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*In the late stages of the disease, patients are ill with multi-organ involvement.
*In the late stages of the disease, patients are ill with multi-organ involvement.
===Vital Signs===
===Vital Signs===
<sup>Note: Vital signs traditionally include the temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate. The vital signs may also include oxygen saturation (at room air) and blood glycemia.</sup>
*Fever More than 38o C aft er the exclusion of infection
*Fever More than 38o C aft er the exclusion of infection
*High-grade / low-grade fever
*[[Tachycardia]]/ [[Bradycardia]] depends on the accompanying complication
*[[Hypothermia]] / hyperthermia may be present
*Tachypnea / bradypnea depends on the accompanying complication
*[[Tachycardia]] with regular pulse or (ir)regularly irregular pulse
*[[Bradycardia]] with regular pulse or (ir)regularly irregular pulse
*Tachypnea / bradypnea
*Kussmal respirations may be present in _____ (advanced disease state)
*Weak/bounding pulse / pulsus alternans / paradoxical pulse / asymmetric pulse
*High/low blood pressure with normal pulse pressure / [[wide pulse pressure]] / [[narrow pulse pressure]]
**Secondary to repiratory complications
**Secondary to hepatitis complications
**Secondary to anemia
*Generalised erythema
**Secondary to thrombocytopenia
●Rheumatoid nodules
*Bullous lesions
●Calcinosis cutis
*Skin ulceration
Bullous eruptions (resulting from damage to the basal layer of the epidermis)
*Malar rash. The classic lupus ‘butterfly’ rash
** Erythematous, elevated lesion, pruritic or painful, in a malar distribution, commonly precipitated by exposure to sunlight
* Annular or psoriasiform skin lesions
** Small, erythematous, slightly scaly papules that evolve into either a psoriasiform (papulosquamous) or annular form  and tend to involve shoulders, forearms, neck, and upper torso
●Cutis laxa/anetoderma
●Acanthosis nigricans
●Erythema multiforme
●Leg ulcers
●Palisaded neutrophilic and granulomatous dermatitis
* Scarring chronic alopecia
* Scarring chronic alopecia
* Skin ulceration
** Mostly present on face, neck, and scalp
* malar rash. The classic lupus ‘butterfly’ rash
* Telangiectasias
** erythematous, elevated lesion, pruritic or painful, in a malar distribution, commonly precipitated by exposure to sunlight
* Dyspigmentation (hyper- or hypopigmentation) of skin in scar places
* Generalised erythema
* Follicular plugging
* Bullous lesions
** Discrete, erythematous, slightly infiltrated plaques covered by a well-formed adherent scale that extends into dilated hair follicles  
* annular or psoriasiform skin lesions      strongly associated with anti-Ro (SS-A) and anti-La (SS-B) antibodies/ as small, erythematous, slightly scaly papules that evolve into either a psoriasiform (papulosquamous) or annular form /shoulders, forearms, neck, and upper torso
* Nodules
* discrete, erythematous, slightly infi ltrated plaques covered by a well-formed adherent scale that extends into dilated hair follicles (follicular plugging)/ face, neck, and scalp, but also occur on the ears, and infrequently on the upper torso/ heal, leaving depressed central scars, atrophy, telangiectasias, and dyspigmentation (hyper- or hypopigmentation).
** Can be firm (Lupus profundus) and often are painful
* firm nodular lesion with or without an overlying cutaneous lesion=Lupus profundus/  oft en painful
* photodistributed lesions with chronic pink indurated plaques or broad lesions that are slow to heal (more seen in lupus tumidus)
* photodistributed lesions with chronic pink indurated plaques or broad lesions that are slow to heal.= Lupus tumidus
* Thin hair that easily fractures (lupus hair)
* Alopecia
* Irregularly shaped raised white plaques, areas of erythema, silvery white scarred lesions, and ulcers with surrounding erythema on the soft or hard palate or buccal mucosa
* Scarring alopecia is a complication of discoid lupus that typically aff ects the scalp
* Periungual erythema
* thin hair that easily fractures=lupus hair/ along the frontal hairline:  associated with disease activity, and grows back normally as the disease subsides
** Dilated tortuous loops of capillaries and a prominent subcapillary venous plexus along
* irregularly shaped raised white plaques, areas of erythema, silvery white scarred lesions, and ulcers with surrounding erythema on the soft or hard palate or buccal mucosa/  Oral ulcers in SLE are usually painless
** Involves the base of the nail and edges of the upper eyelid
Note: To describe a rash, always report additional details that include the color (e.g. erythematous), shape (e.g. flat / bullous), dermarcation (e.g. well-circumscribed / diffuse), location (e.g. truncal / on the face / on the extremities), enclosing fluid (e.g. vesicular / filled with pus, clear), and if possible smell (e.g. foul-smelling / odorless)
Lymphadenopathy especially during active flare/  Lymph nodes are typically soft , non-tender, discrete, and usually detected in the cervical, axillary, and inguinal/ more likely to present with constitutional symptoms/
*Visual Retinal changes from systemic lupus erythematosus cytoid bodies, retinal haemorrhages, serous exudate or haemorrhage in the choroid, optic neuritis (not due to hypertension, drugs or infection)
**Visual Retinal changes from systemic lupus erythematosus cytoid bodies, retinal haemorrhages, serous exudate or haemorrhage in the choroid, optic neuritis (not due to hypertension, drugs or infection)
*Retinal change or optic atrophy
**Optic nerve atrophy
*Abnormalities of the head/hair may include ___
*Evidence of trauma
*Icteric sclera
*Icteric sclera
*Cotton wool spots in the retina in ophthalmoscopic exam
*Extra-ocular movements may be abnormal
*Oral and nasal ulcers
*Pupils non-reactive to light / non-reactive to accomodation / non-reactive to neither light nor accomodation
**Mostly painless
*Ophthalmoscopic exam may be abnormal with findings of ___
*Hearing acuity may be reduced
*[[Weber test]] may be abnormal (Note: A positive Weber test is considered a normal finding / A negative Weber test is considered an abnormal finding. To avoid confusion, you may write "abnormal Weber test".)
*[[Rinne test]] may be positive (Note: A positive Rinne test is considered a normal finding / A negative Rinne test is considered an abnormal finding. To avoid confusion, you may write "abnormal Rinne test".)
*[[Exudate]] from the ear canal
*Tenderness upon palpation of the ear pinnae / tragus (anterior to ear canal)
*Inflamed nares / congested nares
*[[Purulent]] exudate from the nares
*Facial tenderness
*Erythematous throat with/without tonsillar swelling, exudates, and/or petechiae
*‘cotton wool’ spots in the retina visible on ophthalmoscopy or fl uorescein angiography due to retinal artery inflammation
*Corneal and conjunctiva involvement is usually part of Sjögren’s syndrome associated with SLE
*[[Jugular venous distension]]
*[[Jugular venous distension]]
*[[Carotid bruits]] may be auscultated unilaterally/bilaterally using the bell/diaphragm of the otoscope
**Secondary to hypertension and cardiac complications
*[[Lymphadenopathy]] (describe location, size, tenderness, mobility, and symmetry)
*[[Thyromegaly]] / thyroid nodules
** Lymph nodes are soft, non-tender, discrete
*[[Hepatojugular reflux]]
** Usually detected in the cervical, axillary, and inguinal
*Pleuritic pain with or without a pleural eff usion / usually bilateral
*Fine and coarse [[crackles]] upon auscultation of the lung
*interstitial lung disease (ILD)
*In case of pleural effusion:
*Acute lupus pneumonitis presenting as cough, dyspnoea, pleuritic pain, hypoxaemia, and fever//Chest radiographs reveal unilateral or bilateral infi ltrates.
**Asymmetric tactile fremitus
*Pulmonary haemorrhage is a rare but potentially catastrophic complication of SLE/  diff use alveolar infi ltrates, hypoxaemia, dyspnoea, and anaemia are characteristic
**Asymmetric chest expansion
*Alveolar haemorrhage usually occurs in patients with a known history of SLE, high titres of anti-DNA antibodies, and active extrapulmonary disease
*Th e ‘shrinking lung syndrome’ is characterised by progressive dyspnoea and small lung volumes on chest radiographs,
*Asymmetric chest expansion / Decreased chest expansion
*Lungs are hypo/hyperresonant
*Fine/coarse [[crackles]] upon auscultation of the lung bases/apices unilaterally/bilaterally
*Vesicular breath sounds / Distant breath sounds
*Expiratory/inspiratory wheezing with normal / delayed expiratory phase
*[[Wheezing]] may be present
*[[Egophony]] present/absent
*[[Bronchophony]] present/absent
*Normal/reduced [[tactile fremitus]]
*fine bibasilar inspiratory crackles (Velcro crackles): due to Pulmonary fi brosis (physical and radiographical)
*Pleural fibrosis
Pulmonary hypertension (right ventricular prominence, or loud P2)
Pulmonary fi brosis (physical and radiographical)
Shrinking lung (radiograph)
Pleural fi brosis (radiograph)
Pulmonary infarction (radiograph)
*Chest tenderness upon palpation
*Chest tenderness upon palpation
*PMI within 2 cm of the sternum  (PMI) / Displaced point of maximal impulse (PMI) suggestive of ____
*Diastolic murmur, or systolic murmur >3/6 due to valvular disease
*[[Heave]] / [[thrill]]
*[[Friction rub]]
*[[Heart sounds#First heart tone S1.2C the .22lub.22.28components M1 and T1.29|S1]]
*[[Heart sounds#Second heart tone S2 the .22dub.22.28components A2 and P2.29|S2]]
*[[Heart sounds#Third heart sound S3|S3]]
*[[Heart sounds#Fourth heart sound S4|S4]]
*[[Heart sounds#Summation Gallop|Gallops]]
*A high/low grade early/late [[systolic murmur]] / [[diastolic murmur]] best heard at the base/apex/(specific valve region) may be heard using the bell/diaphgram of the otoscope
*Pericarditis Pericardial pain with at least one of rub or eff usion.
*diastolic murmur, or systolic murmur >3/6 due to valvular disease
*Chest pain or discomfort secondary to costochondritis
*Chest pain or discomfort secondary to costochondritis

Pericarditis/  Pericardial eff usions/  fever, dyspnoea, tachycardia, and congestive heart failure/ f left ventricular dysfunction, non-specifi c ST-T wave changes, segmental wall motion abnormalities, and decreased ejection fraction are found in >80% of patients/  accelerated, premature atherosclerosis/ valvular heart disease/ increased risk for myocardial infarction or stroke/ diff use thickening of the mitral and aortic valves followed by vegetations, valvular regurgitation, and stenosis/
Pericarditis/  Pericardial effusions/  fever, dyspnoea, tachycardia, and congestive heart failure/ f left ventricular dysfunction, non-specifi c ST-T wave changes, segmental wall motion abnormalities, and decreased ejection fraction are found in >80% of patients/  accelerated, premature atherosclerosis/ valvular heart disease/ increased risk for myocardial infarction or stroke/ diff use thickening of the mitral and aortic valves followed by vegetations, valvular regurgitation, and stenosis/

Line 452: Line 380:
*Ascitis= uncommon/ if found usually associated with perforation or infection or Congestive heart failure and hypoalbuminaemia secondary to nephrotic syndrome
*Ascitis= uncommon/ if found usually associated with perforation or infection or Congestive heart failure and hypoalbuminaemia secondary to nephrotic syndrome
*Point tenderness over __ vertebrae (e.g. L3-L4)
*Sacral edema
*Costovertebral angle tenderness bilaterally/unilaterally (may also be referred to as Murphy's punch sign, which is different from Murphy's sign that suggests cholecystitis. To avoid confusion, write "costovertebral angle tenderness")
*Buffalo hump
*A pelvic/adnexal mass may be palpated
*Inflamed mucosa
*Clear/(color), foul-smelling/odorless penile/vaginal discharge
<sup>Write additional pathognomonic findings, such as discharge that resembles cottage cheese for ''C. albicans'' vulvovaginitis / fish-odor for ''T. vaginalis'' ifnection</sup>
*Pitting/non-pitting [[edema]] of the upper/lower extremities
*Livedo reticularis
**Reddish-cyanotic, reticular pattern on the skin of the arms, legs, and torso, particularly with cold exposure
**Mostly involve knees, carpal joints, and joints of the fingers, especially the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint
*Decrease in affected joints range of motion
*Joints erythema and edema
**Due to synovitis
*Muscle atrophy
*Muscle atrophy
*Fasciculations in the upper/lower extremity
*Fasciculations in the upper/lower extremity
*loss of digit or limb=sign
*Loss of digit or limb
*Venous thrombosis with swelling, ulceration or venous stasis
*digital clubbing due to pulmonary fibrosis
pain and stiffness of joints
synovitis: May be transient (resolving within a few days in some patients), migratory, and reversible

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|Vascular abnormalities
|Vascular abnormalities
|Periungual erythema
|due to dilated tortuous loops of capillaries and a prominent subcapillary venous plexus along the base of the nail
can also happen along edges of the upper eyelid

Revision as of 11:35, 30 June 2017

Systemic lupus erythematosus Microchapters


Patient Information


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Systemic lupus erythematosus from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


Diagnostic Criteria

History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings


X Ray



Echocardiography or Ultrasound

Other Imaging Findings

Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy


Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Lupus and Quality of Life

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

Systemic lupus erythematosus physical examination On the Web

Most recent articles

Most cited articles

Review articles

CME Programs

Powerpoint slides


American Roentgen Ray Society Images of Systemic lupus erythematosus physical examination

All Images
Echo & Ultrasound
CT Images

Ongoing Trials at Clinical

National Guidelines Clearinghouse

NICE Guidance

FDA on Systemic lupus erythematosus physical examination

on Systemic lupus erythematosus physical examination

Systemic lupus erythematosus physical examination in the news

Blogs onSystemic lupus erythematosus physical examination

Directions to Hospitals Treating Systemic lupus erythematosus

Risk calculators and risk factors for Systemic lupus erythematosus physical examination

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Raviteja Guddeti, M.B.B.S. [2] Kiran Singh, M.D. [3]


Physical Examination

Organ system Disease Physical exam
Gastrointestinal involvement Dysphagia
  • Retrosternal chest pain
  • Heartburn
  • Regurgitation
  • Odynophagia
peptic ulcer disease
  • Epigastric pain
  • Food-provoked epigastric discomfort and fullness
  • Early satiety
  • Nausea
Intestinal pseudo-obstruction
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating
  • Distension
Protein-losing enteropathy
  • Profound edema
  • Hypoalbuminemia
  • Severe diarrhea
Acute pancreatitis
  • Severe persistent epigastric pain often radiating to the back
Mesenteric vasculitis
  • Abdominal pain
  • Food aversion
  • Weight loss
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
    • Due to chronic mesenteric ischemia
Primary peritonitis
  • Abdominal bloating or distention
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation or the inability to pass gas
  • Anorexia
  • Fatigue
  • Anorexia
  • Jaundice
  • Hepatomegaly
  • Ascites
Pulmonary involvement Pleural disease
  • Cough
  • Dyspnea
  • Fever
Acute pneumonitis
  • Fever
  • Cough (sometimes with hemoptysis)
  • Dyspnea/ physical examination reveals tachypnea, tachycardia, basilar crackles (may be late inspiratory), and hypoxemia
Pulmonary hemorrhage
  • Dyspnea
  • Cough
  • Hemoptysis
Interstitial lung disease
  • May be asymptomatic
  • Chronic nonproductive cough
  • Dyspnea
  • Decreased exercise tolerance
Thromboembolic disease
  • Dyspnea
  • Sharp chest pain that may become worse with deep breathing or coughing
Pulmonary hypertension
  • Dyspnea
  • Palpitations
  • Fatigue
  • Impaired exercise tolerance
  • Weakness
  • Syncope
  • Edema
  • Increased abdominal girth/ phE=pulmonary hypertension (loud second heart sound) or cor pulmonale (eg, peripheral edema, ascites, hepatomegaly)/
Shrinking lung
  • Dyspnea
  • Pleuritic chest pain (episodic)
Cardiac involvement Valvular disease
  • most often valve thickening, nodules, and regurgitation, and less frequently vegetations or stenotic lesions, is noted echocardiographically, and the presence of valvular lesions may increase the risk of serious complications
Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis (Libman-Sacks, verrucous endocarditis)
  • may occur in patients with SLE and is associated with antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL).
Pericardial disease is noted in approximately one-half of patients with SLE at some time in the course of their disease. Diagnostic pericardiocentesis is suggested for those in whom purulent pericarditis is suspected and for those who do not respond to treatment with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and/or glucocorticoids.
Acute pericarditis Symptomatic often responds to an NSAID; those who do not tolerate or cannot take NSAIDs may use prednisone (0.5 to 1 mg/kg/day in divided doses)
Myocarditis in SLE can cause resting tachycardia, cardiomegaly, heart failure, conduction abnormalities, and/or arrhythmias.

myocarditis, we suggest initial treatment with high-dose glucocorticoids (Grade 2C). A typical regimen is methylprednisolone 1000 mg intravenously daily for three days.

Coronary heart disease
Neurological involvement Cognitive dysfunction
Stroke mechanisms are heterogenous in SLE and include arterial and venous thrombosis, cardiogenic embolism, and small vessel infarcts
  • Hallucinations visual
  • Auditory
Genitourinary Nephrotic syndrome
  • Hypertension
  • Peripheral edema
  • Foamy urine
  • Weight gain
Musculoskeletal arthritis
  • arthralgias
  • effusions
  • Decreased range of motion of both small and large joints
  • Morning stiffness
avascular necrosis
  • Asymptomatic
  • Mild to moderate pain in groin and lower abdoman
bone fragility fractures
secondary pain amplification
Avascular necrosis can occur in patients treated with corticosteroids
  • Loss of height
  • Sudden back pain
Skin disorder

Appearance of the Patient

  • In the earlier stages of the disease, the patients are more well-appearing.
  • In the late stages of the disease, patients are ill with multi-organ involvement.

Vital Signs

  • Fever More than 38o C aft er the exclusion of infection
  • Tachycardia/ Bradycardia depends on the accompanying complication
  • Tachypnea / bradypnea depends on the accompanying complication


  • Cyanosis
    • Secondary to repiratory complications
  • Jaundice
    • Secondary to hepatitis complications
  • Pallor
    • Secondary to anemia
  • Generalised erythema
  • Bruises
    • Secondary to thrombocytopenia
  • Urticaria
  • Bullous lesions
  • Sclerodactyly
  • Skin ulceration
  • Malar rash. The classic lupus ‘butterfly’ rash
    • Erythematous, elevated lesion, pruritic or painful, in a malar distribution, commonly precipitated by exposure to sunlight
  • Annular or psoriasiform skin lesions
    • Small, erythematous, slightly scaly papules that evolve into either a psoriasiform (papulosquamous) or annular form and tend to involve shoulders, forearms, neck, and upper torso
  • Scarring chronic alopecia
    • Mostly present on face, neck, and scalp
  • Telangiectasias
  • Dyspigmentation (hyper- or hypopigmentation) of skin in scar places
  • Follicular plugging
    • Discrete, erythematous, slightly infiltrated plaques covered by a well-formed adherent scale that extends into dilated hair follicles
  • Nodules
    • Can be firm (Lupus profundus) and often are painful
  • photodistributed lesions with chronic pink indurated plaques or broad lesions that are slow to heal (more seen in lupus tumidus)
  • Thin hair that easily fractures (lupus hair)
  • Irregularly shaped raised white plaques, areas of erythema, silvery white scarred lesions, and ulcers with surrounding erythema on the soft or hard palate or buccal mucosa
  • Periungual erythema
    • Dilated tortuous loops of capillaries and a prominent subcapillary venous plexus along
    • Involves the base of the nail and edges of the upper eyelid


  • Ophthalmology
    • Nystagmus
    • Visual Retinal changes from systemic lupus erythematosus cytoid bodies, retinal haemorrhages, serous exudate or haemorrhage in the choroid, optic neuritis (not due to hypertension, drugs or infection)
    • Cataract
    • Optic nerve atrophy
  • Icteric sclera
  • Cotton wool spots in the retina in ophthalmoscopic exam
  • Oral and nasal ulcers
    • Mostly painless


  • Jugular venous distension
    • Secondary to hypertension and cardiac complications
  • Lymphadenopathy
    • Lymph nodes are soft, non-tender, discrete
    • Usually detected in the cervical, axillary, and inguinal


  • Fine and coarse crackles upon auscultation of the lung
  • In case of pleural effusion:
    • Asymmetric tactile fremitus
    • Asymmetric chest expansion


  • Chest tenderness upon palpation
  • Diastolic murmur, or systolic murmur >3/6 due to valvular disease
  • Chest pain or discomfort secondary to costochondritis

Pericarditis/ Pericardial effusions/ fever, dyspnoea, tachycardia, and congestive heart failure/ f left ventricular dysfunction, non-specifi c ST-T wave changes, segmental wall motion abnormalities, and decreased ejection fraction are found in >80% of patients/ accelerated, premature atherosclerosis/ valvular heart disease/ increased risk for myocardial infarction or stroke/ diff use thickening of the mitral and aortic valves followed by vegetations, valvular regurgitation, and stenosis/


  • Abdominal distention
  • Abdominal tenderness in the right/left upper/lower abdominal quadrant
  • Rebound tenderness (positive Blumberg sign)
  • A palpable abdominal mass in the right/left upper/lower abdominal quadrant
  • Guarding may be present
  • Hepatomegaly / splenomegaly / hepatosplenomegaly
  • Additional findings, such as obturator test, psoas test, McBurney point test, Murphy test
  • Splenomegaly
  • Splenic atrophy and functional hyposplenism
  • Dyspepsia/ peptic ulcers
  • Abdominal pain/ usually acompanied with nausea and vomiting
  • acute abdomen with nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, GI bleeding, and fever as a result of mesentric vasculitis
  • Hepatomegaly due to hepatitis
  • lupoid hepatits= hepatits due to autoimmune disease of sle
  • Ascitis= uncommon/ if found usually associated with perforation or infection or Congestive heart failure and hypoalbuminaemia secondary to nephrotic syndrome


  • Clubbing
  • Cyanosis
  • Livedo reticularis
    • Reddish-cyanotic, reticular pattern on the skin of the arms, legs, and torso, particularly with cold exposure
  • Arthritis
    • Symmetrical
    • Polyarticular
    • Mostly involve knees, carpal joints, and joints of the fingers, especially the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint
  • Decrease in affected joints range of motion
  • Joints erythema and edema
    • Due to synovitis
  • Muscle atrophy
  • Fasciculations in the upper/lower extremity
  • Claudication
  • Loss of digit or limb


  • Patient is usually oriented to persons, place, and time
  • Altered mental status
  • Glasgow coma scale is ___ / 15
  • Clonus may be present
  • Hyperreflexia / hyporeflexia / areflexia
  • Positive (abnormal) Babinski / plantar reflex unilaterally/bilaterally
  • Muscle rigidity
  • Proximal/distal muscle weakness unilaterally/bilaterally
  • ____ (finding) suggestive of cranial nerve ___ (roman numerical) deficit (e.g. Dilated pupils suggestive of CN III deficit)
  • Unilateral/bilateral upper/lower extremity weakness
  • Unilateral/bilateral sensory loss in the upper/lower extremity
  • Positive straight leg raise test
  • Abnormal gait (describe gait: e.g. ataxic (cerebellar) gait / steppage gait / waddling gait / choeiform gait / Parkinsonian gait / sensory gait)
  • Positive/negative Trendelenburg sign
  • Unilateral/bilateral tremor (describe tremor, e.g. at rest, pill-rolling)
  • Normal finger-to-nose test / Dysmetria
  • Cognitive impairment (eg, memory defi cit, diffi culty with calculation, poor concentration, diffi culty in spoken or written language, impaired performance level) or major psychosis
  • Seizure Recent onset. Exclude metabolic, infectious or drug-related causes
  • Psychosis Altered ability to function in normal activity due to severe disturbance in the perception of reality. Includes hallucinations; incoherence; marked loose associations; impoverished thought content; marked illogical thinking; bizarre disorganised or catatonic behaviour. Exclude the presence of uraemia and off ending drugs
  • Organic brain syndrome Altered mental function with impaired orientation or impaired memory or other intellectual function, with rapid onset and fl uctuating clinical features. Includes a clouding of consciousness with a reduced capacity to focus and an inability to sustain attention on environment and at least two of the following: perceptual disturbance, incoherent speech, insomnia or daytime drowsiness, increased or decreased psychomotor activity. Exclude metabolic infectious and drug-related causes
  • Lupus headache Severe, persistent headache; may be migrainous
  • Vasculitis Ulceration, gangrene, tender fi nger nodules, periungal infarction, splinter haemorrhages. Vasculitis confi rmed by biopsy or angiogram
  • Arthritis More than two joints with pain and signs of infl ammation
  • Proximal muscle aching or weakness
  • Muscle atrophy or weakness
  • Osteoporosis with fracture or vertebral collapse

Absent/present dysdiadochokinesia (palm tapping test)

Constitutional symptoms Fatigue the most common complaint 11085805

multidimensional phenomenon due to different factors 7779127

does not correlate with disease activity 9598886

frequently associated with depression, sleep disturbances, and concomitant fibromyalgia
Fever a manifestation of active disease-lupus flare, especially within short-term evolution of the disease 14530779

Can be hard to differentiate the cause of fever from other inflammatory and infection diseases

Leukopenia or normal range of leukocytes in the setting of fever is more suggestive of lupus activity rather than infection


muscle tenderness

muscle weakness

may be first complaint and initial reason for the patient to seeks medical attention

May happen as a result of treatment with glucocorticoids or glucocorticoid withdrawal

perivascular and perifascicular mononuclear cell infiltrates in 25 percent of patients

muscle atrophy, microtubular inclusions, mononuclear infiltrate, fiber necrosis, and, occasionally, vacuolated muscle fibers 2319520

Weight change
  • Weight loss due to:
    • Decreased appetite
    • Side effects of medications (particularly diuretics)
    • Gastrointestinal symptoms related to lupus (e.g. gastroesophageal reflux, abdominal pain, peptic ulcer disease, or pancreatitis)
  • Weight gain due to:
    • Hypoalbuminemia:
      • Result in salt and water retention (e.g. due to nephrotic syndrome or protein losing enteropathy)
    • Increased appetite associated with the use of glucocorticoids
Extremities Arthritis
  • migratory arthritis means that the symptoms may be gone by 24 hours
  • Usually symmetrical and polyarticular with a predilection for the knees, carpal joints, and joints of the fingers, especially the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint
  • Morning stiffness with a really short duration (less than 1 hour)
  • Painful arthritis and decrease range of motion
  • The SLE arthritis is mostly nondeforming
  • It has been noted that 15-50% of patients may develop flexion deformities, ulnar deviation, soft tissue laxity, and swan neck deformities 3041493 9849313 19591780 7841997


  • Synovial effusions are infrequent in patients with SLE, usually small with slightly cloudy or clear fluid
  • septic arthritis may occurs as a result of low immune response and medication. it can be secondary to infections with Salmonella, gonococci, meningococci, and other organisms
Skin and mucous membrane involvement  acute cutaneous lupus erythema (ACLE) (also known as “the butterfly rash”)
  • Localized ACLE (ie, malar rash, butterfly rash)
  • Generalized ACLE
  • Toxic epidermal necrolysis-like ACLE

presents as erythema in a malar distribution over the cheeks and nose (but sparing the nasolabial folds), which appears after sun exposure

discoid lesions more inflammatory and which have a tendency to scar
Photosensitivity common theme for skin lesions associated with SLE
oral and/or nasal ulcers usually painless
Nonscarring alopecia may occur at some point during the course of their disease
Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE) Annular SCLE

Papulosquamous SCLE

Drug-induced SCLE

Less common variants: erythrodermic, poikilodermatous, erythema multiforme-like (Rowell syndrome), and vesiculobullous annular SCLE

Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CCLE) Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE)

Localized DLE

Generalized DLE

Hypertrophic DLE

Lupus erythematosus tumidus (LE tumidus)

Lupus profundus (also known as lupus panniculitis)

Chilblain lupus erythematosus (chilblain LE)

Lichenoid cutaneous lupus erythematosus-lichen planus overlap syndrome (LE-LP overlap syndrome)

nephritis Minimal mesangial lupus nephritis (class I) the earliest and mildest form of glomerular involvement

normal urinalysis, no or minimal proteinuria, and a normal serum creatinine

mesangial immune deposits that are identified by immunofluorescence alone or by both immunofluorescence and electron microscopy, but such patients do not have light microscopic abnormalities

Mesangial proliferative lupus nephritis (class II)  microscopic hematuria and/or proteinuria

Light microscope:

mesangial hypercellularity (of any degree) or mesangial matrix expansion

A few isolated subepithelial or subendothelial deposits may be seen on immunofluorescence or electron microscopy

Focal lupus nephritis (class III)  hematuria and proteinuria

may also have hypertension, a decreased glomerular filtration rate, and/or nephrotic syndrome

Light microscopy: Active or inactive endocapillary or extracapillary segmental glomerulonephritis (Less than 50 percent of glomeruli are affected)

Electron microscopy: immune deposits in the subendothelial space of the glomerular capillary and mesangium

Glomeruli affected by fibrinoid necrosis and crescents

Presence of tubulointerstitial or vascular abnormalities

Class III (A)=focal proliferative lupus nephritis

class III disease with active lesions

Class III (C)=focal sclerosing lupus nephritis

chronic inactive lesions with scarring

Diffuse lupus nephritis (class IV) most common and most severe form 

Hematuria and proteinuria

nephrotic syndrome, hypertension, and reduced glomerular filtration rate

hypocomplementemia (especially C3) and elevated anti-DNA levels, especially during active disease  7231154

Light microscopy: more than 50 percent of glomeruli are affected that display endocapillary with or without extracapillary glomerulonephritis and Mesangial abnormalities

Electron microscopy: subendothelial deposits, at least during the active phase and diffuse wire loop deposits, but with little or no glomerular proliferation

This class is classified based on the tissue involvement to segmentally (S) or globally (G), and based on the inflammatory activity (or chronicity) of the lesions into 6 subclasses include:

Class IV-S (A)

Class IV-G (A)

Class IV-S (A/C)

Class IV-G (A/C)

Class IV-S (C)

Class IV-G (C)

Vascular abnormalities
Livedo reticularis a reddish-cyanotic, reticular pattern on the skin of the arms, legs, and torso, particularly with cold exposure

induced by vasospasm of the dermal ascending arterioles

Vasospasm in these cutaneous vessels 

Pathologic examination of involved blood vessels reveals thickening of the walls of the dermal vessels with subsequent narrowing of the lumens and, in some cases, intravascular thrombi

Raynaud phenomenon vasospastic process

blanching of the nail beds, fingers, and toes (and occasionally ears, nose, tongue, and nipples) with accompanying pain

Vasculitis urticarial vasculitis: lesions may remain for more than 24 hours and frequently evolve into painful petechiae or purpura that may heal with hyperpigmentation

small arteries involvement: microinfarcts of the tips of the fingers, the toes, the cuticles of the nail folds (splinter hemorrhages), and the extensor surface of the forearm and shin

Periarteritis nodosa-like lesions may occur

Nail abnormalities pitting, ridging, and onycholysis
Mucosal manifestations Oral involvement : white plaques, areas of erythema, or punched-out erosions or ulcers with surrounding erythema on the soft or hard palate or buccal mucosa

painless oral ulcers

hyperkeratosis, atrophy of rete processes, and superficial and deep inflammatory infiltrates; edema in the lamina propria, continuous or patchy periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive deposits in the basement membrane zone, deposition of intercellular mucin, and deposits of immunoglobulin and complement at the dermal-epidermal junction 

Nasal ulcers: lower nasal septum and tend to be bilateral and parallel

Nasal perforation, possibly secondary to vasculitis rare but may happen

Treatment: topical corticosteroids, tacrolimus 0.1% ointment, intralesional corticosteroids, and systemic antimalarial drugs
Bullous cutaneous lupus erythematosus rare and distinct complication of SLE 


Discoid Lupus Erythematosus
Lupus Erythematosus-Systemic

Lupus Erythematosus Chronicus Disseminatus Superficialis

Lupus Erythematosus Chronicus Verrucous

Lupus Erythematosus Profundus

Lupus Erythematosus-Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus

Lupus Vulgaris


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