Prostatitis diagnostic study of choice

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Diagnostic Study of Choice

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Prostatitis diagnostic study of choice On the Web

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Directions to Hospitals Treating Prostatitis

Risk calculators and risk factors for Prostatitis diagnostic study of choice

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief:


There is no gold standard for the diagnosis and evaluation of patients presenting with prostatitis. The evaluation of a patient with acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis consists of history and physical examination and urine culture for lower urinary tract localization cultures, respectively. The evaluation of chronic pelvic pain syndrome includes tests which can be broadly divided into mandatory, recommended and optional.

Diagnostic Study of Choice

Study of choice

  • There is no gold standard for the diagnosis and evaluation of patients presenting with prostatitis.
  • The evaluation of a patient with acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis consists of history and physical examination and urine culture for lower urinary tract localization cultures, respectively.
  • The evaluation of chronic pelvic pain syndrome includes tests which can be broadly divided into mandatory, recommended and optional.
Sequence of Diagnostic Studies in Acute Bacterial Prostatitis

The digital rectal exam (DRE) should be performed when:

  • The patient presented with fever, local pelvic/perineal pain, irritative and obstructive voiding symptoms, and other generalized symptoms of an acute infection.
  • The diagnosis of acute bacterial prostatitis is confirmed by microscopic analysis of a midstream urine specimen and confirmed by culturing uropathogenic bacteriuria in a urine specimen.


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