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'''For patient information click [[Sleep apnea (patient information)|here]]'''
{{Sleep apnea}}
{{Infobox_Disease |
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   Name          = Sleep Apnea |
   Image          = Sleep apnea.jpg|
   Image          = Sleep apnea.jpg|
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  DiseasesDB    = |
  ICD10          = {{ICD10|G|47|3|g|40}} |
  ICD9          = {{ICD9|780.57}} |
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  MedlinePlus    = |
  MeshID        = D012891 |
{{Sleep apnea}}
{{CMG}}; '''Associate Editor(s)-In-Chief:''' [[Kashish Goel|Kashish Goel, M.D.]]

Keywords: Sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea, obesity hypoventilation, cor pulmonale
'''For patient information about sleep apnea click [[Sleep apnea (patient information)|here]]'''
'''For patient information about central sleep apnea click [[Central sleep apnea (patient information)|here]]'''

==[[Sleep Apnea Overview |Overview]]==
{{CMG}}; {{AE}} [[Saarah T. Alkhairy, M.D.]]

==[[Sleep apnea overview|Overview]]==
There are two different type of sleep apnea. This section will focus on obstructive sleep apnea.
===[[Central Sleep Apnea]]===
===[[Obstructive Sleep Apnea|Obstructive sleep apnea]]===

==Obstructive sleep apnea==
[[Clinical practice guideline]]s by the [[United States Preventive Services Task Force]]<ref name="pmid28118461">US Preventive Services Task Force. Bibbins-Domingo K, Grossman DC, Curry SJ, Davidson KW, Epling JW et al. (2017) [ Screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Adults: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement.] ''JAMA'' 317 (4):407-414. [ DOI:10.1001/jama.2016.20325] PMID: [ 28118461]</ref> and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine<ref name="pmid28162150">{{cite journal| author=Kapur VK, Auckley DH, Chowdhuri S, Kuhlmann DC, Mehra R, Ramar K et al.| title=Clinical Practice Guideline for Diagnostic Testing for Adult Obstructive Sleep Apnea: An American Academy of Sleep Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline. | journal=J Clin Sleep Med | year= 2017 | volume= 13 | issue= 3 | pages= 479-504 | pmid=28162150 | doi=10.5664/jcsm.6506 | pmc=5337595 | url=  }} </ref><ref name="pmid29183053">{{cite journal| author=Mokhlesi B, Cifu AS| title=Diagnostic Testing for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Adults. | journal=JAMA | year= 2017 | volume= 318 | issue= 20 | pages= 2035-2036 | pmid=29183053 | doi=10.1001/jama.2017.16722 | pmc= | url=  }} </ref> address screening and diagnosis.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is not only much more frequent than central sleep apnea, it is a common condition in many parts of the world. If studied carefully in a sleep lab by polysomnography, approximately 1 in 5 American adults has at least mild OSA.
==[[Sleep apnea historical perspective|Historical Perspective]]==
<ref name="facial phenotype">{{cite journal
|author=Shamsuzzaman AS, Gersh BJ, Somers VK
|journal=[[Journal of the American Medical Association]]
|title=Obstructive sleep apnea: implications for cardiac and vascular disease
|year = 2003
|month = October
|day =8
|volume = 290
|issue = 14
|pages = 1906-14
|pmid = 14532320
}}</ref> Since the muscle tone of the body ordinarily relaxes during sleep, and since, at the level of the throat, the human airway is composed of walls of soft tissue, which can collapse, it is easy to understand why breathing can be obstructed during sleep.  Although many individuals experience episodes of obstructive sleep apnea at some point in life, a much smaller percentage of people are afflicted with chronic severe obstructive sleep apnea.

Normal sleep/wakefulness in adults has distinct stages  numbered 1 to 4, REM sleep, and wake. The deeper stages (3 to 4) are required for the physically restorative effects of sleep and in pre-adolescents are the focus of release for human growth hormone.  Stages 2 and REM, which combined are 70% of an average person's total sleep time, are more associated with mental recovery and maintenance.  During REM sleep in particular, muscle tone of the throat and neck, as well as the vast majority of all skeletal muscles, is almost completely attenuated, allowing the tongue and soft palate/oropharynx to relax, and in the case of sleep apnea, to impede the flow of air to a degree ranging from light [[snoring]] to complete collapse. In the cases where airflow is reduced to a degree where blood oxygen levels fall, or the physical exertion to breathe is too great, neurological mechanisms trigger a sudden interruption of sleep, called a neurological arousal.  These arousals may or may not result in complete awakening, but can have a significant negative effect on the restorative quality of sleep.  In significant cases of obstructive sleep apnea, one consequence is sleep deprivation due to the repetitive disruption and recovery of sleep activity.  This sleep interruption in stages 3 and 4 (also collectively called slow-wave sleep), can interfere with normal growth patterns, healing, and immune response, especially in children and young adults.
==[[Sleep apnea classification|Classification]]==

Many people experience elements of obstructive sleep apnea for only a short period of time. This can be the result of an upper respiratory infection that causes nasal congestion, along with swelling of the throat, or tonsillitis that temporarily produces very enlarged tonsils. The [[Epstein-Barr virus]], for example, is known to be able to dramatically increase the size of lymphoid tissue during acute infection, and obstructive sleep apnea is fairly common in acute cases of severe [[infectious mononucleosis]]. Temporary spells of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome may also occur in individuals who are under the influence of a drug (such as alcohol) that may relax their body tone excessively and interfere with normal arousal from sleep mechanisms.
==[[Sleep apnea epidemiology|Epidemiology]]==
==[[Sleep apnea risk factors|Risk factors]]==
==[[Sleep apnea pathophysiology|Pathophysiology]]==
==[[Sleep apnea pathophysiology|Pathophysiology]]==
==[[Sleep apnea causes|Causes]]==
==[[Sleep apnea causes|Causes]]==
== Diagnosis ==
:[[Sleep apnea history and symptoms| History and Symptoms]] | [[Sleep apnea physical examination | Physical Examination]] | [[Sleep apnea laboratory studies | Lab Studies]] | [[Sleep apnea electrocardiogram|Electrocardiogram]] | [[Sleep apnea polysomnography|Polysomnography]] | [[Sleep apnea home oximetry|Home Oximetry]] | [[Sleep apnea other imaging findings|Other imaging findings]]

==[[Sleep apnea differential diagnosis|Differentiating Sleep Apnea From Other Diseases]]==
:[[Sleep apnea medical treatment| Medical Treatment]] | [[Sleep apnea surgical treatment| Surgical Treatment]]

There are a variety of treatments for obstructive sleep apnea, depending on an individual’s medical history, the severity of the disorder and, most importantly, the specific cause of the obstruction.
==[[Sleep apnea epidemiology and demographics|Epidemiology and Demographics]]==

In acute [[infectious mononucleosis]], for example, although the airway may be severely obstructed in the first 2 weeks of the illness, the presence of lymphoid tissue (suddenly enlarged [[tonsils]] and [[adenoids]]) blocking the throat is usually only temporary. A course of anti-inflammatory steroids such as prednisone (or another kind of glucocorticoid drug) is often given to reduce this lymphoid tissue. Although the effects of the steroids are short term, in most affected individuals, the tonsillar and adenoidal enlargement are also short term, and will be reduced on its own by the time a brief course of steroids is completed. In unusual cases where the enlarged lymphoid tissue persists after resolution of the acute stage of the [[Epstein-Barr]] infection, or in which medical treatment with anti-inflammatory steroids does not adequately relieve breathing, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy may be urgently required.
==[[Sleep apnea risk factors|Risk Factors]]==

Most children with obstructive sleep apnea have the problem on the basis of chronically enlarged tonsils and adenoids. In these children, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy is curative. The operation may be far from trivial, however, in the worst cases, in which growth is reduced and abnormalities of the right heart may have developed. Even in these extreme cases, however, the surgery tends to cure not only the apnea and upper airway obstruction - but to allow subsequent normal growth and development. Once the high end-expiratory pressures are relieved, the cardiovascular complications reverse themselves. The postoperative period in these children requires special precautions (see ''surgery and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome'' below).
==[[Sleep apnea screening|Screening]]==

The treatment for obstructive sleep apnea in the case of adults with poor oropharyngeal airways secondary to heavy upper body type is varied. Unfortunately, in this most common type of obstructive sleep apnea, unlike some of the cases discussed above, reliable cures are not the rule.
==[[Sleep apnea natural history, complications and prognosis|Natural History, Complications and Prognosis]]==

Some treatments involve lifestyle changes, such as avoiding alcohol and medications that relax the central nervous system (for example, sedatives and muscle relaxants), losing weight, and quitting smoking. Some people are helped by special pillows or devices that keep them from sleeping on their backs, or oral appliances to keep the airway open during sleep. If these conservative methods are inadequate, doctors often recommend [[continuous positive airway pressure]] (CPAP), in which a face mask is attached to a tube and a machine that blows pressurized air into the mask and through the airway to keep it open. There are also surgical procedures that can be used to remove and tighten tissue and widen the airway, but the success rate is not high. Some individuals may need a combination of therapies to successfully treat their sleep apnea.

=== Physical intervention ===
[[Sleep apnea diagnostic criteria|Diagnostic Criteria]] | [[Sleep apnea history and symptoms|History and Symptoms]] | [[Sleep apnea physical examination|Physical Examination]] | [[Sleep apnea laboratory findings|Laboratory Findings]]  | [[Sleep apnea CT|CT]] | [[Sleep apnea MRI|MRI]] | [[Sleep apnea echocardiography or ultrasound|Echocardiography or Ultrasound]] | [[Sleep apnea other imaging findings|Other Imaging Findings]] | [[Sleep apnea other diagnostic studies|Other Diagnostic Studies]]
The most widely used current therapeutic intervention is ''positive airway pressure'' whereby a breathing machine pumps a controlled stream of air through a mask worn over the nose, mouth, or both. The additional pressure splints or holds open the relaxed muscles, just as air in a [[balloon]] inflates it. There are several variants:
* ([[Continuous positive airway pressure|CPAP]]), or ''continuous positive airway pressure'', in which a controlled air compressor generates an airstream at a constant pressure. This pressure is prescribed by the patient's physician, based on an overnight test or [[titration]]. Newer CPAP models are available which slightly reduce pressure upon exhalation to increase patient comfort and compliance. CPAP is the most common treatment for obstructive sleep apnea.
* ([[VPAP]]), or ''variable positive airway pressure'', also known as bilevel or BiPAP, uses an electronic circuit to monitor the patient's breathing, and provides two different pressures, a higher one during [[inhalation]] and a lower pressure during [[exhalation]]. This system is more expensive, and is sometimes used with patients who have other coexisting respiratory problems and/or who find breathing out against an increased pressure to be uncomfortable or disruptive to their sleep.
* (APAP), or ''automatic positive airway pressure'', is the newest form of such treatment. An APAP machine incorporates pressure <!-- and our vibration -->sensors and a computer which continuously monitors the patient's breathing performance. It adjusts pressure continuously, increasing it when the user is attempting to breathe but cannot, and decreasing it when the pressure is higher than necessary. Although FDA approved, these devices are still considered experimental by many, and are not covered by most insurance plans.

A second type of physical intervention, a [[Mandibular advancement splint]] (MAS), is sometimes prescribed for mild or moderate sleep apnea sufferers. The device is a mouthguard similar to those used in sports to protect the teeth. For apnea patients, it is designed to hold the lower jaw slightly down and forward relative to the natural, relaxed position. This position holds the tongue farther away from the back of the airway, and may be enough to relieve apnea or improve breathing for some patients.
The FDA accepts only 16 oral appliances for the treatment of sleep apnea. A listing is available at their [ website]
[[Sleep apnea medical therapy|Medical Therapy]] | [[Sleep apnea surgery|Surgery]] | [[Sleep apnea primary prevention|Primary Prevention]] | [[Sleep apnea secondary prevention|Secondary Prevention]] | [[Sleep apnea cost-effectiveness of therapy|Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy]] | [[Sleep apnea future or investigational therapies|Future or Investigational Therapies]]
Oral appliance therapy is less effective than CPAP, but is more 'user friendly'. Side-effects are common, but rarely is the patient aware of them.
=== Pharmaceuticals ===
There are no effective drug-based treatment for obstructive sleep apnea.
Oral administration of the [[methylxanthine]] [[theophylline]] (chemically similar to [[caffeine]]) can reduce the number of episodes of apnea, but can also produce side effects such as palpitations and insomnia. Theophylline is generally ineffective in adults with OSA, but is sometimes used to treat central sleep apnea (see below), and [[infant]]s and children with apnea.
When other treatments do not completely treat the OSA, drugs are sometimes prescribed to treat a patient's daytime sleepiness or [[somnolence]]. These range from [[stimulants]] such as [[amphetamines]] to modern anti-[[narcolepsy|narcoleptic]] medicines. The anti-narcoleptic [[modafinil]] is seeing increased use in this role as of 2004.
In most cases, weight loss will reduce the number and severity of apnea episodes. In the morbidly obese, a major loss of weight (such as what occurs after[[bariatric]] surgery) can sometimes cure the condition.
=== Neurostimulation ===
Many researchers believe that OSA is at root a [[neurological]] condition, in which nerves that control the tongue and soft palate fail to sufficiently stimulate those muscles, leading to over-relaxation and airway blockage. A few experiments and trial studies have explored the use of pacemakers and similar devices, programmed to detect breathing effort and deliver gentle electrical stimulation to the muscles of the tongue.
This is not a common mode of treatment for OSA patients as of 2004, but it is an active field of research.
=== Surgical intervention ===
A number of different surgeries are available to improve the size or tone of a patient's airway. For decades, [[tracheostomy]] was the only effective treatment for sleep apnea. It is used today only in rare, intractable cases that have withstood other attempts at treatment. Modern operations employ one or more of several options, tailored to each patient's needs. Long term success rates are low, resulting in most doctors favoring CPAP.
* Nasal surgery, including turbinectomy (removal or reduction of a nasal [[turbinate]]), or straightening of the [[nasal septum]], in patients with nasal obstruction or congestion which reduces airway pressure and complicates OSA.
* [[Tonsilectomy]] and/or [[adenoidectomy]] in an attempt to increase the size of the airway.
* Removal or reduction of parts of the [[soft palate]] and some or all of the [[uvula]], such as [[uvulopalatopharyngoplasty]] (UPPP) or [[laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty]] (''LAUP''). Modern variants of this procedure sometimes use radiofrequency waves to heat and remove tissue.
* Reduction of the tongue base, either with laser excision or [[radiofrequency ablation]].
* ''[[Genioglossus Advancement]]'', in which a small portion of the lower jaw that attaches to the tongue is moved forward, to pull the tongue away from the back of the airway.
* ''Hyoid Suspension'', in which the [[hyoid bone]] in the neck, another attachment point for tongue muscles, is pulled forward in front of the [[larynx]].
* ''[[Maxillomandibular advancement]]'' (MMA). A more invasive surgery usually only tried in difficult cases where other surgeries have not relieved the patient's OSA, or where an abnormal facial structure is suspected as a root cause. In MMA, the patient's upper and lower jaw are detached from the skull, moved forward, and reattached with pins and/or plates.<ref>{{cite journal
  | author = Li K, Riley R, Powell N, Guilleminault C
  | title = Maxillomandibular advancement for persistent obstructive sleep apnea after phase I surgery in patients without maxillomandibular deficiency.
  | journal = Laryngoscope
  | volume = 110
  | issue = 10 Pt 1
  | pages = 1684-8
  | year = 2000
  | id = PMID 11037825}}</ref>
*Pillar procedure, three small inserts are injected into the soft palate to offer support, potentially reducing snoring in mild to moderate sleep apnea<ref>. {{cite web|title=Pillar procedure||url=}}</ref>
==Special situation: surgery and anesthesia in patients with sleep apnea syndrome==
Many drugs and agents used during surgery to relieve pain and depress consciousness remain in the body at low amounts for hours or even days afterwards. In an individual with either central, obstructive or mixed sleep apnea, these low doses may be enough to cause life-threatening irregularities in breathing.
Use of analgesics and sedatives in these patients postoperatively should therefore be minimized or avoided.
Surgery on the mouth and throat, as well as dental surgery and procedures, can result in postoperative swelling of the lining of the mouth and other areas that affect the airway. Even when the surgical procedure is designed to improve the airway, such as tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy or tongue reduction -swelling may negate some of the effects in the immediate postoperative period.
Individuals with sleep apnea generally require more intensive monitoring after surgery for these reasons.
===Alternative treatments===
Breathing exercises, such as those used in [[Yoga]], the [[Buteyko method]], or didgeridoo playing can be effective.  There are muscles which act to tension and open the airway during each inspiration.  Exercises can, in some cases, restore sufficient function to these muscles to prevent or reduce apnea.
A program which uses specialized "singing" exercises to tone the throat, in particular, the soft palate, tongue and nasaopharynx, is 'Singing for Snorers' by Alise Ojay. Dr. Elizabeth Scott, a medical doctor living in Scotland, had experimented with singing exercises and found considerable success, as reviewed in her book The Natural Way to Stop Snoring (London: Orion 1995) but had been unable to carry out a clinical trial. Alise Ojay, a choir director singer and composer, began researching the possibility of using singing exercises to help a friend with snoring, and came across Dr. Scott's work. In 1999, as an Honorary Research Fellow with the support of the Department of Complementary Medicine at the University of Exeter, Alise conducted the first trial of singing exercises to reduce snoring which she published with Edzard Ernst, "Can singing exercises reduce snoring? A pilot study." Complement Ther Med 2000; 8(3): 151-156. The results were described by Ojay as promising and after two years of investigations, she designed the 'Singing for Snorers' program in 2002.
The independent nonprofit UK consumer advocacy group Which? reviewed Singing for Snorers. Their physician Dr. Williams "feels the company is ethical in ‘offering aims not claims’ until research is complete." and the review stated that "Combining the programme with diet and exercise, the snorer in our test couple found real improvements in the volume and frequency of his snoring after six weeks. His partner is sleeping better, too."<ref>[ Snoring remedies Which? snoring remedy user trial]</ref>In the case of snorers who also have sleep apnea, there is anecdotal evidence from some of the users of Ojay's program, as she reports on her page<ref>[]</ref>, as reported by Charley Hupp, who flew to the UK to personally thank her, on his web page<ref>[]</ref> and as reported by one user in the UK on the discussion forum of the British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association. This person, Ken, reports that sleep tests before and after the program shows a significant effect: "my apnoeas had gone down from 35 to 0.8 per hour."<ref>[  Post subject: Singing for Snorers]</ref>
===Position treatments===
One of the best treatments is merely to sleep at a 30 degree angle<ref>[ Effects of sleep posture on upper airway stability in patients with obstructive sleep apnea - Neill et al. 155 (1): 199 - American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> or higher, as if in a recliner. Doing so helps prevent gravity from collapsing the airway. [[Lateral|Lateral positions]] (sleeping on your side), as opposed to [[Supine position|supine positions]] (sleeping on your back), are also recommended as a treatment for sleep apnea,<ref>[ The Study Of The Influence Of Sleep Position On Sleep Apnea<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref><ref>[ Positioner-a method for preventing sleep apnea<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref><ref>[ Lateral sleeping position reduces severity of cent...[Sleep. 2006&#93; - PubMed Result<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> largely because the effect of gravity is not as strong to collapse the airway in the lateral position. Nonetheless, sleeping at a 30 degree angle is a superior sleep position compared to either a supine or lateral position.<ref>[ Effects of sleep posture on upper airway stability in patients with obstructive sleep apnea - Neill et al. 155 (1): 199 - American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> A 30 degree position can be achieved by sleeping in a recliner, buying an adjustable bed, or buying a bed wedge to place under the mattress.  This approach can easily be used in combination with other treatments and may be particularly effective in very obese people.
Although it takes some trial and error, most patients find a combination of treatments which reduce apnea events and improve their overall health, energy, and well-being.  Without treatment, the [[sleep deprivation]] and lack of oxygen caused by sleep apnea increases health risks such as [[cardiovascular disease]], [[high blood pressure]], [[stroke]], [[diabetes]], [[clinical depression]],<ref name="pmid15982424">{{cite journal |author=Schröder CM, O'Hara R|title=Depression and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) |journal=Ann Gen Psychiatry |volume=4 |issue= |pages=13 |year=2005 |pmid=15982424|doi=10.1186/1744-859X-4-13 |url=}}</ref> weight gain and [[obesity]].
The most serious consequence of untreated obstructive sleep apnea is to the heart. In severe and prolonged cases, there are increases in pulmonary pressures that are transmitted to the right side of the heart. This can result in a severe form of congestive heart failure (''[[cor pulmonale]]'').

Elevated arterial pressure (commonly called [[high blood pressure]]) can be a consequence of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.<ref name="Sleep Apnea">{{cite journal
==Case Studies==
|author=Silverberg DS, Iaina A and Oksenberg A
|journal=American Family Physicians
|title=Treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea Improves Essential Hypertension and Quality of Life
|year = 2002
|month = January
|volume = 65
|issue = 2
|pages = 229-36
|pmid = 11820487
}}</ref> When high blood pressure is caused by OSA, it is distinctive in that, unlike most cases of high blood pressure (so-called [[essential hypertension]]), the readings do ''not'' drop significantly when the individual is sleeping.<ref>{{cite journal
|author=Grigg-Damberger M.
|title=Why a polysomnogram should become part of the diagnostic evaluation of stroke and transient ischemic attack
|journal=Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology|
|pmid=16514349}}</ref> [[Stroke]] is associated with obstructive sleep apnea.<ref>{{cite journal
  |author = H. Klar Yaggi, M.D., M.P.H.
  |coauthors = John Concato, M.D., M.P.H., Walter N. Kernan, M.D., Judith H. Lichtman, Ph.D., M.P.H., Lawrence M. Brass, M.D., and Vahid Mohsenin, M.D.
  |title = Obstructive Sleep Apnea as a Risk Factor for Stroke and Death
  |journal = The New England Journal of Medicine
  |volume = 353
  |issue = Number 19
  |pages= 2034-2041
  |date= November 10, 2005
  |accessdate = 2007-04-10
  |pmid = 16282178}}</ref>  Sleep apnea sufferers also have a 30% higher risk of heart attack or death than those unaffected.<ref> {{cite web|url=|title=Sleep Apnea Increases Risk of Heart Attack or Death by 30% |last=N.A. Shah, M.D., N.A. Botros, M.D., H.K. Yaggi, M.D., M., V. Mohsenin, M.D., New Haven, CT |date=May 20, 2007 |work=American Thoracic Society }}</ref>

Many studies indicate that it is the effect of the "fight or flight" response on the body that happens with each apneic event that increases these risks. The [[fight or flight]] response causes many hormonal changes in the body; those changes, coupled with the low oxygen saturation level of the blood, cause damage to the body over time.<ref>[]</ref><ref>[]</ref><ref></ref><ref>[] </ref>
==See also==
*[[Marfan syndrome]]
* {{cite journal | author= Maninder Kalra |coauthors= Ranajit Chakraborty |year= 2007 |title= Genetic susceptibility to obstructive sleep apnea in the obese child |journal= Sleep Medicine |volume= 8 |issue= 2 |date= March 2007 |pages = 169-175 |pmid= 17275401 |url =}}
* {{cite journal | author =American Academy of Sleep Medicine Task Force | title = Sleep-related breathing disorders in adults: recommendations for syndrome definition and measurement techniques in clinical research. | journal = Sleep | volume = 22 | issue = 5 | pages = 667-89 | year = 1999 | id = PMID 10450601}}
* {{cite journal |author= Bell, R. B. |coauthor= Turvey, T. A. |year= 2001 |title= Skeletal advancement for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in children |journal= Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal |volume= 38 |issue= 2 |pages= 147-54}}
* {{cite journal |author = Caples S, Gami A, Somers V | title = Obstructive sleep apnea. | journal = Ann Intern Med | volume = 142 | issue = 3 | pages = 187-97 | year = 2005 | id = PMID 15684207}}
* {{cite journal |author= Cohen, M. M. J. |coauthors= Kreiborg, S. |year= 1992 |title= Upper and lower airway compromise in the Apert syndrome |journal= American Journal of Medical Genetics |volume= 44 |pages= 90-93}}
* {{cite journal | author = de Miguel-Díez J, Villa-Asensi J, Alvarez-Sala J | title = Prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing in children with Down syndrome: polygraphic findings in 108 children. | journal = Sleep | volume = 26 | issue = 8 | pages = 1006-9 | year = 2003 | id = PMID 14746382 |url= | format=PDF}}
* {{cite journal | author = Mathur R, Douglas N | title = Relation between sudden infant death syndrome and adult sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome. | journal = Lancet | volume = 344 | issue = 8925 | pages = 819-20 | year = 1994 | id = PMID 7916096}}
* {{cite journal | author = Mortimore I, Douglas N | title = Palatal muscle EMG response to negative pressure in awake sleep apneic and control subjects. |journal = Am J Respir Crit Care Med | volume = 156 | issue = 3 Pt 1 | pages = 867-73 | year = 1997 | id = PMID 9310006 |url=}}
* {{cite journal |author= Perkins, J. A. |coauthors= Sie, K. C. Y., Milczuk, H., & Richardson, M. A. |year= 1997 |title= Airway management in children with craniofacial anomalies |journal=Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal |volume= 34 |issue= 2 |pages= 135-40}}
* {{cite journal |author= Sculerati N. |coauthors= Gottlieb MD. Zimbler MS. Chibbaro PD. McCarthy JG. |title= Airway management in children with major craniofacial anomalies. |journal= Laryngoscope |volume= 108 |issue= 12 |pages= 1806-12 |date= 1998 December}}
* {{cite journal |author= Shepard, J. W. |coauthors= Thawley, S. E. |year= 1990 |title= Localization of upper airway collapse during sleep in patients with obstructive sleep apnea |journal= American Review of Respiratory Disorders |volume= 141 |pages= 1350-55}}
*Sher, A. (1990). Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: a complex disorder of the upper airway. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, 24, 600.
* {{cite journal | author = Shott S, Amin R, Chini B, Heubi C, Hotze S, Akers R | title = Obstructive sleep apnea: Should all children with Down syndrome be tested? | journal = Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | volume = 132 | issue = 4 | pages = 432-6 | year = 2006 | id = PMID 16618913}}
* {{cite journal | author = Shouldice RB, O'Brien LM, O'Brien C, de Chazal P, Gozal D, Heneghan C | title = Detection of obstructive sleep apnea in pediatric subjects using surface lead electrocardiogram features | journal = Sleep | volume = 27 | issue = 4 | pages = 784-92 | year = 2004 | id = PMID 15283015 | url =}}
* {{cite book | author=Slovis B. & Brigham K. | editor=ed Andreoli T. E. | year=2001 | title=Cecil Essentials of Medicine | chapter=Disordered Breathing |pages=pp210-211 | publisher=W.B. Saunders | location=Philadelphia}}
* {{cite journal | author = Strollo P, Rogers R | title = Obstructive sleep apnea. | journal = N Engl J Med | volume = 334 | issue = 2 | pages = 99-104 |year = 1996 | id = PMID 8531966}}
* {{cite journal | author = Sullivan C, Issa F, Berthon-Jones M, Eves L | title = Reversal of obstructive sleep apnoea by continuous positive airway pressure applied through the nares. | journal = Lancet | volume = 1 | issue = 8225 | pages = 862-5 | year = 1981 | id = PMID 6112294}}

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[[tr:Uyku Apnesi]]
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Latest revision as of 00:12, 30 July 2020

Sleep Microchapters


Patient Information


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Sleep apnea from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


Diagnostic Criteria

History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings


Home Oximetry




Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy


Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

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Risk calculators and risk factors for Sleep apnea

Sleep Apnea

For patient information about sleep apnea click here

For patient information about central sleep apnea click here

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Saarah T. Alkhairy, M.D.


Clinical practice guidelines by the United States Preventive Services Task Force[1] and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine[2][3] address screening and diagnosis.

Historical Perspective




Differentiating Sleep Apnea From Other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


Diagnostic Criteria | History and Symptoms | Physical Examination | Laboratory Findings | CT | MRI | Echocardiography or Ultrasound | Other Imaging Findings | Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy | Surgery | Primary Prevention | Secondary Prevention | Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy | Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Template:Diseases of the nervous system Template:SleepSeries2 Template:WH Template:WS

  1. US Preventive Services Task Force. Bibbins-Domingo K, Grossman DC, Curry SJ, Davidson KW, Epling JW et al. (2017) Screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Adults: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement. JAMA 317 (4):407-414. DOI:10.1001/jama.2016.20325 PMID: 28118461
  2. Kapur VK, Auckley DH, Chowdhuri S, Kuhlmann DC, Mehra R, Ramar K; et al. (2017). "Clinical Practice Guideline for Diagnostic Testing for Adult Obstructive Sleep Apnea: An American Academy of Sleep Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline". J Clin Sleep Med. 13 (3): 479–504. doi:10.5664/jcsm.6506. PMC 5337595. PMID 28162150.
  3. Mokhlesi B, Cifu AS (2017). "Diagnostic Testing for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Adults". JAMA. 318 (20): 2035–2036. doi:10.1001/jama.2017.16722. PMID 29183053.