH continues to be secreted throughout life. In adults, GH contributes to maintenance of [[muscle]] and [[bone]] mass and strength as well as quality and productivity in life.  Understanding of the effects and benefits of GH in adults increased in the 1980's and the features of adult GH deficiency have not only been published, but can be said to have gained some notoriety.
Reported effects of severe GH deficiency in adults have included:
* reduced muscle mass and strength
* reduced bone mass and strength
* reduced physical, mental, and social energy and resilience
* impaired concentration and loss of memory
* mild depression
* neuralgic arthralgias
* increased body fat, particularly around the waistline
* increased cholesterol
* increased mortality due to cardiovascular disease
As an adult ages, diminishing amounts of GH are produced by the pituitary. This is characteristic of other hormones (especially the [[sex steroid]]s) as well, and most physicians distinguish between the "naturally" reduced (age-related slowing) secretion of aging and the lower levels of real deficiency.
==Diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency==
[[Pediatric endocrinologist]]s are the physicians who specialize in diagnosis and treatment of growth hormone deficiency and growth problems in children. [[Internal medicine|Internist]] [[endocrinologist]]s are the physicians with the most expertise in assessment and treatment of adult GH deficiency.
Although GH can be readily measured in a blood sample, testing for GH deficiency is constrained by the fact that levels are nearly undetectable for most of the day. This makes simple measurement of GH in a single blood sample useless for detecting deficiency. Physicians therefore use a combination of indirect and direct criteria.
Several types of evidence are used to ascertain GH sufficiency or deficiency.
* Auxologic criteria (defined by body measurements)
* Indirect hormonal criteria (IGF levels from a single blood sample)
* Direct hormonal criteria (measurement of GH in multiple blood samples to determine secretory patterns or responses to provocative testing)
* Response to GH treatment
* Corroborative evidence of pituitary dysfunction
"Provocative tests" involve giving a dose of an agent that will normally provoke a pituitary to release a burst of growth hormone. An intravenous line is established, the agent is given, and small amounts of blood are drawn at 15 minute intervals over the next hour to determine if a rise of GH was provoked. Agents which have been used clinically to stimulate and assess GH secretion are [[arginine]], [[levodopa]], [[clonidine]], [[epinephrine]] and [[propranolol]], [[glucagon]] and [[insulin]].
Severe GH deficiency in childhood has the following measurable characteristics:
* Proportional stature well below that expected for family heights
* Below-normal velocity of growth
* Delayed physical maturation
* Delayed bone age
* Low levels of [[IGF1]], IGF2, IGF binding protein 3
* Subnormal frequency and amplitude of GH secretory peaks when sampled over several hours
* Subnormal GH secretion in response to at least two provocative stimuli
* Increased IGF1 levels after a few days of GH treatment
* Increased growth velocity after a few months of GH treatment
Severe GH deficiency in adults has the following measurable characteristics:
* Body composition has higher amount of body fat
* Subnormal bone density
* Diminished muscle strength
* Higher [[cholesterol]] levels
* Low IGF1 level
* Subnormal frequency and amplitude of GH secretory peaks when tracked over several hours
* Subnormal GH secretion in response to at least two provocative stimuli
* Increased IGF1 levels after a few days of GH treatment
When these features are accompanied by corroboratory evidence of hypopituitarism such as deficiency of other pituitary hormones, a structurally abnormal pituitary, or a history of damage to the pituitary, the diagnosis is confirmed and presumed to be lifelong. When these corroborative features are not present, further testing is needed to establish the diagnosis.
For GH deficiency, as for many other diseases, the practical purpose and effect of these diagnostic criteria is to determine who is to be treated with it. GH deficiency accounts for only a minority of [[short stature]] among children. GH deficiency accounts for an even smaller proportion of [[Fatigue (physical)|fatigability]], [[obesity|excessive fat]], [[osteoporosis|osteopenic bones]], and underdeveloped muscles in adults.  An ideal [[diagnostic test]] cleanly separates people who would benefit from a treatment from those who would not. Unfortunately, none of the criteria listed above do so, not even in various combinations.
The common clinical problem is that many children and adults being evaluated meet some, but not all, of the above criteria. Since many children and adults who do not meet all of the diagnostic criteria may receive some of the benefits of treatment, small differences in the diagnostic criteria make large differences in the number of short or tired people diagnosed with deficiency.
Because of uncertainties and complexities of diagnosis and the high costs of treatment, diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency has been a more persistent subject of debate and controversy in clinical endocrinology than any other aspect of endocrine diagnosis. It has become a major type of internet fraud {[[HGH quackery]]}.
==Treatment of GH deficiency==
{{main|Growth hormone treatment}}
GH deficiency is treated by replacing GH. Until 1985, growth hormone for treatment was obtained by extraction from human pituitary glands collected at autopsy. Since 1985 GH is a synthetic copy of human GH, manufactured by [[recombinant DNA technology]].
===Treatment of GH deficiency in childhood===
When treated with GH, a severely deficient child will begin to grow faster within months. In the first year of treatment, the rate of growth may increase from half as fast as other children are growing to twice as fast (e.g., from 1 inch a year to 4 inches, or 2.5 cm to 10). Growth typically slows in subsequent years, but usually remains above normal so that over several years a child who had fallen far behind in his height may grow into the normal height range. Parents often notice increased strength, appetite, and energy. Increased muscle strength may allow young children to overcome [[developmental delay|delays of motor development]]. Excess adipose tissue may be reduced.
There are almost no significant side effects of this type of physiologic replacement. Rare risks and unsettled issues are discussed in the article on [[growth hormone treatment|GH treatment]], but GH deficient children receiving replacement doses are at the lowest risk for problems and receive the greatest benefit.
Nevertheless, costs of treatment in terms of money, effort, and perhaps quality of life, are substantial. Treatment usually involves daily injections of growth hormone for children. Most pediatric endocrinologists monitor growth and adjust dose every 3-4 months and many of these visits involve blood tests. Treatment is usually extended as long as the child is growing, and lifelong continuation may be recommended for those most severely deficient. Nearly painless insulin [[syringe]]s and [[pen injector]]s reduce the discomfort. Most children and families are enthusiastic once the benefits begin to be seen. Treatment is expensive - as much as $US 10,000 to 30,000 a year is common.
Little except the cost of treating severely deficient children is controversial, and it is likely that the majority of children with severe growth hormone deficiency in North America, Japan, and much of Europe and the rest of the developed world are offered treatment, and most accept. The story is very different for adult deficiency.
It has been shown repeatedly in research studies that GH treatment can confer a number of measurable benefits to severely GH-deficient adults, such as enhanced energy and strength, and improved bone density. Muscle mass may increase at the expense of adipose tissue. Blood lipid levels improve, but long term mortality benefit has not yet been demonstrated.
GH for severe adult deficiency is usually prescribed as three injections per week at a weekly dose about 25% of children's doses and comparably lower cost. Despite the demonstrated benefits, most adults with GH deficiency are not being treated due to a combination of factors such as unwillingness of young adults to seek medical care, unacceptability of injections, inadequate insurance coverage, and significantly lower rates of diagnosis and treatment offer by internist endocrinologists.
{{details|Growth hormone treatment|treatment of Growth Hormone Deficiency}}
Perhaps the most famous person who exemplified the appearance of untreated congenital growth hormone deficiency was Charles Sherwood Stratton (1838-1883), who was exhibited by P.T. Barnum as [[General Tom Thumb]], and married Lavinia Warren. Pictures of the couple appear to show the typical adult features of untreated severe growth hormone deficiency. Despite the severe shortness, limbs and trunk are proportional.
Like many other 19th century medical terms which lost precise meaning as they gained wider currency, “midget” as a term for someone with severe proportional shortness acquired pejorative connotations and is no longer used in a medical context.
==GH resistance==
There are a variety of rare diseases which resemble GH deficiency, including the childhood growth failure, facial appearance, delayed bone age, and low IGF levels. However, GH testing elicits normal or high levels of GH in the blood, demonstrating that the problem is not due to a deficiency of GH but rather to a reduced sensitivity to its action. GH treatment does not increase IGF levels or improve growth very much.
The traditional term for this condition is [[Laron dwarfism]], but over the last 15 years many different types of GH resistance have been identified, primarily involving mutations of the GH binding protein or receptors. Trials of treatment with IGF1 were not successful enough to warrant adoption as standard use.

==External links==
==External links==
Links written for general public:
The two major United States support organizations for childhood and adult GH deficiency (as well as other growth problems).
* [ Human Growth Foundation]
* [ Magic Foundation for Children's Growth]
Many good links related to GH deficency.
* [ NIH Medline Plus]
* [ NIH Medline Plus]

Links written for physicians:
{{Endocrine pathology}}
Practice guidelines and recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of GH deficiency, reflecting standard practice among U.S. endocrinologists.
* [ Am Assoc Clinical Endocrinologists]
Online journal primarily written for pediatric endocrinologists that has been publishing brief reviews and research synopses related to growth hormone and growth issues for many years.
* [ Growth, Genetics, & Hormones]
Online textbook of endocrinology with chapters on growth and pituitary disorders.
* []

Non-profit advocacy group for adults of short stature.
* [ National Organization of Short Statured Adults]
{{Endocrine pathology}}
[[Category:Growth hormones]]
[[Category:Growth hormones]]
[[Category:Mature chapter]]


Latest revision as of 17:43, 20 October 2017

Growth hormone deficiency
Mathew Brady [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Growth hormone deficiency Microchapters


Patient Information


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Growth hormone deficiency from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


Diagnostic Criteria

History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings

X Ray



Echocardiography or Ultrasound

Other Imaging Findings

Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy


Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

Growth hormone deficiency On the Web

Most recent articles

Most cited articles

Review articles

CME Programs

Powerpoint slides


American Roentgen Ray Society Images of Growth hormone deficiency

All Images
Echo & Ultrasound
CT Images

Ongoing Trials at Clinical

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse

NICE Guidance

FDA on Growth hormone deficiency

CDC on Growth hormone deficiency

Growth hormone deficiency in the news

Blogs on Growth hormone deficiency

Directions to Hospitals Treating Growth hormone deficiency

Risk calculators and risk factors for Growth hormone deficiency

For patient information click here

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Mohammed Abdelwahed M.D[2]

Synonyms and keywords: Dwarfism; Hyposomatotropism, Development hormone insufficiency


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Growth hormone deficiency from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


History and Symptoms | Physical Examination | Laboratory Findings | X-Ray Findings | CT-Scan Findings | MRI Findings | Other Diagnostic Studies | Other Imaging Findings


Medical Therapy | Surgery | Primary Prevention | Secondary Prevention | Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy | Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

Related Chapters

External links


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