Papillorenal syndrome differential diagnosis
Differential Diagnosis
Various differential diagnosis of renal coloboma syndrome are as follows:
- CHARGE syndrome
- Coloboma
- Heart Abnormalities
- Choanal Atresia
- Growth and development Retardation
- Genital Anomalies
- Ear and hearing abnormalities
A lot of patients studied under renal coloboma syndrome do not have any sort of craniofacial anomalies that are typical of CHARGE Syndrome.
- Branchio-oto-renal syndrome- Renal hypoplasia in these patients makes this an important differential.
- Pt with PAX6 Mutations - significant overlap with eye findings in patients with PAX6 gene mutation make it an important differential but the renal anomalies that are typical for RCS are absent in these patients.
- COACH Syndrome or Joubert - Important differential due to the presence of both renal abnormalities and colobomas in these patients. However, patients with Renal coloboma syndrome does not have any developmental abnormality, cerebellar abnormalities, and/or hepatic dysfunction.
- Cat Eye Syndrome - This genetic abnormality is having symptomatic overlap with renal coloboma syndrome but the Iris colobomas that are typical for RCS are usually not observed in this disorder.