Associated conditions
Gross Pathology
Microscopic Pathology
Hepatocellular adenoma
- Estrogens cause the transformation of hepatocytes via steroid receptors
- Results in generalized vascular ectasia
- Transcription factor 1 gene (TCF1)
- Interleukin 6 signal transducer gene (IL6ST)
- β catenin-1 gene (CTNNB1)
- Glycogen storage disease types Ia and III
- Fanconi anemia
- Thalassemia
- Familial adenomatous polyposis
- Familial diabetes mellitus
- Hurler disease
- Galactosemia
- Well circumscribed
- Nonlobulated
- Smooth and soft
- White to yellow to brown lesions
- Cords of hepatocytes that have a high glycogen and fat content
- Lack of normal hepatic parenchymal architecture
- Absence of portal tracts and hepatic veins
Focal nodular hyperplasia
- Develop around a preexisting arterial malformation
- Production of growth factors promote growth of small arteries
- Increased perfusion of the adjacent tissue results in peritumoral hyperplasia.
- β-catenin gene (CTNNB1)
- TP53
- APC or HNF1α
- Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome
- Well-circumscribed
- Non-encapsulated
- Central fibrous scar
- Hepatic parenchyma arranged in incomplete nodules
- Fibrous tissue with thick-walled vessels
- Bile ductular proliferation
- Cells of chronic inflammation
Intrahepatic bileduct cystadenoma
- Congenital disorder
- Vascular malformations that enlarge by ectasia
- Estrogen and progesterone influence over tumor growth
- More common in females
- Von Hippel Lindau disease
- Well-circumscribed
- Appear red-brown
- Solitary nodules
- Less than 5cms
- Large cystically dilated vessels
- Thin walls
- Intravascular thrombosis
- Calcifications
Hepatic Cyst
- Von Meyenburg complexes separate from biliary tree and dilate to form cyst
- Single, unilocular cyst
- Variable amounts of clear amber fluid (may contain blood, bile, mucus, pus)
- Lined by flat / cuboidal epithelium
- Epithelium rests on thin collagenous wall without spindle cell stroma
- Degenerative changes include epithelial desquamation, multiloculation, calcification
- Derive from a common progenitor cell that suffered the common second hit mutation.
- Angiomyolipomas are members of the perivascular epithelioid cells tumor group (PEComas)
- Composed of variable amounts of three components.
- Well circumscribed
- Uniform yellow mass
- Arises from precancerous lesions.
- Nodular or diffusely infiltrative.
- Pale in relation to surrounding liver or green.
- Large polygonal tumours cells
- Graunular eosinophilic cytoplasm
- Layered dense collagen bundles
Hepatic abscess
Parasitic cysts