Perinatal infection: Difference between revisions

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Intrauterine rubella infection  
Intrauterine rubella infection  
> 16 weeks: reassurance
> 16 weeks: reassurance
Congenital rubella syndrome: supportive care (based on individual disease manifestations) and surveillance (including monitoring for late-term complications)
Congenital rubella syndrome: supportive care (based on individual disease manifestations) and surveillance (including monitoring for late-term complication
*The mainstay of therapy for [  congenital CMV ] is
Severe anemia: intrauterine blood transfusions
Thrombocytopenia: platelet transfusions
Supportive therapy of symptoms (e.g., fluid/electrolyte imbalances, anemia, thrombocytopenia, seizures, secondary infections)
Ganciclovir, valganciclovir, or foscarnet
Mother: valacyclovir is the only therapy approved during pregnancy; trials with CMV specific hyperimmune globulin ongoing.


Revision as of 00:49, 22 September 2020

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


perinatal is Referring to the period of time surrounding an infant's birth, from the last two months of pregnancy through the first 28 days of life

Historical Perspective

  • [Disease name] was first discovered by [scientist name], a [nationality + occupation], in [year] during/following [event].
  • In [year], [gene] mutations were first identified in the pathogenesis of [disease name].
  • In [year], the first [discovery] was developed by [scientist] to treat/diagnose [disease name].


a perinatal infection: is vertically transmitted infection , which starts at gestational ages between 22 and 28 weeks and ending seven completed days after birth

Heading text


In the spectrum of optimal virulence, vertical transmission tends to evolve benign symbiosis, so is a critical concept for evolutionary medicine. Because a pathogen's ability to pass from mother to chd depends significantly on the hosts' ability to reproduce, pathogens' transmissibility tends to be inversely related to their virulence. In other words, as pathogens become more harmful to, and thus decrease the reproduction rate of, their host organism, they are less likely to be passed on to the hosts' offspring, since they will have fewer offspring.[1]

Although HIV is sometimes transmitted through perinatal transmission, its virulence can be accounted for because its primary mode of transmission is not vertical. Moreover, medicine has further decreased the frequency of vertical transmission of HIV. The incidence of perinatal HIV cases in the United States has declined as a result of the implementation of recommendations on HIV counselling and voluntary testing practices and the use of zidovudine therapy by providers to reduce perinatal HIV transmission.[2]

The price paid in the evolution of symbiosis is, however, great: for many generations, almost all cases of vertical transmission continue to be pathological—in particular if any other routes of transmission exist. Many generations of random mutation and selection are needed to evolve symbiosis. During this time, the vast majority of vertical transmission cases exhibit the initial virulence.[citation needed]

In dual inheritance theory, vertical transmission refers to the passing of cultural traits from parents to children.[3]


perinatal infection may be caused TORCHES CLAP  
  • Toxoplasmosis
  • Rubella
  • Cytomegalovirus
  • Herpes simplex
  • Enterovirus
  • Syphilis
  • Chicken box
  • Lyme disease
  • listeriosis
  • AIDS
  • Parvovirus B19

lastest addition:Zika virus

Differentiating [disease name] from other Diseases

  • [Disease name] must be differentiated from other diseases that cause [clinical feature 1], [clinical feature 2], and [clinical feature 3], such as:
  • [Differential dx1]
  • [Differential dx2]
  • [Differential dx3]

Epidemiology and Demographics

  • The prevalence of [disease name] is approximately [number or range] per 100,000 individuals worldwide.
  • In [year], the incidence of [disease name] was estimated to be [number or range] cases per 100,000 individuals in [location].


  • Patients of all age groups may develop [disease name].
  • [Disease name] is more commonly observed among patients aged [age range] years old.
  • [Disease name] is more commonly observed among [elderly patients/young patients/children].


  • [Disease name] affects men and women equally.
  • [Gender 1] are more commonly affected with [disease name] than [gender 2].
  • The [gender 1] to [Gender 2] ratio is approximately [number > 1] to 1.


  • There is no racial predilection for [disease name].
  • [Disease name] usually affects individuals of the [race 1] race.
  • [Race 2] individuals are less likely to develop [disease name].

Risk Factors

  • Common risk factors in the development of [disease name] are [risk factor 1], [risk factor 2], [risk factor 3], and [risk factor 4].

Natural History, Complications and Prognosis

  • The majority of patients with [disease name] remain asymptomatic for [duration/years].
  • Early clinical features include [manifestation 1], [manifestation 2], and [manifestation 3].
  • If left untreated, [#%] of patients with [disease name] may progress to develop [manifestation 1], [manifestation 2], and [manifestation 3].
  • Common complications of [disease name] include [complication 1], [complication 2], and [complication 3].
  • Prognosis is generally [excellent/good/poor], and the [1/5/10­year mortality/survival rate] of patients with [disease name] is approximately [#%].


Diagnostic Criteria

  • The diagnosis of [disease name] is made when at least [number] of the following [number] diagnostic criteria are met:
  • [criterion 1]
  • [criterion 2]
  • [criterion 3]
  • [criterion 4]

History and Symptoms

If a developing fetus is infected by a TORCH agent, the outcome of the pregnancy may be miscarriage, stillbirth, delayed fetal growth and maturation (intrauterine growth retardation), or early delivery.
In addition, newborns infected by any one of the TORCH agents may develop a spectrum of similar symptoms and findings. These may include
  • listlessness (lethargy),
  • fever,
  • difficulties feeding,
  • enlargement of the liver and spleen (hepatomegaly),
  • and decreased levels of the oxygen-carrying pigment (hemoglobin) in the blood (anemia).
In addition, affected infants may develop

  • areas of bleeding, resulting in reddish or purplish spots or areas of discoloration visible through the skin (petechia or purpura);
  • yellowish discoloration of the skin, whites of the eyes, and mucous membranes (jaundice);
  • inflammation of the middle and innermost layers of the eyes (chorioretinitis); and/or other symptoms and findings.
Each infectious agent may also cause additional abnormalities that may vary in degree and severity, depending upon the stage of fetal development at time of infection and/or other factors. 

Following is a more specific description of the TORCH agents.

Toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease caused by the microscopic parasitic organism called Toxoplasma gondii. Classic triad of toxoplasmosis Chorioretinitis (a form of posterior uveitis) Diffuse intracranial calcifications Hydrocephalus

Rubella is a viral infection characterized by fever, upper respiratory infection, swelling of the lymph nodes, skin rash, and joint pain. Severely affected newborns and infants may have visual and/or hearing impairment, heart defects, calcium deposits in the brain, and/or other abnormalities.

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Infection is a viral infection that may occur during pregnancy, after birth, or at any age. In severely affected newborns, associated symptoms and findings may include growth retardation, an abnormally small head (microcephaly), enlargement of the liver and spleen (hepatosplenomegaly), inflammation of the liver (hepatitis), low levels of the oxygen-carrying pigment in the blood due to premature destruction of red blood cells (hemolytic anemia), calcium deposits in the brain, and/or other abnormalities.

Neonatal Herpes is a rare disorder affecting newborns infected with the Herpes simplex virus (HSV). This disorder may vary from mild to severe. In most cases, the disorder is transmitted to an infant from an infected mother with active genital lesions at the time of delivery. In the event that a mother has a severe primary genital outbreak, it is possible that a mother may transmit the infection to the fetus. After delivery, direct contact with either genital or oral herpes sores may result in neonatal herpes. Severely affected newborns may develop fluid-filled blisters on the skin (cutaneous vesicles), lesions in the mouth area, inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the eyelids and whites of the eyes (conjunctivitis), abnormally diminished muscle tone, inflammation of the liver (hepatitis), difficulties breathing, and/or other symptoms and findings.

Parvovirus B19 Infection during pregnancy occurs in 1–5% of pregnancies. The virus can cause miscarriage, fetal anaemia, hydrops fetalis (abnormal accumulation of fluid in the fetal tissues), myocarditis, and/or intrauterine fetal death.

TEXTBOOKS Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 15th Ed.: Richard E. Behrman, Editor; W.B. Saunders Company, 1996. Pp. 518, 521. JOURNAL ARTICLES The Torch Syndrome, A Clinical Review. J. D. Fine et al.; J Amer Acad Dermatol (April 1985; 12(4)). Pp. 2477-78. Torch, A Literature Review and Implications for Practice. L. Haggerty; J Obstet Gynecol Nurs (March-April 1985; 14(2)). Pp. 124-29. Timely Diagnosis of Congenital Infections. J.K. Stamos et al.; Pediatr Clin North Am (Oct 1994; 41(5)). Pp. 1017-33. Torch Syndrome. R.E. Epps et al.; Semin Dermatol (Jun 1995; 14(2)). Pp. 179-86. Torch Congenital Infections. E. Domenech et al.; An Esp Pediatr (Jun 1997; Spec No 1). Pp. 58-62. Serologic and DNA-Based Testing for Congenital and Perinatal Infections. C.M. Litwin et al.; Pediatr Infect Dis J (Dec 1997; 16(12)). Pp. 1166-75. Current Use of the Torch Screen in the Diagnosis of Congenital Infection. A. Cullen et al.; J Infect (Mar 1998; 36(2)). Pp. 185-88. Torch Syndrome. Y. Hidaka et al.; Ryoikibetsu Shokogun Shirizu (1999; 25(Pt 3)). Pp. 85-88.

Syphilis Early congenital syphilis Hepatomegaly and jaundice Rhinorrhea with white or bloody nasal discharge Maculopapular rash on palms and soles Skeletal abnormalities (e.g., metaphyseal dystrophy, periostitis) Generalized lymphadenopathy (nontender)

Listeriosis Intrauterine transmission Increased risk of premature birth and spontaneous abortion Early-onset syndrome: granulomatosis infantiseptica Severe systemic infection characterized by disseminated abscesses (may develop in any organ system) Most common findings: respiratory distress and skin lesions Signs of meningitis may already develop. Transmission during birth or postnatally (via contact with the mother or contaminated environment)


Wide spectrum of clinical presentations, 

from non-specific febrile illness to fatal multisystem disease, Fever, irritability,poor feeding, lethargy Maculopapular rash in 50% Respiratory symptoms in 50% Gastrointestinal symptoms in 20% Hepatitis in 50% May have myocarditis, meningoencephalitis

Physical Examination

  • Patients with [disease name] usually appear [general appearance].
  • Physical examination may be remarkable for:
  • [finding 1]
  • [finding 2]
  • [finding 3]
  • [finding 4]
  • [finding 5]
  • [finding 6]

Laboratory Findings

  • rubella may be diagnosed by detection of specific IgM, but virus detection is the technique of choice.
  • VZV may be diagnosed by serological techniques in up to 71% of cases. Detection of virus in vesicle scrapings or swabs from the oropharynx is the technique of choice for neonatal HSV.
  • enterovirus infections are best diagnosed by detection of viral RNA.
  • HIV-1 may be diagnosed within 3 months of birth by testing serial blood samples with a combination of techniques. Maternal infection with HBV, HCV, HIV and HTLV1/11 may be diagnosed by serological techniques and genital PVs by detection of viral DNA. Chorionic villus samples, amniotic fluid and fetal blood may be obtained for prenatal diagnosis of infection.
  • detection of virus in amniotic fluid is the technique of choice for prenatal diagnosis of CMV, insufficient data is currently available to determine whether it may be used for intrauterine rubella.
  • The most reliable technique for diagnosis of fetal B19 infection is detection of viral DNA in fetal blood.
                                                   the use of TORCH screening should be discouraged.15566870


There are no ECG findings associated with [disease name].


An ECG may be helpful in the diagnosis of [disease name]. Findings on an ECG suggestive of/diagnostic of [disease name] include [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].


There are no x-ray findings associated with [disease name].


An x-ray may be helpful in the diagnosis of [disease name]. Findings on an x-ray suggestive of/diagnostic of [disease name] include [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].


There are no x-ray findings associated with [disease name]. However, an x-ray may be helpful in the diagnosis of complications of [disease name], which include [complication 1], [complication 2], and [complication 3].

Echocardiography or Ultrasound

There are no echocardiography/ultrasound findings associated with [disease name].


Echocardiography/ultrasound may be helpful in the diagnosis of [disease name]. Findings on an echocardiography/ultrasound suggestive of/diagnostic of [disease name] include [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].


There are no echocardiography/ultrasound findings associated with [disease name]. However, an echocardiography/ultrasound may be helpful in the diagnosis of complications of [disease name], which include [complication 1], [complication 2], and [complication 3].

CT scan

There are no CT scan findings associated with [disease name].


[Location] CT scan may be helpful in the diagnosis of [disease name]. Findings on CT scan suggestive of/diagnostic of [disease name] include [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].


There are no CT scan findings associated with [disease name]. However, a CT scan may be helpful in the diagnosis of complications of [disease name], which include [complication 1], [complication 2], and [complication 3].


There are no MRI findings associated with [disease name].


[Location] MRI may be helpful in the diagnosis of [disease name]. Findings on MRI suggestive of/diagnostic of [disease name] include [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].


There are no MRI findings associated with [disease name]. However, a MRI may be helpful in the diagnosis of complications of [disease name], which include [complication 1], [complication 2], and [complication 3].

Other Imaging Findings

There are no other imaging findings associated with [disease name].


[Imaging modality] may be helpful in the diagnosis of [disease name]. Findings on an [imaging modality] suggestive of/diagnostic of [disease name] include [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].

Other Diagnostic Studies

There are no other diagnostic studies associated with [disease name].


[Diagnostic study] may be helpful in the diagnosis of [disease name]. Findings suggestive of/diagnostic of [disease name] include [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].


Other diagnostic studies for [disease name] include [diagnostic study 1], which demonstrates [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3], and [diagnostic study 2], which demonstrates [finding 1], [finding 2], and [finding 3].


Medical Therapy

  • The mainstay of therapy for [ Toxoplasmosis] is

Mother: immediate administration of spiramycin Fetus: When confirmed or highly suspected, switch to pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine, and folinic acid. Newborn: pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine, and folinic acid

  • The mainstay of therapy for [ Syphilis] is

14 days of IV penicillin G for both pregnant women and newborns

  • The mainstay of therapy for [ lysteriosis] is

IV ampicillin and gentamicin (for both mother and newborn)

  • The mainstay of therapy for [ Varicella ] is

For pregnant women or newborns with (severe) infection: acyclovir Administer postexposure prophylaxis in newborns if mother displays symptoms of varicella < 5 days before delivery: IgG antibodies (varicella-zoster immune globulin, VZIG)

  • The mainstay of therapy for [ Parvovirus B19 ] is

Intrauterine fetal blood transfusion in cases of severe fetal anemia

  • The mainstay of therapy for [ Rubella ] is

Intrauterine rubella infection > 16 weeks: reassurance Congenital rubella syndrome: supportive care (based on individual disease manifestations) and surveillance (including monitoring for late-term complication

  • The mainstay of therapy for [ congenital CMV ] is

Fetus Severe anemia: intrauterine blood transfusions Thrombocytopenia: platelet transfusions Newborn Supportive therapy of symptoms (e.g., fluid/electrolyte imbalances, anemia, thrombocytopenia, seizures, secondary infections) Ganciclovir, valganciclovir, or foscarnet Mother: valacyclovir is the only therapy approved during pregnancy; trials with CMV specific hyperimmune globulin ongoing.


  • Surgery is the mainstay of therapy for [disease name].
  • [Surgical procedure] in conjunction with [chemotherapy/radiation] is the most common approach to the treatment of [disease name].
  • [Surgical procedure] can only be performed for patients with [disease stage] [disease name].


  • There are no primary preventive measures available for [disease name].
  • Effective measures for the primary prevention of [disease name] include [measure1], [measure2], and [measure3].
  • Once diagnosed and successfully treated, patients with [disease name] are followed-up every [duration]. Follow-up testing includes [test 1], [test 2], and [test 3].


  1. Stewart, Andrew D.; Logsdon, John M.; Kelley, Steven E. (April 2005). "An empirical study of the evolution of virulence under both horizontal and vertical transmission". Evolution. 59 (4): 730–739. doi:10.1554/03-330. ISSN 0014-3820. PMID 15926685. Unknown parameter |s2cid= ignored (help)
  2. Joo, Esther; Carmack, Anne; Garcia-Buñuel, Elizabeth; Kelly, Chester J. (February 2000). "Implementation of guidelines for HIV counseling and voluntary HIV testing of pregnant women". American Journal of Public Health. 90 (2): 273–276. doi:10.2105/AJPH.90.2.273. ISSN 0090-0036. PMC 1446152. PMID 10667191.
  3. Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca; Feldman, Marcus W. (1981). Cultural Transmission and Evolution: A Quantitative Approach. Monographs in Population Biology. 16. Princeton University Press. pp. 1–388. ISBN 0-691-08283-9. PMID 7300842. Retrieved 30 April 2016.

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