Mediastinal mass

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Amr Marawan, M.D. [2]

Synonyms and keywords: Mediastinal enlargement; mass in the mediastinum


The mediastinum is a non-delineated group of structures in the thorax (chest), surrounded by loose connective tissue. Since it is the central compartment of the thoracic cavity, and it contains a lot of important structures, it is the site of involvement of various tumors.


Causes in Alphabetical Order[1][2]

Initial Evaluation

Mediastinal Mass

❑ CT chest with contrast
❑ Serum beta-HCG, AFP, if appropriate
❑ CBC, platelets
❑ PET-CT scan (optional)
❑ Pulmonary function tests if clinically indicated
❑ MRI chest if clinically indicated

Thymic Tumor Likely
Thymic Tumor Unlikely
Consider surgery
Disease-specific management

Differential diagnosis of mediastinal mass

Wide variety of medical conditions can present as a mediastinal mass on radiological imaging.

ABBREVIATIONS: N/A: Not available, SOB: Shortness of breath, M/C: Most common, RI: Respiratory insufficiency, NM: Neuromuscular system, SVCS: Superior vena cava syndrome, SLE: Systemic lupus erythematosus disease, T3: Triiodothyronine, T4: Thyroxine, TSH: Thyroid stimulating hormone, TFT: Thyroid function test
Disease Causes/risk factors Clinical presentation Paraclinical findings
General symptoms Mediastinal syndrome


Dysphagia SVCS Gold standard Image Additional findings
Anterior mediastinal mass


+ + + Biopsy:
CT scan showing presence of voluminous expansive lesion of 6 cm in the upper anterior mediastinum without infiltration of surrounding tissues signs with modest enhancement. Case courtesy of Dr. Domenico Nicoletti (Picture courtesy: Radiopedia)
Associated condition
Disease Etiology Symptoms Dyspnea/


Dysphagia SVCS Gold standard Image Additional findings
Fatty mass


  • Steroid use
  • Cushing's syndrome
  • Obeses
  • Mostly asymptomatic
- - - MRI:
  • Well-defined encapsulated mas
  • Extensive fat content
  • Small amounts of solid areas
  • Fibrous septa
Limited images of an MRI of the chest demonstrate the mass to be of fat density. Case courtesy of A.Prof Frank Gaillard (Picture courtesy: Radiopedia)
Fatty mass can be:
  • Lipoma
  • Liposarcoma
  • Thymolipoma
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma


  • Age (above 60 years)
  • Caucasians > African and Asian Americans
  • Positive family history of first degree relative
  • B-cell activating autoimmune disorders
  • Radiation exposure
  • Infections

(HIV, Hep C, HTLV-1, EBV, HHV-8, H. pylori, psittacosis, Campylobacter jejuni)

  • Previous cancer treatment
  • Exposure to chemicals and drugs

(pesticides, methotrexate, TNF inhibitors, trichloroethylene)

  • Cigarette smoking for ≥ 40 years
  • BMI ≥30 kg/m2
  • Diet
  • Hair dyes
  • Breast implants
+/- +/- +/- Excisional lymph node biopsy with immunohistochemical study
  • CD 20+ cells
CT scan showing large anterior mediastinal mass. This is most likely lymphoma. Moderate pericardial effusion.. Case courtesy of A.Prof Frank Gaillard (Picture courtesy: Radiopedia)
Disease Etiology Symptoms Dyspnea/


Dysphagia SVCS Gold standard Image Additional findings
Hodgkin's lymphoma


Epstein-Barr virus

Family history

  • First-degree relatives
  • Siblings of the same sex

HIV infection

  • HIV infection increases risk

Autoimmune diseases


Tobacco smoking

Systemic B symptoms:


Mass effect

+ Lymph node biopsy with immunohistochemistry Positron emission tomography (PET)
  • Detect small deposits
  • Monitor the response to treatment
  • Detect recurrences
  • Quantitate the size of lymph nodes with precision
  • Assess for bone marrow involvement
Mediastinal germ cell tumor



  • Exclusively in males
  • 20s - 40s age
+ - - Biopsy: CT scan:

Laboratory finding:



  • Benign equal in men and women
  • Malignant more common in men
  • Pediatric population higher risk
  • Asymptomatic


+/- +/- +/- Chest CT scan:
  • Location
  • Metastasis
  • Intrinsic structure
  • Soft tissue
  • Fat
  • Calcification
Disease Etiology Symptoms Dyspnea/


Dysphagia SVCS Gold standard Image Additional findings
Cystic mass
Thymic cyst


  • Unilocular


  • Asymptomatic
- - + Biopsy with histopathology and cytology CT scan:
  • Oval shape
  • Smooth contour
  • Midline location
  • Calcified
  • Septate cyst
  • Fluid attenuation
Thyroid gland disease
Thyroid cancer


+ + - US guided biopsy: TFT
Mediastinal goiter


+ + - Radioactive iodine scan:
  • Nodules
  • Size
  • Function of the gland: ↑ or ↓
Hyperavtive gland (hyperthyroid):
  • Grave's disease

Hypoactive gland (hypothyroid):

  • Hashimoto thyroiditis

Normal functioning gland (euthyroid):

  • Benign thyroid enlargement (non toxic multinodular goiter)
Disease Etiology Symptoms Dyspnea/


Dysphagia SVCS Gold standard Image Additional findings
Middle mediastinal mass
Cardiovascular Disease
Pericardial effusion


+ +/- - Echocardiography guided pericardiocentesis:


Physical findings:



Aortic dissection


+ +/- + MRI:
  • Location of the intimal tear
  • Involvement of branches of aorta
  • Other vascular pathology


Disease Etiology Symptoms Dyspnea/


Dysphagia SVCS Gold standard Image Additional findings
Superior vena cava obstruction


Compression of SVC from: + + ++ Contrast-enhanced CT scan: Invasive contrast venography:
  • Etiology of obstruction
  • Exact location of the obstruction
Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection


+ - - MRI with contrast:
  • Provide better anatomic definition
  • Associated defects
  • Condition of heart chambers
Associated with

Cardiac catheter:

  • Pressure and O2 Sat in heart chambers


  • Normal despite of severe SOB
Gastrointestinal tract disease
Esophageal achalasia


+ + - High resolution manometry (HRM):
  • Residual pressure of LES > 10 mmHg
  • Incomplete relaxation of the LES.
  • Increased resting tone of LES
  • Aperistalsis
  • High intra-esophageal pressure (due to stasis of food)
X ray:
  • "Bird's beak image" or "rat tail" appearance
  • Dilated esophageal body
  • Air fluid level due to absent peristalsis
  • Absence of gastric air bubble
  • In advanced achalasia - sigmoid appearance

CT scan:

Disease Etiology Symptoms Dyspnea/


Dysphagia SVCS Gold standard Image Additional findings
Esophageal cancer


- + - Endoscopy with biopsy: Barium swallow:
  • Tapering stricture known as a "rat's tail"
  • Irregular stricture
  • Pre-stricture dilatation
  • Shouldering

CT scan:

Esophageal rupture



Mackler's triad:


Patients with cervical perforations can present with

+ + - Esophagogram: CT scan:
Hiatus hernia


  • 50 or older age
- + - High resolution manometry with esophageal pressure topography (EPT): Ultrasound:

Ultrasound in pediatric population:

CT scan:

Disease Etiology Symptoms Dyspnea/


Dysphagia SVCS Gold standard Image Additional findings
Pulmonary disease
Hilar lymphadenopathy


Lymphadenopathy: Constituitional symptoms like: + - - Lymph node biopsy and histopathology CT scan
  • 10 mm in short-axis
  • Loss of fatty hilum
  • Focal necrosis
  • Cystic necrotic nodes
  • Long-to-short axis ratio (>2cm - usually benign)


+ - - CT scan:

Pediatric pneumomediastinum:

  • Thymic wing sign: Elevated thymus
  • Haystack sign (the heart appears like a haystack in a Monet painting)
Physical exam:
Disease Etiology Symptoms Dyspnea/


Dysphagia SVCS Gold standard Image Additional findings


Genetic factors

Immune System

  • Higher expression of serum amyloid A
  • Immune system exhaustion and failure of effective antigen clearence

Drug side effect

Cutaneous sarcoidosis

Ocular sarcoidosis

Upper respiratory tract

Cardiac sarcoidosis


Reticuloendothelial system


Lofgren syndrome

Exocrine glands

Renal & electrolyte

+ - - Endoscopy with biopsy and histopathology
  • Granulomas can be detected in any organ
Laboratory findings:
  • Serum ACE levels greater than two times the upper limit of normal

CT scan:

  • Honeycombing
  • parenchymal nodules and opacities along bronchovascular bundles as well as in subpleural locations
Disease Etiology Symptoms Dyspnea/


Dysphagia SVCS Gold standard Image Additional findings
Infectious disease



Risk factors:

+ - - Culture and sensitivity of mediastinal tissue collected by biopsy/aspiration Physical exam


CT scan

  • Mediastinal or hilar mass
  • Infiltrative region of soft-tissue attenuation which obliterates normal mediastinal fat planes and encases or invades adjacent structures
  • Calcifications of the central mass or associated lymph nodes (especially if there has been preceding histoplasmosis)
  • Tracheobronchial narrowing
  • Pulmonary infiltrates


People at higher risk
  • Veterinarians
  • Laboratory professionals dealing the bacteria
  • Health care workers
  • Livestock producers
  • People who handle animal products
  • Mail handlers, military personnel, and response workers, in case of bioterrorism
  • People who make or play animal hide drums
  • Travelers, particularly to the follow areas:
    • Central and South America
    • Sub-Saharan Africa
    • Central and southwestern Asia
    • Southern and eastern Europe
    • The Caribbean

Inhalation or Pulmonary Anthrax

+ - - Culture and sensitivity: CT scan




F. tularensis

Clinical syndromes:

  • Ulceroglandular
- - - Culture and sensitivity Laboratory Findings:

Microscopic demonstration of F. tularensis using fluorescent-labeled antibodies is a rapid diagnostic procedure

Disease Etiology Symptoms Dyspnea/


Dysphagia SVCS Gold standard Image Additional findings
Cystic mass
Bronchogenic cyst


+ - - CT scan:
  • Spherical or oval mass
  • Smooth outline
  • Unilocular
  • Noncalcified
  • Demonstrating the size and shape of the cyst
  • Determining its position in relation to other structures
  • Bronchogenic cysts can mimic hydatid cysts
  • Pneumonitis, pneumothorax, or empyema may present
Esophageal duplication cysts


  • Rare congenital gastrointestinal malformation
- + - Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)
  • Distinguish between solid and cystic lesions
  • Periesophageal homogeneous-hypoechoic mass
  • Multi-layered wall and well-defined margins
  • Anechoic cyst if considerable central fluid present
Endoscopic ultrasound-guided FNA


Disease Etiology Symptoms Dyspnea/


Dysphagia SVCS Gold standard Image Additional findings


+ + - Histopathology and cytology


  • Degree of involvement and extent of lesion
  • MRI can prevent extensive, incomplete surgical resection

CT scan:

Chronic inflammatory disease
Churg-Strauss syndrome


+ +/- - Lung biopsy

4 out of 6 positive :

High-resolution computerized tomography (HRCT):

Disease Etiology Symptoms Dyspnea/


Dysphagia SVCS Gold standard Image Additional findings
Posterior mediastinal mass
Cystic mass
Mediastinal neurenteric cyst


+ CT scan: Postnatal chest X-ray:


Pancreatic pseudocyst


- - - Histopathology and cytology of cyst and fluid content CT scan
  • Thin-walled
  • Fluid-containing cyst within the posterior mediastinum
  • In continuity with the intrapancreatic or peripancreatic fluid collections
Disease Etiology Symptoms Dyspnea/


Dysphagia SVCS Gold standard Image Additional findings
Central nervous system disease


Congenial defect:

Maternal nutrition factors:

2. Environmental factors:

Symptoms depend on the severity of the defect

Orthopedic abnormalities:

Difficulties with executive functions including:

- - - Prenatal 2D/3D ultrasound:

Postnatal MRI

Laboratory tests:



(Spinal schwannoma)


- - - Biopsy with histopathology MRI
  • Tumor outside of a nerve or part of a nerve and if it involves other nearby structures
ABBREVIATIONS: N/A: Not available, SOB: Shortness of breath, M/C: Most common, RI: Respiratory insufficiency, NM: Neuromuscular system, SVCS: Superior vena cava syndrome, SLE: Systemic lupus erythematosus disease, T3: Triiodothyronine, T4: Thyroxine, TSH: Thyroid stimulating hormone, TFT: Thyroid function test


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