Transitional cell carcinoma CT

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Transitional cell carcinoma Microchapters


Patient Information


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Transitional cell carcinoma from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis



History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings

Cystoscopy and Bladder Biopsy




Other Imaging Findings

Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy


Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

Transitional cell carcinoma CT On the Web

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American Roentgen Ray Society Images of Transitional cell carcinoma CT

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Echo & Ultrasound
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Ongoing Trials at Clinical

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse

NICE Guidance

FDA on Transitional cell carcinoma CT

CDC on Transitional cell carcinoma CT

Transitional cell carcinoma CT in the news

Blogs on Transitional cell carcinoma CT

Directions to Hospitals Treating Transitional cell carcinoma

Risk calculators and risk factors for Transitional cell carcinoma CT

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


CT Scan

Abdominal and pelvic CT scans are helpful in the diagnosis of transitional cell carcinoma.

Transitional cell carcinoma of bladder

  • Transitional cell carcinoma of bladder appear as either focal regions of thickening of the bladder wall, or as masses protruding into the bladder lumen, or in advanced cases, extending into adjacent tissues.
  • Care should be taken in assessing bladder wall thickness as this changes with the degree of bladder distension and varies from patient to patient, e.g. patients with bladder outlet obstruction due to benign prostatic hypertrophy. In general, however, asymmetric mural thickening should be viewed with suspicion.
  • The masses are of soft tissue attenuation and may be encrusted with small calcifications.
  • Although unable to distinguish between T1, T2 and T3a (microscopic extravesical spread), CT is able to distinguish T3b tumors (stranding/nodules in perivesical fat) and T4 tumors (direct extension into adjacent structures/loss of normal fat plane).
  • Care should be exercised when interpreting stranding or nodularity following transurethral resection or even biopsy, as these changes may be postoperative.
  • Nodal metastases are common, observed in 30% of T2 tumors and 60% of T3 and T4 tumors.

Transitional cell carcinoma of renal pelvis

  • Transitional cell carcinomas are typically of soft tissue density with only mild enhancement, usually significantly less enhancing than renal parenchyma or renal cell carcinomas (although the the distinction cannot always be made).
  • They are usually centred on the renal pelvis (rather than the renal parenchyma as is the case with RCC)
  • Range in size from small filling defects (difficult to see without distension or collecting system contrast) to large masses which obliterate the renal sinus fat (TCC is one of the causes of the so-called faceless kidney).
  • Unlike renal cell carcinoma that tend to distort the renal outline, even large infiltrating transitional cell carcinomas maintain a normal renal shape.
  • Larger tumors may have areas of necrosis.
  • In cases of the tumor being small and located at the pelviureteric junction with resultant hydronephrosis, a small soft tissue mass should be sought.
  • In contrast to congenital PUJ obstruction, the calices are typically dilated, and the renal pelvis wall may be thickened.
  • Occasionally numerous small calcification may be present, located on the surface of papillary projections.
Intrarenal transitional cell carcinoma CT findings
Homogenously enhancing mass
Mass centered on the renal pelvis and extend towards pelviureteric junction
Preserved renal contour
Focal pelvicalyceal filling defect
Obliteration of the renal sinus fat

Patient #1



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