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{{main|Ubiquitination gene trancriptions|Ubiquitinations}}
{{main|Phosphorylation gene trancriptions|Phosphorylations}}


Latest revision as of 05:28, 4 January 2021

Each of the gene infoboxes on WikiDoc display "VALUE_ERROR (nil)" at the top instead of the gene name followed by answers obtained from WikiData for each entry.

Compare ZSCAN21 on WikiDoc with ZSCAN21 on Wikipedia.

Source of the Error

The {{Infobox_gene}} template calls Module:Infobox gene which in turn calls WikiData using local ref_url = "".

The reason none of the gene inboxes work is that Module:Infobox gene here is the same as Module:Infobox gene on Wikiversity or Wikipedia which both work. In short, WikiDoc is outside the WikiData WMF project computers.


In order to produce functional gene Infoboxes the Module:Infobox gene needs to be re-programmed to call the original sources of the information to have it appropriately displayed.

Some changes along these lines have been introduced into the Infobox gene for Alpha-1-B glycoprotein, which is of interest to me. Constructing the Species Human Mouse table for inclusion has hit a template snag here on WikiDoc.

Not on Wikipedia or WikiData

Wikipedia and WikiData do not cover all known human genes that are likely of interest to WikiDoc. Examples include ZSCAN22, ZIM2, ZNF17, ZNF132, ZNF134, ZNF135, ZNF154, ZNF256, ZNF211, TRAPPC2B, ZNF460, ZNF324, ZNF544, ZNF586, ZNF444, ZNF416, ZNF446, ZNF304, USP29, ZNF667, ZSCAN18, ZSCAN5A, ZNF329, ZNF419, ZNF552, ZNF671, ZNF606, ZBTB45, ZNF587, GALP, ZNF551, ZNF835, ZIM3, ZNF837, ZNF543, ZNF787, SMIM17, ZNF418, ZNF417, ZNF548, ZNF582, ZNF583, ZNF550, ZNF584, ZNF549, ZNF547, ZIK1, ZNF776, ZSCAN1, ZSCAN5B, ZNF530, ZNF773, ZNF582-AS1, ZNF470 and MIR6806.

Needed on WikiDoc

  1. Examples added: ACTR1B, SVIL, PHEX, TFIIA, STC1, STC2, SLC34A3, E2F4, HBB, HBA1 same as Hemoglobin, alpha 1, CST1, CST2, ZSCAN22 and Small nucleolar RNA SNORD115.
  2. Needed include ZSCAN4 that are on Wikipedia.

Complement copies

Inverse copies

For "AGC, one copy in inverse orientation of the AGC box (AGCCGCC) [is] present as two copies (-1346 and -1314) in the ERE".[1]

Complement-inverse copies


"Cytosines in CpG dinucleotides can be methylated to form 5-methylcytosine. In mammals, methylating the cytosine within a gene can turn the gene off, a mechanism that is part of a larger field of science studying gene regulation that is called epigenetics. Enzymes that add a methyl group are called DNA methyltransferases."[2]

In mammals, 70% to 80% of CpG cytosines are methylated.[3]

"CpG dinucleotides have long been observed to occur with a much lower frequency in the sequence of vertebrate genomes than would be expected due to random chance. For example, in the human genome, which has a 42% GC content, a pair of nucleotides consisting of cytosine followed by guanine would be expected to occur 0.21 * 0.21 = 4.41% of the time. The frequency of CpG dinucleotides in human genomes is 1% — less than one-quarter of the expected frequency."[2]

Unmethylated CpG sites can be detected by Toll-Like Receptor 9[4] "(TLR 9) on plasmacytoid dendritic cells and B cells in humans. This is used to detect intracellular viral, fungal, and bacterial pathogen DNA."[2]

Methylation is central to imprinting, along with histone modifications.[5] Most of the methylation occurs a short distance from the CpG islands (at "CpG island shores") rather than in the islands themselves.[6]

Methylation of CpG sites within the promoters of genes can lead to their silencing, a feature found in a number of human cancers (for example the silencing of tumor suppressor genes). In contrast, the hypomethylation of CpG sites has been associated with the over-expression of oncogenes within cancer cells.[7]

"In eukaryotes, CpG methylation is an epigenetic DNA modification that is important for heterochromatin formation."[8]

"CENP-B preferentially binds to the unmethylated CENP-B box DNA."[8]

The "CpG methylations of the CENP-B box sequence may function in [RNA interference (RNAi)] RNAi-dependent heterochromatin formation by regulating CENP-B-binding to the CENP-B box sequence in the α-satellite repeats."[8]


The CpG deficiency is due to an increased vulnerability of methylcytosines to spontaneously deaminate to thymine in genomes with CpG cytosine methylation.[9]




The content on this page was first contributed by: Henry A. Hoff.

See also


  1. Gerhard Leubner-Metzger, Luciana Petruzzelli, Rosa Waldvogel, Regina Vögeli-Lange, and Frederick Meins, Jr. (November 1998). "Ethylene-responsive element binding protein (EREBP) expression and the transcriptional regulation of class I β-1, 3-glucanase during tobacco seed germination". Plant Molecular Biology. 38 (5): 785–95. doi:10.1023/A:1006040425383. Retrieved 2014-05-02.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 "CpG site". San Francisco, California: Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. January 30, 2013. Retrieved 2013-02-07.
  3. Jabbari K, Bernardi G (May 2004). "Cytosine methylation and CpG, TpG (CpA) and TpA frequencies". Gene. 333: 143–9. doi:10.1016/j.gene.2004.02.043. PMID 15177689.
  4. Ramirez-Ortiz ZG, Specht CA, Wang JP, Lee CK, Bartholomeu DC, Gazzinelli RT, Levitz SM (2008). "Toll-like receptor 9-dependent immune activation by unmethylated CpG motifs in Aspergillus fumigatus DNA". Infect Immun. 76 (5): 2123–9. doi:10.1128/IAI.00047-08. PMID 18332208.
  5. Feil R, Berger F (2007). "Convergent evolution of genomic imprinting in plants and mammals". Trends Genet. 23 (4): 192–9. doi:10.1016/j.tig.2007.02.004. PMID 17316885.
  6. Irizarry RA, Ladd-Acosta C, Wen B, Wu Z, Montano C, Onyango P, Cui H, Gabo K, Rongione M, Webster M, Ji H, Potash JB, Sabunciyan S, Feinberg AP (2009). "The human colon cancer methylome shows similar hypo- and hypermethylation at conserved tissue-specific CpG island shores". Nature Genetics. 41 (2): 178–86. PMID 19151715.
  7. Jones PA, Laird PW (February 1999). "Cancer epigenetics comes of age". Nat. Genet. 21 (2): 163–7. doi:10.1038/5947. PMID 9988266.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Yoshinori Tanaka, Hitoshi Kurumizaka, and Shigeyuki Yokoyama (2005). "CpG methylation of the CENP-B box reduces human CENP-B binding". The FEBS Journal. 272 (1): 282–289. doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.2004.04406.x. PMID 15634350. Retrieved 2017-02-05. Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  9. Scarano E, Iaccarino M, Grippo P, Parisi E (1967). "The heterogeneity of thymine methyl group origin in DNA pyrimidine isostichs of developing sea urchin embryos". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 57 (5): 1394–400. doi:10.1073/pnas.57.5.1394. PMC 224485. PMID 5231746.

External links