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==Physical Examination==
==Physical Examination==
===Appearance of the Patient===
*This section should give a general description of what a patient with the disease you are describing may look like. You may include a physical description such as obese, thin, cachectic, well appearing, ill appearing, diaphoretic etc.
* For an example of the appearance of a patient section in the physical examination page, click [[Encephalopathy physical examination#Appearance of the Patient|here]].

*A [[fever]] is often present
*[[Hypothermia]] may be present
*[[Tachycardia]] may be present
*[[Bradycardia]] may be present
*The pulse is regular
*The pules is irregularly irregular
*The pulse may be weak
*The pulse may be bounding
*The pulse may be alternating in strength ([[pulsus alternans]])
*A [[paradoxical pulse]] may be present
*The pulses may be asymmetric
====Blood Pressure====
*[[Hypotension]] may be present
*[[Hypertension]] may be present
*A [[wide pulse pressure]] may be present
*A [[narrow pulse pressure]] may be present
====Respiratory Rate====
*[[Tachypnea]] may be present
*[[Bradypnea]] may be present
* [[Kussmaul respirations]] may be present
*[[Cyanosis]] may be present
*[[Jaundice]] may be present
* A rash may be present
* [[Pallor]] may be present
* Lesions may be present
* Abnormalities of the head/hair may include ___
* There may be evidence of trauma
*Icteric sclera may be present
* [[Nystagmus]] may be present.
* Extra-ocular movements may be abnormal
*Pupils may not react to light
*Ophthalmoscopic exam may be abnormal with findings of ___
* Hearing acuity may be reduced
*[[Weber test]] may be positive
*[[Rinne test]] may be positive
* There may be [[exudate]] from the ear canal
* There may be [[tenderness]] on movement of the pinnae
* Nares may be inflamed
* There may be [[epistaxis]]
* There may be [[purulent]] exudate from the nares
* There may be [[tenderness]] to percussion of the sinuses
* The nares may be congested
* The throat may be erythematous
* There may be [[exudate]] in the throat
* There may be [[petechiae]] seen in the throat
* There may be tonsillar inflammation
*[[Jugular venous pressure]] may be elevated
*[[Carotid bruits]] may be present
*[[Lymph nodes]] may be present
*[[Thyromegaly]] may be present
*[[Hepatojugular reflux]] may be present
*[[Pulmonary edema]] and [[rales]] may be present
*[[Wheezing]] may be present
*Consolidation may be present with reduced breath sounds auscultated
*[[Rales]] may be present
*[[Egophony]] may be present
* Chest movement may be assymetric
*A [[heave]] may be present
*A [[thrill]] may be present
*A [[friction rub]] may be pressent
*[[Heart sounds#First heart tone S1, the "lub"(components M1 and T1)|S1]]
*[[Heart sounds#Second heart tone S2 the "dub"(components A2 and P2)|S2]]
*[[Heart sounds#Third heart sound S3|S3]]
*[[Heart sounds#Fourth heart sound S4|S4]]
*[[Heart sounds#Summation Gallop|Gallops]]
*A [[systolic murmur]] best heard at the base may be present
*A [[systolic murmur]] best heard at the apex may be present
*A [[diastolic murmur]] may be present
*[[Abdominal distention]] may be present
*[[Abdominal tenderness]] may be present
*[[Rebound tenderness]] may be present
*An [[acute abdomen]] may be present
*An abdominal mass may be present
*Guarding may be present
*[[Hepatomegaly]] may be present
*[[Splenomegaly]] may be present
*Genitourinary exam if relevant
*[[Clubbing]] may be present
*[[Cyanosis]] may be present
*[[Edema]] may be present
* Mental status may be altered
* Glasgow coma scale is ___
* Clonus may be present
* Hyperactive reflexes may be present
* There are deficits in cranial nerves ___


Revision as of 01:39, 3 September 2014