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*5% of questions of the boards
*5% of questions on the cardiovascular boards pertain to cardiovascular pharmacology.

*Potency vs Efficacy: Potency is meaningless, effect of drug per mg.  Efficacy is the clinical effectiveness of drug.
Pharmacokinetics is the effect of the body on the drug.
*PK is effect of the body on the drug.
===Potency vs Efficacy===
*Drug distribution: muscle high in water content. Women have less muscle mass. Older patients have less muscle mass. Elderly women have less total body water. Water soluble drugs are associated with a higher drug effect (eaxample alcohool). Do not diffuse into brain. Very important in beta blockers, they are hydrophilic.
*Potency is a meaningless measure of the effect of drug on a per mg basisSays nothing aobut the clinical effectiveness of the drug.
*Lipophilic drugs:Cross into CNS. Lopressor, propranolol
*Efficacy is the clinical effectiveness of drug.
*A new more potent medicine will achieve the desired effect at a lower dose. It may not be more effective.

===Drug Distribution===
*In intravascular space
====Hydrophilic Drugs====
*These drugs stay in the intravascular space
*Cleared by kidney
*Cleared by kidney
*Dont cross blood brain barrier
*Don't cross the lipid blood brain barrier
Atenolol, hadolol, sotalol
*Examples include: [[Atenolol]], [[nadolol]], [[sotalol]]
*Muscle is high in water content.
*Women have less muscle mass thereby lowering the [[volume of distribution]] of [[hydrophilic drugs]].
*Older patients have less muscle mass thereby lowering the [[volume of distribution]] of [[hydrophilic drugs]].
*Elderly women have less total body water thereby lowering the [[volume of distribution]] of [[hydrophilic drugs]].
*Water soluble (hydrophilic) drugs are associated with a higher drug effect in patients with a lower volume of distribution like elderly women (e.g. alcohool in a woman).
*Impaired kidney function affects hydrophilic drugs as impaired kidney function affects the [[volume of distribution]].
* Avoid these drugs in renal insufficiency
*Hydrophiic drugs do not diffuse into brain.  This is very important in the selection of beta blockers
:*Hydrophilic drugs that don't cross the blood brain barrier:
::*[[Atenolol]].  This would be a good drug for rate control in atrial fibrillation in an older patient with depression.
:Lipophilic drugs do cross the blood brain barrier (don't give these drugs to a depressed patient):
::*[[Lopressor]] or [[metoprolol]]
====Lipophilic Drugs====
*Examples include [[propranolol]],[[lopressor]], [[metoprolol]], [[lebatolol]]
*Cleared by the liver
*Cross the lipid blood brain barrier

==Intestinal Metabolism==
==Intestinal Metabolism==
===Grapefruit Juice===
*Grapefruit juice blocks the intestinal cytochrome Cyp3A4 metabolism but not that in the liver.
*May drugs that undergo major intestinal CYP3A metabolism
*Variable effect because patients are so variable in the expression of CYP3A
*One glass of grapefruit juice may irreversibly inhibits CYP3A system up to 3 days
*Drugs affected by grapefruit juice:
:*Dihydropiridine [[calcium channel blockers]]
*Drugs that are not affected:
:*[[Isosorbide mononitrate]]
==Hepatic Metabolism==
*Drugs can either inhibit or induce hepatic metabolism.

*grapefruit juice affects intestinal system, but not liver. Intestinal cytochrome CYP3A4.  (dihydropiridine CCBs,
lova, simva, cyclosporine, tacrolimus, sildenafil can be affected. May increase drug levels
The following drugs induce hepatic metabolism:

==Hepatic Metabolims==
*beta blockers reduce hepatic blood flow, deompensated CHF affects liver blood flow
*Beta blockers and decompensated heart failure reduce hepatic blood flow and reduce hepatic metabolism
Know inhibitors\
*The following drugs inhibit hepatic metabolism:
*[[Diltiazem]], [[Verapamil]]
*[[Protease Inhibitors]]
*[[Itraconazole]], [[ketoconazole]]

Know Inducers
Effect of drug on the body
Pharmacodynamics relate to the effect of the drug on the body (in essence the obverse of pharmacokinetics).
*[[Amiodarone]] and [[verapamil]] can increase the levels of [[digoxin]]
*[[Hypokalemia]] can tip the patient over into [[dig toxicity]], often after starting a diuretic.
====Drugs that Reduce the Clearance of Digoxin====
=====Cardiovascular Drugs=====
=====Non-CV Drugs=====
====Drugs that Increase the Absorption of Digoxin====
====Drugs that Decrease the Absorption of Digoxin====
====Drugs that Increase the Clearance of Digoxin====
===Drugs to be Avoided in Pregnancy===
*Drugs cross placenta
*No drug is completely safe
*[[Lithium]] is associated with [[Ebstein's anomaly]]
*[[Warfarin]] is associated with facial and CNS abnormalities
*[[ACE inhibitors]] are associated with [[oligohydroamnios]]
*[[ARB]] are [[teratogenic]]
*[[Heparin]] causes [[osteoporosis]] in the mother but has no effect on the fetus
===Drugs that are More Acceptable to use in Pregnancy===
*[[Beta blockers]]
==Drugs in Lactation==

==Drug Drug Interactions==
==Drug Overdose Management==
Nitrates with PD5 inhibitors
*Other meds
*Dialysis is not effective
*[[Hypokalemia]], often dont get dig toxic unless hypok, start on diuretic, then pt becoes dig toxic
*Administer digoxin antibodies
*Other drugs
===Beta Blocker===
*[[Beta agonists]]
===Calcium Channel Blocker===
==Cardiotoxicity of Non-Cardiovascular Drugs==
===Type I Irreversible Cardiotoxcity (e.g.CHF with [[anthracylines]])===
*[[Cardiotoxicity]] is related to the cumulative dose: 400 to 500 mg / m2 is the threshold where toxicity begins
*This level of exposure occurs at about one year
*There is a progressive asymptomatic progression in left ventricular dysfunction
*Progression of disease may persist after discontinuation of [[anthracycline]] therapy
*Risk factors include age extremes: younger and old age
*Pathophysiology: increased [[apoptosis]] and accelerated [[myocyte]] death
*Treatment goals: minimize further exposure, treat [[CHF]] symptoms, avoid re-exposure and minimizes re-exposure.
===Type II Reversible Cardiotoxicity===
*With these agents re-challenge may be safe
*There is cardiac dysfunction and not cardiac damage
:*[[Sorefenib]] ([[Nexavar]]) used in the treatment of [[hepatocellular carcinoma]], metastatic [[renal cell cancer]]
:*[[Imatinib]] ([[Gleevec]])
:*[[Sunitinib]] ([[Sutent]])
==Drug Interactions==
===PDE 5 Inhibitors===
*Nitrates cause [[hypotension]] when administered with PDE5 inhibitors such as viagra
*This is due to excessive cyclic GMP induced vasodilation
===ACE Inhibitors, Spironolactones and Postassium===
*Dangerous combination
===Avoid Drug Interactions with the LDL-Lowering Agents Simvastatin, Atorvastatin or Lovastatin===
While LDL-lowering agents are widely prescribed in primary prevention, care should be taken to select the appropriate statin based upon concommittant medications.  As a result of the metabolism via the CYP 3A4 pathway, [[simvastatin]], [[atorvastatin]] and [[lovastatin]] interact with the following agents and should be avoided.  The patient should be switched to [[pravastatin]].
* [[HIV]] [[protease inhibitors]]
* [[Itraconazole]] ([[Sporanox]])
* [[Ketoconazole]] ([[Nizoral]])
* [[Posaconazole]] ([[Noxafil]])
* [[Erythromycin]]
* [[Clarithromycin]]
* [[Telithromycin]] ([[Ketek]])
* [[Grapefruit juice]]
* [[Nefazodone]]
* [[Gemfibrozil]]
* [[Cyclosporine]]
* [[Danazol]]
===Simvastatin Interactions===
*[[Simvastatin]] 10 mg should be the maximum dose when prescribed with:
*[[Simvastatin]] 20 mg should be the maximum dose when prescribed with:
:*[[Amlodipine]] ([[Norvasc]])
:*[[Ranolazine]] ([[Ranexa]])
===St. John's Wart===
*Commonly taken
*Induces CYP3A4 and CYP2D9 and reduces the bioavialbility of numerous cardiac medications including:
:*[[Calcium channel blockers]] (majority)
:*[[Statins]] (majority)
==Supplements that Increase Bleeding Effect==
*[[Saw Palmetto]]
==Adverse Drug Reactions==
*4th leading cause of death
*One third are preventable, but often we don't know what the patient is taking
*Elderly and youngerly are at increased risk
*Elderly are at risk because of reduced muscle mass, water soluble drug concentration increased, decreased renal function, cognitive decline and mix up of med doses, non-compliance, co-morbidities
*Polypharmacy: If a patient is administered over 5 drugs, there is a higher risk of drug interactions. Elderly are often on over 10 drugs
*Role of inheritance in variation in drug response
*Metabolism, absorption, interaction of drug with the target may also be affected by genetics
*Genetics may influence induction and (breakdown) of drugs, increase or reduce activity of drug
*The following drugs are affected by alterations in metabolism mediated by this enzyme: '''[[tamoxifen]],''' [[metoprolol]], [[propafenone]]
:*Poor metabolizers: observed in  10% of northern europeans. Metoprolol is not broken down and these patients are susceptible to overdosing of beta-blcokers but codeine does not work in these patients.
:*Ultrametabolizers:  East africans can be ultrametabolizers: lopressor does not work, codeine can be toxic
*Absorption variable
*15% of ingested drug is converted ot active metabolite in two step process in liver
*CYP2c19 very important in metabolizing the drug to the active metabolite
* The *2 and *3 polymorphisms are inactive, drug not converted to active meatbolite, inadequate activity. Increase adverse events, stent thrombosis.
* Routine testing not recommended
* If *2 or *3 allele present, then alternate therapy recommended. Pateint with [[stent thrombosis]] on clopidogrel may undergo genetic testing and switch to a newer antiplatelet agent.

*INR is related to efficacy and bleeding
*Order of magnitude different doses of warfarin due to genetic difference
*Half of variability is due to geneitc variability
:*'''CYP2C9:''' responsible for metabolism (pharmacokineteics). There are slow and fast metabolizers
:*'''VKORc1:''' affects target of effect of warfarin (pharmacodynamics)
*Not clear if testing is cost-effective


Latest revision as of 05:06, 1 October 2012

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


  • 5% of questions on the cardiovascular boards pertain to cardiovascular pharmacology.


Pharmacokinetics is the effect of the body on the drug.

Potency vs Efficacy

  • Potency is a meaningless measure of the effect of drug on a per mg basis. Says nothing aobut the clinical effectiveness of the drug.
  • Efficacy is the clinical effectiveness of drug.
  • A new more potent medicine will achieve the desired effect at a lower dose. It may not be more effective.

Drug Distribution

Hydrophilic Drugs

  • These drugs stay in the intravascular space
  • Cleared by kidney
  • Don't cross the lipid blood brain barrier
  • Examples include: Atenolol, nadolol, sotalol
  • Muscle is high in water content.
  • Women have less muscle mass thereby lowering the volume of distribution of hydrophilic drugs.
  • Older patients have less muscle mass thereby lowering the volume of distribution of hydrophilic drugs.
  • Elderly women have less total body water thereby lowering the volume of distribution of hydrophilic drugs.
  • Water soluble (hydrophilic) drugs are associated with a higher drug effect in patients with a lower volume of distribution like elderly women (e.g. alcohool in a woman).
  • Impaired kidney function affects hydrophilic drugs as impaired kidney function affects the volume of distribution.
  • Avoid these drugs in renal insufficiency
  • Hydrophiic drugs do not diffuse into brain. This is very important in the selection of beta blockers
  • Hydrophilic drugs that don't cross the blood brain barrier:
  • Atenolol. This would be a good drug for rate control in atrial fibrillation in an older patient with depression.
  • Nadolol
  • Sotalol
Lipophilic drugs do cross the blood brain barrier (don't give these drugs to a depressed patient):

Lipophilic Drugs

Intestinal Metabolism

Grapefruit Juice

  • Grapefruit juice blocks the intestinal cytochrome Cyp3A4 metabolism but not that in the liver.
  • May drugs that undergo major intestinal CYP3A metabolism
  • Variable effect because patients are so variable in the expression of CYP3A
  • One glass of grapefruit juice may irreversibly inhibits CYP3A system up to 3 days
  • Drugs affected by grapefruit juice:
  • Drugs that are not affected:

Hepatic Metabolism

  • Drugs can either inhibit or induce hepatic metabolism.


The following drugs induce hepatic metabolism:



Pharmacodynamics relate to the effect of the drug on the body (in essence the obverse of pharmacokinetics).


Drugs that Reduce the Clearance of Digoxin

Cardiovascular Drugs
Non-CV Drugs

Drugs that Increase the Absorption of Digoxin

Drugs that Decrease the Absorption of Digoxin

Drugs that Increase the Clearance of Digoxin


Drugs to be Avoided in Pregnancy

Drugs that are More Acceptable to use in Pregnancy

Drugs in Lactation

Drug Overdose Management


  • Dialysis is not effective
  • Administer digoxin antibodies

Beta Blocker

Calcium Channel Blocker


  • Beta-blockers

Cardiotoxicity of Non-Cardiovascular Drugs

Type I Irreversible Cardiotoxcity (e.g.CHF with anthracylines)

  • Cardiotoxicity is related to the cumulative dose: 400 to 500 mg / m2 is the threshold where toxicity begins
  • This level of exposure occurs at about one year
  • There is a progressive asymptomatic progression in left ventricular dysfunction
  • Progression of disease may persist after discontinuation of anthracycline therapy
  • Risk factors include age extremes: younger and old age
  • Pathophysiology: increased apoptosis and accelerated myocyte death
  • Treatment goals: minimize further exposure, treat CHF symptoms, avoid re-exposure and minimizes re-exposure.

Type II Reversible Cardiotoxicity

  • With these agents re-challenge may be safe
  • There is cardiac dysfunction and not cardiac damage
  • Examples:

Drug Interactions

PDE 5 Inhibitors

  • Nitrates cause hypotension when administered with PDE5 inhibitors such as viagra
  • This is due to excessive cyclic GMP induced vasodilation

ACE Inhibitors, Spironolactones and Postassium

  • Dangerous combination

Avoid Drug Interactions with the LDL-Lowering Agents Simvastatin, Atorvastatin or Lovastatin

While LDL-lowering agents are widely prescribed in primary prevention, care should be taken to select the appropriate statin based upon concommittant medications. As a result of the metabolism via the CYP 3A4 pathway, simvastatin, atorvastatin and lovastatin interact with the following agents and should be avoided. The patient should be switched to pravastatin.

Simvastatin Interactions

  • Simvastatin 10 mg should be the maximum dose when prescribed with:
  • Simvastatin 20 mg should be the maximum dose when prescribed with:

St. John's Wart

  • Commonly taken
  • Induces CYP3A4 and CYP2D9 and reduces the bioavialbility of numerous cardiac medications including:

Supplements that Increase Bleeding Effect

Adverse Drug Reactions

  • 4th leading cause of death
  • One third are preventable, but often we don't know what the patient is taking
  • Elderly and youngerly are at increased risk
  • Elderly are at risk because of reduced muscle mass, water soluble drug concentration increased, decreased renal function, cognitive decline and mix up of med doses, non-compliance, co-morbidities
  • Polypharmacy: If a patient is administered over 5 drugs, there is a higher risk of drug interactions. Elderly are often on over 10 drugs


  • Role of inheritance in variation in drug response
  • Metabolism, absorption, interaction of drug with the target may also be affected by genetics
  • Genetics may influence induction and (breakdown) of drugs, increase or reduce activity of drug


  • Poor metabolizers: observed in 10% of northern europeans. Metoprolol is not broken down and these patients are susceptible to overdosing of beta-blcokers but codeine does not work in these patients.
  • Ultrametabolizers: East africans can be ultrametabolizers: lopressor does not work, codeine can be toxic


  • Pro-drug
  • Absorption variable
  • 15% of ingested drug is converted ot active metabolite in two step process in liver
  • CYP2c19 very important in metabolizing the drug to the active metabolite
  • The *2 and *3 polymorphisms are inactive, drug not converted to active meatbolite, inadequate activity. Increase adverse events, stent thrombosis.
  • Routine testing not recommended
  • If *2 or *3 allele present, then alternate therapy recommended. Pateint with stent thrombosis on clopidogrel may undergo genetic testing and switch to a newer antiplatelet agent.


  • INR is related to efficacy and bleeding
  • Order of magnitude different doses of warfarin due to genetic difference
  • Half of variability is due to geneitc variability
  • CYP2C9: responsible for metabolism (pharmacokineteics). There are slow and fast metabolizers
  • VKORc1: affects target of effect of warfarin (pharmacodynamics)
  • Not clear if testing is cost-effective
