Textbook of clinical trials
Ethical IssuesHelsinki agreementInformed consentInvestigational Review Board (IRB)HIPAA reidentification of patients and patient privacy |
Regulatory issues and pathways in clinical trialsThe 1572 form and investigator responsibilitiesInvestigational new drug (IND) applicationInvestigational new drug or device exemption510K pathway |
Designing Clinical TrialsRandomized controlled trials versus observational studiesPhase 1 trialsPharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmcodynamic (PD) assessment Phase 2 trialsAdvancing from phase 2 to a phase 3 trial Phase 3 trialsParallel versus dose escalation studies Hypothesis generationInclusion and exclusion criteriaStratificationPrimary endpointSecondary endpoints and exploratory endpointsSurrogate endpointsSample size and power calculationsProtocol creation |
Operationalizing Clinical TrialsPrincipal investigator roleExecutive committee roleSteering committee roleNurse coordinator clinical research associate roleMonitor roleSponsor roleRandomization serviceCentral laboratory facilityEKG core laboratoryAngiographic core laboratoryMRI core laboratoryGenetics core laboratoryBiomarker core laboratoryIdentification of sitesRandomizationBlindingRecruitment of study participantsElectronic data collectionSchedule of eventsConcomitant medicationsClinical event committee or event adjudication committeeAdverse events, serious adverse events and serious unexpected eventsData safety monitoring board (DSMB)Study drug discontinuation, withdrawal of consent, incomplete follow up and lost to follow up patientsProtocol adherenceStorage and handling of investigational productData management and designing an electronic data capture formSource documentsStudy completion and close outProtocol amendmentsPublication committee |
Statistical Analysis of Clinical TrialsCleaning a datasetSummary statisticsIntent to treat versus modified intent to treat versus as treatedStudent's t tests and analysis of varianceChi square analysis and Fisher's exact testLogistic regressionMultivariate modelingSurvival analysisHandling missing dataSubgroup and interaction analysesNet clinical benefit analysesCost effectiveness analysesQuality adjusted life year analysesInterim analyses and futility analysesReporting results and how to write a manuscriptMeta-analysisPositive publication bias |