Humerus fracture

Revision as of 20:33, 16 April 2019 by DrMars (talk | contribs) (Overview)
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Humerus fracture
ICD-10 S42.2-S42.4
ICD-9 812
eMedicine emerg/199  orthoped/271 orthoped/199

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US National Guidelines Clearinghouse on Humerus fracture

NICE Guidance on Humerus fracture


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CDC on Humerus fracture


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Directions to Hospitals Treating Humerus fracture

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Treatment of Humerus fracture

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List of terms related to Humerus fracture

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Mohammadmain Rezazadehsaatlou[2].


The Humerus fracture are categorized as:
Proximal humerus fracture simple Proximal humerus fracture

comminuted Proximal humerus fracture

Humeral shaft fracture Associated with the radial nerve injury
Distal humerus fracture Uncommon injury in adults

More common in children

For the detailed discussion regarding each type of humerus fractures please click on the name of fracture you need to study about.

Related Chapters

Proximal humerus fracture

Humeral shaft fracture

Distal humerus fracture


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A humerus fracture can be classified by the location of the humerus involved: the upper end, the shaft, or the lower end.

At the upper end, the surgical neck of the humerus and anatomical neck of humerus can both be involved, though fractures of the surgical neck are more common. The axillary nerve can be damaged in fractures of this type.

Proximal Humeral Fracture


External links

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