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'''''Synonyms and Keywords:''''' Cerebelloparenchymal disorder 4; Cerebellar vermis agenesis; Joubert-Boltshauser syndrome; JBTS1; CPD4; Cerebellooculorenal syndrome 1; CORS1; Joubert syndrome 1

== Overview ==
'''Joubert syndrome''' is a rare [[genetic disorder]] that affects the [[Area|areas]] of the [[cerebellar vermis]] and [[brain stem]] in the [[brain]] that controls balance and [[coordination]]. Joubert syndrome follows [[autosomal recessive]] pattern of [[inheritance]]. In The United States of America in order to categorise a [[condition]] as a [[rare disease]] it should affect fewer than 200,000 people. [[Rare diseases]] also called as [[Orphan disease|orphan diseases]]. [[Orphan Drug Act]] was passed on 1983 by congress for the [[rare diseases]]. Today an average of 25-30 million americans have been reported with [[rare diseases]]. The number of people with individual [[rare disease]] may be less but overall the number of people with [[rare diseases]] are large in number.

'''Joubert syndrome''' is a rare [[genetic disorder]] that affects the area of the [[brain]] that controls balance and coordination.  
== Historical perspective ==
* In year 1955, the first reported cases of Joubert syndrome which are partial [[agenesis]] of the [[vermis]] of the [[cerebellum]] was collected by De Haene.<ref name="StoffelsBabin1976">{{cite journal|last1=Stoffels|first1=C.|last2=Babin|first2=E.|title=Angiography of incomplete lobulation of the cerebellar vermis with small fourth ventricle associated with callosal hypoplasia|journal=Neuroradiology|volume=11|issue=2|year=1976|pages=99–102|issn=0028-3940|doi=10.1007/BF00345021}}</ref>
* In year 1969,  Joubert syndrome was first discovered in in four siblings by Dr. Marie Joubert et al.<ref name="pmid576733">{{cite journal |vauthors=Boltshauser E, Isler W |title=Joubert syndrome: episodic hyperpnea, abnormal eye movements, retardation and ataxia, associated with dysplasia of the cerebellar vermis |journal=Neuropadiatrie |volume=8 |issue=1 |pages=57–66 |date=February 1977 |pmid=576733 |doi=10.1055/s-0028-1091505 |url=}}</ref><ref name="BoltshauserIsler2008">{{cite journal|last1=Boltshauser|first1=E.|last2=Isler|first2=W.|title=Joubert Syndrome: Episodic Hyperpnea, Abnormal Eye Movements, Retardation and Ataxia, Associated with Dysplasia of the Cerebellar Vermis|journal=Neuropediatrics|volume=8|issue=01|year=2008|pages=57–66|issn=0174-304X|doi=10.1055/s-0028-1091505}}</ref>
* In year 1977, Joubert syndrome name was first suggested by Boltshauser and Isler.
* In year 1978, Friede and Boltshauser are the first to describe neuropathologic findings in one patient with joubert syndrome.<ref name="pmid729929">{{cite journal |vauthors=Friede RL, Boltshauser E |title=Uncommon syndromes of cerebellar vermis aplasia. I: Joubert syndrome |journal=Dev Med Child Neurol |volume=20 |issue=6 |pages=758–63 |date=December 1978 |pmid=729929 |doi= |url=}}</ref><ref name="FriedeBoltshauser2008">{{cite journal|last1=Friede|first1=R. L.|last2=Boltshauser|first2=E.|title=Uncommon Syndromes of Cerebellar Vermis Aplasia. I: Joubert Syndrome|journal=Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology|volume=20|issue=6|year=2008|pages=758–763|issn=00121622|doi=10.1111/j.1469-8749.1978.tb15307.x}}</ref>
* In year 1978,  Boltshauser et al are the first first to describe two sisters who are having joubert syndrome whose parents were [[consanguineous]].<ref name="pmid25060273">{{cite journal |vauthors=Al-Gazali L, Hamamy H |title=Consanguinity and dysmorphology in Arabs |journal=Hum. Hered. |volume=77 |issue=1-4 |pages=93–107 |date=2014 |pmid=25060273 |doi=10.1159/000360421 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid20437613">{{cite journal |vauthors=Al-Gazali L, Ali BR |title=Mutations of a country: a mutation review of single gene disorders in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) |journal=Hum. Mutat. |volume=31 |issue=5 |pages=505–20 |date=May 2010 |pmid=20437613 |doi=10.1002/humu.21232 |url=}}</ref>

== Classification ==
The disorder is characterized by absence or underdevelopment of a part of the brain called the [[cerebellar vermis]] and a malformed [[brain stem]] (molar tooth sign). The most common features include [[ataxia]] (lack of muscle control), an abnormal breathing pattern called [[hypernea]], sleep apnea, abnormal eye and tongue movements, and [[hypotonia]]. Other malformations such as extra fingers and toes, cleft lip or palate, tongue abnormalities, and [[seizure]]s may also occur. There may be mild or moderate retardation.
* Joubert syndrome may be classified according to [[gene]] location of the [[mutation]] into many subtypes of these JBTS1 and JBTS2 are the most common and important subtypes:<ref name="ValenteMarsh2005">{{cite journal|last1=Valente|first1=Enza Maria|last2=Marsh|first2=Sarah E.|last3=Castori|first3=Marco|last4=Dixon-Salazar|first4=Tracy|last5=Bertini|first5=Enrico|last6=Al-Gazali|first6=Lihadh|last7=Messer|first7=Jean|last8=Barbot|first8=Clara|last9=Woods|first9=C. Geoffrey|last10=Boltshauser|first10=Eugen|last11=Al-Tawari|first11=Asma A.|last12=Salpietro|first12=Carmelo D.|last13=Kayserili|first13=Hulya|last14=Sztriha|first14=L�szl�|last15=Gribaa|first15=Moez|last16=Koenig|first16=Michel|last17=Dallapiccola|first17=Bruno|last18=Gleeson|first18=Joseph G.|title=Distinguishing the four genetic causes of jouberts syndrome-related disorders|journal=Annals of Neurology|volume=57|issue=4|year=2005|pages=513–519|issn=0364-5134|doi=10.1002/ana.20422}}</ref><ref name="SaraivaBaraitser1992">{{cite journal|last1=Saraiva|first1=Jorge M.|last2=Baraitser|first2=Michael|title=Joubert syndrome: A review|journal=American Journal of Medical Genetics|volume=43|issue=4|year=1992|pages=726–731|issn=0148-7299|doi=10.1002/ajmg.1320430415}}</ref><ref name="pmid26092869">{{cite journal |vauthors=Bachmann-Gagescu R, Dempsey JC, Phelps IG, O'Roak BJ, Knutzen DM, Rue TC, Ishak GE, Isabella CR, Gorden N, Adkins J, Boyle EA, de Lacy N, O'Day D, Alswaid A, Ramadevi A R, Lingappa L, Lourenço C, Martorell L, Garcia-Cazorla À, Ozyürek H, Haliloğlu G, Tuysuz B, Topçu M, Chance P, Parisi MA, Glass IA, Shendure J, Doherty D |title=Joubert syndrome: a model for untangling recessive disorders with extreme genetic heterogeneity |journal=J. Med. Genet. |volume=52 |issue=8 |pages=514–22 |date=August 2015 |pmid=26092869 |pmc=5082428 |doi=10.1136/jmedgenet-2015-103087 |url=}}</ref>
{| class="wikitable"
!'''Location of [[mutation]]'''
!'''[[Gene]] involved'''
!'''[[Inheritance]] pattern'''
|[[Autosomal recessive]]
|[[Autosomal recessive]]

== Pathophysiology ==
Treatment for Joubert syndrome is symptomatic and supportive. Infant stimulation and physical, occupational, and speech therapy may benefit some patients. Infants with abnormal breathing patterns should be monitored.
* It is understood that Joubert syndrome is most commonly caused by [[mutation]] in basal body [[Gene|genes]] in INPP5E and [[TMEM216]] gene on [[chromosome]] 9q34 and 11q12.2 respectively.
* Other [[Gene|genes]] involved in developing of joubert syndrome are as follows:<ref name="pmid19876931">{{cite journal |vauthors=Parisi MA |title=Clinical and molecular features of Joubert syndrome and related disorders |journal=Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet |volume=151C |issue=4 |pages=326–40 |date=November 2009 |pmid=19876931 |pmc=2797758 |doi=10.1002/ajmg.c.30229 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid197640322">{{cite journal |vauthors=Travaglini L, Brancati F, Attie-Bitach T, Audollent S, Bertini E, Kaplan J, Perrault I, Iannicelli M, Mancuso B, Rigoli L, Rozet JM, Swistun D, Tolentino J, Dallapiccola B, Gleeson JG, Valente EM, Zankl A, Leventer R, Grattan-Smith P, Janecke A, D'Hooghe M, Sznajer Y, Van Coster R, Demerleir L, Dias K, Moco C, Moreira A, Kim CA, Maegawa G, Petkovic D, Abdel-Salam GM, Abdel-Aleem A, Zaki MS, Marti I, Quijano-Roy S, Sigaudy S, de Lonlay P, Romano S, Touraine R, Koenig M, Lagier-Tourenne C, Messer J, Collignon P, Wolf N, Philippi H, Kitsiou Tzeli S, Halldorsson S, Johannsdottir J, Ludvigsson P, Phadke SR, Udani V, Stuart B, Magee A, Lev D, Michelson M, Ben-Zeev B, Fischetto R, Benedicenti F, Stanzial F, Borgatti R, Accorsi P, Battaglia S, Fazzi E, Giordano L, Pinelli L, Boccone L, Bigoni S, Ferlini A, Donati MA, Caridi G, Divizia MT, Faravelli F, Ghiggeri G, Pessagno A, Briguglio M, Briuglia S, Salpietro CD, Tortorella G, Adami A, Castorina P, Lalatta F, Marra G, Riva D, Scelsa B, Spaccini L, Uziel G, Del Giudice E, Laverda AM, Ludwig K, Permunian A, Suppiej A, Signorini S, Uggetti C, Battini R, Di Giacomo M, Cilio MR, Di Sabato ML, Leuzzi V, Parisi P, Pollazzon M, Silengo M, De Vescovi R, Greco D, Romano C, Cazzagon M, Simonati A, Al-Tawari AA, Bastaki L, Mégarbané A, Sabolic Avramovska V, de Jong MM, Stromme P, Koul R, Rajab A, Azam M, Barbot C, Martorell Sampol L, Rodriguez B, Pascual-Castroviejo I, Teber S, Anlar B, Comu S, Karaca E, Kayserili H, Yüksel A, Akcakus M, Al Gazali L, Sztriha L, Nicholl D, Woods CG, Bennett C, Hurst J, Sheridan E, Barnicoat A, Hennekam R, Lees M, Blair E, Bernes S, Sanchez H, Clark AE, DeMarco E, Donahue C, Sherr E, Hahn J, Sanger TD, Gallager TE, Dobyns WB, Daugherty C, Krishnamoorthy KS, Sarco D, Walsh CA, McKanna T, Milisa J, Chung WK, De Vivo DC, Raynes H, Schubert R, Seward A, Brooks DG, Goldstein A, Caldwell J, Finsecke E, Maria BL, Holden K, Cruse RP, Swoboda KJ, Viskochil D |title=Expanding CEP290 mutational spectrum in ciliopathies |journal=Am. J. Med. Genet. A |volume=149A |issue=10 |pages=2173–80 |date=October 2009 |pmid=19764032 |pmc=4340070 |doi=10.1002/ajmg.a.33025 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid15786477">{{cite journal |vauthors=Valente EM, Marsh SE, Castori M, Dixon-Salazar T, Bertini E, Al-Gazali L, Messer J, Barbot C, Woods CG, Boltshauser E, Al-Tawari AA, Salpietro CD, Kayserili H, Sztriha L, Gribaa M, Koenig M, Dallapiccola B, Gleeson JG |title=Distinguishing the four genetic causes of Jouberts syndrome-related disorders |journal=Ann. Neurol. |volume=57 |issue=4 |pages=513–9 |date=April 2005 |pmid=15786477 |doi=10.1002/ana.20422 |url=}}</ref>
** ''[[AHI1]], [[NPHP1]], [[CEP290]], [[RPGRIP1L]], [[ARL13B]],'' and ''[[CC2D2A]]''
'''''INPP5E (Inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase E)'''''
* JBTS1 [[gene]](''INPP5E)'' plays an important role in [[Inositol]] [[polyphosphate]]-5-[[phosphatase]] E pathway on [[chromosome]] 9q34.3.<ref name="pmid264901042">{{cite journal |vauthors=Slaats GG, Isabella CR, Kroes HY, Dempsey JC, Gremmels H, Monroe GR, Phelps IG, Duran KJ, Adkins J, Kumar SA, Knutzen DM, Knoers NV, Mendelsohn NJ, Neubauer D, Mastroyianni SD, Vogt J, Worgan L, Karp N, Bowdin S, Glass IA, Parisi MA, Otto EA, Johnson CA, Hildebrandt F, van Haaften G, Giles RH, Doherty D |title=MKS1 regulates ciliary INPP5E levels in Joubert syndrome |journal=J. Med. Genet. |volume=53 |issue=1 |pages=62–72 |date=January 2016 |pmid=26490104 |pmc=5060087 |doi=10.1136/jmedgenet-2015-103250 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid10577920">{{cite journal |vauthors=Saar K, Al-Gazali L, Sztriha L, Rueschendorf F, Nur-E-Kamal M, Reis A, Bayoumi R |title=Homozygosity mapping in families with Joubert syndrome identifies a locus on chromosome 9q34.3 and evidence for genetic heterogeneity |journal=Am. J. Hum. Genet. |volume=65 |issue=6 |pages=1666–71 |date=December 1999 |pmid=10577920 |pmc=1288377 |doi=10.1086/302655 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid19668216">{{cite journal |vauthors=Bielas SL, Silhavy JL, Brancati F, Kisseleva MV, Al-Gazali L, Sztriha L, Bayoumi RA, Zaki MS, Abdel-Aleem A, Rosti RO, Kayserili H, Swistun D, Scott LC, Bertini E, Boltshauser E, Fazzi E, Travaglini L, Field SJ, Gayral S, Jacoby M, Schurmans S, Dallapiccola B, Majerus PW, Valente EM, Gleeson JG |title=Mutations in INPP5E, encoding inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase E, link phosphatidyl inositol signaling to the ciliopathies |journal=Nat. Genet. |volume=41 |issue=9 |pages=1032–6 |date=September 2009 |pmid=19668216 |pmc=2746682 |doi=10.1038/ng.423 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid19668215">{{cite journal |vauthors=Jacoby M, Cox JJ, Gayral S, Hampshire DJ, Ayub M, Blockmans M, Pernot E, Kisseleva MV, Compère P, Schiffmann SN, Gergely F, Riley JH, Pérez-Morga D, Woods CG, Schurmans S |title=INPP5E mutations cause primary cilium signaling defects, ciliary instability and ciliopathies in human and mouse |journal=Nat. Genet. |volume=41 |issue=9 |pages=1027–31 |date=September 2009 |pmid=19668215 |doi=10.1038/ng.427 |url=}}</ref>
* Missense mutation in [[Inositol]] [[polyphosphate]]-5-[[phosphatase]] E pathway leads to truncated [[protein]]
'''''TMEM216(Transmembrane protein 216)'''''
* JBTS2 [[gene]](''[[TMEM216]] )'' also plays an important role in [[Inositol]] [[polyphosphate]]-5-[[phosphatase]] on [[chromosome]] 11q12.2
* The mechanism by which the [[mutation]] leads to truncated [[protein]] is unknown
'''''AHI1(Abelson Helper Integration Site 1)'''''
* JBTS3 [[gene]](''[[AHI1]])'' plays an important role in the formation of jouberin on [[chromosome]] 6q23.<ref name="pmid15060101">{{cite journal |vauthors=Lagier-Tourenne C, Boltshauser E, Breivik N, Gribaa M, Bétard C, Barbot C, Koenig M |title=Homozygosity mapping of a third Joubert syndrome locus to 6q23 |journal=J. Med. Genet. |volume=41 |issue=4 |pages=273–7 |date=April 2004 |pmid=15060101 |pmc=1735723 |doi=10.1136/jmg.2003.014787 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid16453322">{{cite journal |vauthors=Valente EM, Brancati F, Silhavy JL, Castori M, Marsh SE, Barrano G, Bertini E, Boltshauser E, Zaki MS, Abdel-Aleem A, Abdel-Salam GM, Bellacchio E, Battini R, Cruse RP, Dobyns WB, Krishnamoorthy KS, Lagier-Tourenne C, Magee A, Pascual-Castroviejo I, Salpietro CD, Sarco D, Dallapiccola B, Gleeson JG |title=AHI1 gene mutations cause specific forms of Joubert syndrome-related disorders |journal=Ann. Neurol. |volume=59 |issue=3 |pages=527–34 |date=March 2006 |pmid=16453322 |doi=10.1002/ana.20749 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid23532844">{{cite journal |vauthors=Tuz K, Hsiao YC, Juárez O, Shi B, Harmon EY, Phelps IG, Lennartz MR, Glass IA, Doherty D, Ferland RJ |title=The Joubert syndrome-associated missense mutation (V443D) in the Abelson-helper integration site 1 (AHI1) protein alters its localization and protein-protein interactions |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=288 |issue=19 |pages=13676–94 |date=May 2013 |pmid=23532844 |pmc=3650405 |doi=10.1074/jbc.M112.420786 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid16244321">{{cite journal |vauthors=Louie CM, Gleeson JG |title=Genetic basis of Joubert syndrome and related disorders of cerebellar development |journal=Hum. Mol. Genet. |volume=14 Spec No. 2 |issue= |pages=R235–42 |date=October 2005 |pmid=16244321 |doi=10.1093/hmg/ddi264 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid26729329">{{cite journal |vauthors=Watson CM, Crinnion LA, Berry IR, Harrison SM, Lascelles C, Antanaviciute A, Charlton RS, Dobbie A, Carr IM, Bonthron DT |title=Enhanced diagnostic yield in Meckel-Gruber and Joubert syndrome through exome sequencing supplemented with split-read mapping |journal=BMC Med. Genet. |volume=17 |issue= |pages=1 |date=January 2016 |pmid=26729329 |pmc=4700600 |doi=10.1186/s12881-015-0265-z |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid25920555">{{cite journal |vauthors=Kroes HY, Monroe GR, van der Zwaag B, Duran KJ, de Kovel CG, van Roosmalen MJ, Harakalova M, Nijman IJ, Kloosterman WP, Giles RH, Knoers NV, van Haaften G |title=Joubert syndrome: genotyping a Northern European patient cohort |journal=Eur. J. Hum. Genet. |volume=24 |issue=2 |pages=214–20 |date=February 2016 |pmid=25920555 |pmc=4717206 |doi=10.1038/ejhg.2015.84 |url=}}</ref>
* [[Nonsense mutation]] in the ''[[AHI1]]'' leads to truncated [[protein]] (Jouberin) and cause the [[disease]]<ref name="pmid16155189">{{cite journal |vauthors=Parisi MA, Doherty D, Eckert ML, Shaw DW, Ozyurek H, Aysun S, Giray O, Al Swaid A, Al Shahwan S, Dohayan N, Bakhsh E, Indridason OS, Dobyns WB, Bennett CL, Chance PF, Glass IA |title=AHI1 mutations cause both retinal dystrophy and renal cystic disease in Joubert syndrome |journal=J. Med. Genet. |volume=43 |issue=4 |pages=334–9 |date=April 2006 |pmid=16155189 |pmc=2563230 |doi=10.1136/jmg.2005.036608 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid15467982">{{cite journal |vauthors=Dixon-Salazar T, Silhavy JL, Marsh SE, Louie CM, Scott LC, Gururaj A, Al-Gazali L, Al-Tawari AA, Kayserili H, Sztriha L, Gleeson JG |title=Mutations in the AHI1 gene, encoding jouberin, cause Joubert syndrome with cortical polymicrogyria |journal=Am. J. Hum. Genet. |volume=75 |issue=6 |pages=979–87 |date=December 2004 |pmid=15467982 |pmc=1182159 |doi=10.1086/425985 |url=}}</ref>
'''''NPHP1(Nephrocystin 1)'''''
* JBTS4 [[gene]](''[[AHI1|NPHP1]])'' on [[chromosome]] 2q13 plays an important role in the formation of nephrocystin-1 protein<ref name="pmid9326933">{{cite journal |vauthors=Hildebrandt F, Otto E, Rensing C, Nothwang HG, Vollmer M, Adolphs J, Hanusch H, Brandis M |title=A novel gene encoding an SH3 domain protein is mutated in nephronophthisis type 1 |journal=Nat. Genet. |volume=17 |issue=2 |pages=149–53 |date=October 1997 |pmid=9326933 |doi=10.1038/ng1097-149 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid10980528">{{cite journal |vauthors=Otto E, Betz R, Rensing C, Schätzle S, Kuntzen T, Vetsi T, Imm A, Hildebrandt F |title=A deletion distinct from the classical homologous recombination of juvenile nephronophthisis type 1 (NPH1) allows exact molecular definition of deletion breakpoints |journal=Hum. Mutat. |volume=16 |issue=3 |pages=211–23 |date=September 2000 |pmid=10980528 |doi=10.1002/1098-1004(200009)16:3<211::AID-HUMU4>3.0.CO;2-Y |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid17409309">{{cite journal |vauthors=Tory K, Lacoste T, Burglen L, Morinière V, Boddaert N, Macher MA, Llanas B, Nivet H, Bensman A, Niaudet P, Antignac C, Salomon R, Saunier S |title=High NPHP1 and NPHP6 mutation rate in patients with Joubert syndrome and nephronophthisis: potential epistatic effect of NPHP6 and AHI1 mutations in patients with NPHP1 mutations |journal=J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. |volume=18 |issue=5 |pages=1566–75 |date=May 2007 |pmid=17409309 |doi=10.1681/ASN.2006101164 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid15138899">{{cite journal |vauthors=Parisi MA, Bennett CL, Eckert ML, Dobyns WB, Gleeson JG, Shaw DW, McDonald R, Eddy A, Chance PF, Glass IA |title=The NPHP1 gene deletion associated with juvenile nephronophthisis is present in a subset of individuals with Joubert syndrome |journal=Am. J. Hum. Genet. |volume=75 |issue=1 |pages=82–91 |date=July 2004 |pmid=15138899 |pmc=1182011 |doi=10.1086/421846 |url=}}</ref>
* [[Missense mutation]] in the ''[[AHI1|NPHP1]]'' leads to truncated [[protein]] (Nephrocystin-1 [[protein]]) and cause the [[disease]]<ref name="pmid10712196">{{cite journal |vauthors=Saunier S, Calado J, Benessy F, Silbermann F, Heilig R, Weissenbach J, Antignac C |title=Characterization of the NPHP1 locus: mutational mechanism involved in deletions in familial juvenile nephronophthisis |journal=Am. J. Hum. Genet. |volume=66 |issue=3 |pages=778–89 |date=March 2000 |pmid=10712196 |pmc=1288163 |doi=10.1086/302819 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid8852662">{{cite journal |vauthors=Konrad M, Saunier S, Heidet L, Silbermann F, Benessy F, Calado J, Le Paslier D, Broyer M, Gubler MC, Antignac C |title=Large homozygous deletions of the 2q13 region are a major cause of juvenile nephronophthisis |journal=Hum. Mol. Genet. |volume=5 |issue=3 |pages=367–71 |date=March 1996 |pmid=8852662 |doi= |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid10511339">{{cite journal |vauthors=Chance PF, Cavalier L, Satran D, Pellegrino JE, Koenig M, Dobyns WB |title=Clinical nosologic and genetic aspects of Joubert and related syndromes |journal=J. Child Neurol. |volume=14 |issue=10 |pages=660–6; discussion 669–72 |date=October 1999 |pmid=10511339 |doi=10.1177/088307389901401007 |url=}}</ref>
'''''CEP290(Centrosomal protein 290)'''''
* JBTS5 [[gene]](''[[AHI1|CEP290]])'' on [[chromosome]]12q21.3 plays an important role in the formation of centrosomal protein of 290 kDa protein<ref name="pmid18054307">{{cite journal |vauthors=Kroes HY, van Zon PH, Fransen van de Putte D, Nelen MR, Nievelstein RJ, Wittebol-Post D, van Nieuwenhuizen O, Mancini GM, van der Knaap MS, Kwee ML, Maas SM, Cobben JM, De Nef JE, Lindhout D, Sinke RJ |title=DNA analysis of AHI1, NPHP1 and CYCLIN D1 in Joubert syndrome patients from the Netherlands |journal=Eur J Med Genet |volume=51 |issue=1 |pages=24–34 |date=2008 |pmid=18054307 |doi=10.1016/j.ejmg.2007.10.001 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid17377524">{{cite journal |vauthors=Parisi MA, Doherty D, Chance PF, Glass IA |title=Joubert syndrome (and related disorders) (OMIM 213300) |journal=Eur. J. Hum. Genet. |volume=15 |issue=5 |pages=511–21 |date=May 2007 |pmid=17377524 |doi=10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201648 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid27434533">{{cite journal |vauthors=Suzuki T, Miyake N, Tsurusaki Y, Okamoto N, Alkindy A, Inaba A, Sato M, Ito S, Muramatsu K, Kimura S, Ieda D, Saitoh S, Hiyane M, Suzumura H, Yagyu K, Shiraishi H, Nakajima M, Fueki N, Habata Y, Ueda Y, Komatsu Y, Yan K, Shimoda K, Shitara Y, Mizuno S, Ichinomiya K, Sameshima K, Tsuyusaki Y, Kurosawa K, Sakai Y, Haginoya K, Kobayashi Y, Yoshizawa C, Hisano M, Nakashima M, Saitsu H, Takeda S, Matsumoto N |title=Molecular genetic analysis of 30 families with Joubert syndrome |journal=Clin. Genet. |volume=90 |issue=6 |pages=526–535 |date=December 2016 |pmid=27434533 |doi=10.1111/cge.12836 |url=}}</ref>
* [[Nonsense mutation|Nonsense]] [[Missense mutation|mutation]] in the ''[[AHI1|CEP290]]'' leads to truncated [[protein]] (Centrosomal [[protein]] of 290 kDa [[protein]]) and cause the [[disease]]<ref name="pmid19764032">{{cite journal |vauthors=Travaglini L, Brancati F, Attie-Bitach T, Audollent S, Bertini E, Kaplan J, Perrault I, Iannicelli M, Mancuso B, Rigoli L, Rozet JM, Swistun D, Tolentino J, Dallapiccola B, Gleeson JG, Valente EM, Zankl A, Leventer R, Grattan-Smith P, Janecke A, D'Hooghe M, Sznajer Y, Van Coster R, Demerleir L, Dias K, Moco C, Moreira A, Kim CA, Maegawa G, Petkovic D, Abdel-Salam GM, Abdel-Aleem A, Zaki MS, Marti I, Quijano-Roy S, Sigaudy S, de Lonlay P, Romano S, Touraine R, Koenig M, Lagier-Tourenne C, Messer J, Collignon P, Wolf N, Philippi H, Kitsiou Tzeli S, Halldorsson S, Johannsdottir J, Ludvigsson P, Phadke SR, Udani V, Stuart B, Magee A, Lev D, Michelson M, Ben-Zeev B, Fischetto R, Benedicenti F, Stanzial F, Borgatti R, Accorsi P, Battaglia S, Fazzi E, Giordano L, Pinelli L, Boccone L, Bigoni S, Ferlini A, Donati MA, Caridi G, Divizia MT, Faravelli F, Ghiggeri G, Pessagno A, Briguglio M, Briuglia S, Salpietro CD, Tortorella G, Adami A, Castorina P, Lalatta F, Marra G, Riva D, Scelsa B, Spaccini L, Uziel G, Del Giudice E, Laverda AM, Ludwig K, Permunian A, Suppiej A, Signorini S, Uggetti C, Battini R, Di Giacomo M, Cilio MR, Di Sabato ML, Leuzzi V, Parisi P, Pollazzon M, Silengo M, De Vescovi R, Greco D, Romano C, Cazzagon M, Simonati A, Al-Tawari AA, Bastaki L, Mégarbané A, Sabolic Avramovska V, de Jong MM, Stromme P, Koul R, Rajab A, Azam M, Barbot C, Martorell Sampol L, Rodriguez B, Pascual-Castroviejo I, Teber S, Anlar B, Comu S, Karaca E, Kayserili H, Yüksel A, Akcakus M, Al Gazali L, Sztriha L, Nicholl D, Woods CG, Bennett C, Hurst J, Sheridan E, Barnicoat A, Hennekam R, Lees M, Blair E, Bernes S, Sanchez H, Clark AE, DeMarco E, Donahue C, Sherr E, Hahn J, Sanger TD, Gallager TE, Dobyns WB, Daugherty C, Krishnamoorthy KS, Sarco D, Walsh CA, McKanna T, Milisa J, Chung WK, De Vivo DC, Raynes H, Schubert R, Seward A, Brooks DG, Goldstein A, Caldwell J, Finsecke E, Maria BL, Holden K, Cruse RP, Swoboda KJ, Viskochil D |title=Expanding CEP290 mutational spectrum in ciliopathies |journal=Am. J. Med. Genet. A |volume=149A |issue=10 |pages=2173–80 |date=October 2009 |pmid=19764032 |pmc=4340070 |doi=10.1002/ajmg.a.33025 |url=}}</ref>
'''''TMEM67(Transmembrane protein 67) / MKS3(Transmembrane protein meckelin)'''''
* JBTS6 [[gene]]([[TMEM67]]'''''/'''''MKS3'')'' on [[chromosome]] 8q21.1-q22.1 plays an important role in the formation of meckelin [[protein]]<ref name="pmid180543072">{{cite journal |vauthors=Kroes HY, van Zon PH, Fransen van de Putte D, Nelen MR, Nievelstein RJ, Wittebol-Post D, van Nieuwenhuizen O, Mancini GM, van der Knaap MS, Kwee ML, Maas SM, Cobben JM, De Nef JE, Lindhout D, Sinke RJ |title=DNA analysis of AHI1, NPHP1 and CYCLIN D1 in Joubert syndrome patients from the Netherlands |journal=Eur J Med Genet |volume=51 |issue=1 |pages=24–34 |date=2008 |pmid=18054307 |doi=10.1016/j.ejmg.2007.10.001 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid27377014">{{cite journal |vauthors=Bader I, Decker E, Mayr JA, Lunzer V, Koch J, Boltshauser E, Sperl W, Pietsch P, Ertl-Wagner B, Bolz H, Bergmann C, Rittinger O |title=MKS1 mutations cause Joubert syndrome with agenesis of the corpus callosum |journal=Eur J Med Genet |volume=59 |issue=8 |pages=386–91 |date=August 2016 |pmid=27377014 |doi=10.1016/j.ejmg.2016.06.007 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid259205552">{{cite journal |vauthors=Kroes HY, Monroe GR, van der Zwaag B, Duran KJ, de Kovel CG, van Roosmalen MJ, Harakalova M, Nijman IJ, Kloosterman WP, Giles RH, Knoers NV, van Haaften G |title=Joubert syndrome: genotyping a Northern European patient cohort |journal=Eur. J. Hum. Genet. |volume=24 |issue=2 |pages=214–20 |date=February 2016 |pmid=25920555 |pmc=4717206 |doi=10.1038/ejhg.2015.84 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid274345332">{{cite journal |vauthors=Suzuki T, Miyake N, Tsurusaki Y, Okamoto N, Alkindy A, Inaba A, Sato M, Ito S, Muramatsu K, Kimura S, Ieda D, Saitoh S, Hiyane M, Suzumura H, Yagyu K, Shiraishi H, Nakajima M, Fueki N, Habata Y, Ueda Y, Komatsu Y, Yan K, Shimoda K, Shitara Y, Mizuno S, Ichinomiya K, Sameshima K, Tsuyusaki Y, Kurosawa K, Sakai Y, Haginoya K, Kobayashi Y, Yoshizawa C, Hisano M, Nakashima M, Saitsu H, Takeda S, Matsumoto N |title=Molecular genetic analysis of 30 families with Joubert syndrome |journal=Clin. Genet. |volume=90 |issue=6 |pages=526–535 |date=December 2016 |pmid=27434533 |doi=10.1111/cge.12836 |url=}}</ref>
* [[Missense mutation|Missense]], [[splice]] [[mutation]] leads to truncated [[protein]] (meckelin [[protein]]) and cause the [[disease]]
* JBTS7 [[gene]](''[[RPGRIP1L]])'' on [[chromosome]] 16q12.2 plays an important role in the formation of [[RPGRIP1|RPGR]]-interacting protein 1-like protein<ref name="pmid180543073">{{cite journal |vauthors=Kroes HY, van Zon PH, Fransen van de Putte D, Nelen MR, Nievelstein RJ, Wittebol-Post D, van Nieuwenhuizen O, Mancini GM, van der Knaap MS, Kwee ML, Maas SM, Cobben JM, De Nef JE, Lindhout D, Sinke RJ |title=DNA analysis of AHI1, NPHP1 and CYCLIN D1 in Joubert syndrome patients from the Netherlands |journal=Eur J Med Genet |volume=51 |issue=1 |pages=24–34 |date=2008 |pmid=18054307 |doi=10.1016/j.ejmg.2007.10.001 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid274345333">{{cite journal |vauthors=Suzuki T, Miyake N, Tsurusaki Y, Okamoto N, Alkindy A, Inaba A, Sato M, Ito S, Muramatsu K, Kimura S, Ieda D, Saitoh S, Hiyane M, Suzumura H, Yagyu K, Shiraishi H, Nakajima M, Fueki N, Habata Y, Ueda Y, Komatsu Y, Yan K, Shimoda K, Shitara Y, Mizuno S, Ichinomiya K, Sameshima K, Tsuyusaki Y, Kurosawa K, Sakai Y, Haginoya K, Kobayashi Y, Yoshizawa C, Hisano M, Nakashima M, Saitsu H, Takeda S, Matsumoto N |title=Molecular genetic analysis of 30 families with Joubert syndrome |journal=Clin. Genet. |volume=90 |issue=6 |pages=526–535 |date=December 2016 |pmid=27434533 |doi=10.1111/cge.12836 |url=}}</ref>
* [[Missense mutation|Missense]], [[Mutation|nonsense]], [[splice]] [[mutation]] leads to truncated [[protein]] ([[RPGRIP1|RPGR]]-interacting protein 1-like protein) and cause the [[disease]]
* JBTS8 [[gene|''gene'']]''([[ARL13B]])'' on [[chromosome]] 3q11.2 plays an important role in the formation of [[Adenosine diphosphate|ADP]]-Ribosylation factor-like 13B [[protein]]<ref name="pmid26490104">{{cite journal |vauthors=Slaats GG, Isabella CR, Kroes HY, Dempsey JC, Gremmels H, Monroe GR, Phelps IG, Duran KJ, Adkins J, Kumar SA, Knutzen DM, Knoers NV, Mendelsohn NJ, Neubauer D, Mastroyianni SD, Vogt J, Worgan L, Karp N, Bowdin S, Glass IA, Parisi MA, Otto EA, Johnson CA, Hildebrandt F, van Haaften G, Giles RH, Doherty D |title=MKS1 regulates ciliary INPP5E levels in Joubert syndrome |journal=J. Med. Genet. |volume=53 |issue=1 |pages=62–72 |date=January 2016 |pmid=26490104 |pmc=5060087 |doi=10.1136/jmedgenet-2015-103250 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid18674751">{{cite journal |vauthors=Cantagrel V, Silhavy JL, Bielas SL, Swistun D, Marsh SE, Bertrand JY, Audollent S, Attié-Bitach T, Holden KR, Dobyns WB, Traver D, Al-Gazali L, Ali BR, Lindner TH, Caspary T, Otto EA, Hildebrandt F, Glass IA, Logan CV, Johnson CA, Bennett C, Brancati F, Valente EM, Woods CG, Gleeson JG |title=Mutations in the cilia gene ARL13B lead to the classical form of Joubert syndrome |journal=Am. J. Hum. Genet. |volume=83 |issue=2 |pages=170–9 |date=August 2008 |pmid=18674751 |doi=10.1016/j.ajhg.2008.06.023 |url=}}</ref>
* [[Missense mutation]] leads to truncated [[protein]] ([[Adenosine diphosphate|ADP]]-Ribosylation factor-like 13B protein) and cause the [[disease]]
* JBTS9 [[gene|gene]]([[CC2D2A]]) on [[chromosome]] 4p15.3 plays an important role in the formation of coiled-coil and C2 [[Domain|Domains]]-containing [[protein]] 2A protein
* [[Missense mutation|Missense]], [[Nonsense mutation|nonsense]], [[splice]], frame shift [[mutation]] leads to truncated [[protein]](C2 [[Domain|Domains]]-containing [[protein]] 2A [[protein]]) and cause the [[disease]]

== Causes ==
The prognosis for individuals with Joubert syndrome varies. Some patients have a mild form with minimal motor disability and good mental development, while others may have severe motor disability and moderate mental retardation.

==== Genetic Causes ====
Multiple [[gene]]s that are [[mutation|mutated]] in individuals with Joubert syndrome have been identified:
* Joubert syndrome is caused by [[Mutation|mutations]] in the following [[Gene|genes]] INPP5E, [[TMEM216]], ''[[AHI1]], [[NPHP1]], [[CEP290]], [[RPGRIP1L]], [[ARL13B]],'' and ''[[CC2D2A]].''<ref name="pmid198769312">{{cite journal |vauthors=Parisi MA |title=Clinical and molecular features of Joubert syndrome and related disorders |journal=Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet |volume=151C |issue=4 |pages=326–40 |date=November 2009 |pmid=19876931 |pmc=2797758 |doi=10.1002/ajmg.c.30229 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid18164675">{{cite journal |vauthors=Valente EM, Brancati F, Dallapiccola B |title=Genotypes and phenotypes of Joubert syndrome and related disorders |journal=Eur J Med Genet |volume=51 |issue=1 |pages=1–23 |date=2008 |pmid=18164675 |doi=10.1016/j.ejmg.2007.11.003 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid197640323">{{cite journal |vauthors=Travaglini L, Brancati F, Attie-Bitach T, Audollent S, Bertini E, Kaplan J, Perrault I, Iannicelli M, Mancuso B, Rigoli L, Rozet JM, Swistun D, Tolentino J, Dallapiccola B, Gleeson JG, Valente EM, Zankl A, Leventer R, Grattan-Smith P, Janecke A, D'Hooghe M, Sznajer Y, Van Coster R, Demerleir L, Dias K, Moco C, Moreira A, Kim CA, Maegawa G, Petkovic D, Abdel-Salam GM, Abdel-Aleem A, Zaki MS, Marti I, Quijano-Roy S, Sigaudy S, de Lonlay P, Romano S, Touraine R, Koenig M, Lagier-Tourenne C, Messer J, Collignon P, Wolf N, Philippi H, Kitsiou Tzeli S, Halldorsson S, Johannsdottir J, Ludvigsson P, Phadke SR, Udani V, Stuart B, Magee A, Lev D, Michelson M, Ben-Zeev B, Fischetto R, Benedicenti F, Stanzial F, Borgatti R, Accorsi P, Battaglia S, Fazzi E, Giordano L, Pinelli L, Boccone L, Bigoni S, Ferlini A, Donati MA, Caridi G, Divizia MT, Faravelli F, Ghiggeri G, Pessagno A, Briguglio M, Briuglia S, Salpietro CD, Tortorella G, Adami A, Castorina P, Lalatta F, Marra G, Riva D, Scelsa B, Spaccini L, Uziel G, Del Giudice E, Laverda AM, Ludwig K, Permunian A, Suppiej A, Signorini S, Uggetti C, Battini R, Di Giacomo M, Cilio MR, Di Sabato ML, Leuzzi V, Parisi P, Pollazzon M, Silengo M, De Vescovi R, Greco D, Romano C, Cazzagon M, Simonati A, Al-Tawari AA, Bastaki L, Mégarbané A, Sabolic Avramovska V, de Jong MM, Stromme P, Koul R, Rajab A, Azam M, Barbot C, Martorell Sampol L, Rodriguez B, Pascual-Castroviejo I, Teber S, Anlar B, Comu S, Karaca E, Kayserili H, Yüksel A, Akcakus M, Al Gazali L, Sztriha L, Nicholl D, Woods CG, Bennett C, Hurst J, Sheridan E, Barnicoat A, Hennekam R, Lees M, Blair E, Bernes S, Sanchez H, Clark AE, DeMarco E, Donahue C, Sherr E, Hahn J, Sanger TD, Gallager TE, Dobyns WB, Daugherty C, Krishnamoorthy KS, Sarco D, Walsh CA, McKanna T, Milisa J, Chung WK, De Vivo DC, Raynes H, Schubert R, Seward A, Brooks DG, Goldstein A, Caldwell J, Finsecke E, Maria BL, Holden K, Cruse RP, Swoboda KJ, Viskochil D |title=Expanding CEP290 mutational spectrum in ciliopathies |journal=Am. J. Med. Genet. A |volume=149A |issue=10 |pages=2173–80 |date=October 2009 |pmid=19764032 |pmc=4340070 |doi=10.1002/ajmg.a.33025 |url=}}</ref>

* Mutations in a gene of unknown function called {{Gene|AHI1}} is associated with a subset of Joubert syndrome cases. <ref>Ferland R. J. et al. Abnormal cerebellar development and axonal decussation due to mutations in ''AHI1'' in Joubert syndrome. ''Nature Genetics'', September 2004, 36:1008-1013.</ref><ref>Dixon-Salazar T. et al. Mutations in the AHI1 gene, encoding jouberin, cause Joubert syndrome with cortical polymicrogyria. "American Journal of Human Genetics", December 2004, 75(6):979-87.</ref>
== Differentiating joubert syndrome from other Diseases ==
* Joubert syndrome must be differentiated from [[acrocallosal syndrome]] (ACLS), [[bardet-Biedl syndrome]] ([[Bardet-Biedl syndrome|BBS]]), [[cogan syndrome]], hydrolethalus syndrome (HLS), jeune [[Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia|asphyxiating]] thoracic dystrophy (JATD), leber congenital amaurosis (LCA), mainzer-Saldino syndrome (MZSDS), [[meckel syndrome]], MORM ([[Mental retardation|''m''ental retardation]], truncal [[obesity]], [[retinal]] [[dystrophy]], [[micropenis]]) syndrome and oral-facial-digital syndrome.<ref name="pmid22883145">{{cite journal |vauthors=Thomas S, Legendre M, Saunier S, Bessières B, Alby C, Bonnière M, Toutain A, Loeuillet L, Szymanska K, Jossic F, Gaillard D, Yacoubi MT, Mougou-Zerelli S, David A, Barthez MA, Ville Y, Bole-Feysot C, Nitschke P, Lyonnet S, Munnich A, Johnson CA, Encha-Razavi F, Cormier-Daire V, Thauvin-Robinet C, Vekemans M, Attié-Bitach T |title=TCTN3 mutations cause Mohr-Majewski syndrome |journal=Am. J. Hum. Genet. |volume=91 |issue=2 |pages=372–8 |date=August 2012 |pmid=22883145 |pmc=3415538 |doi=10.1016/j.ajhg.2012.06.017 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid196682162">{{cite journal |vauthors=Bielas SL, Silhavy JL, Brancati F, Kisseleva MV, Al-Gazali L, Sztriha L, Bayoumi RA, Zaki MS, Abdel-Aleem A, Rosti RO, Kayserili H, Swistun D, Scott LC, Bertini E, Boltshauser E, Fazzi E, Travaglini L, Field SJ, Gayral S, Jacoby M, Schurmans S, Dallapiccola B, Majerus PW, Valente EM, Gleeson JG |title=Mutations in INPP5E, encoding inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase E, link phosphatidyl inositol signaling to the ciliopathies |journal=Nat. Genet. |volume=41 |issue=9 |pages=1032–6 |date=September 2009 |pmid=19668216 |pmc=2746682 |doi=10.1038/ng.423 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid16493448">{{cite journal |vauthors=Hampshire DJ, Ayub M, Springell K, Roberts E, Jafri H, Rashid Y, Bond J, Riley JH, Woods CG |title=MORM syndrome (mental retardation, truncal obesity, retinal dystrophy and micropenis), a new autosomal recessive disorder, links to 9q34 |journal=Eur. J. Hum. Genet. |volume=14 |issue=5 |pages=543–8 |date=May 2006 |pmid=16493448 |doi=10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201577 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid16415886">{{cite journal |vauthors=Kyttälä M, Tallila J, Salonen R, Kopra O, Kohlschmidt N, Paavola-Sakki P, Peltonen L, Kestilä M |title=MKS1, encoding a component of the flagellar apparatus basal body proteome, is mutated in Meckel syndrome |journal=Nat. Genet. |volume=38 |issue=2 |pages=155–7 |date=February 2006 |pmid=16415886 |doi=10.1038/ng1714 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid22503633">{{cite journal |vauthors=Perrault I, Saunier S, Hanein S, Filhol E, Bizet AA, Collins F, Salih MA, Gerber S, Delphin N, Bigot K, Orssaud C, Silva E, Baudouin V, Oud MM, Shannon N, Le Merrer M, Roche O, Pietrement C, Goumid J, Baumann C, Bole-Feysot C, Nitschke P, Zahrate M, Beales P, Arts HH, Munnich A, Kaplan J, Antignac C, Cormier-Daire V, Rozet JM |title=Mainzer-Saldino syndrome is a ciliopathy caused by IFT140 mutations |journal=Am. J. Hum. Genet. |volume=90 |issue=5 |pages=864–70 |date=May 2012 |pmid=22503633 |pmc=3376548 |doi=10.1016/j.ajhg.2012.03.006 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid15843405">{{cite journal |vauthors=Mee L, Honkala H, Kopra O, Vesa J, Finnilä S, Visapää I, Sang TK, Jackson GR, Salonen R, Kestilä M, Peltonen L |title=Hydrolethalus syndrome is caused by a missense mutation in a novel gene HYLS1 |journal=Hum. Mol. Genet. |volume=14 |issue=11 |pages=1475–88 |date=June 2005 |pmid=15843405 |doi=10.1093/hmg/ddi157 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid20449733">{{cite journal |vauthors=Merlini L, Vargas MI, De Haller R, Rilliet B, Fluss J |title=MRI with fibre tracking in Cogan congenital oculomotor apraxia |journal=Pediatr Radiol |volume=40 |issue=10 |pages=1625–33 |date=October 2010 |pmid=20449733 |doi=10.1007/s00247-010-1653-3 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid12150587">{{cite journal |vauthors=Baskin E, Kayiran SM, Oto S, Alehan F, Agildere AM, Saatçi U |title=Cerebellar vermis hypoplasia in a patient with Bardet-Biedl syndrome |journal=J. Child Neurol. |volume=17 |issue=5 |pages=385–7 |date=May 2002 |pmid=12150587 |doi=10.1177/088307380201700514 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid21552264">{{cite journal |vauthors=Putoux A, Thomas S, Coene KL, Davis EE, Alanay Y, Ogur G, Uz E, Buzas D, Gomes C, Patrier S, Bennett CL, Elkhartoufi N, Frison MH, Rigonnot L, Joyé N, Pruvost S, Utine GE, Boduroglu K, Nitschke P, Fertitta L, Thauvin-Robinet C, Munnich A, Cormier-Daire V, Hennekam R, Colin E, Akarsu NA, Bole-Feysot C, Cagnard N, Schmitt A, Goudin N, Lyonnet S, Encha-Razavi F, Siffroi JP, Winey M, Katsanis N, Gonzales M, Vekemans M, Beales PL, Attié-Bitach T |title=KIF7 mutations cause fetal hydrolethalus and acrocallosal syndromes |journal=Nat. Genet. |volume=43 |issue=6 |pages=601–6 |date=June 2011 |pmid=21552264 |pmc=3674836 |doi=10.1038/ng.826 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid197640324">{{cite journal |vauthors=Travaglini L, Brancati F, Attie-Bitach T, Audollent S, Bertini E, Kaplan J, Perrault I, Iannicelli M, Mancuso B, Rigoli L, Rozet JM, Swistun D, Tolentino J, Dallapiccola B, Gleeson JG, Valente EM, Zankl A, Leventer R, Grattan-Smith P, Janecke A, D'Hooghe M, Sznajer Y, Van Coster R, Demerleir L, Dias K, Moco C, Moreira A, Kim CA, Maegawa G, Petkovic D, Abdel-Salam GM, Abdel-Aleem A, Zaki MS, Marti I, Quijano-Roy S, Sigaudy S, de Lonlay P, Romano S, Touraine R, Koenig M, Lagier-Tourenne C, Messer J, Collignon P, Wolf N, Philippi H, Kitsiou Tzeli S, Halldorsson S, Johannsdottir J, Ludvigsson P, Phadke SR, Udani V, Stuart B, Magee A, Lev D, Michelson M, Ben-Zeev B, Fischetto R, Benedicenti F, Stanzial F, Borgatti R, Accorsi P, Battaglia S, Fazzi E, Giordano L, Pinelli L, Boccone L, Bigoni S, Ferlini A, Donati MA, Caridi G, Divizia MT, Faravelli F, Ghiggeri G, Pessagno A, Briguglio M, Briuglia S, Salpietro CD, Tortorella G, Adami A, Castorina P, Lalatta F, Marra G, Riva D, Scelsa B, Spaccini L, Uziel G, Del Giudice E, Laverda AM, Ludwig K, Permunian A, Suppiej A, Signorini S, Uggetti C, Battini R, Di Giacomo M, Cilio MR, Di Sabato ML, Leuzzi V, Parisi P, Pollazzon M, Silengo M, De Vescovi R, Greco D, Romano C, Cazzagon M, Simonati A, Al-Tawari AA, Bastaki L, Mégarbané A, Sabolic Avramovska V, de Jong MM, Stromme P, Koul R, Rajab A, Azam M, Barbot C, Martorell Sampol L, Rodriguez B, Pascual-Castroviejo I, Teber S, Anlar B, Comu S, Karaca E, Kayserili H, Yüksel A, Akcakus M, Al Gazali L, Sztriha L, Nicholl D, Woods CG, Bennett C, Hurst J, Sheridan E, Barnicoat A, Hennekam R, Lees M, Blair E, Bernes S, Sanchez H, Clark AE, DeMarco E, Donahue C, Sherr E, Hahn J, Sanger TD, Gallager TE, Dobyns WB, Daugherty C, Krishnamoorthy KS, Sarco D, Walsh CA, McKanna T, Milisa J, Chung WK, De Vivo DC, Raynes H, Schubert R, Seward A, Brooks DG, Goldstein A, Caldwell J, Finsecke E, Maria BL, Holden K, Cruse RP, Swoboda KJ, Viskochil D |title=Expanding CEP290 mutational spectrum in ciliopathies |journal=Am. J. Med. Genet. A |volume=149A |issue=10 |pages=2173–80 |date=October 2009 |pmid=19764032 |pmc=4340070 |doi=10.1002/ajmg.a.33025 |url=}}</ref>

* In some rare cases of Joubert syndrome, mutations have been found in {{Gene|NPHP1}} which is also associated with nephronophthisis, a  cystic kidney disorder. <ref>Parisi M. A. et al. The ''NPHP1'' gene deletion associated with juvenile nephronophthisis is present in a subset of individuals with Joubert syndrome. ''American Journal of Human Genetics'', July 2004, 75:82-91.</ref>
== Epidemiology and Demographics ==
* The [[incidence]] of joubert syndrome is approximately 1 per 80,000 individuals to 1 per 100,000 individuals worldwide.<ref name="BrancatiDallapiccola2010">{{cite journal|last1=Brancati|first1=Francesco|last2=Dallapiccola|first2=Bruno|last3=Valente|first3=Enza|title=Joubert Syndrome and related disorders|journal=Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases|volume=5|issue=1|year=2010|pages=20|issn=1750-1172|doi=10.1186/1750-1172-5-20}}</ref><ref name="pmid180543074">{{cite journal |vauthors=Kroes HY, van Zon PH, Fransen van de Putte D, Nelen MR, Nievelstein RJ, Wittebol-Post D, van Nieuwenhuizen O, Mancini GM, van der Knaap MS, Kwee ML, Maas SM, Cobben JM, De Nef JE, Lindhout D, Sinke RJ |title=DNA analysis of AHI1, NPHP1 and CYCLIN D1 in Joubert syndrome patients from the Netherlands |journal=Eur J Med Genet |volume=51 |issue=1 |pages=24–34 |date=2008 |pmid=18054307 |doi=10.1016/j.ejmg.2007.10.001 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid20615230">{{cite journal |vauthors=Brancati F, Dallapiccola B, Valente EM |title=Joubert Syndrome and related disorders |journal=Orphanet J Rare Dis |volume=5 |issue= |pages=20 |date=July 2010 |pmid=20615230 |pmc=2913941 |doi=10.1186/1750-1172-5-20 |url=}}</ref>
* Till now only 200 cases of joubert syndrome were published in the [[Literature and Medicine|literature]].

* The gene {{Gene|CEP290}} has been associated with both Joubert syndrome and [[Leber's congenital amaurosis]], type 10.<ref name="pmid17148037">{{cite journal |author=Traboulsi EI, Koenekoop R, Stone EM |title=Lumpers or splitters? The role of molecular diagnosis in Leber congenital amaurosis |journal=Ophthalmic Genet. |volume=27 |issue=4 |pages=113–5 |year=2006 |pmid=17148037 |doi=10.1080/13816810601013146}}</ref>
==== Prevalence ====
* The [[prevalence]] of joubert syndrome is approximately 1 per 100,000 in the United States.<ref name="pmid198769313">{{cite journal |vauthors=Parisi MA |title=Clinical and molecular features of Joubert syndrome and related disorders |journal=Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet |volume=151C |issue=4 |pages=326–40 |date=November 2009 |pmid=19876931 |pmc=2797758 |doi=10.1002/ajmg.c.30229 |url=}}</ref>
* Joubert syndrome commonly affects newborns in the first 6 months of life.

== Risk Factors ==
* There are no established [[Risk factor|risk factors]] for joubert syndrome.
== Physical Examination ==
* [[Facial]] features: Facial features in patients with joubert syndrome are very prominent and have a significant importance in [[diagnosis]].<ref name="pmid114240294">{{cite journal |vauthors=Barreirinho MS, Teixeira J, Moreira NC, Bastos S, Gonçalvez S, Barbot MC |title=[Joubert's syndrome: report of 12 cases] |language=Spanish; Castilian |journal=Rev Neurol |volume=32 |issue=9 |pages=812–7 |date=2001 |pmid=11424029 |doi= |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid176038015">{{cite journal |vauthors=Boycott KM, Parboosingh JS, Scott JN, McLeod DR, Greenberg CR, Fujiwara TM, Mah JK, Midgley J, Wade A, Bernier FP, Chodirker BN, Bunge M, Innes AM |title=Meckel syndrome in the Hutterite population is actually a Joubert-related cerebello-oculo-renal syndrome |journal=Am. J. Med. Genet. A |volume=143A |issue=15 |pages=1715–25 |date=August 2007 |pmid=17603801 |doi=10.1002/ajmg.a.31832 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid173775244">{{cite journal |vauthors=Parisi MA, Doherty D, Chance PF, Glass IA |title=Joubert syndrome (and related disorders) (OMIM 213300) |journal=Eur. J. Hum. Genet. |volume=15 |issue=5 |pages=511–21 |date=May 2007 |pmid=17377524 |doi=10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201648 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid11424029">{{cite journal |vauthors=Barreirinho MS, Teixeira J, Moreira NC, Bastos S, Gonçalvez S, Barbot MC |title=[Joubert's syndrome: report of 12 cases] |language=Spanish; Castilian |journal=Rev Neurol |volume=32 |issue=9 |pages=812–7 |date=2001 |pmid=11424029 |doi= |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid18000967">{{cite journal |vauthors=Braddock SR, Henley KM, Maria BL |title=The face of Joubert syndrome: a study of dysmorphology and anthropometry |journal=Am. J. Med. Genet. A |volume=143A |issue=24 |pages=3235–42 |date=December 2007 |pmid=18000967 |doi=10.1002/ajmg.a.32099 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid206152302">{{cite journal |vauthors=Brancati F, Dallapiccola B, Valente EM |title=Joubert Syndrome and related disorders |journal=Orphanet J Rare Dis |volume=5 |issue= |pages=20 |date=July 2010 |pmid=20615230 |pmc=2913941 |doi=10.1186/1750-1172-5-20 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid217432312">{{cite journal |vauthors=Ahmed J, Ali US |title=Joubert syndrome with nephronophthisis in neurofibromatosis type 1 |journal=Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl |volume=22 |issue=4 |pages=788–91 |date=July 2011 |pmid=21743231 |doi= |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid260928692">{{cite journal |vauthors=Bachmann-Gagescu R, Dempsey JC, Phelps IG, O'Roak BJ, Knutzen DM, Rue TC, Ishak GE, Isabella CR, Gorden N, Adkins J, Boyle EA, de Lacy N, O'Day D, Alswaid A, Ramadevi A R, Lingappa L, Lourenço C, Martorell L, Garcia-Cazorla À, Ozyürek H, Haliloğlu G, Tuysuz B, Topçu M, Chance P, Parisi MA, Glass IA, Shendure J, Doherty D |title=Joubert syndrome: a model for untangling recessive disorders with extreme genetic heterogeneity |journal=J. Med. Genet. |volume=52 |issue=8 |pages=514–22 |date=August 2015 |pmid=26092869 |pmc=5082428 |doi=10.1136/jmedgenet-2015-103087 |url=}}</ref>
** Broad [[forehead]]
** High rounded [[eyebrows]]
** [[Epicanthal fold|Epicanthal folds]]
** [[Ptosis]]
** Widely spaced [[eyes]]
** Upturned [[nose]] with evident [[Nostril|nostrils]]
** [[Low-set ears]]
** Triangular-shaped [[mouth]](Rhomboid appearance)
** Tongue protrusion
[[File:Joubert Syndrome-bilateral abducens nerve palsy.gif|alt=Bilateral abducens nerve palsy|thumb|Bilateral abducens nerve palsy and developmental delay in joubert syndrome. Case courtesy by Javad Akhondian, MD Et Al<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Joubert Syndrome in Three Children in A Family: A Case Series|last=|first=|date=|website=|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=}}</ref>]]
[[File:Joubert syndrome patient.gif|alt=Joubert syndrome patient with strabismus and large forehead|thumb|Joubert syndrome patient with strabismus (Yellow arrow) and a large forehead(Green arrow).Case courtesy by Javad Akhondian Et Al<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Joubert Syndrome in Three Children in A Family: A Case Series|last=|first=|date=|website=|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=}}</ref>]]
[[File:Joubert syndrome.gif|alt=Joubert syndrome|thumb|Joubert syndrome-Broadened bridge of the nose and an open mouth. Case courtesy by Richa Arora Et Al <ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Joubert Syndrome: Imaging Features and Illustration of a Case|last=|first=|date=|website=|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=}}</ref>]]
* [[Oculomotor]] [[apraxia]](OMA): Patients with [[oculomotor]] [[apraxia]] in joubert syndrome have difficulty in moving the [[eyes]] from one side to another side.<ref name="pmid93097102">{{cite journal |vauthors=Steinlin M, Schmid M, Landau K, Boltshauser E |title=Follow-up in children with Joubert syndrome |journal=Neuropediatrics |volume=28 |issue=4 |pages=204–11 |date=August 1997 |pmid=9309710 |doi=10.1055/s-2007-973701 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid181646753">{{cite journal |vauthors=Valente EM, Brancati F, Dallapiccola B |title=Genotypes and phenotypes of Joubert syndrome and related disorders |journal=Eur J Med Genet |volume=51 |issue=1 |pages=1–23 |date=2008 |pmid=18164675 |doi=10.1016/j.ejmg.2007.11.003 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid10488903">{{cite journal |vauthors=Maria BL, Boltshauser E, Palmer SC, Tran TX |title=Clinical features and revised diagnostic criteria in Joubert syndrome |journal=J. Child Neurol. |volume=14 |issue=9 |pages=583–90; discussion 590–1 |date=September 1999 |pmid=10488903 |doi=10.1177/088307389901400906 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid114240295">{{cite journal |vauthors=Barreirinho MS, Teixeira J, Moreira NC, Bastos S, Gonçalvez S, Barbot MC |title=[Joubert's syndrome: report of 12 cases] |language=Spanish; Castilian |journal=Rev Neurol |volume=32 |issue=9 |pages=812–7 |date=2001 |pmid=11424029 |doi= |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid176038014">{{cite journal |vauthors=Boycott KM, Parboosingh JS, Scott JN, McLeod DR, Greenberg CR, Fujiwara TM, Mah JK, Midgley J, Wade A, Bernier FP, Chodirker BN, Bunge M, Innes AM |title=Meckel syndrome in the Hutterite population is actually a Joubert-related cerebello-oculo-renal syndrome |journal=Am. J. Med. Genet. A |volume=143A |issue=15 |pages=1715–25 |date=August 2007 |pmid=17603801 |doi=10.1002/ajmg.a.31832 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid114240292">{{cite journal |vauthors=Barreirinho MS, Teixeira J, Moreira NC, Bastos S, Gonçalvez S, Barbot MC |title=[Joubert's syndrome: report of 12 cases] |language=Spanish; Castilian |journal=Rev Neurol |volume=32 |issue=9 |pages=812–7 |date=2001 |pmid=11424029 |doi= |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid1341417">{{cite journal |vauthors=Saraiva JM, Baraitser M |title=Joubert syndrome: a review |journal=Am. J. Med. Genet. |volume=43 |issue=4 |pages=726–31 |date=July 1992 |pmid=1341417 |doi=10.1002/ajmg.1320430415 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid105113332">{{cite journal |vauthors=Tusa RJ, Hove MT |title=Ocular and oculomotor signs in Joubert syndrome |journal=J. Child Neurol. |volume=14 |issue=10 |pages=621–7 |date=October 1999 |pmid=10511333 |doi=10.1177/088307389901401001 |url=}}</ref>
** [[Ocular]] [[coloboma]]
** [[Retinal]] [[dystrophy]]
* Episodic [[apnea]]<ref name="pmid173775242">{{cite journal |vauthors=Parisi MA, Doherty D, Chance PF, Glass IA |title=Joubert syndrome (and related disorders) (OMIM 213300) |journal=Eur. J. Hum. Genet. |volume=15 |issue=5 |pages=511–21 |date=May 2007 |pmid=17377524 |doi=10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201648 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid181646752">{{cite journal |vauthors=Valente EM, Brancati F, Dallapiccola B |title=Genotypes and phenotypes of Joubert syndrome and related disorders |journal=Eur J Med Genet |volume=51 |issue=1 |pages=1–23 |date=2008 |pmid=18164675 |doi=10.1016/j.ejmg.2007.11.003 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid9309710">{{cite journal |vauthors=Steinlin M, Schmid M, Landau K, Boltshauser E |title=Follow-up in children with Joubert syndrome |journal=Neuropediatrics |volume=28 |issue=4 |pages=204–11 |date=August 1997 |pmid=9309710 |doi=10.1055/s-2007-973701 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid114240297">{{cite journal |vauthors=Barreirinho MS, Teixeira J, Moreira NC, Bastos S, Gonçalvez S, Barbot MC |title=[Joubert's syndrome: report of 12 cases] |language=Spanish; Castilian |journal=Rev Neurol |volume=32 |issue=9 |pages=812–7 |date=2001 |pmid=11424029 |doi= |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid273770142">{{cite journal |vauthors=Bader I, Decker E, Mayr JA, Lunzer V, Koch J, Boltshauser E, Sperl W, Pietsch P, Ertl-Wagner B, Bolz H, Bergmann C, Rittinger O |title=MKS1 mutations cause Joubert syndrome with agenesis of the corpus callosum |journal=Eur J Med Genet |volume=59 |issue=8 |pages=386–91 |date=August 2016 |pmid=27377014 |doi=10.1016/j.ejmg.2016.06.007 |url=}}</ref>
* [[Ataxia]]: Very prominent and most common physical findings in patients with joubert syndrome<ref name="pmid7299292">{{cite journal |vauthors=Friede RL, Boltshauser E |title=Uncommon syndromes of cerebellar vermis aplasia. I: Joubert syndrome |journal=Dev Med Child Neurol |volume=20 |issue=6 |pages=758–63 |date=December 1978 |pmid=729929 |doi= |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid176038013">{{cite journal |vauthors=Boycott KM, Parboosingh JS, Scott JN, McLeod DR, Greenberg CR, Fujiwara TM, Mah JK, Midgley J, Wade A, Bernier FP, Chodirker BN, Bunge M, Innes AM |title=Meckel syndrome in the Hutterite population is actually a Joubert-related cerebello-oculo-renal syndrome |journal=Am. J. Med. Genet. A |volume=143A |issue=15 |pages=1715–25 |date=August 2007 |pmid=17603801 |doi=10.1002/ajmg.a.31832 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid104889032">{{cite journal |vauthors=Maria BL, Boltshauser E, Palmer SC, Tran TX |title=Clinical features and revised diagnostic criteria in Joubert syndrome |journal=J. Child Neurol. |volume=14 |issue=9 |pages=583–90; discussion 590–1 |date=September 1999 |pmid=10488903 |doi=10.1177/088307389901400906 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid206152303">{{cite journal |vauthors=Brancati F, Dallapiccola B, Valente EM |title=Joubert Syndrome and related disorders |journal=Orphanet J Rare Dis |volume=5 |issue= |pages=20 |date=July 2010 |pmid=20615230 |pmc=2913941 |doi=10.1186/1750-1172-5-20 |url=}}</ref>
* [[Intellectual impairment]]<ref name="pmid173775243">{{cite journal |vauthors=Parisi MA, Doherty D, Chance PF, Glass IA |title=Joubert syndrome (and related disorders) (OMIM 213300) |journal=Eur. J. Hum. Genet. |volume=15 |issue=5 |pages=511–21 |date=May 2007 |pmid=17377524 |doi=10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201648 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid114240293">{{cite journal |vauthors=Barreirinho MS, Teixeira J, Moreira NC, Bastos S, Gonçalvez S, Barbot MC |title=[Joubert's syndrome: report of 12 cases] |language=Spanish; Castilian |journal=Rev Neurol |volume=32 |issue=9 |pages=812–7 |date=2001 |pmid=11424029 |doi= |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid114240296">{{cite journal |vauthors=Barreirinho MS, Teixeira J, Moreira NC, Bastos S, Gonçalvez S, Barbot MC |title=[Joubert's syndrome: report of 12 cases] |language=Spanish; Castilian |journal=Rev Neurol |volume=32 |issue=9 |pages=812–7 |date=2001 |pmid=11424029 |doi= |url=}}</ref>
* Gross [[Motor coordination|motor]] milestones delays <ref name="pmid10488904">{{cite journal |vauthors=Fennell EB, Gitten JC, Dede DE, Maria BL |title=Cognition, behavior, and development in Joubert syndrome |journal=J. Child Neurol. |volume=14 |issue=9 |pages=592–6 |date=September 1999 |pmid=10488904 |doi=10.1177/088307389901400907 |url=}}</ref>
* [[Hypotonia]]
== Natural History, Complications, and Prognosis ==
'''Natural History'''
* The [[Symptom|symptoms]] of joubert syndrome usually develop in the first decade of life, and start with [[Symptom|symptoms]] such as episodic [[apnea]], [[ataxia]] and [[intellectual disability]].
Common [[Complication (medicine)|complications]] of joubert syndrome include:<ref name="pmid176038012">{{cite journal |vauthors=Boycott KM, Parboosingh JS, Scott JN, McLeod DR, Greenberg CR, Fujiwara TM, Mah JK, Midgley J, Wade A, Bernier FP, Chodirker BN, Bunge M, Innes AM |title=Meckel syndrome in the Hutterite population is actually a Joubert-related cerebello-oculo-renal syndrome |journal=Am. J. Med. Genet. A |volume=143A |issue=15 |pages=1715–25 |date=August 2007 |pmid=17603801 |doi=10.1002/ajmg.a.31832 |url=}}</ref>
* [[Developmental delay]]
* Abnormal [[eye]] movements
* [[Hypotonia]]
* [[Cystic]] [[dysplasia]]
* [[Nephronophthisis]]
* The development or underdevelopment of [[cerebellar vermis]] is the main [[Prognosis|prognostic]] factor in patients with joubert syndrome.<ref name="pmid10511338">{{cite journal |vauthors=Yachnis AT, Rorke LB |title=Neuropathology of Joubert syndrome |journal=J. Child Neurol. |volume=14 |issue=10 |pages=655–9; discussion 669–72 |date=October 1999 |pmid=10511338 |doi=10.1177/088307389901401006 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid10488901">{{cite journal |vauthors=Yachnis AT, Rorke LB |title=Cerebellar and brainstem development: an overview in relation to Joubert syndrome |journal=J. Child Neurol. |volume=14 |issue=9 |pages=570–3 |date=September 1999 |pmid=10488901 |doi=10.1177/088307389901400904 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid7299293">{{cite journal |vauthors=Friede RL, Boltshauser E |title=Uncommon syndromes of cerebellar vermis aplasia. I: Joubert syndrome |journal=Dev Med Child Neurol |volume=20 |issue=6 |pages=758–63 |date=December 1978 |pmid=729929 |doi= |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid104889033">{{cite journal |vauthors=Maria BL, Boltshauser E, Palmer SC, Tran TX |title=Clinical features and revised diagnostic criteria in Joubert syndrome |journal=J. Child Neurol. |volume=14 |issue=9 |pages=583–90; discussion 590–1 |date=September 1999 |pmid=10488903 |doi=10.1177/088307389901400906 |url=}}</ref>
* Involvement of other [[Organ (anatomy)|organs]] such as [[kidney]] and [[liver]] also plays a significant role in [[prognosis]].<ref name="pmid21743231">{{cite journal |vauthors=Ahmed J, Ali US |title=Joubert syndrome with nephronophthisis in neurofibromatosis type 1 |journal=Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl |volume=22 |issue=4 |pages=788–91 |date=July 2011 |pmid=21743231 |doi= |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid1341417" /><ref name="pmid281250822">{{cite journal |vauthors=Vilboux T, Doherty DA, Glass IA, Parisi MA, Phelps IG, Cullinane AR, Zein W, Brooks BP, Heller T, Soldatos A, Oden NL, Yildirimli D, Vemulapalli M, Mullikin JC, Nisc Comparative Sequencing Program, Malicdan MCV, Gahl WA, Gunay-Aygun M |title=Molecular genetic findings and clinical correlations in 100 patients with Joubert syndrome and related disorders prospectively evaluated at a single center |journal=Genet. Med. |volume=19 |issue=8 |pages=875–882 |date=August 2017 |pmid=28125082 |doi=10.1038/gim.2016.204 |url=}}</ref>
* The extent of [[breathing]] dysregulation also determines the [[prognosis]] in a patient with joubert syndrome.<ref name="pmid206152304">{{cite journal |vauthors=Brancati F, Dallapiccola B, Valente EM |title=Joubert Syndrome and related disorders |journal=Orphanet J Rare Dis |volume=5 |issue= |pages=20 |date=July 2010 |pmid=20615230 |pmc=2913941 |doi=10.1186/1750-1172-5-20 |url=}}</ref>
== Diagnostic Study of Choice ==
[[File:Joubert syndrome-molar tooth sign, occipital encephalocele.gif|alt=Joubert syndrome-Molar tooth sign(A), occipital encephalocele(B)|thumb|Joubert syndrome-Molar tooth sign(A), occipital encephalocele(B). case courtesy by Mohammed Z. Seidahmed Et Al <ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Genetic, chromosomal, and syndromic causes of neural tube defects|last=|first=|date=|website=|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=}}</ref>]]
* [[Magnetic resonance imaging]]([[MRI]]) is the [[Gold standard (test)|gold standard]] test for the [[diagnosis]] of joubert syndrome, shows the following features on [[Magnetic resonance imaging|MRI]]<ref name="pmid9373798">{{cite journal |vauthors=Maria BL, Hoang KB, Tusa RJ, Mancuso AA, Hamed LM, Quisling RG, Hove MT, Fennell EB, Booth-Jones M, Ringdahl DM, Yachnis AT, Creel G, Frerking B |title="Joubert syndrome" revisited: key ocular motor signs with magnetic resonance imaging correlation |journal=J. Child Neurol. |volume=12 |issue=7 |pages=423–30 |date=October 1997 |pmid=9373798 |doi=10.1177/088307389701200703 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid10385844">{{cite journal |vauthors=Maria BL, Quisling RG, Rosainz LC, Yachnis AT, Gitten J, Dede D, Fennell E |title=Molar tooth sign in Joubert syndrome: clinical, radiologic, and pathologic significance |journal=J. Child Neurol. |volume=14 |issue=6 |pages=368–76 |date=June 1999 |pmid=10385844 |doi=10.1177/088307389901400605 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid17603801">{{cite journal |vauthors=Boycott KM, Parboosingh JS, Scott JN, McLeod DR, Greenberg CR, Fujiwara TM, Mah JK, Midgley J, Wade A, Bernier FP, Chodirker BN, Bunge M, Innes AM |title=Meckel syndrome in the Hutterite population is actually a Joubert-related cerebello-oculo-renal syndrome |journal=Am. J. Med. Genet. A |volume=143A |issue=15 |pages=1715–25 |date=August 2007 |pmid=17603801 |doi=10.1002/ajmg.a.31832 |url=}}</ref>
** [[Molar (tooth)|Molar tooth]] sign: [[Pathognomonic]] of joubert syndrome<ref name="pmid104889034">{{cite journal |vauthors=Maria BL, Boltshauser E, Palmer SC, Tran TX |title=Clinical features and revised diagnostic criteria in Joubert syndrome |journal=J. Child Neurol. |volume=14 |issue=9 |pages=583–90; discussion 590–1 |date=September 1999 |pmid=10488903 |doi=10.1177/088307389901400906 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid173775245">{{cite journal |vauthors=Parisi MA, Doherty D, Chance PF, Glass IA |title=Joubert syndrome (and related disorders) (OMIM 213300) |journal=Eur. J. Hum. Genet. |volume=15 |issue=5 |pages=511–21 |date=May 2007 |pmid=17377524 |doi=10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201648 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid105113392">{{cite journal |vauthors=Chance PF, Cavalier L, Satran D, Pellegrino JE, Koenig M, Dobyns WB |title=Clinical nosologic and genetic aspects of Joubert and related syndromes |journal=J. Child Neurol. |volume=14 |issue=10 |pages=660–6; discussion 669–72 |date=October 1999 |pmid=10511339 |doi=10.1177/088307389901401007 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid10511334">{{cite journal |vauthors=Quisling RG, Barkovich AJ, Maria BL |title=Magnetic resonance imaging features and classification of central nervous system malformations in Joubert syndrome |journal=J. Child Neurol. |volume=14 |issue=10 |pages=628–35; discussion 669–72 |date=October 1999 |pmid=10511334 |doi=10.1177/088307389901401002 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid10511333">{{cite journal |vauthors=Tusa RJ, Hove MT |title=Ocular and oculomotor signs in Joubert syndrome |journal=J. Child Neurol. |volume=14 |issue=10 |pages=621–7 |date=October 1999 |pmid=10511333 |doi=10.1177/088307389901401001 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid28125082">{{cite journal |vauthors=Vilboux T, Doherty DA, Glass IA, Parisi MA, Phelps IG, Cullinane AR, Zein W, Brooks BP, Heller T, Soldatos A, Oden NL, Yildirimli D, Vemulapalli M, Mullikin JC, Nisc Comparative Sequencing Program, Malicdan MCV, Gahl WA, Gunay-Aygun M |title=Molecular genetic findings and clinical correlations in 100 patients with Joubert syndrome and related disorders prospectively evaluated at a single center |journal=Genet. Med. |volume=19 |issue=8 |pages=875–882 |date=August 2017 |pmid=28125082 |doi=10.1038/gim.2016.204 |url=}}</ref>
*** [[Cerebellar vermis|Vermian]] [[dysgenesis]] and horizontal [[Superior cerebellar peduncles|superior cerebellar peduncle]] elongation represents the [[Molar teeth|molar]] tooth sign
*** [[Hypoplastic]] [[posterior]] [[cerebellar vermis]]
*** Deformed [[midbrain]] and pontomesencephalic junction
*** [[Prenatal]] [[Magnetic resonance imaging|MRI]] of the fetal brain can help in [[diagnosis]] of joubert syndrome<ref name="pmid16900929">{{cite journal |vauthors=Fluss J, Blaser S, Chitayat D, Akoury H, Glanc P, Skidmore M, Raybaud C |title=Molar tooth sign in fetal brain magnetic resonance imaging leading to the prenatal diagnosis of Joubert syndrome and related disorders |journal=J. Child Neurol. |volume=21 |issue=4 |pages=320–4 |date=April 2006 |pmid=16900929 |doi=10.1177/08830738060210041001 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid21370303">{{cite journal |vauthors=Pugash D, Oh T, Godwin K, Robinson AJ, Byrne A, Van Allen MI, Osiovich H |title=Sonographic 'molar tooth' sign in the diagnosis of Joubert syndrome |journal=Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol |volume=38 |issue=5 |pages=598–602 |date=November 2011 |pmid=21370303 |doi=10.1002/uog.8979 |url=}}</ref>
[[File:Molar tooth sign and hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis in Joubert syndrome.gif|alt=Molar tooth sign|center|thumb|651x651px|Molar tooth sign(A) and (B)[[hypoplasia]] of the [[cerebellar vermis]] (arrows). Case courtesy by Dr. Manohar M. Shroff Et Al<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Twenty classic signs in neuroradiology: A pictorial essay|last=|first=|date=|website=|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=}}</ref>]]
== Medical therapy ==
* There is no treatment for joubert syndrome; the mainstay of therapy is supportive care.<ref name="pmid206152305">{{cite journal |vauthors=Brancati F, Dallapiccola B, Valente EM |title=Joubert Syndrome and related disorders |journal=Orphanet J Rare Dis |volume=5 |issue= |pages=20 |date=July 2010 |pmid=20615230 |pmc=2913941 |doi=10.1186/1750-1172-5-20 |url=}}</ref>
* In patients with joubert syndrome [[opioids]] should be used with caution as they lead to [[respiratory depression]] .<ref name="pmid27785575">{{cite journal |vauthors=Buke B, Canverenler E, İpek G, Canverenler S, Akkaya H |title=Diagnosis of Joubert syndrome via ultrasonography |journal=J Med Ultrason (2001) |volume=44 |issue=2 |pages=197–202 |date=April 2017 |pmid=27785575 |doi=10.1007/s10396-016-0751-8 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid23622411">{{cite journal |vauthors=Valente EM, Dallapiccola B, Bertini E |title=Joubert syndrome and related disorders |journal=Handb Clin Neurol |volume=113 |issue= |pages=1879–88 |date=2013 |pmid=23622411 |doi=10.1016/B978-0-444-59565-2.00058-7 |url=}}</ref><ref name="pmid28127172">{{cite journal |vauthors=Goswami M, Rajwar AS, Verma M |title=Orocraniofacial findings of a Pediatric Patient with Joubert Syndrome |journal=Int J Clin Pediatr Dent |volume=9 |issue=4 |pages=379–383 |date=2016 |pmid=28127172 |pmc=5233707 |doi=10.5005/jp-journals-10005-1394 |url=}}</ref>
* [[Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug|Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs]]([[Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug|NSAIDS]]) should be avoided if the patient with joubert syndrome have [[renal impairment]].<ref name="pmid203015002">{{cite journal |vauthors=Adam MP, Ardinger HH, Pagon RA, Wallace SE, Bean LJH, Stephens K, Amemiya A, Parisi M, Glass I |title= |journal= |volume= |issue= |pages= |date= |pmid=20301500 |doi= |url=}}</ref>
* [[Hepatotoxicity|Hepatotoxic]] drugs should be avoided in case of [[Hepatic failure|liver failure]].
* [[Caffeine]] may be helpful with [[respiratory]] problems in some patients with joubert syndrome.
* [[Nitrous oxide]] which is an [[Anaesthetic agent|anaesthetic agents]] should be avoided in patients with joubert syndrome.<ref name="pmid9189974">{{cite journal |vauthors=Habre W, Sims C, D'Souza M |title=Anaesthetic management of children with Joubert syndrome |journal=Paediatr Anaesth |volume=7 |issue=3 |pages=251–3 |date=1997 |pmid=9189974 |doi=10.1046/j.1460-9592.1997.d01-65.x |url=}}</ref><ref name="HabreSims1997">{{cite journal|last1=Habre|first1=Walid|last2=Sims|first2=Craig|last3=D’Souza|first3=Michael|title=Anaesthetic management of children with Joubert syndrome|journal=Pediatric Anesthesia|volume=7|issue=3|year=1997|pages=251–253|issn=11555645|doi=10.1046/j.1460-9592.1997.d01-65.x}}</ref>
* In patients with joubert syndrome, [[neuropsychological]] support and [[Rehabilitation (neuropsychology)|rehabilitation]] should be provided to deal with the [[cognitive]] and [[behavioral]] abnormalities.
* The use of [[dexmedetomidine]] along with [[remifentanil]] maybe effective in some patients with joubert syndrome who might need surgery.
== Surgery ==
* Surgical intervention is not recommended for the management of joubert syndrome.
* [[Surgery]] is usually reserved for patients with either:<ref name="pmid20301500">{{cite journal |vauthors=Adam MP, Ardinger HH, Pagon RA, Wallace SE, Bean LJH, Stephens K, Amemiya A, Parisi M, Glass I |title= |journal= |volume= |issue= |pages= |date= |pmid=20301500 |doi= |url=}}</ref>
** [[Respiratory]] problems which can be managed by [[tracheostomy]]
** [[Feeding]] problems which can be managed by [[gastrostomy]] tube
** [[Polydactyly]] patients
** Symptomatic [[ptosis]] and/or [[strabismus]] patients

==External links==
*[ The Joubert Syndrome Foundation Home Page]
*[ NINDS Joubert Syndrome Information Page]
*[  Researchers Identify Joubert Syndrome Genes]



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Latest revision as of 11:30, 3 June 2019

Joubert syndrome
ICD-10 Q04.3
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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1] ; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Vamsikrishna Gunnam M.B.B.S [2]

Synonyms and Keywords: Cerebelloparenchymal disorder 4; Cerebellar vermis agenesis; Joubert-Boltshauser syndrome; JBTS1; CPD4; Cerebellooculorenal syndrome 1; CORS1; Joubert syndrome 1


Joubert syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects the areas of the cerebellar vermis and brain stem in the brain that controls balance and coordination. Joubert syndrome follows autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance. In The United States of America in order to categorise a condition as a rare disease it should affect fewer than 200,000 people. Rare diseases also called as orphan diseases. Orphan Drug Act was passed on 1983 by congress for the rare diseases. Today an average of 25-30 million americans have been reported with rare diseases. The number of people with individual rare disease may be less but overall the number of people with rare diseases are large in number.

Historical perspective

  • In year 1955, the first reported cases of Joubert syndrome which are partial agenesis of the vermis of the cerebellum was collected by De Haene.[1]
  • In year 1969, Joubert syndrome was first discovered in in four siblings by Dr. Marie Joubert et al.[2][3]
  • In year 1977, Joubert syndrome name was first suggested by Boltshauser and Isler.
  • In year 1978, Friede and Boltshauser are the first to describe neuropathologic findings in one patient with joubert syndrome.[4][5]
  • In year 1978, Boltshauser et al are the first first to describe two sisters who are having joubert syndrome whose parents were consanguineous.[6][7]


  • Joubert syndrome may be classified according to gene location of the mutation into many subtypes of these JBTS1 and JBTS2 are the most common and important subtypes:[8][9][10]
Phenotype Location of mutation Gene involved Inheritance pattern
JOUBERT SYNDROME 1(JBTS1) 9q34.3 INPP5E Autosomal recessive
JOUBERT SYNDROME 2(JBTS2) 11q12.2 TMEM216 Autosomal recessive


INPP5E (Inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase E)

TMEM216(Transmembrane protein 216)

AHI1(Abelson Helper Integration Site 1)

NPHP1(Nephrocystin 1)

CEP290(Centrosomal protein 290)

TMEM67(Transmembrane protein 67) / MKS3(Transmembrane protein meckelin)





Genetic Causes

Differentiating joubert syndrome from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics


  • The incidence of joubert syndrome is approximately 1 per 80,000 individuals to 1 per 100,000 individuals worldwide.[58][59][60]
  • Till now only 200 cases of joubert syndrome were published in the literature.


  • The prevalence of joubert syndrome is approximately 1 per 100,000 in the United States.[61]


  • Joubert syndrome commonly affects newborns in the first 6 months of life.

Risk Factors

Physical Examination


Bilateral abducens nerve palsy
Bilateral abducens nerve palsy and developmental delay in joubert syndrome. Case courtesy by Javad Akhondian, MD Et Al[70]
Joubert syndrome patient with strabismus and large forehead
Joubert syndrome patient with strabismus (Yellow arrow) and a large forehead(Green arrow).Case courtesy by Javad Akhondian Et Al[71]
Joubert syndrome
Joubert syndrome-Broadened bridge of the nose and an open mouth. Case courtesy by Richa Arora Et Al [72]



Natural History, Complications, and Prognosis

Natural History


Common complications of joubert syndrome include:[94]


Diagnostic Study of Choice

Joubert syndrome-Molar tooth sign(A), occipital encephalocele(B)
Joubert syndrome-Molar tooth sign(A), occipital encephalocele(B). case courtesy by Mohammed Z. Seidahmed Et Al [102]
Molar tooth sign
Molar tooth sign(A) and (B)hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis (arrows). Case courtesy by Dr. Manohar M. Shroff Et Al[114]

Medical therapy



  1. Stoffels, C.; Babin, E. (1976). "Angiography of incomplete lobulation of the cerebellar vermis with small fourth ventricle associated with callosal hypoplasia". Neuroradiology. 11 (2): 99–102. doi:10.1007/BF00345021. ISSN 0028-3940.
  2. Boltshauser E, Isler W (February 1977). "Joubert syndrome: episodic hyperpnea, abnormal eye movements, retardation and ataxia, associated with dysplasia of the cerebellar vermis". Neuropadiatrie. 8 (1): 57–66. doi:10.1055/s-0028-1091505. PMID 576733.
  3. Boltshauser, E.; Isler, W. (2008). "Joubert Syndrome: Episodic Hyperpnea, Abnormal Eye Movements, Retardation and Ataxia, Associated with Dysplasia of the Cerebellar Vermis". Neuropediatrics. 8 (01): 57–66. doi:10.1055/s-0028-1091505. ISSN 0174-304X.
  4. Friede RL, Boltshauser E (December 1978). "Uncommon syndromes of cerebellar vermis aplasia. I: Joubert syndrome". Dev Med Child Neurol. 20 (6): 758–63. PMID 729929.
  5. Friede, R. L.; Boltshauser, E. (2008). "Uncommon Syndromes of Cerebellar Vermis Aplasia. I: Joubert Syndrome". Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. 20 (6): 758–763. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8749.1978.tb15307.x. ISSN 0012-1622.
  6. Al-Gazali L, Hamamy H (2014). "Consanguinity and dysmorphology in Arabs". Hum. Hered. 77 (1–4): 93–107. doi:10.1159/000360421. PMID 25060273.
  7. Al-Gazali L, Ali BR (May 2010). "Mutations of a country: a mutation review of single gene disorders in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)". Hum. Mutat. 31 (5): 505–20. doi:10.1002/humu.21232. PMID 20437613.
  8. Valente, Enza Maria; Marsh, Sarah E.; Castori, Marco; Dixon-Salazar, Tracy; Bertini, Enrico; Al-Gazali, Lihadh; Messer, Jean; Barbot, Clara; Woods, C. Geoffrey; Boltshauser, Eugen; Al-Tawari, Asma A.; Salpietro, Carmelo D.; Kayserili, Hulya; Sztriha, L�szl�; Gribaa, Moez; Koenig, Michel; Dallapiccola, Bruno; Gleeson, Joseph G. (2005). "Distinguishing the four genetic causes of jouberts syndrome-related disorders". Annals of Neurology. 57 (4): 513–519. doi:10.1002/ana.20422. ISSN 0364-5134. replacement character in |first14= at position 2 (help)
  9. Saraiva, Jorge M.; Baraitser, Michael (1992). "Joubert syndrome: A review". American Journal of Medical Genetics. 43 (4): 726–731. doi:10.1002/ajmg.1320430415. ISSN 0148-7299.
  10. Bachmann-Gagescu R, Dempsey JC, Phelps IG, O'Roak BJ, Knutzen DM, Rue TC, Ishak GE, Isabella CR, Gorden N, Adkins J, Boyle EA, de Lacy N, O'Day D, Alswaid A, Ramadevi A R, Lingappa L, Lourenço C, Martorell L, Garcia-Cazorla À, Ozyürek H, Haliloğlu G, Tuysuz B, Topçu M, Chance P, Parisi MA, Glass IA, Shendure J, Doherty D (August 2015). "Joubert syndrome: a model for untangling recessive disorders with extreme genetic heterogeneity". J. Med. Genet. 52 (8): 514–22. doi:10.1136/jmedgenet-2015-103087. PMC 5082428. PMID 26092869. Vancouver style error: name (help)
  11. Parisi MA (November 2009). "Clinical and molecular features of Joubert syndrome and related disorders". Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet. 151C (4): 326–40. doi:10.1002/ajmg.c.30229. PMC 2797758. PMID 19876931.
  12. Travaglini L, Brancati F, Attie-Bitach T, Audollent S, Bertini E, Kaplan J, Perrault I, Iannicelli M, Mancuso B, Rigoli L, Rozet JM, Swistun D, Tolentino J, Dallapiccola B, Gleeson JG, Valente EM, Zankl A, Leventer R, Grattan-Smith P, Janecke A, D'Hooghe M, Sznajer Y, Van Coster R, Demerleir L, Dias K, Moco C, Moreira A, Kim CA, Maegawa G, Petkovic D, Abdel-Salam GM, Abdel-Aleem A, Zaki MS, Marti I, Quijano-Roy S, Sigaudy S, de Lonlay P, Romano S, Touraine R, Koenig M, Lagier-Tourenne C, Messer J, Collignon P, Wolf N, Philippi H, Kitsiou Tzeli S, Halldorsson S, Johannsdottir J, Ludvigsson P, Phadke SR, Udani V, Stuart B, Magee A, Lev D, Michelson M, Ben-Zeev B, Fischetto R, Benedicenti F, Stanzial F, Borgatti R, Accorsi P, Battaglia S, Fazzi E, Giordano L, Pinelli L, Boccone L, Bigoni S, Ferlini A, Donati MA, Caridi G, Divizia MT, Faravelli F, Ghiggeri G, Pessagno A, Briguglio M, Briuglia S, Salpietro CD, Tortorella G, Adami A, Castorina P, Lalatta F, Marra G, Riva D, Scelsa B, Spaccini L, Uziel G, Del Giudice E, Laverda AM, Ludwig K, Permunian A, Suppiej A, Signorini S, Uggetti C, Battini R, Di Giacomo M, Cilio MR, Di Sabato ML, Leuzzi V, Parisi P, Pollazzon M, Silengo M, De Vescovi R, Greco D, Romano C, Cazzagon M, Simonati A, Al-Tawari AA, Bastaki L, Mégarbané A, Sabolic Avramovska V, de Jong MM, Stromme P, Koul R, Rajab A, Azam M, Barbot C, Martorell Sampol L, Rodriguez B, Pascual-Castroviejo I, Teber S, Anlar B, Comu S, Karaca E, Kayserili H, Yüksel A, Akcakus M, Al Gazali L, Sztriha L, Nicholl D, Woods CG, Bennett C, Hurst J, Sheridan E, Barnicoat A, Hennekam R, Lees M, Blair E, Bernes S, Sanchez H, Clark AE, DeMarco E, Donahue C, Sherr E, Hahn J, Sanger TD, Gallager TE, Dobyns WB, Daugherty C, Krishnamoorthy KS, Sarco D, Walsh CA, McKanna T, Milisa J, Chung WK, De Vivo DC, Raynes H, Schubert R, Seward A, Brooks DG, Goldstein A, Caldwell J, Finsecke E, Maria BL, Holden K, Cruse RP, Swoboda KJ, Viskochil D (October 2009). "Expanding CEP290 mutational spectrum in ciliopathies". Am. J. Med. Genet. A. 149A (10): 2173–80. doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.33025. PMC 4340070. PMID 19764032.
  13. Valente EM, Marsh SE, Castori M, Dixon-Salazar T, Bertini E, Al-Gazali L, Messer J, Barbot C, Woods CG, Boltshauser E, Al-Tawari AA, Salpietro CD, Kayserili H, Sztriha L, Gribaa M, Koenig M, Dallapiccola B, Gleeson JG (April 2005). "Distinguishing the four genetic causes of Jouberts syndrome-related disorders". Ann. Neurol. 57 (4): 513–9. doi:10.1002/ana.20422. PMID 15786477.
  14. Slaats GG, Isabella CR, Kroes HY, Dempsey JC, Gremmels H, Monroe GR, Phelps IG, Duran KJ, Adkins J, Kumar SA, Knutzen DM, Knoers NV, Mendelsohn NJ, Neubauer D, Mastroyianni SD, Vogt J, Worgan L, Karp N, Bowdin S, Glass IA, Parisi MA, Otto EA, Johnson CA, Hildebrandt F, van Haaften G, Giles RH, Doherty D (January 2016). "MKS1 regulates ciliary INPP5E levels in Joubert syndrome". J. Med. Genet. 53 (1): 62–72. doi:10.1136/jmedgenet-2015-103250. PMC 5060087. PMID 26490104.
  15. Saar K, Al-Gazali L, Sztriha L, Rueschendorf F, Nur-E-Kamal M, Reis A, Bayoumi R (December 1999). "Homozygosity mapping in families with Joubert syndrome identifies a locus on chromosome 9q34.3 and evidence for genetic heterogeneity". Am. J. Hum. Genet. 65 (6): 1666–71. doi:10.1086/302655. PMC 1288377. PMID 10577920.
  16. Bielas SL, Silhavy JL, Brancati F, Kisseleva MV, Al-Gazali L, Sztriha L, Bayoumi RA, Zaki MS, Abdel-Aleem A, Rosti RO, Kayserili H, Swistun D, Scott LC, Bertini E, Boltshauser E, Fazzi E, Travaglini L, Field SJ, Gayral S, Jacoby M, Schurmans S, Dallapiccola B, Majerus PW, Valente EM, Gleeson JG (September 2009). "Mutations in INPP5E, encoding inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase E, link phosphatidyl inositol signaling to the ciliopathies". Nat. Genet. 41 (9): 1032–6. doi:10.1038/ng.423. PMC 2746682. PMID 19668216.
  17. Jacoby M, Cox JJ, Gayral S, Hampshire DJ, Ayub M, Blockmans M, Pernot E, Kisseleva MV, Compère P, Schiffmann SN, Gergely F, Riley JH, Pérez-Morga D, Woods CG, Schurmans S (September 2009). "INPP5E mutations cause primary cilium signaling defects, ciliary instability and ciliopathies in human and mouse". Nat. Genet. 41 (9): 1027–31. doi:10.1038/ng.427. PMID 19668215.
  18. Lagier-Tourenne C, Boltshauser E, Breivik N, Gribaa M, Bétard C, Barbot C, Koenig M (April 2004). "Homozygosity mapping of a third Joubert syndrome locus to 6q23". J. Med. Genet. 41 (4): 273–7. doi:10.1136/jmg.2003.014787. PMC 1735723. PMID 15060101.
  19. Valente EM, Brancati F, Silhavy JL, Castori M, Marsh SE, Barrano G, Bertini E, Boltshauser E, Zaki MS, Abdel-Aleem A, Abdel-Salam GM, Bellacchio E, Battini R, Cruse RP, Dobyns WB, Krishnamoorthy KS, Lagier-Tourenne C, Magee A, Pascual-Castroviejo I, Salpietro CD, Sarco D, Dallapiccola B, Gleeson JG (March 2006). "AHI1 gene mutations cause specific forms of Joubert syndrome-related disorders". Ann. Neurol. 59 (3): 527–34. doi:10.1002/ana.20749. PMID 16453322.
  20. Tuz K, Hsiao YC, Juárez O, Shi B, Harmon EY, Phelps IG, Lennartz MR, Glass IA, Doherty D, Ferland RJ (May 2013). "The Joubert syndrome-associated missense mutation (V443D) in the Abelson-helper integration site 1 (AHI1) protein alters its localization and protein-protein interactions". J. Biol. Chem. 288 (19): 13676–94. doi:10.1074/jbc.M112.420786. PMC 3650405. PMID 23532844.
  21. Louie CM, Gleeson JG (October 2005). "Genetic basis of Joubert syndrome and related disorders of cerebellar development". Hum. Mol. Genet. 14 Spec No. 2: R235–42. doi:10.1093/hmg/ddi264. PMID 16244321.
  22. Watson CM, Crinnion LA, Berry IR, Harrison SM, Lascelles C, Antanaviciute A, Charlton RS, Dobbie A, Carr IM, Bonthron DT (January 2016). "Enhanced diagnostic yield in Meckel-Gruber and Joubert syndrome through exome sequencing supplemented with split-read mapping". BMC Med. Genet. 17: 1. doi:10.1186/s12881-015-0265-z. PMC 4700600. PMID 26729329.
  23. Kroes HY, Monroe GR, van der Zwaag B, Duran KJ, de Kovel CG, van Roosmalen MJ, Harakalova M, Nijman IJ, Kloosterman WP, Giles RH, Knoers NV, van Haaften G (February 2016). "Joubert syndrome: genotyping a Northern European patient cohort". Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 24 (2): 214–20. doi:10.1038/ejhg.2015.84. PMC 4717206. PMID 25920555.
  24. Parisi MA, Doherty D, Eckert ML, Shaw DW, Ozyurek H, Aysun S, Giray O, Al Swaid A, Al Shahwan S, Dohayan N, Bakhsh E, Indridason OS, Dobyns WB, Bennett CL, Chance PF, Glass IA (April 2006). "AHI1 mutations cause both retinal dystrophy and renal cystic disease in Joubert syndrome". J. Med. Genet. 43 (4): 334–9. doi:10.1136/jmg.2005.036608. PMC 2563230. PMID 16155189.
  25. Dixon-Salazar T, Silhavy JL, Marsh SE, Louie CM, Scott LC, Gururaj A, Al-Gazali L, Al-Tawari AA, Kayserili H, Sztriha L, Gleeson JG (December 2004). "Mutations in the AHI1 gene, encoding jouberin, cause Joubert syndrome with cortical polymicrogyria". Am. J. Hum. Genet. 75 (6): 979–87. doi:10.1086/425985. PMC 1182159. PMID 15467982.
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  29. Parisi MA, Bennett CL, Eckert ML, Dobyns WB, Gleeson JG, Shaw DW, McDonald R, Eddy A, Chance PF, Glass IA (July 2004). "The NPHP1 gene deletion associated with juvenile nephronophthisis is present in a subset of individuals with Joubert syndrome". Am. J. Hum. Genet. 75 (1): 82–91. doi:10.1086/421846. PMC 1182011. PMID 15138899.
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  31. Konrad M, Saunier S, Heidet L, Silbermann F, Benessy F, Calado J, Le Paslier D, Broyer M, Gubler MC, Antignac C (March 1996). "Large homozygous deletions of the 2q13 region are a major cause of juvenile nephronophthisis". Hum. Mol. Genet. 5 (3): 367–71. PMID 8852662.
  32. Chance PF, Cavalier L, Satran D, Pellegrino JE, Koenig M, Dobyns WB (October 1999). "Clinical nosologic and genetic aspects of Joubert and related syndromes". J. Child Neurol. 14 (10): 660–6, discussion 669–72. doi:10.1177/088307389901401007. PMID 10511339.
  33. Kroes HY, van Zon PH, Fransen van de Putte D, Nelen MR, Nievelstein RJ, Wittebol-Post D, van Nieuwenhuizen O, Mancini GM, van der Knaap MS, Kwee ML, Maas SM, Cobben JM, De Nef JE, Lindhout D, Sinke RJ (2008). "DNA analysis of AHI1, NPHP1 and CYCLIN D1 in Joubert syndrome patients from the Netherlands". Eur J Med Genet. 51 (1): 24–34. doi:10.1016/j.ejmg.2007.10.001. PMID 18054307.
  34. Parisi MA, Doherty D, Chance PF, Glass IA (May 2007). "Joubert syndrome (and related disorders) (OMIM 213300)". Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 15 (5): 511–21. doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201648. PMID 17377524.
  35. Suzuki T, Miyake N, Tsurusaki Y, Okamoto N, Alkindy A, Inaba A, Sato M, Ito S, Muramatsu K, Kimura S, Ieda D, Saitoh S, Hiyane M, Suzumura H, Yagyu K, Shiraishi H, Nakajima M, Fueki N, Habata Y, Ueda Y, Komatsu Y, Yan K, Shimoda K, Shitara Y, Mizuno S, Ichinomiya K, Sameshima K, Tsuyusaki Y, Kurosawa K, Sakai Y, Haginoya K, Kobayashi Y, Yoshizawa C, Hisano M, Nakashima M, Saitsu H, Takeda S, Matsumoto N (December 2016). "Molecular genetic analysis of 30 families with Joubert syndrome". Clin. Genet. 90 (6): 526–535. doi:10.1111/cge.12836. PMID 27434533.
  36. Travaglini L, Brancati F, Attie-Bitach T, Audollent S, Bertini E, Kaplan J, Perrault I, Iannicelli M, Mancuso B, Rigoli L, Rozet JM, Swistun D, Tolentino J, Dallapiccola B, Gleeson JG, Valente EM, Zankl A, Leventer R, Grattan-Smith P, Janecke A, D'Hooghe M, Sznajer Y, Van Coster R, Demerleir L, Dias K, Moco C, Moreira A, Kim CA, Maegawa G, Petkovic D, Abdel-Salam GM, Abdel-Aleem A, Zaki MS, Marti I, Quijano-Roy S, Sigaudy S, de Lonlay P, Romano S, Touraine R, Koenig M, Lagier-Tourenne C, Messer J, Collignon P, Wolf N, Philippi H, Kitsiou Tzeli S, Halldorsson S, Johannsdottir J, Ludvigsson P, Phadke SR, Udani V, Stuart B, Magee A, Lev D, Michelson M, Ben-Zeev B, Fischetto R, Benedicenti F, Stanzial F, Borgatti R, Accorsi P, Battaglia S, Fazzi E, Giordano L, Pinelli L, Boccone L, Bigoni S, Ferlini A, Donati MA, Caridi G, Divizia MT, Faravelli F, Ghiggeri G, Pessagno A, Briguglio M, Briuglia S, Salpietro CD, Tortorella G, Adami A, Castorina P, Lalatta F, Marra G, Riva D, Scelsa B, Spaccini L, Uziel G, Del Giudice E, Laverda AM, Ludwig K, Permunian A, Suppiej A, Signorini S, Uggetti C, Battini R, Di Giacomo M, Cilio MR, Di Sabato ML, Leuzzi V, Parisi P, Pollazzon M, Silengo M, De Vescovi R, Greco D, Romano C, Cazzagon M, Simonati A, Al-Tawari AA, Bastaki L, Mégarbané A, Sabolic Avramovska V, de Jong MM, Stromme P, Koul R, Rajab A, Azam M, Barbot C, Martorell Sampol L, Rodriguez B, Pascual-Castroviejo I, Teber S, Anlar B, Comu S, Karaca E, Kayserili H, Yüksel A, Akcakus M, Al Gazali L, Sztriha L, Nicholl D, Woods CG, Bennett C, Hurst J, Sheridan E, Barnicoat A, Hennekam R, Lees M, Blair E, Bernes S, Sanchez H, Clark AE, DeMarco E, Donahue C, Sherr E, Hahn J, Sanger TD, Gallager TE, Dobyns WB, Daugherty C, Krishnamoorthy KS, Sarco D, Walsh CA, McKanna T, Milisa J, Chung WK, De Vivo DC, Raynes H, Schubert R, Seward A, Brooks DG, Goldstein A, Caldwell J, Finsecke E, Maria BL, Holden K, Cruse RP, Swoboda KJ, Viskochil D (October 2009). "Expanding CEP290 mutational spectrum in ciliopathies". Am. J. Med. Genet. A. 149A (10): 2173–80. doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.33025. PMC 4340070. PMID 19764032.
  37. Kroes HY, van Zon PH, Fransen van de Putte D, Nelen MR, Nievelstein RJ, Wittebol-Post D, van Nieuwenhuizen O, Mancini GM, van der Knaap MS, Kwee ML, Maas SM, Cobben JM, De Nef JE, Lindhout D, Sinke RJ (2008). "DNA analysis of AHI1, NPHP1 and CYCLIN D1 in Joubert syndrome patients from the Netherlands". Eur J Med Genet. 51 (1): 24–34. doi:10.1016/j.ejmg.2007.10.001. PMID 18054307.
  38. Bader I, Decker E, Mayr JA, Lunzer V, Koch J, Boltshauser E, Sperl W, Pietsch P, Ertl-Wagner B, Bolz H, Bergmann C, Rittinger O (August 2016). "MKS1 mutations cause Joubert syndrome with agenesis of the corpus callosum". Eur J Med Genet. 59 (8): 386–91. doi:10.1016/j.ejmg.2016.06.007. PMID 27377014.
  39. Kroes HY, Monroe GR, van der Zwaag B, Duran KJ, de Kovel CG, van Roosmalen MJ, Harakalova M, Nijman IJ, Kloosterman WP, Giles RH, Knoers NV, van Haaften G (February 2016). "Joubert syndrome: genotyping a Northern European patient cohort". Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 24 (2): 214–20. doi:10.1038/ejhg.2015.84. PMC 4717206. PMID 25920555.
  40. Suzuki T, Miyake N, Tsurusaki Y, Okamoto N, Alkindy A, Inaba A, Sato M, Ito S, Muramatsu K, Kimura S, Ieda D, Saitoh S, Hiyane M, Suzumura H, Yagyu K, Shiraishi H, Nakajima M, Fueki N, Habata Y, Ueda Y, Komatsu Y, Yan K, Shimoda K, Shitara Y, Mizuno S, Ichinomiya K, Sameshima K, Tsuyusaki Y, Kurosawa K, Sakai Y, Haginoya K, Kobayashi Y, Yoshizawa C, Hisano M, Nakashima M, Saitsu H, Takeda S, Matsumoto N (December 2016). "Molecular genetic analysis of 30 families with Joubert syndrome". Clin. Genet. 90 (6): 526–535. doi:10.1111/cge.12836. PMID 27434533.
  41. Kroes HY, van Zon PH, Fransen van de Putte D, Nelen MR, Nievelstein RJ, Wittebol-Post D, van Nieuwenhuizen O, Mancini GM, van der Knaap MS, Kwee ML, Maas SM, Cobben JM, De Nef JE, Lindhout D, Sinke RJ (2008). "DNA analysis of AHI1, NPHP1 and CYCLIN D1 in Joubert syndrome patients from the Netherlands". Eur J Med Genet. 51 (1): 24–34. doi:10.1016/j.ejmg.2007.10.001. PMID 18054307.
  42. Suzuki T, Miyake N, Tsurusaki Y, Okamoto N, Alkindy A, Inaba A, Sato M, Ito S, Muramatsu K, Kimura S, Ieda D, Saitoh S, Hiyane M, Suzumura H, Yagyu K, Shiraishi H, Nakajima M, Fueki N, Habata Y, Ueda Y, Komatsu Y, Yan K, Shimoda K, Shitara Y, Mizuno S, Ichinomiya K, Sameshima K, Tsuyusaki Y, Kurosawa K, Sakai Y, Haginoya K, Kobayashi Y, Yoshizawa C, Hisano M, Nakashima M, Saitsu H, Takeda S, Matsumoto N (December 2016). "Molecular genetic analysis of 30 families with Joubert syndrome". Clin. Genet. 90 (6): 526–535. doi:10.1111/cge.12836. PMID 27434533.
  43. Slaats GG, Isabella CR, Kroes HY, Dempsey JC, Gremmels H, Monroe GR, Phelps IG, Duran KJ, Adkins J, Kumar SA, Knutzen DM, Knoers NV, Mendelsohn NJ, Neubauer D, Mastroyianni SD, Vogt J, Worgan L, Karp N, Bowdin S, Glass IA, Parisi MA, Otto EA, Johnson CA, Hildebrandt F, van Haaften G, Giles RH, Doherty D (January 2016). "MKS1 regulates ciliary INPP5E levels in Joubert syndrome". J. Med. Genet. 53 (1): 62–72. doi:10.1136/jmedgenet-2015-103250. PMC 5060087. PMID 26490104.
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  46. Valente EM, Brancati F, Dallapiccola B (2008). "Genotypes and phenotypes of Joubert syndrome and related disorders". Eur J Med Genet. 51 (1): 1–23. doi:10.1016/j.ejmg.2007.11.003. PMID 18164675.
  47. Travaglini L, Brancati F, Attie-Bitach T, Audollent S, Bertini E, Kaplan J, Perrault I, Iannicelli M, Mancuso B, Rigoli L, Rozet JM, Swistun D, Tolentino J, Dallapiccola B, Gleeson JG, Valente EM, Zankl A, Leventer R, Grattan-Smith P, Janecke A, D'Hooghe M, Sznajer Y, Van Coster R, Demerleir L, Dias K, Moco C, Moreira A, Kim CA, Maegawa G, Petkovic D, Abdel-Salam GM, Abdel-Aleem A, Zaki MS, Marti I, Quijano-Roy S, Sigaudy S, de Lonlay P, Romano S, Touraine R, Koenig M, Lagier-Tourenne C, Messer J, Collignon P, Wolf N, Philippi H, Kitsiou Tzeli S, Halldorsson S, Johannsdottir J, Ludvigsson P, Phadke SR, Udani V, Stuart B, Magee A, Lev D, Michelson M, Ben-Zeev B, Fischetto R, Benedicenti F, Stanzial F, Borgatti R, Accorsi P, Battaglia S, Fazzi E, Giordano L, Pinelli L, Boccone L, Bigoni S, Ferlini A, Donati MA, Caridi G, Divizia MT, Faravelli F, Ghiggeri G, Pessagno A, Briguglio M, Briuglia S, Salpietro CD, Tortorella G, Adami A, Castorina P, Lalatta F, Marra G, Riva D, Scelsa B, Spaccini L, Uziel G, Del Giudice E, Laverda AM, Ludwig K, Permunian A, Suppiej A, Signorini S, Uggetti C, Battini R, Di Giacomo M, Cilio MR, Di Sabato ML, Leuzzi V, Parisi P, Pollazzon M, Silengo M, De Vescovi R, Greco D, Romano C, Cazzagon M, Simonati A, Al-Tawari AA, Bastaki L, Mégarbané A, Sabolic Avramovska V, de Jong MM, Stromme P, Koul R, Rajab A, Azam M, Barbot C, Martorell Sampol L, Rodriguez B, Pascual-Castroviejo I, Teber S, Anlar B, Comu S, Karaca E, Kayserili H, Yüksel A, Akcakus M, Al Gazali L, Sztriha L, Nicholl D, Woods CG, Bennett C, Hurst J, Sheridan E, Barnicoat A, Hennekam R, Lees M, Blair E, Bernes S, Sanchez H, Clark AE, DeMarco E, Donahue C, Sherr E, Hahn J, Sanger TD, Gallager TE, Dobyns WB, Daugherty C, Krishnamoorthy KS, Sarco D, Walsh CA, McKanna T, Milisa J, Chung WK, De Vivo DC, Raynes H, Schubert R, Seward A, Brooks DG, Goldstein A, Caldwell J, Finsecke E, Maria BL, Holden K, Cruse RP, Swoboda KJ, Viskochil D (October 2009). "Expanding CEP290 mutational spectrum in ciliopathies". Am. J. Med. Genet. A. 149A (10): 2173–80. doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.33025. PMC 4340070. PMID 19764032.
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  64. Parisi MA, Doherty D, Chance PF, Glass IA (May 2007). "Joubert syndrome (and related disorders) (OMIM 213300)". Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 15 (5): 511–21. doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201648. PMID 17377524.
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  74. Valente EM, Brancati F, Dallapiccola B (2008). "Genotypes and phenotypes of Joubert syndrome and related disorders". Eur J Med Genet. 51 (1): 1–23. doi:10.1016/j.ejmg.2007.11.003. PMID 18164675.
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  78. Barreirinho MS, Teixeira J, Moreira NC, Bastos S, Gonçalvez S, Barbot MC (2001). "[Joubert's syndrome: report of 12 cases]". Rev Neurol (in Spanish; Castilian). 32 (9): 812–7. PMID 11424029.
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  82. Valente EM, Brancati F, Dallapiccola B (2008). "Genotypes and phenotypes of Joubert syndrome and related disorders". Eur J Med Genet. 51 (1): 1–23. doi:10.1016/j.ejmg.2007.11.003. PMID 18164675.
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