According to the Children's Oncology Group, there are four stages of rhabdomyosarcoma based on the location of tumor, size of tumor, involvement of lymph nodes, and metastasis.
Staging of rhabdomyosarcoma
There are two staging classification for rhabdomyosarcoma:[1]
Clinical group (CG)
Created by intergroup rhabdomyosarcoma study group (IRSG) in 1972.
Based on spread of tumor cells at diagnosis and remaining disease after surgery.
Categorized in four groups.
Tumor, node, metastasis system (TNM)
Based on tumor size, node involvement, and metastases.
Involvement of Bladder, prostate, extremity, cranial parameningeal, and other sites ( trunk, retroperitoneum, etc, excluding biliary tract).
Tumor stage invasion: T1 ( Confined to anatomic site of origin) or T2 ( include extension).
Tumor size: a ( ≤5 cm in diameter) or b ( >5 cm in diameter).
Regional nodes: When tumor size is a, regional node category would be N1 ( clinically involve); however, if the tumor size is b, regional node category varies from N0 ( not clinically involve), N1 (clinically involved) to Nx (clinical status unknown).
Metastases: M0 (no metastases).
Involvement could be all sites.
Tumor stage: T1 ( Confined to anatomic site of origin) or T2 ( include extension).
Tumor size: a ( ≤5 cm in diameter) or b ( >5 cm in diameter).