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Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Henry A. Hoff

"Cytokinin fulfills its diverse roles in planta through a series of transcriptional responses."[1]

Human genes

Gene expressions

"In yeast two-hybrid analyses, the AHPs interact with various Arabidopsis histidine sensor kinases and Arabidopsis response regulators (ARRs) [20,24,25], consistent with their role in mediating phosphotransfer among these elements."[2]

"The 23 ARR genes fall into two main groups on the basis of their sequence similarities, domain structure and transcriptional response to cytokinin [27,28]. The type-A ARRs are comprised of a receiver domain and a short carboxyl terminus and their transcription is rapidly elevated in response to exogenous cytokinin; these are considered to be primary response genes [27,29,30]. The type-B ARRs, in addition to the receiver domain, have a carboxy-terminal output domain that has a DNA-binding GARP domain and a transcriptional activation domain. Transcription of the type-B ARRs is not altered by cytokinin."[2]

"The C-terminal output domain of type-B ARRs contains the 􏰄60-amino-acid GARP motif (so-called after the founding members Golden2, ARR and Psr1; it is also termed B motif or ARRM) [...], which is distantly related to the Myb repeat of transcription factors [33􏰂,37,38]."[3] Some of the ARRs are ARR1 - ARR22.[2][4][3]


"Cytokinin employs a two-component multi-step phosphorelay for its perception and signaling transduction12–14. In Arabidopsis, there are three cytokinin receptors (ARABIDOPSIS HISTIDINE KINASEs; AHK2, 3, 4) and eleven type-B response regulators (ARABIDOSPIS RESPONSE REGULATORs; B-ARRs)8,15."[1]

"The cytokinin transcriptional response centrally affects the family of ARRs. Type-B ARRs (B-ARRs) are transcription factors (TFs) with a GARP-like DNA binding domain at their C-termini and a receiver domain at their N-termini. Type-A ARRs (A-ARRs) are similar to the N-termini receiver domain of B-ARRs but do not possess a DNA binding domain."[1]

Consensus sequences


"Type-B ARRs are transcription factors that localize to the nucleus [9,28,36]. A consensus DNA-binding sequence for type-B ARRs has been delineated (G/A)GGAT(T/C), and this sequence signature is found in the promoters of many of the cytokinin primary response genes [30]."[2]

"We used GeneSpring 5.0 software (Silicon Genetics, Redwood City, CA) to search for common motifs enriched within 1 kb upstream of the translational start site of the 17 genes that are consistently upregulated by cytokinin (those genes induced in six or more of the cytokinin treatments [...]). The sequence GATCTT was identified as a core sequence motif found significantly enriched in the upstream regions of this set of genes. [This] common upstream sequence motif GATCTT [occurs] on the forward strand, and [...] the complement of the motif AAGATC [also occurs]. Upstream regions of the cytokinin-regulated type-A ARRs showed the highest concentration of these motifs, generally clustering in the 500 bp proximal to the coding region. The sequence of this common upstream sequence motif closely matches (G/A)GAT(T/C), the optimal DNA-binding sequence identified in vitro for ARR1 and ARR2, two type-B ARRs (Sakai et al., 2000). Gel shift assays with various derivatives of the optimal type-B ARR-binding site NGAT(T/C) showed a slight preference for A at position 1 and a C at position 5, consistent with part of the common sequence motif we identified (Sakai et al., 2000). The frequency of this common upstream sequence motif in the upstream regions of the type-A ARRs is positively correlated with the level of their induction by cytokinin. The most highly cytokinin-induced genes, ARR5, ARR7, and ARR16, have multiple copies of this motif. Additionally, genes that are either only weakly induced by cytokinin or not expressed at detectable levels, ARR3, ARR4, and ARR17, have one or no motifs [...]. ARR6, which is moderately induced by cytokinin, does not fit this pattern because it has no consensus motif in its upstream region, although two such motifs are found within the fourth intron of this gene. The common upstream sequence motif (GATCTT) should randomly occur approximately 0.32 times per kilobase pair, taking into account the GC content observed in intergenic regions of Arabidopsis (approximately 33%). Our search of all genes present on the Affymetrix GeneChip that are expressed with a raw of at least 500 but not induced by cytokinin (950 genes) revealed that the sequence motif GATCTT is present a total of 358 times in the 1 kb upstream of the translational start site, or approximately 0.38 times per kilobase pair. In contrast, this core sequence motif is present 14 times among the upstream regions of the top 17 cytokinin up-regulated genes and only six times among the upstream regions of the 21 cytokinin down-regulated genes."[4]

Binding site for

Enhancer activity

Promoter occurrences


  1. A1BG has no regulatory elements in either promoter.
  2. A1BG is not transcribed by a regulatory element.
  3. No regulatory element participates in the transcription of A1BG.

ARR1 Cytokinin samplings

Copying a responsive elements consensus sequence AGATT(C/T) and putting the sequence in "⌘F" finds one between ZNF497 and A1BG or one between ZSCAN22 and A1BG as can be found by the computer programs.

For the Basic programs testing consensus sequence AGATT(C/T) (starting with SuccessablesARR1.bas) written to compare nucleotide sequences with the sequences on either the template strand (-), or coding strand (+), of the DNA, in the negative direction (-), or the positive direction (+), the programs are, are looking for, and found:

  1. negative strand, negative direction, looking for AGATT(C/T), 0.
  2. positive strand, negative direction, looking for AGATT(C/T), 1, AGATTC at 2452.
  3. positive strand, positive direction, looking for AGATT(C/T), 1, AGATTC at 122.
  4. negative strand, positive direction, looking for AGATT(C/T), 1, AGATTT at 2869.
  5. inverse complement, negative strand, negative direction, looking for (A/G)AATCT, 1, AAATCT at 50.
  6. inverse complement, positive strand, negative direction, looking for (A/G)AATCT, 0.
  7. inverse complement, positive strand, positive direction, looking for (A/G)AATCT, 0.
  8. inverse complement, negative strand, positive direction, looking for (A/G)AATCT, 2, GAATCT at 2725, GAATCT at 2243.

ARR1 distal promoters

Negative strand, negative direction: AAATCT at 50.

Positive strand, negative direction: AGATTC at 2452.

Negative strand, positive direction: AGATTT at 2869, GAATCT at 2725, GAATCT at 2243.

Positive strand, positive direction: AGATTC at 122.

ARR10 Cytokinin samplings

Copying a responsive elements consensus sequence (A/G)GATA(A/C)G and putting the sequence in "⌘F" finds none between ZNF497 and A1BG or none between ZSCAN22 and A1BG as can be found by the computer programs.

For the Basic programs testing consensus sequence (A/G)GATA(A/C)G (starting with SuccessablesARR10.bas) written to compare nucleotide sequences with the sequences on either the template strand (-), or coding strand (+), of the DNA, in the negative direction (-), or the positive direction (+), the programs are, are looking for, and found:

  1. negative strand, negative direction, looking for (A/G)GATA(A/C)G, 0.
  2. positive strand, negative direction, looking for (A/G)GATA(A/C)G, 0.
  3. positive strand, positive direction, looking for (A/G)GATA(A/C)G, 0.
  4. negative strand, positive direction, looking for (A/G)GATA(A/C)G, 0.
  5. inverse complement, negative strand, negative direction, looking for C(G/T)TATC(C/T), 1, CGTATCC at 3447.
  6. inverse complement, positive strand, negative direction, looking for C(G/T)TATC(C/T), 0.
  7. inverse complement, positive strand, positive direction, looking for C(G/T)TATC(C/T), 0.
  8. inverse complement, negative strand, positive direction, looking for C(G/T)TATC(C/T), 0.


Negative strand, negative direction: CGTATCC at 3447.

ARR12 Cytokinin samplings

Copying a responsive elements consensus sequence (A/G)AGATA and putting the sequence in "⌘F" finds none between ZNF497 and A1BG or none between ZSCAN22 and A1BG as can be found by the computer programs.

For the Basic programs testing consensus sequence (A/G)AGATA (starting with SuccessablesARR1.bas) written to compare nucleotide sequences with the sequences on either the template strand (-), or coding strand (+), of the DNA, in the negative direction (-), or the positive direction (+), the programs are, are looking for, and found:

  1. negative strand, negative direction, looking for (A/G)AGATA, 1, AAGATA at 1525.
  2. positive strand, negative direction, looking for (A/G)AGATA, 3, AAGATA at 2177, AAGATA at 1595, AAGATA at 57.
  3. positive strand, positive direction, looking for (A/G)AGATA, 0.
  4. negative strand, positive direction, looking for (A/G)AGATA, 0.
  5. inverse complement, negative strand, negative direction, looking for TATCT(C/T), 4, TATCTT at 4080, TATCTC at 1711, TATCTT at 356, TATCTT at 101.
  6. inverse complement, positive strand, negative direction, looking for TATCT(C/T), 1, TATCTT at 1732.
  7. inverse complement, positive strand, positive direction, looking for TATCT(C/T), 1, TATCTT at 2628.
  8. inverse complement, negative strand, positive direction, looking for TATCT(C/T), 0.


Negative strand, negative direction: TATCTT at 4080.

ARR12 distal promoters

Negative strand, negative direction: TATCTC at 1711, AAGATA at 1525, TATCTT at 356, TATCTT at 101.

Positive strand, negative direction: AAGATA at 2177, TATCTT at 1732, AAGATA at 1595, AAGATA at 57.

Positive strand, positive direction: TATCTT at 2628.

ARR (Ferreira) samplings

Copying a responsive elements consensus sequence (G/A)GGAT(T/C) and putting the sequence in "⌘F" finds one between ZNF497 and A1BG or three between ZSCAN22 and A1BG as can be found by the computer programs.

For the Basic programs testing consensus sequence (G/A)GGAT(T/C) (starting with SuccessablesARRF.bas) written to compare nucleotide sequences with the sequences on either the template strand (-), or coding strand (+), of the DNA, in the negative direction (-), or the positive direction (+), the programs are, are looking for, and found:

  1. negative strand, negative direction, looking for (G/A)GGAT(T/C), 1, AGGATC at 2093.
  2. positive strand, negative direction, looking for (G/A)GGAT(T/C), 4, AGGATC at 4288, AGGATC at 4157, AGGATC at 4006, GGGATC at 2239.
  3. positive strand, positive direction, looking for (G/A)GGAT(T/C), 1, AGGATT at 2083.
  4. negative strand, positive direction, looking for (G/A)GGAT(T/C), 2, AGGATC at 4080, GGGATT at 2545.
  5. inverse complement, negative strand, negative direction, looking for (A/G)ATCC(C/T), 3, AATCCT at 3457, GATCCT at 1308, AATCCT at 239.
  6. inverse complement, positive strand, negative direction, looking for (A/G)ATCC(C/T), 13, GATCCC at 4477, AATCCC at 3976, AATCCC at 3067, AATCCC at 2678, AATCCT at 2091, AATCCC at 1917, GATCCC at 1814, AATCCC at 1782, AATCCC at 1264, AATCCC at 1137, AATCCC at 807, AATCCC at 673, AATCCC at 400.
  7. inverse complement, positive strand, positive direction, looking for (A/G)ATCC(C/T), 3, GATCCT at 4078, AATCCC at 2766, AATCCC at 2669.
  8. inverse complement, negative strand, positive direction, looking for (A/G)ATCC(C/T), 2, GATCCT at 2515, GATCCT at 2379.


Negative strand, negative direction: AATCCT at 3457.

Positive strand, negative direction: GATCCC at 4477, AGGATC at 4288, AGGATC at 4157, AGGATC at 4006, AATCCC at 3976, AATCCC at 3067.

ARRF proximal promoters

Positive strand, negative direction: AATCCC at 2678.

Negative strand, positive direction: AGGATC at 4080.

Positive strand, positive direction: GATCCT at 4078.

ARRF distal promoters

Negative strand, negative direction: AGGATC at 2093, GATCCT at 1308, AATCCT at 239.

Positive strand, negative direction: GGGATC at 2239, AATCCT at 2091, AATCCC at 1917, GATCCC at 1814, AATCCC at 1782, AATCCC at 1264, AATCCC at 1137, AATCCC at 807, AATCCC at 673, AATCCC at 400.

Negative strand, positive direction: GGGATT at 2545, GATCCT at 2515, GATCCT at 2379.

Positive strand, positive direction: AATCCC at 2766, AATCCC at 2669, AGGATT at 2083.

ARR (Rashotte1) samplings

Copying a responsive elements consensus sequence GATCTT and putting the sequence in "⌘F" finds one between ZNF497 and A1BG or three between ZSCAN22 and A1BG as can be found by the computer programs.

For the Basic programs testing consensus sequence GATCTT (starting with SuccessablesARRF.bas) written to compare nucleotide sequences with the sequences on either the template strand (-), or coding strand (+), of the DNA, in the negative direction (-), or the positive direction (+), the programs are, are looking for, and found:

  1. negative strand, negative direction, looking for GATCTT, 0.
  2. positive strand, negative direction, looking for GATCTT, 0.
  3. positive strand, positive direction, looking for GATCTT, 1, GATCTT at 4066.
  4. negative strand, positive direction, looking for GATCTT, 0.
  5. inverse complement, negative strand, negative direction, looking for AAGATC, 0.
  6. inverse complement, positive strand, negative direction, looking for AAGATC, 2, AAGATC at 3276, AAGATC at 877.
  7. inverse complement, positive strand, positive direction, looking for AAGATC, 3, AAGATC at 4076, AAGATC at 4064, AAGATC at 2167.
  8. inverse complement, negative strand, positive direction, looking for AAGATC, 2, AAGATC at 964, AAGATC at 864.


Positive strand, negative direction: AAGATC at 3276.

ARRR1 proximal promoters

Positive strand, positive direction: AAGATC at 4076, AAGATC at 4064, GATCTT at 4066.

ARRR1 distal promoters

Positive strand, negative direction: AAGATC at 877.

Negative strand, positive direction: AAGATC at 964, AAGATC at 864.

Positive strand, positive direction: AAGATC at 2167.

ARR (Rashotte2) samplings

Copying a responsive elements consensus sequence (G/A)GAT(T/C) and putting the sequence in "⌘F" finds one between ZNF497 and A1BG or three between ZSCAN22 and A1BG as can be found by the computer programs.

For the Basic programs testing consensus sequence (G/A)GAT(T/C) (starting with SuccessablesARRF.bas) written to compare nucleotide sequences with the sequences on either the template strand (-), or coding strand (+), of the DNA, in the negative direction (-), or the positive direction (+), the programs are, are looking for, and found:

  1. negative strand, negative direction, looking for (G/A)GAT(T/C), 5, GGATC at 2093, GGATT at 1591, GGATC at 1306, GGATT at 64, AGATT at 9.
  2. positive strand, negative direction, looking for (G/A)GAT(T/C), 24, AGATC at 4475, GGATC at 4288, GGATC at 4157, GGATC at 4006, AGATC at 3488, AGATC at 3276, GGATC at 3097, GGATC at 2574, AGATT at 2451, AGATC at 2413, GGATC at 2239, AGATC at 1987, GGATC at 1812, AGATT at 1714, AGATT at 1334, GGATC at 1167, AGATT at 1043, AGATC at 972, AGATC at 877, GGATC at 703, AGATC at 589, AGATT at 583, GGATC at 525, GGATC at 430.
  3. positive strand, positive direction, looking for (G/A)GAT(T/C), 6, AGATC at 4076, AGATC at 4064, GGATC at 2481, AGATC at 2167, GGATT at 2083, AGATT at 121.
  4. negative strand, positive direction, looking for (G/A)GAT(T/C), 6, GGATC at 4080, AGATT at 2868, GGATT at 2545, AGATC at 2230, AGATC at 964, AGATC at 864.
  5. inverse complement, negative strand, negative direction, looking for (A/G)ATC(C/T), 7, GATCT at 3463, AATCC at 3456, AATCT at 3000, AATCT at 2979, GATCC at 1307, AATCC at 238, AATCT at 50.
  6. inverse complement, positive strand, negative direction, looking for (A/G)ATC(C/T), 17, GATCC at 4476, AATCC at 3975, AATCC at 3679, AATCC at 3066, AATCC at 2677, AATCC at 2090, AATCC at 1916, GATCC at 1813, AATCC at 1781, GATCT at 1482, AATCC at 1263, AATCC at 1136, GATCC at 973, AATCC at 806, AATCC at 672, AATCC at 399, AATCT at 232.
  7. inverse complement, positive strand, positive direction, looking for (A/G)ATC(C/T), 10, GATCC at 4077, GATCT at 4065, GATCC at 3522, GATCC at 3484, AATCC at 2765, AATCC at 2668, GATCC at 2639, GATCC at 2482, AATCC at 2366, AATCC at 150.
  8. inverse complement, negative strand, positive direction, looking for (A/G)ATC(C/T), 9, GATCC at 4081, AATCC at 3797, AATCT at 2725, GATCC at 2514, GATCC at 2378, AATCT at 2243, AATCT at 2235, GATCC at 965, GATCC at 865.


Negative strand, negative direction: GATCT at 3463, AATCC at 3456, AATCT at 3000, AATCT at 2979.

Positive strand, negative direction: GATCC at 4476, AGATC at 4475, GGATC at 4288, GGATC at 4157, GGATC at 4006, AATCC at 3975, AATCC at 3679, AGATC at 3488, AGATC at 3276, GGATC at 3097, AATCC at 3066.

ARRR2 proximal promoters

Positive strand, negative direction: AATCC at 2677.

Negative strand, positive direction: GATCC at 4081, GGATC at 4080.

Positive strand, positive direction: GATCC at 4077, AGATC at 4076, GATCT at 4065, AGATC at 4064.

ARRR2 distal promoters

Negative strand, negative direction: GGATC at 2093, GGATT at 1591, GATCC at 1307, GGATC at 1306, AATCC at 238, GGATT at 64, AATCT at 50, AGATT at 9.

Positive strand, negative direction: GGATC at 2574, AGATT at 2451, AGATC at 2413, GGATC at 2239, AATCC at 2090, AGATC at 1987, AATCC at 1916, GATCC at 1813, GGATC at 1812, AATCC at 1781, AGATT at 1714, GATCT at 1482, AGATT at 1334, AATCC at 1263, GGATC at 1167, AATCC at 1136, AGATT at 1043, GATCC at 973, AGATC at 972, AGATC at 877, AATCC at 806, GGATC at 703, AATCC at 672, AGATC at 589, AGATT at 583, GGATC at 525, GGATC at 430, AATCC at 399, AATCT at 232.

Negative strand, positive direction: AATCC at 3797, AGATT at 2868, AATCT at 2725, GGATT at 2545, GATCC at 2514, GATCC at 2378, AATCT at 2243, AATCT at 2235, AGATC at 2230, GATCC at 965, AGATC at 964, GATCC at 865, AGATC at 864.

Positive strand, positive direction: GATCC at 3522, GATCC at 3484, AATCC at 2765, AATCC at 2668, GATCC at 2639, GATCC at 2482, GGATC at 2481, AATCC at 2366, AGATC at 2167, GGATT at 2083, AATCC at 150, AGATT at 121.

Random results ARRR2

For the Basic programs testing consensus sequence (A/G)GAT(C/T) (starting with SuccessablesARRR2r0.bas) written to compare nucleotide sequences with the sequences on either the template strand (-), or coding strand (+), of the DNA, in the negative direction (-), or the positive direction (+), the programs are, are looking for, and found:

  1. SuccessablesARRR2r0.bas, looking for (A/G)GAT(C/T), 22, AGATT at 4462, GGATC at 4322, GGATC at 4271, GGATT at 3973, GGATT at 3663, GGATC at 3140, AGATT at 2856, AGATC at 2761, GGATC at 2667, AGATT at 2652, GGATT at 2354, AGATC at 2249, AGATC at 1949, AGATC at 1852, GGATT at 1780, AGATT at 1774, GGATT at 992, GGATT at 952, GGATC at 924, GGATC at 736, AGATT at 128, GGATC at 94.
  2. SuccessablesARRR2r1.bas, looking for (A/G)GAT(C/T), 15, AGATC at 3860, GGATT at 3583, GGATT at 3451, AGATC at 2995, AGATC at 2834, GGATC at 2724, AGATT at 2448, AGATC at 2250, GGATC at 2230, AGATC at 1798, GGATC at 1789, AGATC at 1779, GGATT at 1259, GGATT at 702, AGATT at 361.
  3. SuccessablesARRR2r2.bas, looking for (A/G)GAT(C/T), 15, AGATT at 4201, AGATT at 3612, AGATT at 3456, GGATC at 3436, AGATT at 3001, AGATT at 2931, AGATT at 2652, AGATT at 1690, GGATT at 1580, GGATC at 1418, GGATT at 559, AGATT at 336, GGATC at 157, GGATT at 134, GGATT at 127.
  4. SuccessablesARRR2r3.bas, looking for (A/G)GAT(C/T), 11, GGATT at 4294, AGATC at 3824, GGATT at 3778, GGATT at 3755, GGATT at 2940, GGATC at 2566, GGATC at 2434, GGATT at 2410, GGATT at 1488, GGATT at 1229, GGATC at 968.
  5. SuccessablesARRR2r4.bas, looking for (A/G)GAT(C/T), 15, GGATC at 3922, AGATC at 3132, GGATC at 3092, AGATC at 3047, AGATC at 2798, GGATT at 2766, AGATT at 2721, GGATC at 2690, AGATC at 1669, GGATC at 1494, GGATC at 1173, AGATT at 945, GGATT at 840, GGATT at 616, GGATT at 558.
  6. SuccessablesARRR2r5.bas, looking for (A/G)GAT(C/T), 17, AGATT at 4089, GGATT at 4061, AGATC at 4030, GGATT at 3352, AGATT at 3170, GGATC at 2884, AGATC at 2829, AGATT at 2437, GGATC at 2428, GGATT at 2000, GGATC at 1812, GGATT at 1757, AGATC at 1746, AGATC at 943, AGATT at 884, AGATT at 690, AGATT at 197.
  7. SuccessablesARRR2r6.bas, looking for (A/G)GAT(C/T), 11, AGATC at 4310, GGATT at 3753, GGATT at 3609, GGATT at 3391, GGATC at 3026, AGATC at 2936, GGATT at 2539, AGATC at 2390, GGATC at 2213, AGATC at 166, AGATT at 93.
  8. SuccessablesARRR2r7.bas, looking for (A/G)GAT(C/T), 18, GGATC at 4552, GGATT at 4515, AGATT at 4197, AGATT at 4178, AGATT at 4146, GGATT at 3595, AGATT at 3374, GGATC at 3367, GGATT at 2764, GGATC at 2530, GGATC at 2460, AGATT at 2402, GGATC at 1921, GGATT at 1297, GGATC at 1285, AGATT at 707, GGATC at 501, GGATT at 241.
  9. SuccessablesARRR2r8.bas, looking for (A/G)GAT(C/T), 15, GGATT at 3481, GGATC at 3016, GGATT at 2432, AGATT at 2242, GGATT at 2089, AGATC at 1872, GGATT at 1818, AGATC at 1500, GGATC at 1057, GGATC at 974, GGATT at 870, AGATC at 864, GGATC at 337, GGATC at 103, AGATC at 26.
  10. SuccessablesARRR2r9.bas, looking for (A/G)GAT(C/T), 13, GGATT at 4276, GGATT at 4234, AGATT at 3720, GGATC at 3444, AGATT at 3313, GGATT at 2628, GGATT at 2603, AGATC at 2430, AGATT at 2327, GGATT at 2138, AGATT at 2060, AGATT at 315, GGATT at 239.

Random results for inverse complements

For the Basic programs testing consensus sequence (A/G)ATC(C/T) (starting with SuccessablesARRR2rci.bas) written to compare nucleotide sequences with the sequences on either the template strand (-), or coding strand (+), of the DNA, in the negative direction (-), or the positive direction (+), the programs are, are looking for, and found:

  1. SuccessablesARRR2r0ci.bas, looking for (A/G)ATC(C/T), 16, GATCC at 4323, AATCC at 4024, AATCC at 3916, AATCC at 3127, GATCC at 2762, GATCC at 2668, AATCC at 2560, AATCC at 2507, GATCC at 2250, AATCC at 1558, AATCC at 1160, GATCT at 925, GATCC at 818, GATCT at 737, AATCT at 612, AATCC at 466.
  2. SuccessablesARRR2r1ci.bas, looking for (A/G)ATC(C/T), 11, GATCT at 4399, AATCC at 4341, GATCC at 4080, GATCT at 3861, GATCC at 2835, GATCT at 2627, AATCC at 2377, GATCC at 1799, GATCC at 1790, GATCT at 1336, AATCC at 800.
  3. SuccessablesARRR2r2ci.bas, looking for (A/G)ATC(C/T), 17, AATCC at 4399, AATCT at 3962, GATCT at 3762, AATCC at 3231, AATCC at 2512, GATCC at 1419, AATCC at 1360, AATCC at 1201, GATCT at 1193, AATCT at 1168, AATCT at 828, AATCC at 795, AATCC at 767, AATCC at 568, AATCT at 513, AATCC at 350, GATCT at 158.
  4. SuccessablesARRR2r3ci.bas, looking for (A/G)ATC(C/T), 20, GATCC at 4552, GATCT at 4373, AATCC at 4233, AATCC at 4022, AATCC at 3868, GATCC at 3825, AATCC at 3516, AATCC at 3364, AATCT at 3269, AATCC at 2777, AATCC at 2766, GATCT at 2567, AATCC at 2518, AATCC at 2493, GATCT at 2435, GATCT at 1756, AATCC at 1219, GATCT at 1126, GATCC at 847, AATCC at 832.
  5. SuccessablesARRR2r4ci.bas, looking for (A/G)ATC(C/T), 19, AATCC at 4485, AATCT at 3984, GATCT at 3923, AATCC at 3631, GATCT at 3133, GATCC at 3048, AATCC at 2817, AATCC at 2739, AATCT at 2446, AATCT at 1763, AATCT at 1698, GATCT at 1670, GATCT at 1495, GATCC at 1174, AATCC at 892, AATCC at 777, AATCT at 665, AATCC at 380, GATCT at 66.
  6. SuccessablesARRR2r5ci.bas, looking for (A/G)ATC(C/T), 23, GATCC at 4289, AATCT at 4184, AATCC at 4158, GATCC at 4031, AATCC at 3853, AATCC at 3450, AATCC at 3033, AATCC at 3011, GATCC at 2885, GATCT at 2830, AATCC at 2648, AATCC at 2519, GATCT at 2429, AATCT at 2374, AATCT at 2106, AATCT at 2062, AATCC at 2013, GATCC at 1783, AATCT at 1317, AATCC at 913, AATCC at 778, AATCC at 755, AATCC at 129.
  7. SuccessablesARRR2r6ci.bas, looking for (A/G)ATC(C/T), 17, AATCC at 4378, GATCC at 4050, AATCC at 3337, AATCC at 3154, GATCT at 3048, GATCT at 2937, GATCC at 2875, GATCT at 2391, AATCT at 2335, AATCT at 1741, AATCC at 1187, GATCT at 880, AATCT at 728, GATCT at 702, AATCT at 694, GATCT at 509, AATCT at 364.
  8. SuccessablesARRR2r7ci.bas, looking for (A/G)ATC(C/T), 22, GATCC at 4553, AATCC at 4502, AATCC at 4051, AATCC at 3860, GATCT at 3551, GATCT at 3368, AATCC at 3221, AATCT at 3016, AATCT at 2475, GATCT at 2461, AATCT at 2308, AATCT at 2284, AATCC at 1738, AATCT at 1563, AATCC at 1427, GATCC at 1163, GATCC at 1117, GATCT at 1003, AATCC at 566, GATCC at 502, AATCC at 211, AATCC at 31.
  9. SuccessablesARRR2r8ci.bas, looking for (A/G)ATC(C/T), 16, AATCT at 4175, AATCT at 3940, AATCT at 3716, GATCT at 3703, AATCC at 3427, GATCC at 3017, AATCT at 2927, GATCT at 2193, AATCC at 2009, AATCC at 1939, AATCT at 1301, GATCC at 967, AATCC at 391, AATCT at 285, GATCC at 104, GATCT at 27.
  10. SuccessablesARRR2r9ci.bas, looking for (A/G)ATC(C/T), 13, AATCC at 4501, AATCT at 4295, GATCC at 3583, AATCC at 3558, AATCT at 3545, GATCC at 3445, AATCC at 2960, AATCT at 2835, GATCC at 2485, GATCC at 2431, AATCC at 2394, GATCC at 2237, AATCC at 371.


  1. Negative strand, negative direction (ARRR2r0): AGATT at 4462, GGATC at 4322, GGATC at 4271, GGATT at 3973, GGATT at 3663, GGATC at 3140, AGATT at 2856.
  2. Negative strand, negative direction (ARRR2r2): AGATT at 4201, AGATT at 3612, AGATT at 3456, GGATC at 3436, AGATT at 3001, AGATT at 2931.
  3. Negative strand, negative direction (ARRR2r4): GGATC at 3922, AGATC at 3132, GGATC at 3092, AGATC at 3047.
  4. Negative strand, negative direction (ARRR2r6): AGATC at 4310, GGATT at 3753, GGATT at 3609, GGATT at 3391, GGATC at 3026, AGATC at 2936.
  5. Negative strand, negative direction (ARRR2r8): GGATT at 3481, GGATC at 3016.

  1. Positive strand, negative direction (ARRR2r1): AGATC at 3860, GGATT at 3583, GGATT at 3451, AGATC at 2995.
  2. Positive strand, negative direction (ARRR2r3): GGATT at 4294, AGATC at 3824, GGATT at 3778, GGATT at 3755, GGATT at 2940.
  3. Positive strand, negative direction (ARRR2r5): AGATT at 4089, GGATT at 4061, AGATC at 4030, GGATT at 3352, AGATT at 3170, GGATC at 2884.
  4. Positive strand, negative direction (ARRR2r7): GGATC at 4552, GGATT at 4515, AGATT at 4197, AGATT at 4178, AGATT at 4146, GGATT at 3595, AGATT at 3374, GGATC at 3367.
  5. Positive strand, negative direction (ARRR2r9): GGATT at 4276, GGATT at 4234, AGATT at 3720, GGATC at 3444, AGATT at 3313.

ARRR2r core promoters

Negative direction: AGATT at 2856.

Positive direction: GGATC at 4552, GGATT at 4515, GGATT at 4294, GGATT at 4276.

ARRR2r proximal promoters

Negative direction: AGATC at 2798, GGATT at 2766, AGATC at 2761, AGATT at 2721, GGATC at 2690, GGATC at 2667, AGATT at 2652.

Positive direction: GGATT at 4234, AGATT at 4197, AGATT at 4178, AGATT at 4146, AGATT at 4089, GGATT at 4061.

ARRR2r distal promoters

Negative direction: GGATT at 2539, GGATT at 2432, AGATC at 2390, GGATT at 2354, AGATC at 2249, AGATT at 2242, GGATC at 2213, GGATT at 2089, AGATC at 1949, AGATC at 1872, AGATC at 1852, GGATT at 1818, GGATT at 1780, AGATT at 1774, AGATT at 1690, AGATC at 1669, GGATT at 1580, AGATC at 1500, GGATC at 1494, GGATC at 1418, GGATC at 1173, GGATC at 1057, GGATT at 992, GGATC at 974, GGATT at 952, AGATT at 945, GGATC at 924, GGATT at 870, AGATC at 864, GGATT at 840, GGATC at 736, GGATT at 616, GGATT at 559, GGATT at 558, GGATC at 337, AGATT at 336, AGATC at 166, GGATC at 157, GGATT at 134, AGATT at 128, GGATT at 127, GGATC at 103, GGATC at 94, AGATT at 93, AGATC at 26.

Positive direction: AGATC at 4030, AGATC at 3860, AGATC at 3824, GGATT at 3778, GGATT at 3755, AGATT at 3720, GGATT at 3595, GGATT at 3583, GGATT at 3451, GGATC at 3444, AGATT at 3374, GGATC at 3367, GGATT at 3352, AGATT at 3313, AGATT at 3170, AGATC at 2995, GGATT at 2940, GGATC at 2884, AGATC at 2834, AGATC at 2829, GGATT at 2764, GGATC at 2724, GGATT at 2628, GGATT at 2603, GGATC at 2566, GGATC at 2530, GGATC at 2460, AGATT at 2448, AGATT at 2437, GGATC at 2434, AGATC at 2430, GGATC at 2428, GGATT at 2410, AGATT at 2402, AGATT at 2327, AGATC at 2250, GGATC at 2230, GGATT at 2138, AGATT at 2060, GGATT at 2000, GGATC at 1921, GGATC at 1812, AGATC at 1798, GGATC at 1789, AGATC at 1779, GGATT at 1757, AGATC at 1746, GGATT at 1488, GGATT at 1297, GGATC at 1285, GGATT at 1259, GGATT at 1229, GGATC at 968, AGATC at 943, AGATT at 884, AGATT at 707, GGATT at 702, AGATT at 690, GGATC at 501, AGATT at 361, AGATT at 315, GGATT at 241, GGATT at 239, AGATT at 197.


  1. Negative strand, negative direction (ARRR2r1ci): GATCT at 4399, AATCC at 4341, GATCC at 4080, GATCT at 3861.
  2. Negative strand, negative direction (ARRR2r3ci): GATCC at 4552, GATCT at 4373, AATCC at 4233, AATCC at 4022, AATCC at 3868, GATCC at 3825, AATCC at 3516, AATCC at 3364, AATCT at 3269.
  3. Negative strand, negative direction (ARRR2r5ci): GATCC at 4289, AATCT at 4184, AATCC at 4158, GATCC at 4031, AATCC at 3853, AATCC at 3450, AATCC at 3033, AATCC at 3011, GATCC at 2885.
  4. Negative strand, negative direction (ARRR2r7ci): GATCC at 4553, AATCC at 4502, AATCC at 4051, AATCC at 3860, GATCT at 3551, GATCT at 3368, AATCC at 3221, AATCT at 3016.
  5. Negative strand, negative direction (ARRR2r9ci): AATCC at 4501, AATCT at 4295, GATCC at 3583, AATCC at 3558, AATCT at 3545, GATCC at 3445, AATCC at 2960.

ARRR2rci core promoters

Negative direction (1,3,5,7,9): GATCC at 2835, AATCT at 2835, GATCT at 2830.

Positive direction (0,2,4,6,8): AATCC at 4485, AATCC at 4399, GATCC at 4323.

ARRR2rci proximal promoters

Negative direction (1,3,5,7,9): AATCC at 2777, AATCC at 2766, AATCC at 2648, GATCT at 2627.

Positive direction (0,2,4,6,8): AATCT at 4175, GATCC at 4050.

ARRR2rci distal promoters

Negative direction (1,3,5,7,9): GATCT at 2567, AATCC at 2519, AATCC at 2518, AATCC at 2493, GATCC at 2485, AATCT at 2475, GATCT at 2461, GATCT at 2435, GATCC at 2431, GATCT at 2429, AATCC at 2394, AATCC at 2377, AATCT at 2374, AATCT at 2308, AATCT at 2284, GATCC at 2237, AATCT at 2106, AATCT at 2062, AATCC at 2013, GATCC at 1799, GATCC at 1790, GATCC at 1783, GATCT at 1756, AATCC at 1738, AATCT at 1563, AATCC at 1427, GATCT at 1336, AATCT at 1317, AATCC at 1219, GATCC at 1163, GATCT at 1126, GATCC at 1117, GATCT at 1003, AATCC at 913, GATCC at 847, AATCC at 832, AATCC at 800, AATCC at 778, AATCC at 755, AATCC at 566, GATCC at 502, AATCC at 371, AATCC at 211, AATCC at 129, AATCC at 31.

Positive direction (0,2,4,6,8): GATCC at 4050, AATCC at 4024, AATCT at 3984, AATCT at 3962, AATCT at 3940, GATCT at 3923, AATCC at 3916, GATCT at 3762, AATCT at 3716, GATCT at 3703, AATCC at 3631, AATCC at 3427, AATCC at 3337, AATCC at 3231, AATCC at 3154, GATCT at 3133, AATCC at 3127, GATCT at 3048, GATCC at 3048, GATCC at 3017, GATCT at 2937, AATCT at 2927, GATCC at 2875, AATCC at 2817, GATCC at 2762, AATCC at 2739, GATCC at 2668, AATCC at 2560, AATCC at 2512, AATCC at 2507, AATCT at 2446, GATCT at 2391, AATCT at 2335, GATCC at 2250, GATCT at 2193, AATCC at 2009, AATCC at 1939, AATCT at 1763, AATCT at 1741, AATCT at 1698, GATCT at 1670, AATCC at 1558, GATCT at 1495, GATCC at 1419, AATCC at 1360, AATCT at 1301, AATCC at 1201, GATCT at 1193, AATCC at 1187, GATCC at 1174, AATCT at 1168, AATCC at 1160, GATCC at 967, GATCT at 925, GATCT at 880, AATCC at 892, AATCT at 828, GATCC at 818, AATCC at 795, AATCC at 777, AATCC at 767, GATCT at 737, AATCT at 728, GATCT at 702, AATCT at 694, AATCT at 665, AATCT at 612, AATCC at 568, AATCT at 513, GATCT at 509, AATCC at 466, AATCC at 391, AATCC at 380, AATCT at 364, AATCC at 350, AATCT at 285, GATCT at 158, GATCC at 104, GATCT at 66, GATCT at 27.


The content on this page was first contributed by: Henry A. Hoff.

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Mingtang Xie, Hongyu Chen, Ling Huang, Ryan C. O’Neil1, Maxim N. Shokhirev & Joseph R. Ecker (23 April 2018). "A B-ARR-mediated cytokinin transcriptional network directs hormone cross-regulation and shoot development" (PDF). Nature Communications. 9 (1604): 1–13. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-03921-6. Retrieved 26 April 2021.
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  4. 4.0 4.1 Aaron M. Rashotte, Susan D.B. Carson, Jennifer P.C. To, and Joseph J. Kieber (August 2003). "Expression Profiling of Cytokinin Action in Arabidopsis" (PDF). Plant Physiology. 132 (4): 1998–2011. doi:10.1104/pp.103.021436. Retrieved 28 April 2021.

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