Infectious Disease Project Organ-Based Infections

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    Organ-Based Infections    
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WikiDoc Infectious Disease Project — Organ-Based Infections

Cardiovascular  ●  Central Nervous System  ●  Head and Neck  ●  Eye  ●  Upper Respiratory Tract  ●  Lower Respiratory Tract  ●  Gastrointestinal and Intraabdominal  ●  Genitourinary  ●  Musculoskeletal  ●  Skin and Soft Tissues  ●  Systemic

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Aortitis, infectious ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Cardiovascular implantable electronic device infections ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Endocarditis, prophylaxis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Endocarditis, treatment ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

  • Infective endocarditis[1]
  • Culture-negative endocarditis
  • Culture-negative, native valve endocarditis
  • Culture-negative, prosthetic valve endocarditis (early, ≤ 1 year)
  • Culture-negative, prosthetic valve endocarditis (late, > 1 year)
  • Culture-negative, prosthetic valve endocarditis (early, ≤ 1 year)
  • Pathogen-directed antimicrobial therapy
  • Bartonella
  • Suspected Bartonella endocarditis
  • Documented Bartonella endocarditis
  • Enterococcus
  • Endocarditis caused by enterococcal strains susceptible to penicillin, gentamicin, and vancomycin
  • Preferred regimen : Ampicillin 12 g/24h IV q4h for 4–6 weeks OR Penicillin G 18–30 million U/24h IV either continuously or q4h for 4–6 weeks AND Gentamicin 3 mg/kg/24h IV/IM q8h for 4–6weeks
  • Alternative regimen : Vancomycin 30 mg/kg/24h IV q12h for 6 weeks AND Gentamicin 3 mg/kg/24h IV/IM q8h for 6 weeks
  • Pediatric dose: Vancomycin 40 mg/kg/24h IV q8–12h; Gentamicin 3 mg/kg/24h IV/IM q8h
  • Endocarditis caused by enterococcal strains susceptible to penicillin, streptomycin, and vancomycin and resistant to gentamicin
  • Endocarditis caused by enterococcal strains resistant to penicillin and susceptible to aminoglycoside and vancomycin
  • β-Lactamase–producing strain
  • Intrinsic penicillin resistance
  • Endocarditis caused by enterococcal strains resistant to penicillin, gentamicin, and vancomycin
  • Enterococcus faecium
  • Enterococcus faecalis
  • HACEK organisms
  • Endocarditis caused by Haemophilus, Aggregatibacter (Actinobacillus), Cardiobacterium, Eikenella corrodens, or Kingella
  • Staphylococcus
  • Native valve endocarditis caused by oxacillin-susceptible staphylococci
  • Native valve endocarditis caused by oxacillin-resistant staphylococci
  • Preferred regimen: Vancomycin 30 mg/kg/24h IV q12h for 6 weeks
  • Pediatric dose: Vancomycin 40 mg/kg/24h IV q8–12h
  • Prosthetic valve endocarditis caused by oxacillin-susceptible staphylococci
  • Prosthetic valve endocarditis caused by oxacillin-resistant staphylococci
  • Preferred regimen: Vancomycin 30 mg/kg 24 h q12h for ≥ 6 weeks AND Rifampin 900 mg/24h IV/PO q8h for ≥ 6 weeks AND Gentamicin 3 mg/kg/24h IV/IM q8–12h for 2 weeks
  • Pediatric dose: Vancomycin 40 mg/kg/24h IV q8–12h; Rifampin 20 mg/kg/24h IV/PO q8h (up to adult dose); Gentamicin 3 mg/kg/24h IV or IM q8h
  • Viridans group streptococci and Streptococcus bovis
  • Native valve endocarditis caused by highly penicillin-susceptible viridans group streptococci and Streptococcus bovis (MIC ≤ 0.12 μg/mL)
  • Preferred regimen: Penicillin G 12–18 million U/24h IV either continuously or q4–6h for 4 weeks OR Ceftriaxone 2 g/24h IV/IM in 1 dose for 4 weeks
  • Alternative regimen (1): (Penicillin G 12–18 million U/24h IV either continuously or q4h for 2 weeks OR Ceftriaxone 2 g/24h IV/IM in 1 dose for 2 weeks) AND Gentamicin 3 mg/kg/24h IV/IM in 1 dose for 2 weeks
  • Alternative regimen (2): Vancomycin 30 mg/kg/24h IV q12h not to exceed 2 g/24h for 4 weeks
  • Pediatric dose: Penicillin G 200,000 U/kg/24h IV q4–6h; Ceftriaxone 100 mg/kg/24h IV/IM in 1 dose; Gentamicin 3 mg/kg/24h IV/IM in 1 dose or q8h; Vancomycin 40 mg/kg/24h IV q8–12h
  • Native valve endocarditis caused by relatively penicillin-resistant viridans group streptococci and Streptococcus bovis (MIC > 0.12 to ≤ 0.5 μg/mL)
  • Preferred regimen (1): (Penicillin G 24 million U/24h IV either continuously or q4–6h for 4 weeks OR Ceftriaxone 2 g/24h IV/IM in 1 dose for 4 weeks) AND Gentamicin 3 mg/kg/24h IV/IM in 1 dose for 2 weeks
  • Preferred regimen (2): Vancomycin 30 mg/kg/24h IV q12h not to exceed 2 g/24h for 4 weeks
  • Pediatric dose: Penicillin G 200,000 U/kg/24h IV q4–6h; Ceftriaxone 100 mg/kg/24h IV/IM in 1 dose; Gentamicin 3 mg/kg/24h IV/IM in 1 dose or q8h; Vancomycin 40 mg/kg/24h IV q8–12h
  • Prosthetic valve endocarditis caused by highly penicillin-susceptible viridans group streptococci and Streptococcus bovis (MIC ≤ 0.12 μg/mL)
  • Preferred regimen (1): (Penicillin G 24 million U/24h IV either continuously or q4–6h for 6 weeks OR Ceftriaxone 2 g/24h IV/IM in 1 dose for 6 weeks) ± Gentamicin 3 mg/kg/24h IV/IM in 1 dose for 2 weeks
  • Preferred regimen (2): Vancomycin 30 mg/kg/24h IV q12h not to exceed 2 g/24h for 6 weeks
  • Pediatric dose: Penicillin G 200,000 U/kg/24h IV q4–6h; Ceftriaxone 100 mg/kg/24h IV/IM in 1 dose; Gentamicin 3 mg/kg/24h IV/IM in 1 dose or q8h; Vancomycin 40 mg/kg/24h IV q8–12h
  • Prosthetic valve endocarditis caused by relatively penicillin-resistant viridans group streptococci and Streptococcus bovis (MIC > 0.12 μg/mL)
  • Preferred regimen (1): (Penicillin G 24 million U/24h IV either continuously or q4–6h for 6 weeks OR Ceftriaxone 2 g/24h IV/IM in 1 dose for 6 weeks) AND Gentamicin 3 mg/kg/24h IV/IM in 1 dose for 2 weeks
  • Preferred regimen (2): Vancomycin 30 mg/kg/24h IV q12h not to exceed 2 g/24h for 6 weeks
  • Pediatric dose: Penicillin G 200,000 U/kg/24h IV q4–6h; Ceftriaxone 100 mg/kg/24h IV/IM in 1 dose; Gentamicin 3 mg/kg/24h IV/IM in 1 dose or q8h; Vancomycin 40 mg/kg/24h IV q8–12h

Intravascular catheter-related infections ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Mediastinitis, acute ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Mycotic aneurysm ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Myocarditis, Lyme disease ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Myocarditis, viral ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pericarditis, bacterial ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pericarditis, fungal ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pericarditis, tuberculous ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pericarditis, viral ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Rheumatic fever, primary prophylaxis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Rheumatic fever, secondary prophylaxis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Septic pelvic vein thrombophlebitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Central Nervous System

Brain abscess ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Encephalitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Epidural abscess ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Lyme neuroborreliosis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Meningitis, bacterial ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Meningitis, MRSA ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Meningitis, tuberculous ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Septic thrombosis of cavernous or dural venous sinus ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Septic thrombosis of cavernous or dural venous sinus, MRSA ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Subdural empyema ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Head and Neck

Anthrax, oropharyngeal ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Buccal cellulitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Cervico-facial actinomycosis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Deep neck infection ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Facial cellulitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Mastoiditis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Mastoiditis, Acute ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Mastoiditis, Chronic ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Odontogenic infection ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Orbital cellulitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Oropharyngeal candidiasis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Otitis externa ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Otitis externa, Chronic ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Otitis externa, Fungal ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Otitis externa, Malignant ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Otitis externa, Swimmer's ear ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Otitis media ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Otitis media, Acute ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Otitis media, Post-intubation ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Otitis media, Prophylaxis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Otitis media, Treatment failure ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Parotitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧


Conjunctivitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Blepharitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Endophthalmitis, bacterial ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Endophthalmitis, bleb-related ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Endophthalmitis, candidal ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Endophthalmitis, chronic ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Endophthalmitis, mold ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Endophthalmitis, post-cataract surgery, acute ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Endophthalmitis, post-cataract surgery, chronic ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Endophthalmitis, post-tramatic ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Keratitis, bacterial ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Keratitis, fungal ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Keratitis, protozoal ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Keratitis, viral ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Ocular syphilis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Ocular toxocariasis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Ocular toxoplasmosis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Ocular tuberculosis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Orbital cellulitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Periocular Infection ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Retinal necrosis, acute, CMV ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Retinal necrosis, acute, HSV or VZV ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Retinal necrosis, progressive outer, VZV ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Retinitis, CMV ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Stye ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Uveitis, acute anterior ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Uveitis, Lyme disease ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Upper Respiratory Tract

Epiglottitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Jugular vein phlebitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Laryngitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Lemierre's syndrome ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Ludwig's angina ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Parapharyngeal space infection ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pharyngitis, diphtheria ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pharyngitis, streptococcal ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Sinusitis, Acute ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Sinusitis, Chronic ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Sinusitis, Post-intubation ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Sinusitis, Treatment failure ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Stomatitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Stomatitis, aphthous ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Stomatitis, herpetic ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Submandibular space infection ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Tonsillitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Ulcerative gingivitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Vincent's angina ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Lower Respiratory Tract

Acute bacterial exacerbations of chronic bronchitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Bronchiectasis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Bronchiolitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Bronchitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Cystic fibrosis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Empyema ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Influenza ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Inhalational anthrax, Prophylaxis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Inhalational anthrax, Treatment ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pertussis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Acinetobacter ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Actinomycosis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Anaerobes ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Aspiration pneumonia ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Chlamydophila ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, community-acquired ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, concomitant influenza ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Cytomegalovirus ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Haemophilus Influenza ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, health care-associated ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, hospital-acquired ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Klebsiella ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Legionella ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Lung abscess ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Meliodosis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Moraxella catarrhalis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Mycoplasma ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, neutropenic patient ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Nocardia ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, post-influenza ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Pseuodomonas ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Staphylococcus aureus ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Stenotrophomonas ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Streptococcus pneumoniae ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Tularemia ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pneumonia, Yersinia pestis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Gastrointestinal and Intraabdominal

Anthrax, gastrointestinal ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Appendicitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Biliary sepsis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Cholangitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Cholecystitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Diverticulitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Esophagitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Hepatic abscess ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Hepatitis A ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Hepatitis B ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Hepatitis C ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Hepatitis D ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Hepatitis E ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Infectious diarrhea ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Leptospirosis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pancreatitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Peliosis hepatitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Peptic ulcer disease ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Peritonitis, secondary to bowel perforation ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Peritonitis, secondary to dialysis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Peritonitis, secondary to ruptured appendix ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Peritonitis, secondary to ruptured diverticula ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Peritonitis, spontaneous bacterial ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Post-transplant infected biloma ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Splenic abscess ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Tropical sprue ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Typhlitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Variceal bleeding, prophylaxis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Whipple's disease ⇧ Return to Top ⇧


Asymptomatic bacteriuria ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Bacterial vaginosis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Cervicitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Chancroid ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Chlamydial infections ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Chorioamnionitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Cystitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Ectoparasitic infections ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Epididymitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Genital herpes ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Gonococcal infections ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Granuloma Inguinale ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Human papillomavirus infection ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Lymphogranuloma venereum ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pelvic inflammatory disease ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Proctocolitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Prostatitis, acute bacterial ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Prostatitis, chronic bacterial ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pyelonephritis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Syphilis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Urethritis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Vulvovaginal candidiasis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧


Bursitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Osteomyelitis, candidal ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Osteomyelitis, chronic ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Osteomyelitis, contiguous with vascular insufficiency ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Osteomyelitis, contiguous without vascular insufficiency ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Osteomyelitis, diabetic foot ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Osteomyelitis, foot bone ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Osteomyelitis, foot puncture wound ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Osteomyelitis, hematogenous ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Osteomyelitis, hemoglobinopathy ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Osteomyelitis, prosthetic joint infection ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Osteomyelitis, spinal implant ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Osteomyelitis, sternal ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Reactive arthritis, post-streptococcal arthritis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Reactive arthritis, Reiter's syndrome ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Septic arthritis, brucellosis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Septic arthritis, candidal ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Septic arthritis, gonococcal ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Septic arthritis, Gram-negative bacilli ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Septic arthritis, Histoplasmosis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Septic arthritis, Lyme disease ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Septic arthritis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Septic arthritis, pneumococcal ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Septic arthritis, post-intraarticular injection ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Septic arthritis, staphylococcal ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Septic arthritis, streptococcal ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Skin and Soft Tissues

Acne vulgaris ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Acne rosacea ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Anthrax, cutaneous ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Bacillary angiomatosis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Bite wounds ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Bubonic plague ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Carbuncle ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Cat scratch disease ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Cellulitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Ecthyma ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Erysipelas ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Erysipeloid ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Erythrasma ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Fournier gangrene ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Furuncle ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Gas gangrene ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Glanders ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Impetigo ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Lyme disease, cutaneous ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Mastitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Necrotizing fasciitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pilonidal cyst ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Pyomyositis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Seborrheic dermatitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Skin and soft tissue infection in neutropenic fever ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Skin and soft tissue infection in cellular immunodeficiency ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Surgical site infection ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Tularemia ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Vascular insufficieny ulcer ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Vibrio infection ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Wound infection ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Yaws ⇧ Return to Top ⇧


Anaplasmosis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Babesiosis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Bartonella ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Botulism ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Boutonneuese fever ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Brucellosis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Diptheria ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Ehrlichiolsis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Febrile neutropenia, prophylaxis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Febrile neutropenia, treatment ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Kawasaki syndrome ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Leptospirosis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Lymphadenitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Lymphangitis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Relapsing fever ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Rocky Mountain spotted fever ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Salmonella bacteremia ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Sepsis ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Tetanus ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Tularemia ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Typhoid fever ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Typhus, louse-borne ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Typhus, murine ⇧ Return to Top ⇧

Typhus, scrub ⇧ Return to Top ⇧


  1. Baddour, Larry M.; Wilson, Walter R.; Bayer, Arnold S.; Fowler, Vance G.; Bolger, Ann F.; Levison, Matthew E.; Ferrieri, Patricia; Gerber, Michael A.; Tani, Lloyd Y.; Gewitz, Michael H.; Tong, David C.; Steckelberg, James M.; Baltimore, Robert S.; Shulman, Stanford T.; Burns, Jane C.; Falace, Donald A.; Newburger, Jane W.; Pallasch, Thomas J.; Takahashi, Masato; Taubert, Kathryn A.; Committee on Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis, and Kawasaki Disease; Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young; Councils on Clinical Cardiology, Stroke, and Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia; American Heart Association; Infectious Diseases Society of America (2005-06-14). "Infective endocarditis: diagnosis, antimicrobial therapy, and management of complications: a statement for healthcare professionals from the Committee on Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis, and Kawasaki Disease, Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, and the Councils on Clinical Cardiology, Stroke, and Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia, American Heart Association: endorsed by the Infectious Diseases Society of America". Circulation. 111 (23): –394-434. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.105.165564. ISSN 1524-4539. PMID 15956145.