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== Subchondral Bone ==
== Subchondral Bone ==
Osteoarthritis influencing whole joint system including both articular cartilage and underlying bone structures. One of the most common findings in is the subchondral bone plate thickening. The diseased bone becomes brittle and sclerotic; and the frequent turnovers affect bone quality. There is still a big question about this fact that does the subchondral bone changes happens simultaneously with the changes in articular cartilage or not. Macroscopic changes of the subchondral bone especially in load-bearing areas are: increased osteogenetic reactions, increased stiffness, increased density, and excessive formation of bone and cartilage (called osteochondrophytes). The osteochondrophytes usually can be found in intra-articular, marginal, extraarticular, insertional, or enthesiophytes. The osteochondrophytes frequently involves the joint space, and with synovial metaplastic fragments or flaps of cartilage they lead to the articular ‘joint mice’ formation. On the other hand, the bone remodeling caused by:  microfractures within the superficial bone trabeculae with the formation of subchondral bone cysts (known as erosive alterations). Bony changes such as sclerosis of the subchondral bone plate, alterations in trabecular structure, osteophytes and bone marrow lesions are associated with the initiation and progression of OA. It’s been reported that the subchondral bone changes prior to the articular cartilage changes. Meanwhile, it’s been found that the molecular pathways (for example: cytokines such as: IL-1, TNF-α, and fibrinolytic system including plasminogen, tissue plasminogen activators and urokinase plasminogen activators, and plasmin) have in subchondral play important roles in the disbalance between the physiological connection of bone deposition and remodelling and resorption potential. Higher osteoblastic activity results in an exaggerated reparative response, in contrast an increased osteoclastic 

== Articular Cartilage ==
== Articular Cartilage ==

Revision as of 19:25, 28 March 2018


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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1] Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief:


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Osteoarthritis (OA) is a well-known degenerative joint disease influencing millions of peopleworldwide. Osteoarthritis count as a complex disease caused by changes in the tissue homeostasis of articular cartilages and subchondral bones. The cell/extra-cellular matrix (ECM) and their interactions play an important role in the pathophysiology of articular cartilage and the occurrence of Osteoarthritis; consequently, the main feature of OA is that after this process in involved joint the articular cartilages of involved joint no longer have a normal acting system and for example because of the the extracellular matrix destruction this articular cartilages cannot act as a shock absorber. Different pathogenic mechanisms have been proposed to be responsible for the occurrence of OA. Heredity, obesity, hypoxia, synovitis–capsulitissubchondral bone overload, joint instability (mechanical integrity disturbances) are the most important underlying causes in this regard. In the current pathogenesis of osteoarthritis (OA) all joint tissues including cartilage, bone, synovium, ligamentous capsular structures, and surrounding muscle are involved. OA characterized by structural changes such as: active bone remodeling, synovial inflammation, and articular cartilage degradation leading to the loss of joint function and angular deformity or malalignment. Also, a variety of bio markers in synovial fluid helped to create more clear insight about the biological response of joints to injury but no biomarker have been declared to be reliable for monitoring the development, progression, and response to therapy of OA. Its been reported that certain factors can increase the risk of the OA development such as: hereditary elements, trauma and mechanical stress, joint injury, age, obesity, physical activity, bone mineral density (BMD), congenital anomalies. and, during the last years signaling pathways mad a lot of attention and its been proven that these pathways play important rolls in inflammation in the remodeling subchondral bone, synovium, enzyme activation, and extracellular matrix degradation in articular cartilage.

Subchondral Bone

Articular Cartilage

Synovial Memberane

Joint Instability



Body Mass Index/Leptin

Vascular Biology of Subchondral Bone in OA

Osteoblasts Recognize and Respond to Altered Perfusion a

Hereditary Osteoarthritis


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