Multiple sclerosis pathophysiology

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


Multiple sclerosis is a disease of central nervous system and it’s known to be multi factorial.[1] Whatever the trigger is, it will lead to acquired immune response followed by inflammatory reactions. This reactions lead to secretion of cytokines in CNS parenchyma and activation of resident microglia. Microglia cells activate astrocytes to release more inflammatory cytokines leading to recruitment and infiltration of circulatory leukocytes.[2][3][4] This burst events cause destruction of myelin sheath and form focal sclerotic white matter plaques which are characteristic of multiple sclerotic disease.[5][6]


Multiple sclerosis is a disease of central nervous system and it’s known to be multi factorial. There are both inflammation and degeneration in the course of the disease but as it progress, degeneration becomes more prominent.[1] There are variety of different cells participating in MS pathophysiology. Whatever the trigger is, it will lead to acquired immune response followed by inflammatory reactions. This reactions lead to secretion of cytokines in CNS parenchyma and activation of resident microglia. Microglia cells activate astrocytes to release more inflammatory cytokines leading to recruitment and infiltration of circulatory leukocytes.[2][3][4] This burst events cause destruction of myelin sheath and CNS tissue and releasing more auto antigens including myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG), myelin basic protein (MBP), proteolipid protein (PLP).[5]

Focal sclerotic white matter plaques which are characteristic of multiple sclerotic disease, are mostly located in the optic nerve, periventricular white matter, juxtacortical border, cerebellum, brain stem and cervical spine.[6] This pattern of lesion formation is specific for MS.[7] Appearing of new white matter lesions is a way to estimate the efficacy of our therapy since it is an indicator of continued inflammation.[8] In the acute phase of the disease there is several evidence of blood brain barrier disruption.[9] Formation of white matter lesions is started by CD8+ T cells and then, CD4+ T cells, B cells, plasma cells and macrophages but the most common cells in lesions are macrophages and microglial cells.[10][11][12]

Based on studies performed on post mortem brain tissue of patients with multiple sclerosis, there are four types of white matter lesion pathology:[13][6]

Microscopic pathology 1:

Found in 10% of patients especially those with less than 1 year of disease history. In this type, the lesions have sharp borders and perivascular T cell infiltration. Demyelination process is still active and microglia cells and macrophages are full of myelin.

Microscopic pathology 2:

Found in 55% of patients. IgG and complement (C9neo) deposition with sever macrophage and T cell infiltration.

microscopic pathology 3:

Found in 30% of patients. The borders of lesion in this type are not sharply defined. There are evidences of vessel inflammation and dying oligodendrocytes.

microscopic pathology 4:

Found in 5% of patients with PPMS. Degeneration of oligodendrocytes and infiltration of T cells and macrophages are seen in this type of lesions.[14]

Damage to myelin sheath is prominent in type 1 and 2 while type 3 and 4 characteristic is dying oligodendrocytes.[6][15] the etiology of oligodendrocytes death known to be multifactorial or followed by hypoxia, mitochondrial dysfunction and macrophages.[16][17]

There is some evidence of cortical (gray matter) demyelination in MS patients.[18][19] It correlates with cognitive deficits and seizures in patients.[20][21] It is not clear yet that whether the pathphysiology of cortical demyelinetion is similar to white matter demyelinetion and is a consequence of it or it is a completely different phenomenon. Cortical demyelination tends to be global in contrast with focal white matter lesions.[22] In post mortem brain tissue of patients with MS, gray matter lesions show blood brain barrier dysfunction, macrophages filled with myelin, T cells, B cells and meningeal inflammation. These findings are suggestive of inflammation as an underlying cause of these lesions.[23] Cortical demyelination is more prominent in PPMS and SPMS but it can also be seen in RRMS.[18]

There are some lesions called "shadow plaques". Remyelination occurs in these lesions and they have a large number of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPC) and mature oligodendrocytes.[24][25] It may be because of more permissive environment that this event occurs mostly in cortical lesions rather than white matter lesions.[24] Remyelination occurs equally among patients with RRMS, SPMS and PPMS.[26] The loss of mature oligodendrocytes in chronic MS is a sign of failure in the course of maturation. Several inhibitory mediators have been found to have a role in this and prevent the axonal attachment and expressing myelin-specific genes.[27][28] There are no imaging techniques which can differentiate remyelinated plaques from early demyelinating lesions. It seems that remyelinated plaques are more susceptible to demyelination attacks.[29]


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