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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Sujit Routray, M.D. [2]

Synonyms and keywords: Pineocytomas; Pinealocytoma; Pinealocytomas; PC; Pineal gland tumor; Brain tumor


Pineocytoma is a benign, slowly growing pineal parenchymal tumor. The pineal gland, in the brain secretes melatonin which regulates sleep cycle . Pineocytomas most often occur in adults as a solid mass, although they may appear to have fluid-filled (cystic) spaces on images of the brain. Signs and symptoms of pineocytomas include headaches, nausea, , vision abnormalities, and Parinaud syndrome. Pineocytomas are usually slow-growing and rarely spread to other parts of the body. Treatment includes surgery to remove the pineocytoma; most of these tumors do not regrow (recur) after surgery.[1]


The 2007 WHO classification of central nervous system tumors divides pineal gland tumors into four groups [16]:

  • Pineocytoma (grade I)
  • Pineal parenchymal tumors of intermediate differentiation (grade II or III)
  • Papillary tumor of the pineal region (grade II or III)
  • Pineoblastoma (grade IV)


Normal Anatomy

  • The pineal gland is a small reddish-brown structure that derives its name from its pinecone-like shape.
  • The pineal ranges in size from 10 to 14 mm; it is located in the midline, above the tentorium and superior colliculi and below the splenium of the corpus callosum and the vein of Galen, and is attached to the superior aspect of the posterior border of the third ventricle.


  • Pineal gland develops as a diverticulum in the diencephalic roof of the third ventricle during the second month of gestation.
  • The mature gland is suspended from the pineal stalk from the posterior roof of the third ventricle.
  • The pineal secretes melatonin, which is involved in diurnal rhythms.

Gross Pathology

On gross pathology, pineocytoma is characterized by solid, sometimes with focal areas of cystic change, gray, well-circumscribed mass with or without hemorrhage.[2][3]

Microscopic Pathology

On microscopic histopathological analysis, pineocytoma is characterized by:[4]

  • Cytologically benign cells (uniform size of nuclei, regular nuclear membrane, light chromatin)
  • Pineocytomatous/neurocytic rosette, which is an irregular circular/flower-like arrangement of cells with a large meshwork of fibers (neuropil) at the centre

According to the WHO classification of tumors of the central nervous system, pineocytoma is classified into a WHO grade I tumor.[5]


Pineocytoma is demonstrated by positivity to tumor markers such as:[6][7][8][9]


Differentiating Pineocytoma from other Diseases

Pineocytoma must be differentiated from:[13]

Tumors Grade Pathalogic Features 5-year survival Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dissemination Imaging
  • Grade I lesion
  • Small, uniform, mature cells that resemble pineocytes
  • Lobular architecture and pineocytomatous rosettes
  • 86%–100%
  • Rare
Well demarcated, usually less than 3 cm, and iso- to hyperattenuating.
  • Hypo- to isointense on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted images.
Pineal Parenchymal Tumor of Intermediate Differentiation
  • Grade II or III
  • Gross inspection, PPTID is similar in appearance to pineocytoma.
  • It is a well-circumscribed lesion without evidence of necrosis.
  • Histologic evaluation reveals diffuse sheets of uniform cells and the formation of small rosettes, with features intermediate between those of pineocytoma and those of pineoblastoma.
  • Low to moderate levels of mitotic activity and nuclear atypia are seen.
  • 39%–74%
  • Rare
  • No specific imaging findings
  • No specific imaging findings
  • Demonstrate high signal intensity on T2-weighted images and enhance on postcontrast images
  • Cystic areas may also be seen
  • Grade IV
  • Pineo-blastomas are highly cellular embryonal neoplasms that resemble other primitive neuroectodermal neoplasms of the central nervous system.
  • Cells have scant cytoplasm and are arranged in diffuse sheets.
  • Homer-Wright rosettes (neuroblastic differentiation) or Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes (retinoblastic differentiation) may be seen, and hemorrhage or necrosis may be present.
  • Infiltration into adjacent structures and craniospinal dissemination commonly occur
  • 58%
  • Most common cause of the death
  • Lobulated, typically hyperattenuating mass, an appearance that reflects its highly cellular histologic features.
  • Ill-defined enhancing pineal mass with resultant hydrocephalus
Papillary Tumor of the Pineal Region
  • Grade II or III
  • PTPRs are well-circumscribed lesions that can measure up to 5 cm and may have a cystic component.
  • At histologic evaluation, they demonstrate an epithelial-like growth pattern, papillary features, rosettes, and perivascular pseudorosettes.
  • The immunohistochemical findings help differentiate PTPR from other lesions in the pineal region, especially ependymoma and choroid plexus papilloma.
  • 73%
  • 75% times
  • Well-circumscribed lesions with variable signal intensity on T1-weighted images, high signal intensity on T2-weighted images, and enhancement on postcontrast images.
  • Cystic areas are commonly present.
  • Hyperintensity on T1-weighted images has been described, which is hypothesized to be related to secretory inclusions containing protein or glycoprotein.
  • Grade II
  • Account for 1%–2% of all cranial neoplasms
  • 65% of intracranial germinomas occur in the pineal region
  • >79%
  • The possibility of CSF seeding necessitates imaging evaluation of the entire neuroaxis
  • Sharply circumscribed, hyperattenuating mass that engulfs the pineal calcifications
  • Demonstrates a solid mass that may have cystic components.
  • Germinomas are iso- to hyperintense to gray matter on T1- and T2-weighted images
  • Avid, homogeneous enhancement on postcontrast images
  • Grade III
  • Mature teratoma reveals a lobulated neoplasm with a complex mixture of adult-type tissues from all three embryonic germ layers.
  • Skin and skin appendages may be seen due to the ectodermal component.
  • The mesoderm contributes to the presence of cartilage, bone, fat, and smooth and skeletal muscle.
  • Respiratory or enteric epithelium arises from the endodermal component.
  • Immature teratomas contain incompletely differentiated tissue elements that resemble fetal tissue.
  • Multiloculated, lobulated lesion with foci of fat attenuation, calcification, and cystic regions
  • T1-weighted MR images may show foci of T1 shortening due to fat and variable signal intensity related to calcification.
  • On T2-weighted images, the soft-tissue component is iso- to hypointense.
Pineal Cyst
  • Grade II
  • Pineal cysts occur in all age ranges but are most predominant in adults 40–49 years of age; studies demonstrate a female predominance.
  • Their origin is debated, with some suggesting they result from degenerative changes in the gland.
  • These lesions are typically asymptomatic and are usually 2–15 mm in size.
  • Follow-up studies have indicated that these lesions remain stable in size over time.
  • When they exceed 15 mm, patients may become symptomatic, typically with headache or visual changes.
  • Intracystic hemorrhage (“pineal apoplexy”) and acute hydrocephalus rarely occur; resultant death has been reported
  • 75% of pineal cysts remained stable during a period of 0.5–9.1 years.
  • Rare
  • Round or oval, thin-walled, and well-circumscribed.
  • They typically demonstrate signal intensity similar to that of CSF on T1- and T2-weighted images
Epidermoid and Dermoid Cysts
  • The wall of epidermoid cysts is composed of simple stratified squamous epithelium, and the cyst contents consist of layers of keratinaceous debris, which impart a “pearly” appearance to the gross specimen.
  • Dermoid cysts contain dermal appendages (hair follicles, sweat glands.
  • Both lesions slowly expand over time and rupture can result in chemical meningitis, which may be fatal.
  • Epidermoid cysts have low attenuation, similar to that of CSF.
  • Dermoid cysts have a more variable appearance, and areas of low attenuation may be seen due to a lipid component—not due to fat, which is of mesodermal origin.
  • Peripheral calcifications may be seen in both lesions.
  • Epidermoid cysts are hypointense on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted images, with signal intensity similar to that of CSF.
  • They insinuate into adjacent structures and encase nerves and blood vessels, making resection difficult.
  • Grade I II III IV
  • Uncommon.
  • They derive from stromal astrocytes
  • In the pineal region they arise from the splenium of the corpus callosum, the thalamus, or the tectum of the midbrain.
  • Rarely, they may arise from the neuronal elements within the pineal gland.
  • Uncommon
  • Bulbous enlargement of the tectal plate is noted.
  • The lesion is typically isointense on T1-weighted images
  • Hyperintense on T2-weighted images with no to minimal enhancement on postcontrast images
  • Abnormal differentiation of the meninx primitiva, which is the undifferentiated mesenchyme that surrounds the developing brain and normally develops into the leptomeninges and subarachnoid space.
  • Lipomas represent malformations and not neoplasms.
  • Blood vessels and nerves course through them, making resection difficult if required.
  • Low attenuation, consistent with fat
  • hyperintense on T1-weighted images with saturation on fat-saturated images



  • Pineocytoma constitutes approximately 45% of the pineal parenchymal tumors.[9]
  • Pineocytoma constitutes approximately 0.4 - 1% of the intracranial neoplasms.[17]


  • Pineocytoma is a rare disease that tends to affect all age groups, most commonly in the second decade of life.[18]
  • Pineal tumors are more common in children aged 1 to 12 years where these constitute about 3 percent of brain tumors [2].


  • Pineal tumors are substantially more common in males. [18]
  • In those with germ cell tumors, the male predominance was approximately 12:1.


  • In Europe and North America, pineal tumors account for less than 1 percent of all primary brain tumors.


  • Pineal tumors are more common in Asian countries than in Western countries.
  • This increased frequency is due largely to an increase in germ cell tumors, which comprise 70 to 80 percent of all pineal region tumors in Japan and Korea.

Natural History, Complication and Prognosis

Natural History

If left untreated, patients with pineocytoma may progress to develop seizures, obstructive hydrocephalus, local recurrence, and CSF metastasis.[19][20]


Common complications of pineocytoma include:[20][9]


  • Prognosis is generally excellent, and the 5-year survival rate of patients with pineocytoma is approximately 86%.[20]
  • Pineocytoma has the most favorable prognosis among all the pineal gland tumors.[21]
  • Clark et al. after performing a systematic review of the literature reported that the 1- and 5-year progression free survival (PFS) rates for patients that underwent resection versus the biopsy group were 97% and 90%, and 89% and 75% respectively. The 1- and 5-year PFS rates for the gross total resection group versus the group undergoing subtotal resection combined with radiation therapy were 100% and 94%, and 100% and 84% respectively.[22]

History and Symptoms


When evaluating a patient for pineocytoma, you should take a detailed history of the presenting symptom (onset, duration, and progression), other associated symptoms, and a thorough family and past medical history review.


  • The clinical presentation of pineocytoma is mainly from the obstructive hydrocephalus secondary to compression of the tectum of the midbrain and obstruction of the aqueduct.[19]
    • Pineal tumors cause neurologic dysfunction by direct invasion, compression, or obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow.
    • The rate of tumor growth determines the rapidity of symptom onset and is an important prognostic factor.
  • Pineal gland tumors share some common clinical and radiographic features based upon their anatomic location. Symptoms of pineocytoma include:
Symtpoms Signs
Headaches Papilledema
Vision abnormalities Ataxia
Nausea and vomiting Loss of upward gaze
Impaired ambulation Tremor
Altered pupillary reflexes
Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes

Physical Examination

Compression of the superior colliculi can lead to a characteristic gaze palsy, known as Parinaud syndrome. Common physical examination findings of pineocytoma include:[19]


  • Bulging soft spots (fontanelles)
  • Eyes that are constantly looking down (sunsetting sign)
  • Deficiency in upward-gaze
  • Pupillary light-near dissociation (pupils respond to near stimuli but not light)
  • Convergence-retraction nystagmus



  • Head CT scan may be diagnostic of pineocytoma.
  • Findings on CT scan suggestive of pineocytoma include a mass of intermediate density similar to the adjacent brain with peripheral calcifications.[23]



  • Brain MRI may be diagnostic of pineocytoma.
  • Features on MRI suggestive of pineocytoma include:[23]
MRI component Findings


  • Isointense to brain parenchyma


  • Solid components are isointense to brain parenchyma
  • Areas of cystic change
  • Sometimes the majority of the tumor is cystic

T1 with gadolinium contrast

  • Solid components vividly enhance



  • The mainstay of therapy for pineocytoma is surgery (gross total or subtotal resection).[20][21][22]
  • The treatment of PPTs must be guided by the histologic subtype.
Management Options of Penial Gland tumors
CSF diversion
  • The optimal surgical strategy to treat acute hydrocephalus in patients with pineal tumors is uncertain.
  • CSF diversion (ventriculoperitoneal [VP] shunt or third ventriculostomy may be necessary in symptomatic patients, although debulking surgery may obviate the need for this procedure
  • When CSF diversion is necessary, endoscopic third ventriculostomy can be carried out at the same time as the biopsy and is preferred over VP shunts, which can be complicated by infection, shunt malfunction, subdural hematoma, and rarely, tumor seeding
Surgical resection
  • Some series report long-term survival with surgery alone, even in patients with pineoblastomas.
  • Indeed, for pineoblastomas, gross total surgical resection appears to correlate with improved survival.
  • Patients with symptomatic recurrent pineocytomas should also be considered for surgical resection of the lesion
  • Postoperative adjuvant RT is frequently (but not universally) recommended, and local control is dose-dependent.
  • The incidence of leptomeningeal recurrence was significantly lower among patients receiving CSI compared with those who did not.
  • The five-year survival rates were 86 and 49 percent for pineocytomas and non-pineocytoma PPTs, respectively.
  • Adjuvant RT is not universally recommended after gross total resection of a pineocytoma
Stereotactic radiosurgery
  • Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is emerging as a useful treatment alternative for pineocytomas, although experience is limited.
  • The precise radiation fields that are defined by MRI or CT-computerized treatment planning minimize damage to the surrounding brain, and the risks of general anesthesia and craniotomy are avoided.
  • SRS is increasingly being used to treat pineal region tumors, either as an additional therapy after conventional treatments or as a primary treatment.
  • Due to the low rate of side effects, IRS may develop into an attractive alternative to microsurgery in de novo diagnosed pineocytomas. In malignant PPTs, IRS may be routinely applied in a multimodality treatment schedule supplementary to conventional irradiation.
Chemotherapy as part of multimodality therapy
  • The similarity of pineoblastomas to medulloblastomas in terms of their clinical behavior and tendency for leptomeningeal seeding has led to the use of similar chemotherapy regimens in patients with pineoblastoma as part of a multimodality approach.
  • Chemotherapy has been used to delay radiation therapy in very young children, for whom the long-term neurocognitive and developmental side effects of craniospinal irradiation (CSI) are a major concern.
  • The importance of radiation therapy as a component of the initial treatment of supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs) is also supported by the German HIT-SKK87 and HIT-SKK92 protocols, as well as the Canadian pediatric brain tumor protocol
  • Successful treatment of pineocytomas requires surgery with or without RT, while the best results with pineoblastomas are seen with multimodality approaches that include chemotherapy.
  • The main goal of open surgery on pineocytoma is the complete tumor removal with minimal morbidity, whenever possible. However, even if gross total excision cannot be achieved, establishment of an accurate diagnosis, maximal cytoreduction, and restoration of the CSF pathway may be achieved.
  • Radiotherapy administration to subtotally resected tumor is not associated with an increase in either tumor control or survival.[22]
  • Stereotactically guided iodine-125 seed implantation has been proposed as a potential alternative to microsurgery in de novo diagnosed pineocytomas, since it was proven efficient and safe.
  • Patients with pineocytoma will develop hydrocephalus in majority of the cases and they will require CSF diversion. Ventriculo-peritoneal (V-P) shunt placement is a viable option with low morbidity and mortality rate. However, shunt malfunction in this population is as high as 20%. In addition, tumor metastasis through a CSF shunt has been reported. Endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETVC) is an alternative option, which also permits a biopsy of the tumor in the same procedure. Ahn et al. reported that the biopsy samples, obtained in the lateral ventricle or pineal region, were more favorable towards a successful diagnosis than those in the thalamus or tectal region. Neuroendoscopic biopsy procedures have been proven safe with low complication rates.[22]


  1. Pineocytoma. Wikipedia 2015. Accessed on November 18, 2015
  2. Pathology and radiographic features of pineocytoma. Dr Bruno Di Muzio and Dr Frank Gaillard et al. Radiopaedia 2015. Accessed on November 18, 2015
  3. Gross description of pineocytoma. Pathology Outlines 2015. Accessed on November 20, 2015
  4. Microscopic features of pineocytoma. Libre Pathology 2015. Accessed on November 18, 2015
  5. General feature of pineocytoma. Libre pathology 2015. Accessed on November 18, 2015
  6. Microscopic description of pineocytoma causing hydrocephalus. Dr Frank Gaillard. Radiopaedia 2015. Accessed on November 20, 2015
  7. Histology of pineocytoma. Dr Frank Gaillard. Radiopaedia 2015. Accessed on November 20, 2015
  8. IHC features of pineocytoma. Libre Pathology 2015. Accessed on November 20, 2015
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Hirato, Junko; Nakazato, Yoichi (2001). Journal of Neuro-Oncology. 54 (3): 239–249. doi:10.1023/A:1012721723387. ISSN 0167-594X. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Microscopic images of pineocytoma. Libre Pathology 2015. Accessed on November 18, 2015
  11. Image courtesy of Dr. Frank Gaillard. Radiopaedia (original file here). Creative Commons BY-SA-NC
  12. Image courtesy of Dr. Frank Gaillard. Radiopaedia (original file here). Creative Commons BY-SA-NC
  13. Differential diagnosis of pineal region mass. Dr Henry Knipe and Dr Frank Gaillard et al. Radiopaedia 2015. Accessed on November 20, 2015
  14. See SJ, Gilbert MR (October 2004). "Anaplastic astrocytoma: diagnosis, prognosis, and management". Semin. Oncol. 31 (5): 618–34. PMID 15497115.
  15. Korshunov A, Golanov A, Sycheva R (July 2002). "Immunohistochemical markers for prognosis of anaplastic astrocytomas". J. Neurooncol. 58 (3): 203–15. PMID 12187956.
  16. Burger PC, Vogel FS, Green SB, Strike TA (September 1985). "Glioblastoma multiforme and anaplastic astrocytoma. Pathologic criteria and prognostic implications". Cancer. 56 (5): 1106–11. PMID 2990664.
  17. Clark, Aaron J.; Sughrue, Michael E.; Aranda, Derick; Parsa, Andrew T. (2011). "Contemporary Management of Pineocytoma". Neurosurgery Clinics of North America. 22 (3): 403–407. doi:10.1016/ ISSN 1042-3680.
  18. 18.0 18.1 Epidemiology of pineocytoma. Dr Bruno Di Muzio and Dr Frank Gaillard et al. Radiopaedia 2015. Accessed on November 20, 2015
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Clinical presentation of pineocytoma. Dr Bruno Di Muzio and Dr Frank Gaillard et al. Radiopaedia 2015. Accessed on November 20, 2015
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Treatment and prognosis of pineocytoma. Dr Bruno Di Muzio and Dr Frank Gaillard et al. Radiopaedia 2015. Accessed on November 20, 2015
  21. 21.0 21.1 Deshmukh, Vivek R.; Smith, Kris A.; Rekate, Harold L.; Coons, Stephen; Spetzler, Robert F. (2004). "Diagnosis and Management of Pineocytomas". Neurosurgery. 55 (2): 349–357. doi:10.1227/01.NEU.0000129479.70696.D2. ISSN 0148-396X.
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 Alexiou, George A (2012). "Management of pineal region tumours in children". Journal of Solid Tumors. 2 (2). doi:10.5430/jst.v2n2p15. ISSN 1925-4075.
  23. 23.0 23.1 Radiographic features of pineocytoma. Dr Bruno Di Muzio and Dr Frank Gaillard et al. Radiopeadia 2015. Accessed on November 20, 2015
  24. 24.0 24.1 Image courtesy of Dr. Frank Gaillard. Radiopaedia (original file here). Creative Commons BY-SA-NC
  25. Image courtesy of Dr. Frank Gaillard. Radiopaedia (original file here). Creative Commons BY-SA-NC
  26. Image courtesy of Dr. Frank Gaillard. Radiopaedia (original file here). Creative Commons BY-SA-NC
  27. Image courtesy of Dr. Frank Gaillard. Radiopaedia (original file here). Creative Commons BY-SA-NC
  28. Image courtesy of Dr. Frank Gaillard. Radiopaedia (original file here). Creative Commons BY-SA-NC
  29. Image courtesy of Dr. Frank Gaillard. Radiopaedia (original file here). Creative Commons BY-SA-NC

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