Antioxidant-electrophile responsive element gene transcriptions: Difference between revisions

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# inverse complement, negative strand, negative direction, looking for ATGACTCAGCA, 0.
# inverse complement, negative strand, negative direction, looking for ATGACTCAGCA, 0.
# inverse complement, positive strand, negative direction, looking for ATGACTCAGCA, 0.
# inverse complement, positive strand, negative direction, looking for ATGACTCAGCA, 0.
# inverse complement, positive strand, positive direction, looking for TTTTTTTT, 0.
# inverse complement, positive strand, positive direction, looking for ATGACTCAGCA, 0.
# inverse complement, negative strand, positive direction, looking for TTTTTTTT, 0.
# inverse complement, negative strand, positive direction, looking for ATGACTCAGCA, 0.
===AAA UTRs===
{{main|UTR promoter gene transcriptions}}
===AAA core promoters===
{{main|Core promoter gene transcriptions}}
===AAA proximal promoters===
{{main|Proximal promoter gene transcriptions}}
===AAA distal promoters===
{{main|Distal promoter gene transcriptions}}

==PAERE random dataset samplings==
==PAERE random dataset samplings==

Revision as of 01:06, 23 November 2021

Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Henry A. Hoff

The "perfect ARE sequence [GCTGAGTCA] is strongly conserved across mammals [...]."[1]

Consensus sequences


5'-GCTGAGT-3', 5'-GCAGGCT-3' of 5'-GC(A/C/T)(A/G/T)(A/G/T)(C/G/T)T(A/C)A-3'[1], an antioxidant response element (ARE).


  1. A1BG has no Antioxidant-electrophile responsive element in either promoter.
  2. A1BG is not transcribed by an Antioxidant-electrophile responsive element.
  3. Antioxidant-electrophile responsive element does not participate in the transcription of A1BG.

AERE (Otsuki) samplings

Copying an antioxidant-electrophile responsive elements consensus sequence 5'-GTGAGGTCGC-3' and putting the sequence in "⌘F" finds no location between ZNF497 and A1BG or none locations between ZSCAN22 and A1BG as can be found by the computer programs.

For the Basic programs testing consensus sequence 5'-GTGAGGTCGC-3' (starting with SuccessablesAERE.bas) written to compare nucleotide sequences with the sequences on either the template strand (-), or coding strand (+), of the DNA, in the negative direction (-), or the positive direction (+), the programs are, are looking for, and found:

  1. negative strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-GTGAGGTCGC-3', 0.
  2. negative strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-GTGAGGTCGC-3', 0.
  3. positive strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-GTGAGGTCGC-3', 0.
  4. positive strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-GTGAGGTCGC-3', 0.
  5. complement, negative strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-CACTCCAGCG-3', 0.
  6. complement, negative strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-CACTCCAGCG-3', 0.
  7. complement, positive strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-CACTCCAGCG-3', 0.
  8. complement, positive strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-CACTCCAGCG-3', 0.
  9. inverse complement, negative strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-GCGACCTCAC-3', 0.
  10. inverse complement, negative strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-GCGACCTCAC-3', 0.
  11. inverse complement, positive strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-GCGACCTCAC-3', 0.
  12. inverse complement, positive strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-GCGACCTCAC-3', 0.
  13. inverse negative strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-CGCTGGAGTG-3', 0.
  14. inverse negative strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-CGCTGGAGTG-3', 0.
  15. inverse positive strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-CGCTGGAGTG-3', 0.
  16. inverse positive strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-CGCTGGAGTG-3', 0.

AERE (Lacher) samplings

Copying 5'-GCTGAGT-3', 5'-GCAGGCT-3' of 5'-GC(A/C/T)(A/G/T)(A/G/T)(C/G/T)T(A/C)A-3' and putting the sequence in "⌘F" finds no location between ZNF497 and A1BG or none locations between ZSCAN22 and A1BG as can be found by the computer programs. The predominant consensus sequence for Human, Chimp, Gorilla, Rhesus, Mouse, and Rat is TGCTGAGTCAT.[1]

For the Basic programs testing consensus sequence 5'-GC(A/C/T)(A/G/T)(A/G/T)(C/G/T)T(A/C)A-3' (starting with SuccessablesAERE.bas) written to compare nucleotide sequences with the sequences on either the template strand (-), or coding strand (+), of the DNA, in the negative direction (-), or the positive direction (+), the programs are, are looking for, and found:

  1. negative strand, negative direction, looking for GC(A/C/T)(A/G/T)(A/G/T)(C/G/T)T(A/C)A, 0.
  2. negative strand, positive direction, looking for GC(A/C/T)(A/G/T)(A/G/T)(C/G/T)T(A/C)A, 0.
  3. positive strand, negative direction, looking for GC(A/C/T)(A/G/T)(A/G/T)(C/G/T)T(A/C)A, 2, GCAGTGTAA at 2087, GCATTTTAA at 192.
  4. positive strand, positive direction, looking for GC(A/C/T)(A/G/T)(A/G/T)(C/G/T)T(A/C)A, 0.
  5. inverse complement, negative strand, negative direction, looking for T(G/T)A(A/C/G)(A/C/T)(A/C/T)(A/G/T)GC, 2, TGACTATGC at 3546, TTAATCGGC at 1237.
  6. inverse complement, negative strand, positive direction, looking for T(G/T)A(A/C/G)(A/C/T)(A/C/T)(A/G/T)GC, 1, TGACCAGGC at 2877.
  7. inverse complement, positive strand, negative direction, looking for T(G/T)A(A/C/G)(A/C/T)(A/C/T)(A/G/T)GC, 3, TGAGTTGGC at 4098, TTAAAAGGC at 3442, TTAGCCAGC at 504.
  8. inverse complement, positive strand, positive direction, looking for T(G/T)A(A/C/G)(A/C/T)(A/C/T)(A/G/T)GC, 1, TGAAAAAGC at 1750.

AERE (Lacher) UTRs

  1. Negative strand, negative direction: TGACTATGC at 3546.
  2. Positive strand, negative direction: TGAGTTGGC at 4098, TTAAAAGGC at 3442.

AERE (Lacher) distal promoters

Negative strand, negative direction: TTAATCGGC at 1237.

Positive strand, negative direction: GCAGTGTAA at 2087, TTAGCCAGC at 504, GCATTTTAA at 192.

Negative strand, positive direction: TGACCAGGC at 2877.

Positive strand, positive direction: TGAAAAAGC at 1750.

AERE (Lacher) random dataset samplings

  1. AEREr0: 2, GCATATTCA at 3451, GCCATTTAA at 2392.
  2. AEREr1: 4, GCTTACTAA at 4451, GCCAATTAA at 2602, GCTTTTTCA at 2198, GCCTTCTCA at 1531.
  3. AEREr2: 2, GCTAAGTCA at 4374, GCTGAGTAA at 3017.
  4. AEREr3: 2, GCAGTTTAA at 2152, GCAGAGTCA at 477.
  5. AEREr4: 5, GCAAGCTCA at 4407, GCAAAGTCA at 3239, GCTTGTTAA at 3189, GCCATTTAA at 3028, GCCTATTAA at 2934.
  6. AEREr5: 2, GCCTACTAA at 1804, GCTTAGTCA at 1354.
  7. AEREr6: 1, GCAAGTTAA at 4441.
  8. AEREr7: 1, GCAAGTTCA at 3748.
  9. AEREr8: 3, GCCAACTCA at 3817, GCTTTGTAA at 2945, GCCAGTTCA at 2794.
  10. AEREr9: 5, GCTTATTAA at 3503, GCTATCTAA at 2819, GCTTTTTCA at 2687, GCATACTCA at 1195, GCCTACTAA at 986.
  11. AEREr0ci: 3, TTAACAGGC at 3997, TTAACCTGC at 3980, TTAGCCTGC at 3331.
  12. AEREr1ci: 3, TGACATAGC at 4503, TGAGCAAGC at 2219, TTAAATTGC at 1672.
  13. AEREr2ci: 1, TTAGCAAGC at 3890.
  14. AEREr3ci: 1, TGAGATAGC at 1777.
  15. AEREr4ci: 2, TTAATTGGC at 709, TGAGACAGC at 76.
  16. AEREr5ci: 1, TGAACAGGC at 2615.
  17. AEREr6ci: 3, TGAACCGGC at 2428, TTACATGGC at 1894, TGAATTGGC at 1327.
  18. AEREr7ci: 2, TTAATTTGC at 2255, TTAGATAGC at 1551.
  19. AEREr8ci: 3, TGAATAAGC at 3890, TTAACCTGC at 3055, TTACTCGGC at 834.
  20. AEREr9ci: 4, TGACTCTGC at 3525, TTAACAGGC at 1254, TTAATTAGC at 1004, TTACAAGGC at 211.


  1. AEREr0: GCATATTCA at 3451.
  2. AEREr2: GCTAAGTCA at 4374, GCTGAGTAA at 3017.
  3. AEREr4: GCAAGCTCA at 4407, GCAAAGTCA at 3239, GCTTGTTAA at 3189, GCCATTTAA at 3028, GCCTATTAA at 2934.
  4. AEREr6: GCAAGTTAA at 4441.
  5. AEREr8: GCCAACTCA at 3817, GCTTTGTAA at 2945.
  6. AEREr0ci: TTAACAGGC at 3997, TTAACCTGC at 3980, TTAGCCTGC at 3331.
  7. AEREr2ci: TTAGCAAGC at 3890.
  8. AEREr8ci: TGAATAAGC at 3890, TTAACCTGC at 3055.

AEREr core promoters

  1. AEREr1: GCTTACTAA at 4451.
  2. AEREr1ci: TGACATAGC at 4503.

AEREDr proximal promoters

  1. AEREr8: GCCAGTTCA at 2794.

AEREr distal promoters

  1. AEREr0: GCCATTTAA at 2392.
  2. AEREr4ci: TTAATTGGC at 709, TGAGACAGC at 76.
  3. AEREr6ci: TGAACCGGC at 2428, TTACATGGC at 1894, TGAATTGGC at 1327.
  4. AEREr8ci: TTACTCGGC at 834.

  1. AEREr1: GCCAATTAA at 2602, GCTTTTTCA at 2198, GCCTTCTCA at 1531.
  2. AEREr3: GCAGTTTAA at 2152, GCAGAGTCA at 477.
  3. AEREr5: GCCTACTAA at 1804, GCTTAGTCA at 1354.
  4. AEREr7: GCAAGTTCA at 3748.
  5. AEREr9: GCTTATTAA at 3503, GCTATCTAA at 2819, GCTTTTTCA at 2687, GCATACTCA at 1195, GCCTACTAA at 986.
  6. AEREr1ci: TGAGCAAGC at 2219, TTAAATTGC at 1672.
  7. AEREr3ci: TGAGATAGC at 1777.
  8. AEREr5ci: TGAACAGGC at 2615.
  9. AEREr7ci: TTAATTTGC at 2255, TTAGATAGC at 1551.
  10. AEREr9ci: TGACTCTGC at 3525, TTAACAGGC at 1254, TTAATTAGC at 1004, TTACAAGGC at 211.

Predominant AERE

The predominant consensus sequence for Human, Chimp, Gorilla, Rhesus, Mouse, and Rat is TGCTGAGTCAT.[1]

For the Basic programs testing consensus sequence TGCTGAGTCAT (starting with SuccessablesPAERE.bas) written to compare nucleotide sequences with the sequences on either the template strand (-), or coding strand (+), of the DNA, in the negative direction (-), or the positive direction (+), the programs are, are looking for, and found:

  1. negative strand, negative direction, looking for TGCTGAGTCAT, 0.
  2. positive strand, negative direction, looking for TGCTGAGTCAT, 0.
  3. positive strand, positive direction, looking for TGCTGAGTCAT, 0.
  4. negative strand, positive direction, looking for TGCTGAGTCAT, 0.
  5. inverse complement, negative strand, negative direction, looking for ATGACTCAGCA, 0.
  6. inverse complement, positive strand, negative direction, looking for ATGACTCAGCA, 0.
  7. inverse complement, positive strand, positive direction, looking for ATGACTCAGCA, 0.
  8. inverse complement, negative strand, positive direction, looking for ATGACTCAGCA, 0.

PAERE random dataset samplings


  1. RDr0: 0.
  2. RDr1: 0.
  3. RDr2: 0.
  4. RDr3: 0.
  5. RDr4: 0.
  6. RDr5: 0.
  7. RDr6: 0.
  8. RDr7: 0.
  9. RDr8: 0.
  10. RDr9: 0.
  11. RDr0ci: 0.
  12. RDr1ci: 0.
  13. RDr2ci: 0.
  14. RDr3ci: 0.
  15. RDr4ci: 0.
  16. RDr5ci: 0.
  17. RDr6ci: 0.
  18. RDr7ci: 0.
  19. RDr8ci: 0.
  20. RDr9ci: 0.


RDr core promoters

RDr proximal promoters

RDr distal promoters

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Sarah E. Lacher, Daniel C. Levings, Samuel Freeman, Matthew Slattery (October 2018). "Identification of a functional antioxidant response element at the HIF1A locus". Redox Biology. 19: 401–411. doi:10.1016/j.redox.2018.08.014. Retrieved 6 October 2020.
  2. Akihito Otsuki, Mikiko Suzuki, Fumiki Katsuoka, Kouhei Tsuchida, Hiromi Suda, Masanobu Morita, Ritsuko Shimizu, Masayuki Yamamoto (February 2016). "Unique cistrome defined as CsMBE is strictly required for Nrf2-sMaf heterodimer function in cytoprotection". Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 91: 45–57. doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2015.12.005. PMID 26677805. Retrieved 21 August 2020.


The content on this page was first contributed by: Henry A. Hoff.

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