Deep vein thrombosis medical therapy

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Editor(s)-In-Chief: The APEX Trial Investigators, C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-In-Chief: Cafer Zorkun, M.D., Ph.D. [2] ; Kashish Goel, M.D.; Assistant Editor(s)-In-Chief: Justine Cadet

Deep Vein Thrombosis Microchapters


Patient Information





Differentiating Deep vein thrombosis from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors



Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


Diagnostic Approach

Assessment of Clinical Probability and Risk Scores

Assessment of Probability of Subsequent VTE and Risk Scores

History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings





Other Imaging Findings


Treatment Approach

Medical Therapy

IVC Filter

Invasive Therapy



Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Special Scenario

Upper extremity DVT




Landmark Trials

Case Studies

Case #1

Deep vein thrombosis medical therapy On the Web

Most recent articles

Most cited articles

Review articles

CME Programs

Powerpoint slides


Ongoing Trials at Clinical

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse

NICE Guidance

FDA on Deep vein thrombosis medical therapy

CDC on Deep vein thrombosis medical therapy

Deep vein thrombosis medical therapy in the news

Blogs on Deep vein thrombosis medical therapy

Directions to Hospitals Treating Deep vein thrombosis

Risk calculators and risk factors for Deep vein thrombosis medical therapy


An approach to the treatment of DVT has been described here. The primary purpose of treatment is to prevent the further clot extension, acute pulmonary embolism, recurrence of thrombosis, prevention of late complications such as post-thrombotic syndrome and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension.

Medical Therapy

Key Guidelines for Thrombolytic Therapy : ACCP Guidelines

Extensive Iliofemoral DVT
Grade 2 Recommendations


Anticoagulation is the "treatment of choice" for DVT. An abnormal D-dimer level at the end of treatment may signal the need for continued treatment in patients with their first unprovoked proximal deep-vein thrombosis.[1] After diagnosis, the current approach is to start both heparin and warfarin (VKA), and to discontinue heparin after 5 days provided the international normalized ratio (INR) is ≥ 2.0 for at least 24 hours.[2]

Parenteral Anticoagulation Therapy


  • Heparin binds to the enzyme inhibitor antithrombin III (AT). The activated AT then inactivates thrombin and other proteases involved in blood clotting, most notably factor Xa.

Heparin Dosage

Shown below is a table depicting the dosage of heparin for the treatment of DVT. Note that the dose of heparin used in the treatment of acute coronary syndrome is lower than that used for the treatment of PE.[3]

Mode of administration of Heparin Dosage
IV injection 80 U/kg as bolus, followed by 18 U/kg/h, OR

70 U/kg as bolus, followed by 15 U/kg/h for stroke or cardiac patients[4]

SC injection 333 U/kg as bolus, followed by 250 U/kg[4]

Adjustment of Heparin Dosage According to aPTT

aPTT should be monitored during treatment with Heparin. Prolongation of apTT correlates with an elevated serum concentration of heparin and requires adjustment of the dosage. Shown below is a table depicting the variation in the dosage according the aPTT.

aPTT Variation in the dosage[5]
< 1.2 x control (<35 s) Bolus: 80 U/kg
Infusion rate: increase by 4 U/kg/h
1.2-1.5 x control (35-45 s) Bolus: 40 U/kg
Infusion rate: increase by 2 U/kg/h
1.5-2.3 x control (46-70 s) Continue the same dosage
2.3-3.0 x control (71-90 s) Infusion rate: decrease by 2 U/kg/h
> 3.0 x control (>90s) Stop infusion for a period of 1 hour, then
Infusion rate: decrease by 3 U/kg/h

Platelet Monitoring

Among patients started on heparin, if the risk of heparin induced thrombocytopenia is more than 1%, monitor platelet count every 2 to 3 days from the 4th until the 14th day of treatment or until the discontinuation of heparin.[6]

Low Molecular Weight Heparin

  • LMWH is used as a first line therapy for the initial anticoagulation therapy for PE among patients with non-high risk PE.[3]
  • In addition, LMWH can also be used for the long term anticoagulation treatment for PE, but vitamin K antagonist are recommended as first line therapy. However, among cancer patients with provoked PE, LMWH is the first line therapy for the long term anticoagulation treatment.[3] LMWH is preferred in pregnancy to avoid the known teratogenic effects of warfarin.
  • LMWH is administered subcutaneously and does not require routine coagulation monitoring.
  • The recommended doses for treatment of PE are:[3]
    • Enoxaparin : 1 mg/Kg body weight (twice daily) OR 1.5 mg/kg once daily
    • Tinzaparin : 175 U/Kg body weight (once daily)


  • Fondaparinux is used as a first line therapy for the initial anticoagulation therapy for PE among patients with non-high risk PE. The antithrombotic activity of fondaparinux sodium is the result of antithrombin III (ATIII)-mediated selective inhibition of factor Xa. Fondaparinux does not require routine coagulation monitoring.
  • Recommended doses for the treatment of PE depend on the weight of the patient:
    • Weight <50 Kg: 5 mg (once daily)
    • Weight between 50 Kg to 100 Kg: 7.5 mg (once daily)
    • Weight >100 Kg: 10 mg (once daily)


Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis

  • Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis for acute DVT has been evaluated in small randomized trials and have shown that it may preserve venous valve function, reduce post-thrombotic syndrome and improve quality of life. However, evidence regarding mortality, recurrent VTE and major bleeding is lacking.
  • According to ACCP guidelines[6], catheter-directed thrombolysis should be considered only in patients who meet all of the following criteria:
    • Iliofemoral DVT
    • Symptoms < 14 days
    • Good functional status
    • Life expectancy ≥1 year
    • Low risk of bleeding

ACCP Recommendations[6]

1. In patients with acute proximal DVT of the leg, we suggest anticoagulant therapy alone over CDT (Grade 2C).

2. In patients with acute DVT of the leg who undergo thrombosis removal, we recommend the same intensity and duration of anticoagulant therapy as in similar patients who do not undergo thrombosis removal.

Systemic Thrombolysis

  • A Cochrane meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials showed reduced incidence of post-thrombotic syndrome and increased the vein patency, but it was associated with increased risk of bleeding.[7]
  • Conditions where systemic thrombolysis may be considered are similar to those mentioned in catheter-directed thrombolysis.
  • Further, ACCP[6] recommends using catheter-directed thrombolysis over systemic thrombolysis if resources and expertise is available.
  • Major Contraindications
    • Structural intracranial disease
    • Previous intracranial hemorrhage
    • Ischemic stroke within 3 mo
    • Active bleeding
    • Recent brain or spinal surgery
    • Recent head trauma with fracture or brain injury
    • Bleeding diathesis
  • Relative Contraindications
    • Systolic BP >180 mm Hg
    • Diastolic BP >110 mm Hg
    • Recent bleeding (nonintracranial)
    • Recent surgery
    • Recent invasive procedure
    • Ischemic stroke more that 3 mo previously
    • Anticoagulation (eg, VKA therapy)
    • Traumatic cardiopulmonary resuscitation
    • Pericarditis or pericardial fl uid
    • Diabetic retinopathy
    • Pregnancy
    • Age >75 y
    • Low body weight (eg, <60 kg)
    • Female sex
    • Black race

ACCP Recommendations[6]:

1. In patients with acute proximal DVT of the leg, we suggest anticoagulant therapy alone over systemic thrombolysis (Grade 2C).

2. In patients with acute DVT of the leg who undergo thrombosis removal, we recommend the same intensity and duration of anticoagulant therapy as in similar patients who do not undergo thrombosis removal.

Compression Stockings

Three randomized control trial conducted in Europe[8] [9]have found, that after the diagnosis of first-episode of proximal DVT, the daily use of knee-high graduated compression stockings (ECS) for 2 years is associated with marked reductions in the frequency of Post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS).

Elastic compression stockings should be routinely applied, beginning within 1 month of diagnosis of proximal DVT and continuing for a minimum of 1 year after diagnosis".[8] The stockings in almost all trials were stronger than routine anti-embolism stockings and were used with 20-30 mm Hg or 30-40 mm Hg pressure gradient. Most trials used knee-high stockings. A cochrane meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials reported a reduced incidence of post-phlebitic syndrome.[10] The number needed to treat, that is, to prevent one case of post-thrombotic syndrome was 4 to 5 patients.[11]

2012 American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines on Antithrombotic Therapy for VTE Disease: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis (DO NOT EDIT)[6]

Recommendations for Initial Choice of Treatment in Patients with Acute DVT of the Leg (DO NOT EDIT)[12]

Grade 1
"1. In patients with acute DVT of the leg, we recommend early initiation of VKA (eg, same day as parenteral therapy is started) over delayed initiation, and continuation of parenteral anticoagulation for a minimum of 5 days and until the international normalized ratio (INR) is 2.0 or above for at least 24 h (Level of evidence B)"
"2. In patients with acute DVT of the leg and whose home circumstances are adequate, we recommend initial treatment at home over treatment in hospital (Level of evidence B)."
"3. In patients with acute DVT of the leg who undergo thrombosis removal, we recommend the same intensity and duration of anticoagulant therapy as in comparable patients who do not undergo thrombosis removal (Level of evidence B)."
"4. In patients with acute DVT of the leg, we recommend against the use of an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter in addition to anticoagulants (Level of evidence B)."
"5. In patients with acute proximal DVT of the leg and contraindication to anticoagulation, we recommend the use of an IVC filter (Level of evidence B)."
Grade 2
"1. In patients with acute DVT of the leg, we suggest LMWH or fondaparinux over IV UFH (Level of evidence C) and over SC UFH (Level of evidence B) for LMWH;(Level of evidence C) for fondaparinux)."
"2. In patients with acute DVT of the leg treated with LMWH, we suggest once- over twice-daily administration (Level of evidence C)."
"3. In patients with acute proximal DVT of the leg, we suggest anti coagulant therapy alone over catheter-directed thrombolysis (CDT) (Level of evidence C)."
"4. In patients with acute proximal DVT of the leg, we suggest anticoagulant therapy alone over systemic thrombolysis (Level of evidence C)."
"5. In patients with acute proximal DVT of the leg, we suggest anticoagulant therapy alone over operative venous thrombectomy (Level of evidence C)."
"6. In patients with acute proximal DVT of the leg and an IVC filter inserted as an alternative to anticoagulation, we suggest a conventional course of anticoagulant therapy if their risk of bleeding resolves (Level of evidence B)."
"7. In patients with acute DVT of the leg, we suggest early ambulation over initial bed rest (Level of evidence C)."

ACCP 2012 Guidelines: Recommendations for Duration of Anticoagulant Therapy (DO NOT EDIT)[12]

Grade 1
"1. In patients with acute VTE who are treated with anticoagulant therapy, we recommend long-term therapy (see section 3.1 for recommended duration of therapy) over stopping anticoagulant therapy after about 1 week of initial therapy (Level of evidence B)"
"2. In patients with a proximal DVT of the leg provoked by surgery, we recommend treatment with anticoagulation for 3 months over (i) treatment of a shorter period (Level of evidence B)" , (ii) treatment of a longer time-limited period (eg, 6 or 12 months) (Level of evidence B) , or (iii) extended therapy (Level of evidence B regardless of bleeding risk)."
"3. In patients with a proximal DVT of the leg provoked by a nonsurgical transient risk factor, we recommend treatment with anticoagulation for 3 months over (i) treatment of a shorter period (Level of evidence B) , (ii) treatment of a longer time-limited period (eg, 6 or 12 months) (Level of evidence B), and (iii) extended therapy if there is a high bleeding risk (Level of evidence B) ."
"4. In patients with an isolated distal DVT of the leg provoked by surgery or by a nonsurgical transient risk factor , we recommend treatment with anticoagulation for 3 months over treatment of a longer time-limited period (eg, 6 or 12 months) (Level of evidence B) or extended therapy (Level of evidence B) regardless of bleeding risk. "
"5. In patients with an unprovoked DVT of the leg (isolated distal [see remark] or proximal), we recommend treatment with anticoagulation for at least 3 months over treatment of a shorter duration (Level of evidence B) . After 3 months of treatment, patients with unprovoked DVT of the leg should be evaluated for the risk-benefit ratio of extended therapy. "
"6. In patients with a first VTE that is an unprovoked proximal DVT of the leg and who have a high bleeding risk, we recommend 3 months of anticoagulant therapy over extended therapy (Level of evidence B). "
"7. In patients with a first VTE that is an unprovoked isolated distal DVT of the leg, we recommend 3 months of anticoagulant treatment in those with a high bleeding risk (Level of evidence B)."
"8. In patients with a second unprovoked VTE, we recommend extended anticoagulant therapy over 3 months of therapy in those who have a low bleeding risk (Level of evidence B)".
"9. In all patients who receive extended anticoagulant therapy, the continuing use of treatment should be reassessed at periodic intervals (eg, annually)."
"10. In patients with DVT of the leg and active cancer, if the risk of bleeding is not high, we recommend extended anticoagulant therapy over 3 months of therapy (Level of evidence B)".
Grade 2
"1. In patients with DVT of the leg and active cancer, if there is a high bleeding risk, we suggest extended anticoagulant therapy (Level of evidence B)."
"2. In patients with a first VTE that is an unprovoked proximal DVT of the leg and who have a low or moderate bleeding risk, we suggest extended anticoagulant therapy over 3 months of therapy (Level of evidence B)."
"3. In patients with a second unprovoked VTE who have a high bleeding risk, we suggest 3 months of anticoagulant therapy over extended therapy (Level of evidence B)."
"4. In patients with a proximal DVT of the leg provoked by a nonsurgical transient risk factor,We suggest treatment with anticoagulation for 3 months over extended therapy if there is a low or moderate bleeding risk (Level of evidence B)."
"5.In patients with an isolated distal DVT of the leg provoked by surgery or by a nonsurgical transient risk factor , we suggest treatment with anticoagulation for 3 months over treatment of a shorter period (Level of evidence C). "
"6. In patients with a first VTE that is an unprovoked isolated distal DVT of the leg, we suggest 3 months of anticoagulant therapy over extended therapy in those with a low or moderate bleeding risk (Level of evidence B)."
"7. In patients with a second unprovoked VTE, we suggest extended anticoagulant therapy in those with a moderate bleeding risk (Level of evidence B). "

AHA 2011 Guidelines for Duration of Anticoagulant Therapy (DO NOT EDIT)[13]

Class I
"1. Adult patients with IFDVT who receive oral warfarin as first-line long-term anticoagulation therapy should have warfarin overlapped with initial anticoagulation therapy for a minimum of 5 days and until the INR is ≥2.0 for at least 24 hours, and then targeted to an INR of 2.0 to 3.0 (Level of Evidence: A) "
"2. Patients with first-episode IFDVT related to a major reversible risk factor should have anticoagulation stopped after 3 months (Level of Evidence: A)."
"3. Patients with recurrent or unprovoked IFDVT should have at least 6 months of anticoagulation and be considered for indefinite anticoagulation with periodic reassessment of the risks and benefits of continued anticoagulation (Level of Evidence: A)."
"4. Cancer patients with IFDVT should receive LMWH monotherapy for at least 3 to 6 months, or as long as the cancer or its treatment (eg, chemotherapy) is ongoing (Level of Evidence: A). "
Class IIb
"1. In children with DVT, the use of LMWH monotherapy may be reasonable (Level of Evidence: C). "

ACCP 2012 Guidelines: Recommendations for Intensity of Anticoagulant Effect (DO NOT EDIT)[12]

Grade 1
"1.In patients with DVT of the leg who are treated with VKA, we recommend a therapeutic INR range of 2.0 to 3.0 (target INR of 2.5) over a lower (INR <2) or higher (INR 3.0-5.0) range for all treatment durations (Level of evidence B)".

ACCP 2012 Guidelines: Recommendations for Treatment of Isolated Distal DVT (DO NOT EDIT)[12]

Grade 1
"1. In patients with acute isolated distal DVT of the leg who are managed with initial anticoagulation, we recommend using the same approach as for patients with acute proximal DVT (Level of evidence B). "
"2. In patients with acute isolated distal DVT of the leg who are managed with serial imaging, we recommend no anticoagulation if the thrombus does not extend (Level of evidence B) ; we recommend anticoagulation if the thrombus extends into the proximal veins (Level of evidence B). "
Grade 2
"1. In patients with acute isolated distal DVT of the leg and without severe symptoms or risk factors for extension, we suggest serial imaging of the deep veins for 2 weeks over initial anticoagulation (Level of evidence C)."
"2. In patients with acute isolated distal DVT of the leg and severe symptoms or risk factors for extension (see text), we suggest initial anticoagulation over serial imaging of the deep veins (Level of evidence C)."
"3. In patients with acute isolated distal DVT of the leg who are managed with serial imaging, we suggest anticoagulation if the thrombus extends but remains confined to the distal veins (Level of evidence C)."

ACCP 2012 Guidelines: Recommendations for Treatment of Asymptomatic DVT of the Leg (DO NOT EDIT)[12]

Grade 2
"1. In patients who are incidentally found to have asymptomatic DVT of the leg, we suggest the same initial and long-term anticoagulation as for comparable patients with symptomatic DVT (Level of evidence B)".

ACCP 2012 Guidelines: Recommendations for Treatment in Special Situations (DO NOT EDIT)[12]

Grade 2
"1. In patients with DVT of the leg and no cancer, we suggest VKA therapy over LMWH for long-term therapy (Level of evidence C) . For patients with DVT and no cancer who are not treated with VKA therapy, we suggest LMWH over dabigatran or rivaroxaban for long-term therapy (Level of evidence C)".
"2. In patients with DVT of the leg and cancer, we suggest LMWH over VKA therapy (Level of evidence B). In patients with DVT and cancer who are not treated with LMWH, we suggest VKA over dabigatran or rivaroxaban for long-term therapy (Level of evidence B).
"3. In patients with DVT of the leg who receive extended therapy, we suggest treatment with the same anticoagulant chosen for the first 3 months (Level of evidence C).

ACCP 2012 Guidelines: Recommendations for Post-Thrombotic Syndrome (DO NOT EDIT)[12]

Grade 2
"1. In patients with acute symptomatic DVT of the leg, we suggest the use of compression stockings (Level of evidence B). "
"2. In patients with PTS of the leg, we suggest a trial of compression stockings (Level of evidence C). "
"3. In patients with severe PTS of the leg that is not adequately relieved by compression stockings, we suggest a trial of an intermittent compression device (Level of evidence B). "
"4. In patients with PTS of the leg, we suggest that venoactive medications (eg, rutosides, defibrotide, and hidrosmin) not be used (Level of evidence C). "

ACC/AHA 2011 Guidelines- Recommendations for Initial Anticoagulation for Patients With IFDVT (DO NOT EDIT)[13]

Class I
"1. In the absence of suspected or proven heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, patients with IFDVT should receive therapeutic anticoagulation with either intravenous UFH (Level of Evidence: A), UFH by subcutaneous injection (Level of Evidence: B), an LMWH (Level of Evidence: A), or fondaparinux (Level of Evidence: A)."
"2. Patients with IFDVT who have suspected or proven heparin-induced thrombocytopenia should receive a direct thrombin inhibitor (Level of Evidence: B)"

ACC/AHA 2011 Guidelines- Recommendations for Long-Term Anticoagulation Therapy for Patients With IFDVT (DO NOT EDIT)[13]

Class I
"1. Adult patients with IFDVT who receive oral warfarin as first-line long-term anticoagulation therapy should have warfarin overlapped with initial anticoagulation therapy for a minimum of 5 days and until the INR is ≥2.0 for at least 24 hours, and then targeted to an INR of 2.0 to 3.0 (Level of Evidence: A)."
"2. Patients with first-episode IFDVT related to a major reversible risk factor should have anticoagulation stopped after 3 months (Level of Evidence: A)"
"3. Patients with recurrent or unprovoked IFDVT should have at least 6 months of anticoagulation and be considered for indefinite anticoagulation with periodic reassessment of the risks and benefits of continued anticoagulation (Level of Evidence: A)"
"4. Cancer patients with IFDVT should receive LMWH monotherapy for at least 3 to 6 months, or as long as the cancer or its treatment (eg, chemotherapy) is ongoing (Level of Evidence: A)"
Class IIa
"1. In children with DVT, the use of LMWH monotherapy may be reasonable (Level of Evidence: C)"

ACC/AHA 2011 Guidelines- Recommendations for Use of Compression Therapy (DO NOT EDIT)[13]

Class I
"1. Patients with iliofemoral DVT should wear 30– to 40–mm Hg knee-high graduated ECS on a daily basis for at least 2 years (Level of Evidence: B)."
Class IIa
"1. In patients with prior iliofemoral DVT and symptomatic PTS, daily use of 30– to 40–mm Hg knee-high graduated ECS is reasonable (Level of Evidence: C)."
Class IIb
1. In patients with prior iliofemoral DVT and severe edema, intermittent sequential pneumatic compression followed by daily use of 30– to 40–mm Hg knee-high graduated ECS may be considered (Level of Evidence: B).


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